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Also utilities for working with DNSSEC compiled with native PKCS#11 functionality are included.dx86-02.bsys.centos.orgCentOSMPLv2.0CentOS BuildSystem Unspecified @ ,CP,,hlԁd۫d۫d۫d۫d۫d۫d۫d۫d۫d۫d۫d۫dۮdۮdۮdۮdۮdۮdۮdۮdۮdۮ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-checkds.8.gzdnssec-coverage.8.gzdnssec-dsfromkey.8.gzdnssec-importkey.8.gzdnssec-keyfromlabel.8.gzdnssec-keygen.8.gzdnssec-revoke.8.gzdnssec-settime.8.gzdnssec-signzone.8.gzdnssec-verify.8.gzrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootbind-9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.14.src.rpmbind-pkcs11-utilsbind-pkcs11-utils(x86-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @ bind-pkcs11-libs(x86-64),N@aah`@`Z``*b@_:_w@_FN^@^^Ǿ^x^r @^oj@^ku^h^_@^O@]+]e@]@]@]p]Ik]/ ] #]@\O\e\@\@\@\w@\P@@[[[j@[/[+@[+@["X[5@[[ @[ @[@Z]@Z&@Z @YeY@YYY@YYm@Y_wYTY"XX@XۡXP@X~@X@XX+X@XXs{@X2@W@W3W4VbV3V޾VVn@UUUnUU@U3@UlI@U_@U]U\w@UT@TPT5T@S@SRURx@R&RʚRkR@R@M-M%M$]@M$]@M$]@ME@L@LL@LL@L@L*@LLwLa?@LXLD>@LD>@L;L7@L(L@LKuK$@KKK[Kg@KrK!@K@K@K{@Ky7@Ka|@K`*K`*K'z@K@KmJJ@J@JjJ@JJJ J@Jx"Jp9Ji@Jd\@J[!JB@J8J+@IA@IIд@IyIIV@IIIm@II@I{Iw@IeIa@IJ;@IG@I>]I6tI3I-:@I-:@I*@IsI"@II I HO@H+H@H@H@H@Hz@H{?HsVHhHcH_@HXHCH>H:@H5`@H4H*@H)H H@HH$H Gu@GhG­G\@G@GG8G@GGsGjY@GiGiG_@G]*@GW@GW@GVGSGJ@GDGAzG<4G<4G8@@G%@G!G @G@GJGFFF`FFޚ@Fޚ@F@FvFvF%@FF@FGF @F$@FF;@FF@F@FFF@F@F]FFw@Fo@FnFcFU~@FR@F?F8}@F1F$F#e@FF|@E@E@EWEK@Eb@Eɿ@E@E@EEEE@E@E@E{EvEE@E/E+@E$E @E D@DfDD@DZ@Dq@Dq@DĶ@DĶ@DDDD@D@D@DDu@DDD2_D1@D+@D*vD!<@D@D@D uD $@C@CCC:@CˊCCC@CqC7@CCYCw*Cp@CV5@CECC@C94@C7CJ@C @C@B@BӰBQBB@B9B^[@B1@B.@B,B@B$Y@B{B5AA@A@As@ARAN@AN@AA@A>@A=A3A-A,@A+-A+-A$@Ag@ArA@AC@@@@@p@p@6@@@Ū@@d@@d@@b@b@`&@U@Dw@@@@9@@2@@,@?h?@?? ?@???B@?@??Y@?|@?x?q@?hL?'@?'@?2??>>>@>.>.>>>>9@>9@>D>~@>q@>pr>m>h>d@>1*>.>@>@>o>L@=@=Q =F=;= =@< - 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32:9.9.4-41Petr Menšík - 32:9.9.4-40Petr Menšík - 32:9.9.4-39Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-38Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-37Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-36Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-35Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-34Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-33Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-32Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-31Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-30Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-29Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-28Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-27Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-26Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-25Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-24Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-23Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-22Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-21Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-20Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-19Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-18.1Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-18Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-17Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-16Tomas Hozza - 32:9.9.4-15Daniel Mach - 32:9.9.4-14Honza Horak - 32:9.9.4-13Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-12Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-11Daniel Mach - 32:9.9.4-10Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-9Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-8Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-7Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-6Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-5Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-4Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-3Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.4-1Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-8.P2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-7.P2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-6.P2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-5.P2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-4.P1Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-3.P1Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-1Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-0.7.rc2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-0.6.rc2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-0.5.rc1Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.3-0.4.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.3-0.3.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.3-0.2.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.3-0.1.rc1Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.2-12.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.2-11.P1Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.2-10.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.2-9.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.2-8.P1Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.2-7.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.2-6.P1Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.2-5.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.2-4Adam Tkac 32:9.9.2-3Adam Tkac 32:9.9.2-2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.2-1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.1-10.P3Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.1-9.P2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.1-8.P2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.1-7.P2Tomas Hozza 32:9.9.1-6.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.1-5.P2Fedora Release Engineering - 32:9.9.1-4.P1Ville Skyttä - 32:9.9.1-3.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.1-2.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.1-1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-6Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-5Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-4Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-3Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.8.rc2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.7.rc2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.6.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.5.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.4.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.3.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.9.0-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-4Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-3Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-0.3.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-0.2.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.1-0.1.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-9.P4Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-8.P4Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-7.P4Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-6.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-5.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-4.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-3.P1Dan Horák - 32:9.8.0-2Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-0.4.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-0.3.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-0.2.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.8.0-0.1.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 32:9.7.3-0.6.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.5.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.4.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.3.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.3-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-10.P3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-9.P3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-8.P3Jan Görig 32:9.7.2-7.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-6.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-5.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-4.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-3.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-2.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-0.3.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-0.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.2-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-5.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-4.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-3.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-2.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-0.2.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.1-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-11.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-10.P2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-9.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-8.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-7.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-6.P1Jan Görig 32:9.7.0-5Jan Görig 32:9.7.0-4Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.14.rc2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.13.rc2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.12.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.11.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.10.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.9.b3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.8.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.7.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.6.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.5.a3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.4.a3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.3.a3Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.2.a2Adam Tkac 32:9.7.0-0.1.a2Adam Tkac 32:9.6.1-9.P1Tomas Mraz - 32:9.6.1-8.P1Martin Nagy 32:9.6.1-7.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.1-6.P1Fedora Release Engineering - 32:9.6.1-5Adam Tkac 32:9.6.1-4Adam Tkac 32:9.6.1-3Adam Tkac 32:9.6.1-2Adam Tkac 32:9.6.1-1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.1-0.4.rc1Martin Nagy 32:9.6.1-0.3.b1Martin Nagy 32:9.6.1-0.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.1-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-11.1.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-11.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-10.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-9.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-8.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-7.P1Fedora Release Engineering 32:9.6.0-6.P1Martin Nagy 32:9.6.0-5.P1Caolán McNamara 32:9.6.0-4.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-3.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-2.P1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-0.7.rc2Martin Nagy 32:9.6.0-0.6.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-0.5.1.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-0.5.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-0.4.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-0.4.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-0.3.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-0.2.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-0.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.6.0-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.8.4.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.8.2.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.8.1.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.8.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.7.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.6.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.5.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.4.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.3.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.1.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.1-0.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-37.1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-37Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-36.3Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-36.2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-36.1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-36Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-35.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-34.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-33.1.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-33.rc1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-32.b3Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-31.1.b3Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-31.b3Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-30.1.b3Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-30.b3Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-29.3.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-29.2.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-29.1.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-29.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-28.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-27.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-26.b2Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-25.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-24.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-23.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-22.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-21.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-20.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-19.2.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-19.1.b1Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-19.b1Release Engineering 32:9.5.0-18.6.a7Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-18.5.a7Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-18.4.a7Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-18.3.a7Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-18.2.a7Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-18.a7Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-17.a7Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-16.5.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-16.4.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-16.3.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-16.2.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-16.1.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-16.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-15.1.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-15.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-14.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-13.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-12.4.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-12.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-11.9.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-11.3.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-11.2.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-11.1.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-11.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-10.2.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-10.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-9.1.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-9.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-8.2.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-8.1.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-8.a6Warren Togami 32:9.5.0-7.a6Adam Tkac 32:9.5.0-6.a6Adam Tkac 31:9.5.0a5-5Adam Tkac 31:9.5.0a5-4.1Adam Tkac 31:9.5.0a5-4Adam Tkac 31:9.5.0a5-3.9Adam Tkac 31:9.5.0a5-3.2Adam Tkac 31:9.5.0a5-3Adam Tkac 31:9.5.0a5-2.2Adam Tkac 31:9.5.0a5-2Adam Tkac 31:9.5.0a5-1Adam Tkac 31:9.4.1-7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.1-6Adam Tkac 31:9.4.1-5Adam Tkac 31:9.4.1-4Adam Tkac 31:9.4.1-3Adam Tkac 31:9.4.1-2.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.1-1.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.0-8.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.0-7.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.0-6.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.0-5.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.0-4.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.0-3.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.0-2.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.4.0-1.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.3.4-7.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.3.4-6.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.3.4-5.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.3.4-4.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.3.4-3.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.3.4-2.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.3.4-1.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.3.3-5.fc7Adam Tkac 31:9.3.3-4.fc7Martin Stransky - 31:9.3.3-3Martin Stransky - 31:9.3.3-2Martin Stransky - 31:9.3.3-1Martin Stransky - 31:9.3.3-0.1.rc3Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.3-6Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.3-5Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.3-4Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.3-3Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.3-2Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.3-1Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.2-41Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.2-40Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.2-39Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.2-38Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.2-37Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.2-36Martin Stransky - 30:9.3.2-35Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-34Florian La Roche - 30:9.3.2-33Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-32Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-30Matthias Clasen - 30:9.3.2-28.FC6Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-27.FC6Jesse Keating - 30:9.3.2-26.FC6.1Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-26.FC6Jeremy Katz - 30:9.3.2-24.FC6Jeremy Katz - 30:9.3.2-23.FC6Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-22Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-20Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-18Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-16Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-14Jason Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-12Jason Vas Dias - Vas Dias - Vas Dias - 30:9.3.2-7Jason Vas Dias - 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Galan Scott Lampert - Prevent the cache going over the configured limit (CVE-2023-2828)- Tighten cache protection against record from forwarders (CVE-2021-25220)- Include test of forwarders (CVE-2021-25220)- Prevent excessive resource use while processing large delegations. (CVE-2022-2795)- Fix memory leak in ECDSA verify processing (CVE-2022-38177) - Fix memory leak in EdDSA verify processing (CVE-2022-38178)- Fix possible assertion failure isc_refcount_current == 0 in free_rbtdb (#1935152)- Prevent a race after zone load (#2011220)- Apply again patch 172, got removed by mistake- Insufficient IXFR checks could lead to assertion failure (CVE-2021-25214)- Possible assertion failure on DNAME processing (CVE-2021-25215)- Fix off-by-one bug in ISC SPNEGO implementation (CVE-2020-8625)- Fix inline re-signing (#rh1889902)- Fix unsupported algorithms validation (#rh1769876)- Fix tsig-request verify (CVE-2020-8622) - Prevent PKCS11 daemon crash on crafted packet (CVE-2020-8623) - Correct update-policy type subdomain to match documentation (CVE-2020-8624)- Fix EDNS512 loops on broken servers- rebinding protection for forwarding DNS server upstream patch (#1832812)- Add CVE tests to codebase- Limit number of queries triggered by a request (CVE-2020-8616) - Fix invalid tsig request (CVE-2020-8617)- Solve often priming queries on some forwarder (#1756201)- Disable atomic operations also on ppc (#1779589)- Do not crash when nsupdate with GSS terminated early (#1300636)- Allow conflicting zone files with a warning (#1744081)- Disable atomic operations on ppc64, ppc64le, aarch64 (#1779589)- Prevent deadlock on reload (#1781576) - Disable unit test timer_test on ppc64le because of its instability- Finish dig query when name is too long (#1743572)- Stop listening on IPv6 by default (#1753259)- Limit number of queries per TCP connection (CVE-2019-6477)- Revert not searching names with dot (#1743572)- Fix mkeys test validating CVE-2018-5745 fix- Use monotonic time in export library (#1093803)- Fix CVE-2018-5745 - Fix CVE-2019-6465- Fix CVE-2019-6471- Fix scriptlet errors when selinux-policy is not installed (#1647659)- Fix inefective limit of TCP clients (CVE-2018-5743)- Use /sbin/nologin again (#1676661)- Make sure selinux-policy is installed soon enough (#1647659)- Disable custom random generator for export libs (#1685940)- Fix memory handling in zone2ldap tool- Move dnssec utilities back to bind package - Remove separate python-bind package- Rebase features patches - Disable autodetected eddsa algorithm ED448 - Add versioned depends to all library subpackages - Fix multilib conflict of devel packages- Fixes debug level comments (#1647539)- Fix automatic selinux boolean named_write_master_zones (#1569466) - Allow starting named with readonly home again- Fix CVE-2018-5740- Fix compiler warnings- Refetch always records with TTL 0 (#1549130)- Detect and disable MD5 functions in FIPS 140-2 mode (#1519306)- Move change of dns_view_t to the end (#1452091)- Correct recursing file name (#1435883) - Use python binary again, install all modules (#1510008)- Add rndc secroots and recursing output files into data (#1435883)- Backported negative trust anchors (#1452091)- Make named home writeable (#1569466) - Change named shell to /bin/false- Resolves: #1510008 - add support for dnssec-keymgr- Fix CVE-2017-3145- Fix regression caused by bug #1470637- Support for additional signing algorithms in rndc (#1501531) - New autogenerated rndc keys will use hmac-sha256 algorithm- Fix multilib regression in headers- Add with-tunning=large support (#rh1464850)- Fix named-chroot restart leak (#1503646)- Handle dig timeouts the same way as upstream (#1470637)- Do not use next search domain on timeout from dig (#1470637)- Fixed TSIG validation of AXFR and IXFR (#1476013)- Add missing manual for dnssec-importkey (#1472862)- Fix CVE-2017-3142 and CVE-2017-3143- Update root servers and trust anchor (#1452635)- Address deadlock between view.c and adb.c (#1416304)- Fix CVE-2017-3136 (ISC change 4575) - Fix CVE-2017-3137 (ISC change 4578)- Simplify change of used config file, point to KB article (#1271315)- Make comment how to use different config file (#1271315)- Install again dns/dlz.h skipped in rebase - Fixed coverity warnings on reenabled test dlzexternal- Backported new upstream dyndb interface, removed dynamic_db (#1393886)- Do not warn on WKS patch (#1392362)- Support WKS records in chroot- Fix CVE-2017-3135 (ISC change 4557) - Fix and test caching CNAME before DNAME (ISC change 4558)- Fix possible infinite loop in start_lookup (CVE-2016-2775) - Do not change lib permissions in chroot (#1392531)- Fix CVE-2016-9131 (ISC change 4508) - Fix CVE-2016-9147 (ISC change 4510) - Fix regression introduced by CVE-2016-8864 (ISC change 4530) - Fix CVE-2016-9444 (ISC change 4517)- Fix CVE-2016-8864- Fix CVE-2016-2776- Added automatic interface scan functionality (#1294506) - Removed NetworkManager dispatcher script since it is not needed any more (#1294506)- Added GeoIP support (#1220594)- Added support for CAA records (#1306610) - Use HTTPS URL instead of FTP for upstream sources (#1319280)- Fix excessive queries caused by DS chasing with stub zones when DNSSEC is not used (#1291185) - Fix error in internal test suite (#1259514) - Fix named-checkconf call in *-chroot.service files (#1278082) - Fix incorrect path in BIND sample configuration and added comment to default configuration (#1247502)- Fix CVE-2016-1285 and CVE-2016-1286- Fix CVE-2015-8704- Fix CVE-2015-8000- Fix CVE-2015-5722- Increase ISC_SOCKET_MAXEVENTS to 2048 (#1235609)- Fix CVE-2015-5477- Fix CVE-2015-4620- Fixed nsupdate realm auto-detection (#1214827)- Reintroduce the DISABLE_ZONE_CHECKING into /etc/sysconfig/named (#1236475)- Don't copy /etc/localtime on -chroot package installation (#1186773) - Fix SPF resource records check to comply with RFC7208 (#1215164) - Don't use ISC's DLV by default (#1223336)- Add version specific requires on bind for bind-pkcs11 (Related: #1097753) - Resolve issues found by static analysis (Related: #1097753)- Added native PKCS#11 functionality (#1097753)- DNS resolution failure in high load environment with SERVFAIL and "out of memory/success" in the log (#1221180)- Install config for tmpfiles under %{_tmpfilesdir} (#1180976) - Fixed systemctl path in logrotate configuration (#1164264) - remove information about system-config-bind from named.8 man page (#1152066)- Fix CVE-2015-1349- Fix CVE-2014-8500 (#1171976)- Fix error in dyndb API that can cause named to freeze on shutdown (#1142150) - Fix error in triggerun scriptlet (#1143033) - Remove /var/named/chroot/var/run on bind-chroot update if it is a directory (#1091341)- Add versioned requires on bind-libs to bind-utils and bind-sdb- Use /dev/urandom when generating rndc.key file (#1107568) - Allow authentication using TSIG in allow-notify configuration statement (#1067424) - Fix race condition when destroying a resolver fetch object (#1072379) - Increase defaults for lwresd workers and make workers and client objects number configurable (#1098959) - Configure BIND with --with-dlopen=yes to support dynamically loadable DLZ drivers (#1096688)- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Rebuild for mariadb-libs Related: #1045013- Fix CVE-2014-0591- Build against libdb instead of libdb4 (#1044990)- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Fix crash in rbtdb after two sucessive getoriginnode() calls (#1044026)- Split chroot package for named and named-sdb - Extract setting-up/destroying of chroot to a separate systemd service (#1004300)- Create symlink /var/named/chroot/var/run -> /var/named/chroot/run (#1024384) - Added session-keyfile statement into default named.conf since we use /run/named (#1024384)- Fixed memory leak in nsupdate if 'realm' was used multiple times (#1034824)- Install configuration for rwtab and fix chroot setup script (#1028189) - use --enable-filter-aaaa when building bind to enable filter-aaaa-on-v4 option (#1025245)- Correct the patch for #1020683- Fix race condition on send buffers in dighost.c (#1020683)- install isc/errno2result.h header (#1015165)- update to 9.9.4 (#1010200) - drop merged patches - modify patches to fit on new version- Fix [ISC-Bugs #34738] dns_journal_open() returns a pointer to stack- Don't generate rndc.key if there exists rndc.conf- don't install named-sdb.service if SDB macro is defined to zero- update to 9.9.3-P2 (fix for CVE-2013-4854) - update RRL patch to 9.9.3-P2-rl.13207.22 - Fix script for setting up chroot so it unmounts everything successfully- Fix dates in Changelog- update to 9.9.3-P1 (fix for CVE-2013-3919) - update RRL patch to 9.9.3-P1-rl.156.01- bump release to prevent update path issues- update to 9.9.3 - install dns/update.h header - update RRL patch to the latest version 9.9.3-rl.150.20- Fix segfault in host/nslookup (#878139)- update to 9.9.3rc2 - part of bind97-exportlib.patch not needed any more - bind-9.9.1-P2-multlib-conflict.patch modified to reflect latest source - rl-9.9.3rc1.patch -> rl-9.9.3rc2.patch - bind99-opts.patch merged- Include recursion Warning in named.conf and named.conf.sample (#740894) - Include managed-keys-directory statement in named.conf.sample (#948026)- Fix zone2sqlite to quote table names when creating/dropping/inserting (#919417)- fix crash in nsupdate when processing "-r" parameter (#949544)- ship dns/rrl.h in -devel subpkg- update to 9.9.3rc1 - bind-96-libtool2.patch has been merged - fix bind tmpfiles.d for /run migration (#920713)- New upstream patch version fixing CVE-2013-2266 (#928032)- move pidfile to /run/named/ Fix to include header added by rate limiting patch (#918330)- drop some developer-only documentation and move ARM to %docdir- include rate limiting patch- Corrected IP addresses in (#901741) - mount/umount /var/named in as the last one (#904666)- generate /etc/rndc.key during named service startup if doesn't exist - increase startup timeout in systemd units to 90sec (default) - fix IDN related statement in dig.1 manpage- update to bind-9.9.2-P1- document dig exit codes in manpage - ignore empty "search" options in resolv.conf- drop PKCS11 support on rhel- install isc/stat.h- update to 9.9.2 - bind97-rh714049.patch has been dropped - patches merged - bind98-rh816164.patch- update to bind-9.9.1-P3- fixed SPEC file so it comply with new systemd-rpm macros guidelines (#850045) - changed %define macros to %global and fixed several rpmlint warnings- Changed PrivateTmp to "false" in *-chroot.service unit files (#825869)- Fixed bind-devel multilib conflict (#478718)- Fixed bad path to systemctl in /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/13-named (#844047) - Fixed path to in update to 9.9.1-P2- Rebuilt for Avoid shell invocation and dep for -libs-lite %postun.- update to 9.9.1-P1 (CVE-2012-1667)- update to 9.9.1 - bind99-coverity.patch merged - bind-9.5-overflow.patch merged- nslookup: return non-zero exit code when fail to get answer (#816164)- initscript: don't umount /var/named when didn't mount it- apply all non-SDB patches before SDB ones (#804475) - enable Berkeley DB DLZ backend (#804478)- bind97-rh699951.patch is no longer needed (different fix is in 9.9.0)- remove unneeded bind99-v6only.patch- update to 9.9.0 - load dynamic DBs later (and update dyndb patch) - fix memory leak in named during processing of rndc command - don't call `rndc-confgen -a` in "post" section - fix some packaging bugs in bind-chroot- build with "--enable-fixed-rrset"- update to 9.9.0rc2 - doc/rfc and doc/draft are no longer shipped in tarball- retire initscript in favour of systemd unit files (#719419)- update to 9.9.0rc1- ship dns/forward.h in -devel subpkg- update to 9.9.0b2 (CVE-2011-4313) - patches merged - bind97-rh700097.patch - bind99-cinfo.patch- ship dns/clientinfo.h in bind-devel- update to 9.9.0b1 - bind98-dlz_buildfix.patch merged- nslookup failed to resolve name in certain cases- remove deps filter, it is no longer needed (#739663)- fix logrotate config file (#725256)- update to 9.8.1 - ship /etc/trusted-key.key (needed by dig) - use select instead of epoll in export libs (#735103)- fix DLZ related compilation issues - make /etc/named.{root,iscdlv}.key world-readable - add bind-libs versioned requires to bind pkg- fix rare race condition in request.c - print "the working directory is not writable" as debug message - re-add configtest target to initscript - initscript: sybsys name is always named, not named-sdb - nsupdate returned zero when target zone didn't exist (#700097) - nsupdate could have failed if server has multiple IPs and the first was unreachable (#714049)- update to 9.8.1rc1 - patches merged - bind97-rh674334.patch - bind97-cleanup.patch - bind98-includes.patch- improve patch for #725741- named could have crashed during reload when dyndb module is used (#725741)- update to 9.8.0-P4 - bind98-libdns-export.patch merged- update the dyndb patch- fix compilation of update to 9.8.0-P2 (CVE-2011-1910)- update to 9.8.0-P1 (CVE-2011-1907)- rebuilt for mysql 5.5.10 (soname bump in libmysqlclient)- update to 9.8.0 - bind97-rh665971.patch merged- revert previous change (integration with libnmserver)- integrate named with libnmserver library- include dns/rpz.h in -devel subpkg- update to 9.8.0rc1- update to 9.7.3 - fix dig +trace on dualstack systems (#674334) - fix linkage order when building on system with older BIND (#665971) - reduce number of gcc warnings- Rebuilt for update to 9.7.3rc1 - bind97-krb5-self.patch merged- fix typo in initscript- fix "service named status" when used with named-sdb - don't check MD5, size and mtime of sysconfig/named- add new option DISABLE_ZONE_CHECKING to sysconfig/named- update to 9.7.3b1- initscript should terminate only the correct "named" process (#622785)- fix "krb5-self" update-policy rule processing- update to 9.7.2-P3- added tmpfiles.d support (#656550) - removed old PID checking in initscript- don't emit various informational messages by default (#645544)- move BIND9 internal libs back to %{_libdir} - add "-export" suffix to public libraries (-lite subpkg)- ship -devel subpkg for internal libs, dnsperf needs it- new bind-libs-lite and bind-lite-devel subpkgs which contain public version of BIND 9 libraries - don't ship devel files for internal version of BIND 9 libraries- update to 9.7.2-P2- update to 9.7.2- update to 9.7.2rc1- host: handle "debug", "attempts" and "timeout" options in resolv.conf well- update to 9.7.2b1 - patches merged - bind97-rh507429.patch- supply root zone DNSKEY in default configuration- update to 9.7.1-P2 (CVE-2010-0213)- remove outdated Copyright.caching-nameserver file - remove rfc1912.txt, it is already located in %doc/rfc directory - move COPYRIGHT to the bind-libs subpkg - add COPYRIGHT to the -pkcs11 subpkg- update to 9.7.1-P1- update to 9.7.1 - improve the "dnssec-conf" trigger- update to 9.7.1rc1 - patches merged - bind97-keysdir.patch- update to 9.7.1b1 - make /var/named/dynamic as a default directory for managed DNSSEC keys - add patch to get "managed-keys-directory" option working - patches merged - bind97-managed-keyfile.patch - bind97-rh554316.patch- update dnssec-conf Obsoletes/Provides- update to 9.7.0-P2- added lost patch for #554316 (occasional crash in keytable.c)- active query might be destroyed in resume_dslookup() which triggered REQUIRE failure (#507429)- install SDB related manpages only when build with SDB- update to 9.7.0-P1- bind-sdb now requires bind- add man-pages ldap2zone.1 zonetodb.1 zone2sqlite.1 named-sdb.8 (#525655)- fix multilib issue (#478718) [jgorig]- improve automatic DNSSEC reconfiguration trigger - initscript now returns 2 in case that action doesn't exist (#523435) - enable/disable chroot when bind-chroot is installed/uninstalled- update to 9.7.0 final- obsolete dnssec-conf - automatically update configuration from old dnssec-conf based - improve default configuration; enable DLV by default - remove obsolete triggerpostun from bind-libs subpackage- update to 9.7.0rc2- initscript LSB related fixes (#523435)- revert the "DEBUG" feature (#510283), it causes too many problems (#545128)- update to 9.7.0rc1 - bind97-headers.patch merged - update default configuration- update to 9.7.0b3- install isc/namespace.h header- update to 9.7.0b2- update to 9.7.0b1 - add bind-pkcs11 subpackage to support PKCS11 compatible keystores for DNSSEC keys- don't package named-bootconf utility, it is very outdated and unneeded- determine file size via `stat` instead of `ls` (#523682)- update to 9.7.0a3- improve chroot related documentation (#507795) - add NetworkManager dispatcher script to reload named when network interface is activated/deactivated (#490275) - don't set/unset named_write_master_zones SELinux boolean every time in initscript, modify it only when it's actually needed- update to 9.7.0a2 - merged patches - bind-96-db_unregister.patch - bind96-rh507469.patch- next attempt to fix the postun trigger (#520385) - remove obsolete bind-9.3.1rc1-fix_libbind_includedir.patch- rebuilt with new openssl- update the patch for dynamic loading of database backends- 9.6.1-P1 release (CVE-2009-0696) - fix postun trigger (#513016, hopefully)- Rebuilt for remove useless bind-9.3.3rc2-rndckey.patch- fix broken symlinks in bind-libs (#509635) - fix typos in /etc/sysconfig/named (#509650) - add DEBUG option to /etc/sysconfig/named (#510283)- improved "chroot automount" patches (#504596) - host should fail if specified server doesn't respond (#507469)- 9.6.1 release - simplify chroot maintenance. Important files and directories are mounted into chroot (see /etc/sysconfig/named for more info, #504596) - fix doc/named.conf.default perms- 9.6.1rc1 release- update the patch for dynamic loading of database backends - create %{_libdir}/bind directory - copy default named.conf to doc directory, shared with s-c-bind (atkac)- update the patch for dynamic loading of database backends - fix dns_db_unregister() - useradd now takes "-N" instead of "-n" (atkac, #495726) - print nicer error msg when zone file is actually a directory (atkac, #490837)- 9.6.1b1 release - patches merged - bind-96-isc_header.patch - bind-95-rh469440.patch - bind-96-realloc.patch - bind9-fedora-0001.diff - use -version-number instead of -version-info libtool param- logrotate configuration file now points to /var/named/data/ by default (#489986)- fall back to insecure mode when no supported DNSSEC algorithm is found instead of SERVFAIL - don't fall back to non-EDNS0 queries when DO bit is set- enable DNSSEC only if it is enabled in sysconfig/dnssec- add DNSSEC support to initscript, enabled it per default - add requires dnssec-conf- fire away libbind, it is now separate package- fixed some read buffer overflows (upstream)- Rebuilt for update the patch for dynamic loading of database backends - include iterated_hash.h- rebuild for dependencies- rebuild against new openssl- 9.6.0-P1 release (CVE-2009-0025)- Happy new year - 9.6.0 release- 9.6.0rc2 release - bind-96-rh475120.patch merged- add patch for dynamic loading of database backends- allow to reuse address for non-random query-source ports (#475120)- 9.6.0rc1 release - patches merged - bind-9.2.0rc3-varrun.patch - bind-95-sdlz-include.patch - bind-96-libxml2.patch - fixed rare use-after-free problem in host utility (#452060) - enabled chase of DNSSEC signature chains in dig- improved sample config file (#473586)- reverted previous change, koji doesn't like it- build bind-chroot as noarch- updates due libtool 2.2.6 - don't pass -DLDAP_DEPRECATED to cpp, handle it directly in sources- make statistics http server working, patch backported from 9.6 HEAD- 9.6.0b1 release - don't build ODBC and Berkeley DB DLZ drivers - end of bind-chroot-admin script, copy config files to chroot manually - /proc doesn't have to be mounted to chroot - temporary use libbind from 9.5 series, noone has been released for 9.6 yet- dig/host: use only IPv4 addresses when -4 option is specified (#469440)- removed unneeded bind-9.4.1-ldap-api.patch- ship dns/{s,}dlz.h and isc/radix.h in bind-devel- removed bind-9.4.0-dnssec-directory.patch, it is wrong- 9.5.1b2 release - patches merged - bind95-rh454783.patch - bind-9.5-edns.patch - bind95-rh450995.patch - bind95-rh457175.patch- IDN output strings didn't honour locale settings (#461409)- disable transfer stats on DLZ zones (#454783)- add forgotten patch for #457175 - build with -O2- static libraries are no longer supported - IP acls weren't merged correctly (#457175) - use fPIE on sparcv9/sparc64 (Dennis Gilmore) - add sparc64 to list of 64bit arches in spec (Dennis Gilmore)- updated patches due new rpm (--fuzz=0 patch parameter)- use %patch0 for Patch0 (#455061) - correct source address (#455118)- 9.5.1b1 release (CVE-2008-1447) - dropped bind-9.5-recv-race.patch because upstream doesn't want it- update default named.conf statements (#452708)- some compat changes to fix building on RHEL4- fixed typo in %posttrans script- parse inner acls correctly (#450995)- removed dns-keygen utility in favour of rndc-confgen -a (#449287) - some minor sample fixes (#449274)- updated to 9.5.0 final - use getifaddrs to find available interfaces- make /var/run/named writable by named (#448277) - fixed one non-utf8 file- fixes needed to pass package review (#225614)- bind-chroot now depends on bind (#446477)- updated to 9.5.0rc1 - merged patches - bind-9.5-libcap.patch - make binaries readable by others (#427826)- reverted "any" patch, upstream says not needed - log EDNS failure only when we really switch to plain EDNS (#275091) - detect configuration file better- addresses and ::0 really match any (#275091, comment #28)- readded bind-9.5-libcap.patch - added bind-9.5-recv-race.patch from F8 branch (#400461)- build Berkeley DB DLZ backend- 9.5.0b3 release - dropped patches (upstream) - bind-9.5-transfer-segv.patch - bind-9.5-mudflap.patch - bind-9.5.0-generate-xml.patch - bind-9.5-libcap.patch- fixed named.conf.sample file (#437569)- fixed URLs- BuildRequires cleanup- rebuild without mudflap (#434159)- port named to use libcap library, enable threads (#433102) - removed some unneeded Requires- removed conditional build with libefence (use -fmudflapth instead) - fixed building of DLZ stuff (#432497) - do not build Berkeley DB DLZ backend - temporary build with --disable-linux-caps and without threads (#433102) - update file to affect IPv6 changes in root zone- build with -D_GNU_SOURCE (#431734) - improved fix for #253537, posttrans script is now used - improved fix for #400461 - 9.5.0b2 - bind-9.3.2b1-PIE.patch replaced by bind-9.5-PIE.patch - only named, named-sdb and lwresd are PIE - bind-9.5-sdb.patch has been updated - bind-9.5-libidn.patch has been updated - bind-9.4.0-sdb-sqlite-bld.patch replaced by bind-9.5-sdb-sqlite-bld.patch - removed bind-9.5-gssapi-header.patch (upstream) - removed bind-9.5-CVE-2008-0122.patch (upstream) - removed bind-9.2.2-nsl.patch - improved sdb_tools fixed segfault during sending notifies (#400461) - rebuild with gcc 4.3 series- removed bind-9.3.2-prctl_set_dumpable.patch (upstream) - allow parallel building of libdns library - CVE-2008-0122- fixed initscript wait loop (#426382) - removed dependency on policycoreutils and libselinux (#426515)- fixed regression caused by libidn2 patch (#426348)- fixed typo in post section (CVE-2007-6283)- removed obsoleted triggers - CVE-2007-6283- added dst/gssapi.h to -devel subpackage (#419091) - improved fix for (#417431)- fixed shutdown with initscript when rndc doesn't work (#417431) - fixed IDN patch (#412241)- 9.5.0b1 (#405281, #392491)- Rebuild for deps- build with -O0- bind-9.5-random_ports.patch was removed because upstream doesn't like it. query-source{,v6} options are sufficient (#391931) - bind-chroot-admin called restorecon on /proc filesystem (#405281)- removed edns patch to keep compatibility with vanilla bind (#275091, comment #20)- use system port selector instead ISC's (#391931)- removed statement from initscript which passes -D to named- 9.5.0a7 - dropped patches (upstream) - bind-9.5-update.patch - bind-9.5-pool_badfree.patch - bind-9.5-_res_errno.patch- added bind-sdb again, contains SDB modules and DLZ modules - bind-9.3.1rc1-sdb.patch replaced by bind-9.5-sdb.patch- removed Requires: openldap, postgresql, mysql, db4, unixODBC - new L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET address- completely disable DBUS- minor cleanup in bind-chroot-admin- fixed typo in initscript- disabled DBUS (dhcdbd doesn't exist & #339191)- fixed missing va_end () functions (#336601) - fixed memory leak when dbus initialization fails- corrected named.5 SDB statement (#326051)- added edns patch again (#275091)- removed bind-9.3.3-edns.patch patch (see #275091 for reasons)- build with O2 - removed "autotools" patch - bugfixing in bind-chroot-admin (#279901)- bind-9.5-2119_revert.patch and bind-9.5-fix_h_errno.patch are obsoleted by upstream bind-9.5-_res_errno.patch- fixed wrong resolver's dispatch pool cleanup (#275011, patch from tmraz redhat com)- initscript failure message is now printed correctly (#277981, Quentin Armitage (quentin armitage org uk) )- temporary revert ISC 2119 change and add "libbind-errno" patch (#254501) again- removed end dots from Summary sections ( - fixed wrong file creation by autotools patch ( start using --disable-isc-spnego configure option - remove bind-9.5-spnego-memory_management.patch (source isn't compiled)- added new initscript option KEYTAB_FILE which specified where is located kerberos .keytab file for named service - obsolete temporary bind-9.5-spnego-memory_management.patch by bind-9.5-gssapictx-free.patch which conforms BIND coding standards (#251853)- dropped direct dependency to /etc/openldap/schema directory - changed hardcoded paths to macros - fired away code which configure LDAP server- named could crash with SRV record UPDATE (#251336)- disable 64bit dlz driver patch on alpha and ia64 (#251298) - remove wrong malloc functions from lib/dns/spnego.c (#251853)- changed licence from BSD-like to ISC- disabled named on all runlevels by default- minor next improvements on autotools patch - dig and host utilities now using libidn instead idnkit for IDN support- binutils/gcc bug rebuild (#249435)- updated to 9.5.0a6 which contains fixes for CVE-2007-2925 and CVE-2007-2926 - fixed building on 64bits- integrated "autotools" patch for testing purposes (upstream will accept it in future, for easier building)- fixed DLZ drivers building on 64bit systems- fixed relation between logrotated and chroot-ed named- removed bind-sdb package (default named has compiled SDB backend now) - integrated DLZ (Dynamically loadable zones) drivers - integrated GSS-TSIG support (RFC 3645) - build with -O0 (many new features, potential core dumps will be more useful)- initscript should be ready for parallel booting (#246878)- handle integer overflow in isc_time_secondsastimet function gracefully (#247856)- moved chroot configfiles into chroot subpackage (#248306)- minor changes in default configuration - fix h_errno assigment during resolver initialization (unbounded recursion, #245857) - removed wrong patch to #150288- updated to latest upstream- marked caching-nameserver as obsolete (#244604) - fixed typo in initscript (causes that named doesn't detect NetworkManager correctly) - next cleanup in configuration - moved configfiles into config.tar - removed delay between start & stop in restart function in named.init- major changes in initscript. Could be LSB compatible now - removed caching-nameserver subpackage. Move configs from this package to main bind package as default configuration and major configuration cleanup- very minor compatibility change in bind-chroot-admin (line 215) - enabled IDN support by default and don't distribute IDN libraries - specfile cleanup - add dynamic directory to /var/named. This directory will be primarily used for dynamic DNS zones. ENABLE_ZONE_WRITE and SELinux's named_write_master_zones no longer exist- removed ldap-api patch and start using deprecated API - fixed minor problem in bind-chroot-admin script (#241103)- fixed bind-chroot-admin dynamic DNS handling (#239149) - updated zone-freeze patch to latest upstream - ldap sdb has been rewriten to latest api (#239802)- test build on new build system- updated to 9.4.1 which contains fix to CVE-2007-2241- improved "zone freeze patch" - if multiple zone with same name exists no zone is freezed - minor cleanup in caching-nameserver's config file - fixed race-condition in dbus code (#235809) - added forgotten restorecon statement in bind-chroot-admin- removed DEBUGINFO option because with this option (default) was bind builded with -O0 and without this flag no debuginfo package was produced. (I want faster bind => -O2 + debuginfo) - fixed zone finding (#236426)- added idn support (still under development with upstream, disabled by default)- dnssec-signzone utility now doesn't ignore -d parameter- removed query-source[-v6] options from caching-nameserver config (#209954, increase security) - throw away idn. It won't be ready in fc7- prepared bind to merge review - added experimental idn support to bind-utils utils (not enabled by default yet) - change chroot policy in caching-nameserver post section - fixed bug in bind-chroot-admin - rootdir function is called properly now- added experimental SQLite support (written by John Boyd ) - moved bind-chroot-admin script to chroot package - bind-9.3.2-redhat_doc.patch is always applied (#231738)- updated to 9.4.0 - bind-chroot-admin now sets EAs correctly (#213926) - throw away next_server_on_referral and no_servfail_stops patches (fixed in 9.4.0)- minor cleanup in bind-chroot-admin script- fixed broken bind-chroot-admin script (#227995)- bind-chroot-admin now uses correct chroot path (#227600)- fixed conflict between bind-sdb and ldap - removed duplicated bind directory in bind-libs- fixed building without libbind - fixed post section (selinux commands is now in if-endif statement) - prever macro has been removed from version- redirected output from bind-chroot prep and %preun stages to /dev/null- updated to version 9.3.4 which contains security bugfixes- package bind-libbind-devel has been marked as obsolete- package bind-libbind-devel has beed removed (libs has been moved to bind-devel & bind-libs) - Resolves: #214208- fixed a multi-lib issue - Resolves: rhbz#222717- added namedGetForwarders written in shell (#176100), created by Baris Cicek .- update to 9.3.3 final - fix for #219069: file included twice in src.rpm- added back an interval to restart - renamed package, it should meet the N-V-R criteria - fix for #216185: bind-chroot-admin able to change root mode 750 - added fix from #215997: incorrect permissions on dnszone.schema - added a notice to init script when /etc/named.conf doesn't exist (#216075)- fix for #200465: named-checkzone and co. cannot be run as non-root user - fix for #212348: chroot'd named causes df permission denied error - fix for #211249, #211083 - problems with stopping named - fix for #212549: init script does not unmount /proc filesystem - fix for #211282: EDNS is globally enabled, crashing CheckPoint FW-1, added edns-enable options to named configuration file which can suppress EDNS in queries to DNS servers (see /usr/share/doc/bind-9.3.3/misc/options) - fix for #212961: bind-chroot doesn't clean up its mess on %preun - update to 9.3.3rc3, removed already merged patches- fix for #209359: bind-libs from compatlayer CD will not install on ia64- added fix for #210096: warning: group named does not exist - using root- added fix from #209400 - Bind Init Script does not create the PID file always, created by Jeff Means - added timeout to stop section of init script. The default is 100 sec. and can be adjusted by NAMED_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT shell variable.- removed chcon from %post script, replaced by restorecon (Bug 202547, comment no. 37)- updated to the latest upstream (9.3.3rc2)- added upstream patch for correct SIG handling - CVE-2006-4095- suppressed messages from bind-chroot-admin - cleared notes about bind-config- added fix for #203522 - "bind-chroot-admin -e" command fails- fix for #203194 - tmpfile usage- fix for #202542 - /usr/sbin/bind-chroot-admin: No such file or directory - fix for #202547 - file_contexts: invalid context- added Provides: bind-config- fix bug 197493: renaming subpackage bind-config to caching-nameserver- fix bug 199876: make '%exclude libbbind.*' conditional on %{LIBBIND}- fix #195881, perms are not packaged correctly- fix addenda to bug 189789: determination of selinux enabled was still not 100% correct in bind-chroot-admin - fix addenda to bug 196398: make named.init test for NetworkManager being enabled AFTER testing for -D absence; named.init now supports a 'DISABLE_NAMED_DBUS' /etc/sysconfig/named setting to disable auto-enable of named dbus support if NetworkManager enabled.- fix bug 196398 - Enable -D option automatically in initscript if NetworkManager enabled in any runlevel. - fix namedGetForwarders for new dbus - fix bug 195881 - should be owned by bind-libbind-devel- Rebuild against new dbus- rebuild with fixed glibc-kernheaders- rebuild- fix bugs 191093, 189789 - backport selected fixes from upstream bind9 'v9_3_3b1' CVS version: ( see "Fixes" ): o change 2024 / bug 16027: named emitted spurious "zone serial unchanged" messages on reload o change 2013 / bug 15941: handle unexpected TSIGs on unsigned AXFR/IXFR responses more gracefully o change 2009 / bug 15808: coverity fixes o change 1997 / bug 15818: named was failing to replace negative cache entries when a positive one for the type was learnt o change 1994 / bug 15694: OpenSSL 0.9.8 support o change 1991 / bug 15813: The configuration data, once read, should be treated as readonly. o misc. validator fixes o misc. resolver fixes o misc. dns fixes o misc. isc fixes o misc. libbind fixes o misc. isccfg fix o misc. lwres fix o misc. named fixes o misc. dig fixes o misc. nsupdate fix o misc. tests fixes- and actually put the devel symlinks in the right subpackage- rebuild for -devel deps- apply upstream patch for ncache_adderesult segfault bug 173961 addenda - fix bug 188382: rpm --verify permissions inconsistencies - fix bug 189186: use /sbin/service instead of initscript - rebuild for new gcc, glibc-kernheaders- fix resolver.c ncache_adderesult segfault reported in addenda to bug 173961 (upstream bugs #15642, #15528 ?) - allow named ability to generate core dumps after setuid (upstream bug #15753)- fix bug 187529: make bind-chroot-admin deal with subdirectories properly- fix bug 187286: prevent host(1) printing duplicate 'is an alias for' messages for the default AAAA and MX lookups as well as for the A lookup (it now uses the CNAME returned for the A lookup for the AAAA and MX lookups). This is upstream bug #15702 fixed in the unreleased bind-9.3.3 - fix bug 187333: fix SOURCE24 and SOURCE25 transposition- fix bug 186577: remove -L/usr/lib from libbind.pc and more .spec file cleanup - add '%doc' sample configuration files in /usr/share/doc/bind*/sample - rebuild with new gcc and glibc- fix typo in initscript - fix Requires(post): policycoreutils in sub-packages- fix bug 185969: more .spec file cleanup- Do not allow package to be installed if named:25 userid creation fails - Give libbind a pkg-config file - remove restorecon from bind-chroot-admin (not required). - fix named.caching-nameserver.conf (listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1 };)- fix issues with bind-chroot-admin- replace caching-nameserver with bind-config sub-package - fix bug 177595: handle case where $ROOTDIR is a link in initscript - fix bug 177001: bind-config creates symlinks OK now - fix bug 176388: named.conf is now never replaced by any RPM - fix bug 176248: remove unecessary creation of rpmsave links - fix bug 174925: no replacement of named.conf - fix bug 173963: existing named.conf never modified - major .spec file cleanup- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- regenerate redhat_doc patch for non-DBUS builds - allow dbus builds to work with dbus version < 0.6 (bz #179816)- try supporting without dbus support- Rebuild for new gcc, glibc, glibc-kernheaders- fix bug 177854: temporary fix for broken kernel-2.6.15-1854+ /proc/net/if_inet6 format- Upgrade to 9.3.2, released today- fix bug 176100: do not Require: perl just for namedGetForwarders !- rebuilt- Upgrade to upstream version 9.3.2rc1 - fix namedSetForwarders -> namedGetForwarders SOURCE14 typo- rebuild for new dbus 0.6 dependency; remove use of DBUS_NAME_FLAG_PROHIBIT_REPLACEMENT- allow D-BUS support to work in bind-chroot environment: workaround latest selinux policy by mounting /var/run/dbus/ under chroot instead of /var/run/dbus/system-bus-socket- fix bug 172632 - remove .la files - ship namedGetForwarders and namedSetForwarders scripts - fix detection of -D option in chroot- rebuilt with new openssl- Allow the -D enable D-BUS option to be used within bind-chroot . - fix bug 171226: supply some documentation for pgsql SDB .- fix bug 169969: do NOT call dbus_svc_dispatch() in dbus_mgr_init_dbus() - task->state != task_ready and will cause Abort in task.c if process is waiting for NameOwnerChanged to do a SetForwarders- Fix reconnecting to dbus-daemon after it stops & restarts .- When forwarder nameservers are changed with D-BUS, flush the cache.- fix bug 168302: use %{__cc} for compiling dns-keygen - fix bug 167682: bind-chroot directory permissions - fix issues with -D dbus option when dbus service not running or disabled- fix bug 167062: named should be started after syslogd by default- fix bug 166227: host: don't do default AAAA and MX lookups with '-t a' option- Build with D-BUS patch by default; D-BUS support enabled with named -D option - Enable D-BUS for named_sdb also - fix sdb pgsql's zonetodb.c: must use isc_hash_create() before dns_db_create() - update fix for bug 160914 : test for RD=1 and ARCOUNT=0 also before trying next server - fix named.init script to handle named_sdb properly - fix named.init script checkconfig() to handle named '-c' option and make configtest, test, check configcheck synonyms- fix named.init script bugs 163598, 163409, 151852(addendum)- fix bug 160914: resolver utilities should try next server on empty referral (now that glibc bug 162625 is fixed) host and nslookup now by default try next server on SERVFAIL (host now has '-s' option to disable, and nslookup given '[no]fail' option similar to dig's [no]fail option). - rebuild and re-test with new glibc & gcc (all tests passed).- fix bug 157950: dig / host / nslookup should reject invalid resolv.conf files and not use uninitialized garbage nameserver values (ISC bug 14841 raised).- Fix SDB LDAP- Fix bug 157601: give named.init a configtest function - Fix bug 156797: named.init should check SELinux booleans.local before booleans - Fix bug 154335: if no controls in named.conf, stop named with -TERM sig, not rndc - Fix bug 155848: add NOTES section to named.8 man-page with info on all Red Hat BIND quirks and SELinux DDNS / slave zone file configuration - D-BUS patches NOT applied until dhcdbd is in FC- Enhancement to allow dynamic forwarder table management and - DHCP forwarder auto-configuration with D-BUS- Rebuild for bind-sdb dependency - fix bug 150981: don't install libbind man-pages if no libbind - fix bug 151852: mount proc on $ROOTDIR/proc to allow sysconf(...) to work and correct number of CPUs to be determined- Upgrade to ISC BIND 9.3.1 (final release) released today.- fix bug 150288: h_errno not being accessed / set correctly in libbind - add libbind man-pages from bind-8.4.6- Rebuild with gcc4 / glibc-2.3.4-14.- configure with --with-pic to get PIC libraries- fix bug 149183: don't use getifaddrs() .- Upgrade to 9.3.1rc1 - Add Simplified Database Backend (SDB) sub-package ( bind-sdb ) - add named_sdb - ldap + pgsql + dir database backend support with - 'ENABLE_SDB' named.sysconfig option - Add BIND resolver library & includes sub-package ( libbind-devel) - fix bug 147824 / 147073 / 145664: ENABLE_ZONE_WRITE in named.init - fix bug 146084 : shutup restorecon- Fix bug 143438: named.init will now make correct ownership of $ROOTDIR/var/named - based on 'named_write_master_zones' SELinux boolean. - Fix bug 143744: dig & nsupdate IPv6 timeout (dup of 140528)- Upgrade BIND to 9.3.0 in Rawhide / FC4 (bugs 134529, 133654...)- Fix bugs 140528 and 141113: - 2 second timeouts when IPv6 not configured and root nameserver's - AAAA addresses are queried- Fix bug 136243: bind-chroot %post must run restorecon -R %{prefix} - Fix bug 135175: named.init must return non-zero if named is not run - Fix bug 134060: bind-chroot %post must use mktemp, not /tmp/named - Fix bug 133423: bind-chroot %files entries should have been %dirs- BIND 9.2.4 (final release) released - source code actually - identical to 9.2.4rc8, with only version number change.- Upgrade to upstream bind-9.2.4rc8 . - Progress: Finally! Hooray! ISC bind now distributes: - o named.conf(5) and nslookup(8) manpages - 'bind-manpages.bz2' source can now disappear - (could this have something to do with ISC bug I raised about this?) - o 'deprecation_msg' global has vanished - bind-9.2.3rc3-deprecation_msg_shut_up.diff.bz2 can disappear- Fix bug 106572/132385: copy /etc/localtime to chroot on start- Fix bug 132303: if ROOTDIR line was replaced after upgrade from - bind-chroot-9.2.2-21, restart named- Fix bug 131803: replace ROOTDIR line removed by broken - bind-chroot 9.2.2-21's '%postun'; added %triggerpostun for bind-chroot- Fix bugs 130121 & 130981 for RHEL-3- Fix bug 130121: add '%ghost' entries for files included in previous - bind-chroot & not in current - ie. named.conf, rndc.key, dev/* - - that RPM removed after upgrade .- Fix bug 130981: add '-t' option to named-checkconf invocation in - named.init if chroot installed.- Remove resolver(5) manpage now in man-pages (bug 130792); - Don't create /dev/ entries in bind-chroot if already there (bug 127556); - fix bind-devel Requires (bug 130919) - Set default location for dumpdb & stats files to /var/named/data- Fix devel Requires for bug 130738 & fix version- Fix errors on clean install if named group does not exist - (bug 130777)- Upgrade to bind-9.2.4rc7; applied initscript fix - for bug 102035.- Fixed bug 129289: bind-chroot install / deinstall - on install, existing config files 'safe_replace'd - with links to chroot copies; on uninstall, moved back.- Fixed bug 129258: "${prefix}/var/tmp" typo in spec- Fixed bug 127124 : 'Requires: kernel >= 2.4' - causes problems with Linux VServers- Fixed bug 127555 : chroot tar missing var/named/slaves- Upgraded to ISC version 9.2.4rc6- Fixed named.init generation of error messages on - 'service named stop' and 'service named reload' - as per bug 127775- Bump for rhel 3.0 U3- remove disable-linux-caps- Update RHEL3 to latest bind- rebuilt- Remove device files from chroot, Named uses the system one- Move RFC to devel package- Fix location of restorecon- Tighten security on config files. Should be owned by root- Update key patch to include conf-keygen- fix chroot to only happen once. - fix init script to do kill insteall of killall- Add fix for SELinux security context- rebuilt- run ldconfig for libs subrpm- Use ':' instead of '.' as separator for chown.- Add COPYRIGHT- rebuilt- Add defattr to libs- Break out library package- Fix condrestart- Move libisc and libdns to bind from bind-util- Move to 9.2.3- Add PIE support- Add /var/named/slaves directory- do not link against libnsl, not needed for Linux- Fix local time in log file- Try again- Fix handling of chroot -/dev/random- Stop hammering stuff on update of chroot environment- Fix chroot directory to grab all subdirectories- New patch to support for "delegation-only"- patch support for "delegation-only"- Update to build on RHL- Install libraries as exec so debug info will be pulled- Remove BSDCOMPAT (BZ 99454)- Update to build on RHL- Change protections on /var/named and /var/chroot/named- Update to build on RHL- Update to build on RHEL- rebuilt- Update to build on RHEL- Fix config description of named.conf in chroot - Change named.init script to check for existence of /etc/sysconfig/network- Update to build on RHEL- Update to build on RHEL- Fix echo OK on starting/stopping service- Update to build on RHEL- Fix echo on startup- Fix problems with chroot environment - Eliminate posix threads- Fix build problems- Fix build on beehive- build bind-chroot kit- Change configure to use proper threads model- update to 9.2.2- update to 9.2.2- Put a sleep in restart to make sure stop completes- rebuilt- Separate /etc/rndc.key to separate file- Use openssl's pkgconfig data, if available, at build-time.- Fix log rotate to use service named reload - Change service named reload to give success/failure message [73770] - Fix File checking [75710] - Begin change to automatically run in CHROOT environment- Fix startup script to work like all others.- Fix configure to build on x86_64 platforms- fix #70583, doesn't build on IA64- bind-utils shouldn't require bind- fix name of pidfine in logrotate script (#68842) - fix owner of logfile in logrotate script (#41391) - fix nslookup and named.conf man pages (output on stderr) (#63553, #63560, #63561, #54889, #57457) - add rfc1912 (#50005) - gzip all rfc's - fix typo in keygen.c (#54870) - added missing manpages (#64065) - shutdown named properly with rndc stop (#62492) - /sbin/nologin instead of /bin/false (#68607) - move nsupdate to bind-utils (where the manpage already was) (#66209, #66381) - don't kill initscript when rndc fails (reload) (#58750)- Fix #65975- automated rebuild- automated rebuild- Move libisccc, lib isccfg and liblwres from bind-utils to bind, they're not required if you aren't running a nameserver.- update to 9.2.1 release- Merge 30+ bug fixes from 9.2.1rc1 code- Don't exit if /etc/named.conf doesn't exist if we're running chroot (#60868) - Revert Elliot's changes, we do require specific glibc/glibc-kernheaders versions or bug #58335 will be back. "It compiles, therefore it works" isn't always true.- Fix BuildRequires (we don't need specific glibc/glibc-kernheaders versions). - Use _smp_mflags- rebuild, require recent autoconf, automake (#58335)- rebuild against new libssl- automated rebuild- 9.2.0- 9.2.0rc10- Fix up rndc.conf (#55574)- rc8 - Enforce --enable-threads- 9.2.0rc7 - Use rndc status for "service named status", it's supposed to actually work in 9.2.x.- 9.2.0rc5 - Fix rpm --rebuild with ancient libtool versions (#53938, #54257)- 9.2.0rc4- 9.2.0rc3 - remove ttl patch, I don't think we need this for 8.0. - remove dig.1.bz2 from the bind8-manpages tar file, 9.2 has a new dig man page - add lwres* man pages to -devel- Make sure /etc/rndc.conf isn't world-readable even after the %post script inserted a random key (#53009)- Add build dependencies (#49368) - Make sure running service named start several times doesn't create useless processes (#47596) - Work around the named parent process returning 0 even if the config file is broken (it's parsed later by the child processes) (#45484)- Don't use rndc status, it's not yet implemented (#48839)- update to 9.1.3 release- Fix up rndc configuration and improve security (#46586)- Sync with caching-nameserver-7.1-6- Update to rc2- Remove resolv.conf(5) man page, it's now in man-pages- Add named.conf man page from bind 8.x (outdated, but better than nothing, - Rename the rndc key (#42895) - Add dnssec* man pages- 9.1.3rc1 - s/Copyright/License/- 9.1.2 final. No changes between 9.1.2-0.rc1.1 and this one, except for the version number, though.- 9.1.2rc1- 9.1.1- Merge fixes from 9.1.1rc5- Work around bind 8 -> bind 9 migration problem when using buggy zone files: accept zones without a TTL, but spew out a big fat warning. (#31393)- Add fixes from rc4- rebuild in new environment- killall -HUP named if rndc reload fails (#30113)- Merge some fixes from 9.1.1rc3- Don't use the standard rndc key from the documentation, instead, create a random one at installation time (#26358) - Make /etc/rndc.conf readable by user named only, it contains secret keys- 9.1.1 probably won't be out in time, revert to 9.1.0 and apply fixes from 9.1.1rc2 - bind requires bind-utils (#28317)- Update to rc2, fixes 2 more bugs - Fix build with glibc >= 2.2.1-7- Update to 9.1.1rc1; fixes 17 bugs (14 of them affecting us; 1 was fixed in a Red Hat patch already, 2 others are portability improvements)- Remove initscripts 5.54 requirement (#26489)- Add named-checkconf, named-checkzone (#25170)- use echo, not gprintf- Fix problems with $GENERATE Patch from Daniel Roesen Bug #24890- 9.1.0 final- 9.1.0rc1 - i18nify init script - bzip2 source to save space- Fix %postun script- 9.1.0b3- Add named.conf man page from bind8 (#23503)- Make /etc/rndc.conf and /etc/sysconfig/named noreplace - Make devel require bind = %{version} rather than just bind- Fix init script for real- Fix init script when ROOTDIR is not set- Add hooks for setting up named to run chroot (RFE #23246) - Fix up requirements- 9.1.0b2- Move run files to /var/run/named/ - /var/run isn't writable by the user we're running as. (Bug #20665)- Fix reverse lookups (#22272) - Run ldconfig in %post utils- fixed logrotate script (wrong path to kill) - include header files in -devel package - bugzilla #22049, #19147, 21606- 9.1.0b1 (9.1.0 is in our timeframe and less buggy)- 9.0.1- Fix initscript (Bug #19956) - Add sample rndc.conf (Bug #19956) - Fix build with tar 1.13.18- Add some missing man pages (taken from bind8) (Bug #18794)- 9.0.0 final- rc5 - fix up nslookup- rc4- 9.0.0rc1- automatic rebuild- add "exit 0" for uninstall case- add prereq init.d and cleanup install section- fix the init script- make libbind.a and readable again by setting INSTALL_LIB to ""- Fix up the initscript (Bug #13033) - Fix build with current glibc (Bug #12755) - /etc/rc.d/init.d -> /etc/init.d - use %{_mandir} rather than /usr/share/man- fix conflict with man-pages - remove compatibilty chkconfig links - initscript munging- modify logrotate setup to use PID file - temporarily disable optimization by unsetting $RPM_OPT_FLAGS at build-time - actually bump the release this time- FHS compliance- clean up restart patch- provide /var/named (fix for bugs #9847, #10205) - preserve args when restarted via ndc(8) (bug #10227) - make resolv.conf(5) a link to resolver(5) (bug #10245) - fix SYSTYPE bug in all makefiles - move creation of named user from %post into %pre- Fix TTL (patch from ISC, Bug #9820)- fix typo in spec (it's %post, without a leading blank) introduced in -6 - change SYSTYPE to linux- pick a standard < 100 uid/gid for named- Pass named a '-u named' parameter by default, and add/remove user.- fix host mx bug (Bug #9021)- rebuild to fix dependencies - man pages are compressed- It's /usr/bin/killall, not /usr/sbin/killall (Bug #8063)- Fix up location of and make it executable (Bug #8028) - bind-devel requires bind- update to 8.2.2-P5- update to 8.2.2-P3- add patch to stop a cache only server from complaining about lame servers on every request.- use real stop and start in named.init for restart, not ndc restart, it has problems when named has changed during a package update... (# 4890)- chkconfig --del in %preun, not %postun- initscript munging- fix installed chkconfig links to match init file- conflict with new (in man-1.24) man pages (#3876,#3877).- fix named.logrotate (wrong %SOURCE)- update to 8.2.1. - add named.logrotate (#3571). - hack around egcs-1.1.2 -m486 bug (#3413, #3485). - vet file list.- don't run by default- nslookup fixes (#2463). - missing files (#3152).- nslookup patched: to count numRecords properly to fix subsequent calls to ls -d to parse "view" and "finger" commands properly the view hack updated for bind-8 (using sed)- add ISC patch - add quick hack to make host not crash - add more docs- add probing information in the init file to keep linuxconf happy - dont strip libbind- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 3)- removed 'done' output at named shutdown.- version 8.2- patch to use the __FDS_BITS macro - build for glibc 2.1- change named.restart to /usr/sbin/ndc restart- install man pages correctly. - change K10named to K45named.- don't start if /etc/named.conf doesn't exist.- autmagically create /etc/named.conf from /etc/named.boot in %post - remove echo in %post- merge in 5.1 mods- Several essential modifications to build and install correctly. - Modified 'ndc' to avoid deprecated use of '-'- Used buildroot - patched bin/named/ns_udp.c to use for include on Redhat 5.0 instead of bind-pkcs11 32:9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.1432:9.11.4-26.P2.el7_9.1432:9.9.4-16.P2dnssec-dsfromkey-pkcs11dnssec-importkey-pkcs11dnssec-keyfromlabel-pkcs11dnssec-keygen-pkcs11dnssec-revoke-pkcs11dnssec-settime-pkcs11dnssec-signzone-pkcs11dnssec-verify-pkcs11pkcs11-destroypkcs11-keygenpkcs11-listpkcs11-tokensdnssec-checkds-pkcs11.8.gzdnssec-coverage-pkcs11.8.gzdnssec-dsfromkey-pkcs11.8.gzdnssec-importkey-pkcs11.8.gzdnssec-keyfromlabel-pkcs11.8.gzdnssec-keygen-pkcs11.8.gzdnssec-revoke-pkcs11.8.gzdnssec-settime-pkcs11.8.gzdnssec-signzone-pkcs11.8.gzdnssec-verify-pkcs11.8.gzpkcs11-destroy.8.gzpkcs11-keygen.8.gzpkcs11-list.8.gzpkcs11-tokens.8.gz/usr/sbin//usr/share/man/man8/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=7547a85272737116a348a54a5a204b3850e3f08c, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=1c9140f749543e56c3408746ba6fe60af25befb8, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=a898b78c0c5d6c9a545687e0b14705e037a9f70a, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=7864a05394c2ec65cfc25ccba1497ddccfc7aae1, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=8f6e6c76b6183001d45c2d81a19f0c9af7862103, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=dfe080e59fe45259e6a384a3c75123f8f38b5ccf, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=724f7229afbd2c441224c515b9d4d7be9ef90f6d, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=40cab2ac6c92ec4de3afefb1e706ec667d5ec1c3, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=604d34228cc98ad07ea245a53b44381e89c694ac, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=a070aa267074be373d03614d21502aa641c2092d, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=9d30c9140cc51ce3bb892097d6b68996922b1ef5, strippedELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, 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