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4.2.0-3Rex Dieter - 4.2.0-2Than Ngo - 4.2.0-1Than Ngo - 4.1.96-1Kevin Kofler 4.1.85-2Than Ngo 4.1.85-1Lorenzo Villani - 6:4.1.80-3Rex Dieter 4.1.80-3Than Ngo 4.1.80-2Lorenzo Villani - 6:4.1.80-1Than Ngo 4.1.3-1Rex Dieter 4.1.2-2Rex Dieter 4.1.2-1Than Ngo 4.1.1-2Than Ngo 4.1.1-1Than Ngo 4.1.0-1Rex Dieter 4.0.99-1Rex Dieter 4.0.98-1Rex Dieter 4.0.85-1Rex Dieter 4.0.84-1Than Ngo 4.0.83-1Rex Dieter 4.0.82-1Tom "spot" Callaway 4.0.80-3Rex Dieter 4.0.80-2Than Ngo 4.0.80-1Kevin Kofler 4.0.72-1Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-3Lukáš Tinkl Kevin Kofler 4.0.3-2Than Ngo 4.0.3-1Than Ngo 4.0.2-1Rex Dieter 4.0.1-1Rex Dieter 4.0.0-1Kevin Kofler 3.97.0-4Rex Dieter 3.97.0-3Kevin Kofler 3.97.0-2Than Ngo 3.97.0-1Sebastian Vahl 6:3.96.2-1Sebastian Vahl 6:3.96.1-1Sebastian Vahl 6:3.96.0-4Sebastian Vahl 6:3.96.0-3Sebastian Vahl 6:3.96.0-2Sebastian Vahl 6:3.96.0-1- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- 4.10.5- 4.10.4- 4.10.3- 4.10.2- 4.10.1- 4.10.0- 4.9.98- 4.9.97- 4.9.95- 4.9.90- 4.9.3- 4.9.2- 4.9.1- 4.9.0- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- 4.8.97- 4.8.95- metapackage- +Provides: libkcddb(-devel) libkcompactdisc(-devel)- respin, re-enable dragonplayer docs- 4.8.4- 4.8.3- kmix crashes when pulseaudio exits (#804363) - kmix is crashing after multiple volume changes (kde#290742)- -dragonplayer: Provides: dragon- 0100-kmixctrl-running-with-PulseAudio.patch from mageia- 4.8.2- 4.8.1- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage- 4.8.0- 4.7.97 - drop kmix patch (upstreamed)- kmix chewing up cpu and memory (#766678,kde#288675)- 4.7.95- 4.7.90- 4.7.80 (beta 1)- 4.7.3- 4.7.2- drop monolithic conditional - use pkgconfig deps- make Dragon Player use Phonon instead of xine-lib for DVD menus- Fixed typo- 4.7.1- 4.7.0- more kmix_pulse_memleak work (kde#264089)- 4.6.95 (rc2)- 4.6.90 (rc1)- drop xine-lib support (f16+, #723935)- 4.6.80 (beta1)- 4.6.3- re-enable kscd- fix typo with %_kde4_version macro usage- modularize packaging (#623996, f16+)- 4.6.2- 4.6.1- 4.6.0- 4.5.95 (4.6rc2)- 4.5.90 (4.6rc1)- 4.5.85 (4.6beta2)- 4.5.80 (4.6beta1)- 4.5.3- 4.5.2- 4.5.1 - unconditionally omit mplayerthumbs (#627722)- 4.5.0- 4.5 RC3 (4.4.95)- 4.5 RC2 (4.4.92)- 4.5 RC1 (4.4.90)- 4.5 Beta 2 (4.4.85)- 4.5 Beta 1 (4.4.80)- 4.4.3- sync kmix-pulse.patch : connect without a QEventLoop which can cause some strange issues- 4.4.2- sync kmix-pulse.patch from mdv- 4.4.1- 4.4.0- KDE 4.3.98 (4.4rc3)- respin kmix_pa patch- KDE 4.3.95 (4.4rc2)- respin kmix_pa patch- (re)enable mplayerthumbs (fedora-only)- respin kmix_pa patch- kde-4.3.90 (4.4rc1)- (re)enable kmix/pa support, with patches from coling/mandriva - tighten lib deps with %{?_isa} - deprecate Obsoletes: dragonplayer- kde-4.3.85 (4.4beta2)- Repositioning the KDE Brand (#547361)- KDE 4.4 beta1 (4.3.80)- Update to 4.3.75 snapshot- rhel cleanup - don't install kscd doc if it's not built- 4.3.3- 4.3.2- 4.3.1- 4.3.0- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- 4.3rc3- 4.3rc2- 4.3rc1- fix build issue without xine-lib- KDE-4.3 beta2 (4.2.90)- Disable BR pulseaudio-libs-devel, KMix PA integration does not work yet.- KDE 4.3 beta 1- optimize scriptlets- KDE 4.2.2- 4.2.1- fix kde#165249 No sound after second video file in Dragon Player (from 4.2.1)- unowned dirs (#483516)- 4.2.0- 4.2rc1- restore BR libtunepimp-devel libmusicbrainz-devel for now, needed by Kscd- 4.2beta2- dragon documentation disappeared (at least with my mock build), update file lists - add kioslave documentation to file lists- -devel: drop Req: kdebase-workspace-devel- merged- 4.1.80 - BR cmake >= 2.6.2 - make install/fast- 4.1.3- make VERBOSE=1 - respin against new(er) kde-filesystem- 4.1.2- backport from trunk to fix dragon kpart crash in the embedding application- 4.1.1- 4.1.0- 4.0.99- 4.0.98- 4.0.85- 4.0.84- 4.0.83 (beta2)- 4.0.82- some of the libraries are clearly LGPLv2+, correct license tags for libs and devel- License: GPLv2+- 4.1 beta1- update to 4.0.72 - drop backported kmix-systray patch - Obsoletes/Provides dragonplayer, add it to description and file list - add BR xine-lib-devel for dragonplayer- rebuild (again) for the fixed %{_kde4_buildtype}- fix kmix systray volume control tooltip- Rebuild for NDEBUG- 4.0.3- 4.0.2- kde-4.0.1- kde-4.0.0 - drop upstreamed cdparanoia patch- don't mention kaudiocreator in description, it's not actually there - apply patch by Alex Merry to support FLAC 1.1.3+ in kio_audiocd - apply patch by Allen Winter to fix cdparanoia detection - list audiocdencoder.h in file list (-devel)- -libs: Obsoletes: -extras(-libs) - cleanup BR's - omit parallel-install symlink hacks- rebuild for changed _kde4_includedir- 3.97.0- kde-3.96.2- kde-3.96.1- libs subpkg - also use epoch in changelog (also backwards)- BR: kde-filesystem >= 4- Requires: kdebase-workspace-devel - BR: libXScrnSaver-devel - BR: libXtst-devel- Initial version for Fedoranoarchworker1.bsys.centos.org 1402377622kdemultimedia.speccpiogzip9?[nG|Bc I Jb)GvX,Llsn;IgY{e0 p8MG='?4g ̂=O\i#26K{bNO?yRT~HKɪB{!/^7da%Wl`Ԝ Y6Myrtx9>*"ѥy^|q-oL7oWnu{{kQH Y uO\^ $u<+5ɘ%CCySdb G%[9;FvX"N+Q|U&hVWrQ\_gu>sydR zoub+Q6uW/+zh  >w2 a%|f=D#˸2 NJyQe9h fާZg`iR\%"bVr $LĊoaLRnY,-[ׇrrSKrdɒ5#{2$և`5(CROx =LJ~Y䴁̥D`DBwB}UJ ʪ]yᅈV [o-EC OoXE)x[.h7<@/+>Yb }?|Tᥡp7Ó:~*:Ƌ^dEY^b.[Y2,YriE$R"TMM7\,-$2WC.l'P +oX|״;ވꛜz4<$ FS'H^a硞m%C%yaN$ELĜZmn.ބ2/޷73O[cxoc.TFQgǭ5[kxzA22"E-EPn{4Ll"f.aaou7L `'kL*p//?8#:jW~|=m9 \٭쯭y32 ;xlXՈflDmuN=~J}%lN/+/odNbDn<ۂ&G~x nR" 97 y* Az_qIm_dIyqâ%:tS]g״s6sӝQ9Xjj`*`MRd2g&:W!75y{65_G^ ؝@ A)(z19(=DyF R- &1%g@ aQ&$+r~U)j2*K2QOuxP?Q+/yOE%>tO _)wƫO- PX}e/Vh7 Ss)=Oк4}xyu뻗QWCJAoyuvwMS&6CRiŒ+ "^SJUgy%<$,ܙxK t#o Te#-ӞF /7hÚS*@aYYݤ?VnFY+t8'O0Pck]_ɏ`Ҩ&V|ls:xlY{U\)T*lE Ұ:-ccaS9ʇost2UcOUyU-K_F%SMOj<l>˪`"մFő9Ѱ8N4=TBQNC:m܋@9/ud.}Rf]=IAP9wVMU uϓW//[lr'Yv`l:lfAI;*s#?mzF*'X^ǚ~5 Fx#PW dk8t7܍8F/f?dg)WZޣ.wo1H?0M#^g)%Y7:z!ʳ QBu1f9&htTOu-]=fl FEY2cuZ䣄^6@ kH7Fy삨C׺jiZؗ| ̾Ht˪h򪼥?,+>{ πW^Ֆ"*`/Mݸ]+S.`DJyg뾿߶=Wg?]o<<