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Resolves: rhbz#1743954 CVE-2019-9849- Resolves: rhbz#1066844 drop libreofficekit requires- Resolves: rhbz#1672003 CVE-2018-16858- Resolves: rhbz#1614419 detect PK11_ImportSymKey failure under FIPS- Resolves: rhbz#1610904 draw glitches in drag cursor- Resolves: rhbz#1545262 Workaround for spurious ppc64le automated testing crash - Resolves: rhbz#1610692 silence console warnings from print dialog- Resolves: rhbz#1589029 impress not showing text-highlight in presentation mode- Resolves: rhbz#1575826 CVE-2018-10583- Resolves: rhbz#1568579 zombie when run in daemon mode- Resolves: rhbz#1388764 in calc old text shown underneath new text sometimes- Resolves: rhbz#1546997 'search not found' misplaced- Resolves: rhbz#1570487 rhbz#1570491 CVE-2018-10119 CVE-2018-10120- Resolves: rhbz#1545629 libreoffice-debuginfo doesn't contain debug info- Resolves: rhbz#1545036 CVE-2018-1055 CVE-2018-6871- Resolves: rhbz#1541486 Base table dialog title shown in wrong language- Resolves: rhbz#1535541 *.macroEnabled mime types wrongly listed as *.macroenabled- Resolves: rhbz#1527945 segv on password protected document- Resolves: rhbz#1473749 libreoffice apps are unable to show license- Resolves: rhbz#1505379 open comboboxes block other apps- Related: rhbz#1474303 import ODF draw:fit-to-size attribute- Related: rhbz#1474303 install gtk3 plugin by default- Resolves: rhbz#1474303 rebase to 5.3.6- Resolves: rhbz#1454693 segv on interrupting tiled rendering- Related: rhbz#1444437 remove timer if document closed before it fires- Resolves: rhbz#1454598 crash on selecting bullet from toolbar- Related: rhbz#1444437 restart second instance cleanly- Resolves: rhbz#1444437 segv in gnome-documents integration- Resolves: rhbz#1445635 CVE-2017-7870 Heap-buffer-overflow in tools::Polygon::Insert- Resolves: rhbz#1437537 fix csv a11y- Resolves: rhbz#1431539 gnome-documents needs libreofficekit - Resolves: rhbz#1435535 CVE-2017-3157 Arbitrary file disclosure in Calc and Writer- Resolves: rhbz#1401082 gnome hangs opening certain docx - Resolves: rhbz#1421726 drop use of CAIRO_OPERATOR_DIFFERENCE- Resolves: rhbz#1411327 Encrypted files opening as plain text after cancelling password dialog- Resolves: rhbz#1378521 crash in calc on exit after using csv dialog with a11y enabled - Resolves: rhbz#1397992 crash in calc on closing dialog with a11y enabled- Resolves: rhbz#1364335 tooltips are truncated- Resolves: rhbz#1353839 CVE-2016-4324 dereference of invalid STL iterator on processing RTF file- Related: rhbz#1290148 rebase to 5.0.6 - Related: rhbz#1290148 include more fixes from F-23- Related: rhbz#1290148 remove unintentional dependency of libreoffice-core on libreoffice-calc - Related: rhbz#1290148 restore lost changelog entry - Related: rhbz#1290148 add additional 5.0.6 patches- Resolves: rhbz#1290148 rebase to 5.0.x- Resolves: rhbz#1285820 various flaws - CVE-2015-4551 Arbitrary file disclosure in Calc and Writer - CVE-2015-5212 Integer underflow in PrinterSetup length - CVE-2015-5213 Integer overflow in DOC files - CVE-2015-5214 Bookmarks in DOC documents are insufficiently checked causing memory corruption- Related: rhbz#1205091 fix for ppc64 - Related: rhbz#1205091 fix deps for gdb-debug-support subpackage- Related: rhbz#1205091 add another bunch of fixes from Fedora - rhbz#1219137 tweak ruler for happenchance side-effect - Related: rhbz#1205091 do not filter out requires- Related: rhbz#1205091 fix build on ppc64le- Related: rhbz#1205091 add more fixes from f21 - Resolves: tdf#91078 check also DBData modified, not only named expressions - don't include red spelling underlines on bitmap copy/paste- Resolves: rhbz#1205091 rebase to 4.3.7- Resolves: rhbz#1098973 crash on exit- Resolves: rhbz#1111216 LibreOffice Calc: PDF export of an empty document fails with Write Error- CVE-2014-3693: Disable sdremote by default and improve flow control- Related: rhbz#1119709 port LibreOffice to aarch64- Resolves: rhbz#1119709 rebase to 4.2.6- Resolves: rhbz#1125588 port LibreOffice to ppc64le- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- Resolves: rhbz#1040777 rename "Oriya" to "Odia"- Resolves: rhbz#1049791 rebase to 4.1.4 - also add a load of 4.1.5 patches- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Resolves: rhbz#1035092 no shortcut key for Italian Tools- Related: rhbz#1019277 fix rpmdiff problem- Resolves: rhbz#1019277 rebase libreoffice to 4.1.3- rebuild for ICU ABI break- Resolves: rhbz#989246 Honor user's JavaDriverClass override in mysql driver - Resolves: fdo#67045 fix several nasty screen selection issues- Resolves: rhbz#989686 Fix crash with stripping whitespace from toc entries- make libwpd-based filters work correctly with newest libwpd- Rebuild for boost 1.54.0- 4.1.0 rc4- force rebuild with icu-50.1.2-7- 4.1.0 rc3 - Resolves: fdo#48835 GNOME3 app menu- silence scary gcc warning - fdo#66924 switching to master view is broken- bump release- Resolves: rhbz#983809 libreoffice-base misses deps on needed java packages- Resolves: rhbz#980387 Exporting a odg to jpg or tiff generates error- 4.1.0 rc2- Resolves: rhbz#979758 crash on Diagrammen in LibreOffice help page- bump revision- Rebuild (poppler-0.22.5)- fix build on big endian archs- put glade catalog into an extra packgae- Resolves: rhbz#976304 gallery elements may not insert- fix _smp_mflags macro useage- 4.1.0 rc1 - Related: rhbz#971321 failing tests on ppc and s390- Resolves: rhbz#971321 failing tests on ppc and s390 - Resolves: rhbz#974062 incorrect rendering of text in outline blocks in Impress- Related: rhbz#971795 go back to BR: harfbuzz-devel- Resolves: rhbz#971230 Use BR: harfbuzz-icu-devel- 4.1.0 beta2- Related: rhbz#968892 discard impossible languages for Oriya script- Resolves: rhbz#968892 block entire grapheme together for glyph fallback - Related: rhbz#968892 discard impossible languages for glyph fallback- Resolves: rhbz#968976 fix dropdown list autosizing- build fix for s390- 4.1.0 beta1- Resolves: rhbz#961460 can't save WebDAV (davs) files- Resolves: rhbz#963276 font options cache crash- 4.0.3 rc3- 4.0.3 rc2- Resolves: rhbz#954991 Avoid static data (causing trouble at exit)- 4.0.3 rc1 - Resolves: rhbz#867808 do not throw UNO exceptions by pointer in C++- Resolves: rhbz#927223 syntax highlighting crash- Resolves: rhbz#949238 div by zero on pagedown in 0 width panel- Resolves: rhbz#949106 libreoffice drags in both openjdk 1.7.0 and 1.8.0- 4.0.2 rc2 - Resolves: rhbz#876742 manipulation with larger tables in impress is very slow- Resolves: rhbz#906137 slide show inverts outputs- 4.0.2 rc1 - Resolves: rhbz#921716 Build Breton language pack- Resolves: rhbz#895690 failure saving to gvfs mounts- Resolves: rhbz#920697 presentation not always full-screen- Related: rhbz#902884 check for NULL GetSelectedMasterPage - Resolves: fdo#61241 force area page to size itself - Resolves: fdo#61656 use order and orientation combobox - Resolves: fdo#56031 RSID attr changes drop content changes- 4.0.1 rc2- do not access vector elements beyond size, rhbz#847519 related - Resolves: rhbz#742780 let make OPT_FLAGS=... override SDK flags - Resolves: rhbz#907933 crash on removing second last para- Resolves: rhbz#895196 sc filter float a11y parent of itself- Resolves: rhbz#911896 add Kazakh localization- make evolution 3.6 work with address book - Resolves: rhbz#910176 cannot select directory with gtk folder picker - fixes for building against Boost 1.53.0- Resolves: fdo#60491 missing - Resolves: rhbz#908674 crash on start- Rebuild for Boost-1.53.0- fix parsing errors in translated help- 4.0.0 rc3- 4.0.0 rc2 - use ucpp again- Resolves: rhbz#760765 Impress doesn't copy custom styles from one file to another- Resolves: rhbz#901346 do not install 512x512 icons- 4.0.0 rc1- use system cpp instead of ucpp- 4.0.0 beta2- 4.0.0 beta1- 3.6.4 rc3- fix docx import on big endian- 3.6.4 rc1- Resolves: rhbz#872815 ogltrans effects still suboptimal- big endian test failure- Resolves: fdo#56198/rhbz#868002 honour gtk-scrollbar-warp-preference- bump for libexttextcat- Resolves: rhbz#871929 add keywords to desktop files - fix debuginfo- Resolves: rhbz#865058 increase number of user-defined format codes- Resolves: rhbz#824035 do not bundle saxon- 3.6.3 rc2 - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-868479-fdo-56281-doubled-in-German-ok-.patch- Resolves: rhbz#868479 guard against duplicated ~ in OK/Cancel- Resolves: rhbz#858641 backport gstreamer 1.0 support to F-18- 3.6.3 rc1 - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-855972-crash-on-switching-to-outline-v.patch - drop integrated 0001-fdo-52022-Simple-LargeControlPoints-actually-can-hav.patch - drop integrated 0001-fdo-46071-Do-not-hide-windows-based-on-nil-Visible-p.patch- Resolves: fdo#46071 Do not hide windows based on nil Visible property- Resolves: fdo#52022 Part of data in userdir is lost on upgrade- 3.6.2 rc2- Resolves: rhbz#855541 XIOError handler multithread woes- 3.6.2 rc1- Resolves: rhbz#855507 large ole2 compound files fail to load- Resolves: rhbz#855972 crash on switching to outline view- Related: rhbz#850709 hunspell en-US available standalone so make English langpack require hunspell-en and core just bare bones hunspell-en-US- 3.6.1 rc2- Resolves: rhbz#846775 Clipboard must be disposed before selection - Resolves: rhbz#842292 crash in scrolling multiselection in draw- 3.6.1 rc1- Rebuild for new boost- rebuilt for boost 1.50- 3.6.0 rc4- Resolves: rhbz#842552 crash in pptx import- 3.6.0 rc3- 3.6.0 rc2- Resolves: rhbz#836937 insanely slow with Zemberek- rebuild for new libexttextcat- 3.6.0 rc1- Resolves: rhbz#838368 --view ignored while -view accepted- 3.6.0 beta3- Rebuild (poppler-0.20.1)- 3.6.0 beta2 - drop integrated 0001-move-binfilter-mime-types-into-extra-.desktop-file.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-788042-skip-splashscreen-with-quicksta.patch - drop integrated libreoffice-ensure-non-broken-xml-tree.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-788045-swriter-help-etc-doesn-t-show-h.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-799525-put-flat-odf-mimetypes-in-xsltf.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-800272-complain-about-unknown-command-.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-806663-SlideshowImpl-can-outlive-SdMod.patch - drop integrated 0001-desktop-do-not-complain-about-soffice-command-line-o.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-fdo-48096-torn-off-popups-trigger-keyboard-.patch - drop integrated 0001-fdo-38088-better-CSV-import-default-separators.patch - drop integrated 0001-save-register-arguments-first.patch - drop integrated 0001-do-not-let-gcc-use-registers-we-are-setting-ourselve.patch - drop integrated 0001-wrong-types-used-here-breaks-64bit-bigendian.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-805743-a11y-call-doShow-after-we-have-.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-fdo-49849-implement-Unicode-6.1-hebrew-line.patch - drop integrated 0001-use-ure-instead-of-ure-link.patch - drop broken 0001-fix-setting-of-paper-tray-from-print-dialog-fdo-4393.patch- Resolves: rhbz#830810 missing dependency on lucene-contrib- 3.5.5 rc1 - drop integrated 0001-make-hsqldb-build-with-java-1.7.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-799628-crash-with-chewing-IM-with-g3g.patch - drop integrated 0001-silence-SolarMutex-not-locked-spew.patch - drop integrated 0001-gcc-trunk-fix-unable-to-find-string-literal-operator.patch - drop integrated 0001-ppc-yyinput-returns-a-int-truncating-to-unsigned-cha.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-826609-rhbz-820554-fix-smoketest-on-pp.patch- make gdb pretty printers for URE libs usable again- Resolves: rhbz#826609, rhbz#820554 fix smoketest on ppc[64] and s390[x]- 3.5.4 rc2- Resolves: rhbz#811226 ARM FTBFS- 3.5.4 rc1 - drop integrated 0001-do-not-prepend-n-twice-it-confuses-KFileDialog-rhbz-.patch - drop integrated 0001-incrementing-index-twice-in-one-run-seems-wrong.patch - drop integrated 0001-fdo-49365-correctly-map-monitor-index-back-to-screen.patch - drop integrated 0001-rhbz-809019-count-mirrored-monitors-as-one.patch- Resolves: fdo#49849 line breaking fixes for Hebrew- Resolves: rhbz#820439 KDE export dialog broken for most formats - Resolves: fdo#49365 Libreoffice fails to start on second screen with gtk vcl plugin - Resolves: rhbz#809019 Impress thinks a machine with 2 monitors in clone mode is multihead- Resolves: rhbz#805743 a11y crash in impress/draw - Resolves: rhbz#813202 opengl slide transitions still a bit problematic in Fedora 17- rebuild for changed dependencies- 3.5.3 rc2 - fix broken test on 64bit big endian- rebuild for icu - fix UNO bridges for ppc and ppc64- 3.5.3 rc1 - drop integrated 0001-Introduced-SystemShellExecuteFlags-URIS_ONLY.patch - drop integrated 0001-Simplify-code-and-use-proper-register-names-for-linu.patch - drop integrated 0001-resolved-rhbz-813280-the-current-document-is-not-alw.patch- Resolves: rhbz#813280 sheets cannot be moved in Calc- Resolves: fdo#38088 rhbz#810267 better CSV import default separators- Resolves: rhbz#811226 FTBFS ARM- Fix URIS_ONLY flag issue - rebuild for db4- Resolves: rhbz#708041 focus problems with tearable menus- Resolves: rhbz#806663 SlideshowImpl can outlive SdModule- 3.5.2 rc1 -drop integrated 0001-yet-another-clash-with-macro-name.patch- Resolves: rhbz#770209 can't change paper tray setting while printing- 3.5.1 rc2- Resolves: rhbz#799628 crash with chewing IM with g3g - Resolves: rhbz#799525 put flat odf mimetypes into xsltfilter.desktop - Resolves: rhbz#800272 complain about unknown commandline options- Resolves: rhbz#788045 swriter --help doesn't show help - Resolves: rhbz#798667 missing .desktop icons- 3.5.1 rc1 - drop 0001-Resolves-fdo-43644-survive-registered-but-unavailabl.patch - drop 0001-Resolves-rhbz-789622-Adapt-SDK-to-changed-paths-in-L.patch - drop 0001-Fix-fdo-45177-avoid-linked-undo-for-the-while.patch - drop 0001-Fix-some-apparent-misuses-of-RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGP.patch - drop binfilter-Fix-some-apparent-misuses-of-RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGP.patch - Resolves: fdo#45177 avoid linked undo crash - Fix some apparent misuses of RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM (cherry-picked from upstream libreoffice-3-5 branch)- Resolves rhbz#789622: Adapt SDK to changed paths in LO installation- ensure gdb .py files have the same timstamps so that multilib .pyc's and .pyo's have the same content (timestamp in binary cache)- make sure .tree files don't get busted again- junit4 -> junit - Resolves: rhbz#788042 skip splashscreen with quickstarter - with split binfilter we need fix for fdo#43644- 3.5.0 rc3 - Resolves: rhbz#786328 add nlpsolver subpackage - split legacy binary filters into subpackage- add libreoffice-postgresql subpackage- 3.5.0 rc2- 3.5.0 rc1 - drop integrated 0001-workaround-internal-compiler-error-with-gcc-4.7.patch - drop integrated 0001-fix-for-gcc-4.7-C-11-these-are-not-string-literal-op.patch - drop integrated 0001-fix-for-gcc-4.7-C-11-this-is-not-string-literal-oper.patch - drop integrated 0001-Revert-fast_merge-fix-mis-merge-of-first-module-s-st.patch - drop integrated 0001-fix-writing-of-strings-from-the-first-module.patch - drop integrated 0001-refactor-slightly-to-avoid-link-problems-with-gcc-4..patch- 3.5.0 beta3 - drop integrated 0001-fix-syntactic-error.patch - drop integrated 0001-gcc-trunk-fix-error-unable-to-find-string-literal-op.patch - drop integrated 0001-gcc-trunk-avoid-confusion.patch - drop integrated 0001-workaround-for-LO-namespace-pollution-breaking-KDE4-.patch - drop integrated 0001-smath-does-not-handle-accents-in-MathML.patch - Resolves: rhbz#533318 smath does not handle accents in MathML - Resolves: rhbz#771108 English menu in writer despite installation of libreoffice-langpack-de- rebuild with gcc 4.7- 3.5.0 beta2 - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-761009-IFSD_Equal-is-asymmetrical.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-767708-avoid-SIGBUS-writing-to-overcom.patch - drop integrated 0001-force-gbuild-stage-for-CustomTargets.patch - drop integrated 0001-these-translations-do-already-exist-in-translations-.patch - drop integrated 0001-Fix-typo-and-clean-up.patch - use system mysql-connector-c++- 3.5.0 beta1 - drop integrated 0001-Related-fdo-37195-migrationoo3-not-registered.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-i58612-don-t-crash-anyway.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-652604-better-survive-exceptions-thrown.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-702833-addEventListener-without-removeE.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-711087-band-aid.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-718976-crash-in-SwTxtSizeInfo-GetMultiC.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-730225-avoid-segv-in-ld-this-was-set-to.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-753201-fedora-ant-java-1.5.0-gcj-won-t-.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-fdo-32665-handle-that-FreeSerif-lacks-some-.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-693265-fix-crash-from-unhandled-except.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-695509-crash-in-RefreshDocumentLB.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-713154-pdf-export-dialog-too-tall-to-f.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-715549-use-fontconfig-s-detected-forma.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-738255-avoid-crash-on-NULL-pointer.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-751290-KDE-black-on-dark-tooltips.patch - drop integrated 0001-add-Oracle-Java-1.7.0-recognition.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated 0001-bubble-down-configure-test-findings-on-visibility.patch - drop integrated 0001-fix-horizontal-scrollbars-with-KDE-oxygen-style-bnc-.patch - drop integrated 0001-gtk3-fix-cairo-canvas-crash-for-non-X-or-svp-backend.patch - drop integrated 0001-helgrind-Related-rhbz-655686-get-order-of-shutdown-c.patch - drop integrated 0001-rhbz-667082-do-not-crash-importing-section-containin.patch - drop integrated 0001-rhbz-702635-set-correct-page-number-when-exporting-s.patch - drop integrated Backport-reading-AES-encrypted-ODF-1.2-documents.patch - drop integrated gdb-pretty-printers.patch - drop integrated kde4configure.patch - drop integrated libreoffice-ppc64.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated vbahelper.visibility.patch - drop libreoffice-testtools subpackage, because testtool has been removed by upstream- Resolves: rhbz#761009 IFSD_Equal is asymmetrical - Resolves: rhbz#767708 write to mmap'ed file w/o disk space: SIGBUS- Resolves: rhbz#757653 fix headless crash with cairo canvas- Resolves: rhbz#751290 - [kde] LibreOffice has black on dark-grey tooltip-texts- Related: fdo#42534 0001-Related-i58612-don-t-crash-anyway.patch - Resolves: fdo#42749 KDE oxygen theme and scrollbars- Patch to backport reading AES-encrypted ODF 1.2 documents- 3.4.4 rc2- rebuild(poppler)- Resolves: rhbz#665800 missing glyph symbol shown when toggling bold/italic for Sinhala text- possible fix for java 1.7.0 detection- 3.4.4 rc1- allow building with gcj- Resolves: rhbz#747356 let Qt call XInitThreads - fix .sdw import- Related: rhbz#743750 addXineramaScreenUnique issue- Patches to build with GCC 6.4.1- Rebuild (poppler-0.18.0)- Resolves: rhbz#738133 fix bn discard string - Resolves: fdo#35513 avoid crash while processing incorrect print range- Rebuild (poppler-0.17.3)- Resolves: rhbz#738255 avoid crash on sc inputhdl- Resolves: rhbz#274631 remove NoDisplay from -math.desktop- rebuild for new icu- Resolves: rhbz#734976 libreoffice-langpack-*-* not pulled in by yum install libreoffice- Resolves: rhbz#735182 be able to rebuild against poppler 0.17.3- Resolves: rhbz#734432 symlink broken- add Latvian langpack- Resolves: rhbz#733564 graphite2 now packaged into fedora - Related: fdo#37195 migrationoo3 not registered- 3.4.3 rc2- add gdb pretty printers- 3.4.3 rc1 - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-725144-wrong-csh-syntax.patch- Related: rhbz#730225 avoid segv in ld- Resolves: rhbz#693265 fix crash from unhandled exception- 3.4.2 rc3- Resolves: rhbz#725144 wrong csh syntax- 3.4.2 rc2 - fix breakage in KDE4 plugin- Resolves: rhbz#715549 use fontconfig's detected format- Rebuild (poppler-0.17.0), add libreoffice-poppler-0.17.0.patch seeing as the API changed for some reason or other- 3.4.2 rc1 - drop 0001-bad-merge-fix-to-enable-extensions-to-build-again.patch - drop 0001-fix-regression-in-SvGlobalName-operator.patch- fix regression in SvGlobalName operator- Related: rhbz#718976 crash in SwTxtSizeInfo::GetMultiCreator- 3.4.1 rc3- 3.4.1 rc2 - drop integrated 0001-correctly-build-GTK-systray-icon.patch- Resolves: rhbz#714781 add Persian langpack - Resolves: rhbz#667082 do not crash importing section containing just an empty paragraph- Related: rhbz#711087 band aid for crash in sc undo - Resolves: rhbz#714338 add a metapackage to install standard bits- Related: rhbz#702833 addEventListener without removeEventListener- Resolves: rhbz#713154 pdf export dialog too tall to fit- 3.4.1 RC1 - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-707317-avoid-crash-in-getRowSpan.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-710004-band-aid-for-immediate-crash-in.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-710556-don-t-crash-on-missing-graphics.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-699909-crash-in-export-of-.doc-in-lcl_.patch - drop integrated 0001-fdo-37584-Make-a-real-copy-of-the-text-where-to-coun.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-fdo-37668-bitwise-operations-on-signed-numb.patch- Resolves: rhbz#699909 crash in export of .doc in lcl_getField - Resolves: fdo#37584 Make a real copy of the text - Resolves: rhbz#709503/fdo#37668 bitwise operations on signed values- Resolves: rhbz#710556 't crash on missing graphics .pptx export - Resolves: rhbz#652604 better survive exceptions in autorecovery- Resolves: rhbz#710004 band aid for crash- Resolves: rhbz#707317 avoid crash in getRowSpan- 3.4.0 RC2 - drop integrated 0001-fix-build-with-system-bsh.patch- rebuild for new hunspell- Resolves: rhbz#706110 oosplash.bin segfault on every login- 3.4 RC1 - Resolves: rhbz#702635 set correct page number when exporting selected pages- Update icon cache scriptlet- 3.4 beta4 - drop integrated 0001-Removed-duplicate-code-block-mis-merge-prolly.patch - drop integrated Resolves: rhbz#695509 crash in RefreshDocumentLB - bubble down configure test findings on visibility- 3.4 beta1 - drop in favour of ooosplash - drop because components are passively registered now - drop integrated - drop integrated turn-script-providers-into-extensions.patch - drop integrated 0001-tidy-this-up-and-don-t-bail-out-on-mislength-records.patch - drop integrated 0001-free-ctxt-after-taking-lastError-details.patch - drop integrated 0001-Removed-suspect-hack.-Cursor-on-post-it-now-scrolls-.patch - drop integrated libreoffice-gcc4.6.0.patch - drop integrated 0001-fexceptions-fexceptions.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-672872-cancel-gtk-file-dialog-on-deskto.patch - drop vbahelper.visibility.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-fdo-33509-i62414-out-by-one-breaks-CTL-spel.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-670020-crash-in-slidesorting.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-676539-handle-missing-pWindows-from-xW.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-fdo-33750-i94623-use-optimal-border-width-w.patch - drop integrated 0001-rhbz-649310-don-t-crash-deregistering-diff.-platform.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-674330-dereference-of-NULL-mpBase.patch - drop integrated 0001-rhbz-678284-Get-correct-current-position-when-shift-page-up-and-.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-681159-bandaid-for-crash.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-672818-bandaid-for-crash-in-SwTxtNode-.patch - drop integrated 0001-install-high-resolution-icons.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-682716-pa-IN-isn-t-handled-by-fontconf.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-684477-make-sure-this-is-thread-safe.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-682621-better-resizing-of-overtall-gly.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-684620-crash-with-NULL-pTableBox.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated 0001-add-cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern-wrapper.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-680460-reorganize-this-to-make-it-inher.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-680460-don-t-bother-with-an-interim-Fon.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-680460-honour-lcdfilter-subpixeling-et.patch - drop integrated 0001-Cut-Gordian-Knot-of-who-owns-the-font-options.patch - drop integrated 0001-beware-of-invalidated-iterator.patch - drop integrated rhbz680766.fix-mdds-crash.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-684580-X-and-strike-through-escapes-ra.patch - drop integrated 0001-set-mime-types-on-flat-xml-filters.patch - drop integrated 0001-add-flat-xml-types-to-.desktop-files-etc.patch - drop integrated Resolves: rhbz#655686 get order of shutdown correct- Add application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-flat-xml, etc. to .desktop files for mcepl- Resolves: rhbz#684580 improve X and / strike-through- Resolves: rhbz#680766 crash in mdds- Related: rhbz#689268 versioned deps need to contain epoch- latest version - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-fdo-33701-ensure-node-outlives-path.patch - drop integrated 0001-valgrind-don-t-leave-an-evil-thread-running-after-ma.patch- Fix fontoptions cache - avoid crash in calc on changing size of rows (dtardon)- Resolves: rhbz#689268 autocorrs from OOo F14 not upgraded- Resolves: rhbz#680460 honour lcdfilter and subpixeling- Resolves: fdo#33947 sd print crash- Related: rhbz#684477 make sure this is thread safe - Resolves: rhbz#684620 crash with NULL pTableBox- Rebuild (poppler-0.16.3)- Resolves: rhbz#682621 better resizing of overtall glyphsubs- Resolves: rhbz#682716 pa-IN isn't handled well by fontconfig- install 128x128 px icons- Resolves: rhbz#681159 crash in writer - Resolves: rhbz#672818 crash in writer - Resolves: fdo#33701 ensure node outlives path - Resolves: rhbz#681738 crash on writing config post-main- Resolves: rhbz#678284 Calc crashes during cell select with keys (dtardon)- RC2- Resolves: rhbz#674330 dereference of NULL mpBase- 3.3.1 rc1 - drop integrated 0001-don-t-pushback-and-process-a-corrupt-extension.patch - drop integrated libreoffice-fdo32561.comphelper.patch - drop integrated 0001-Related-rhbz-610103-more-woes-on-rpm-upgrade-vs-rpm-.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-673819-crash-on-changing-position-of-d.patch - drop integrated 0001-rhbz-666440-don-t-pushback-and-process-a-corrupt-extension.patch- Rebuilt for - Related: rhbz#610103 make this even more robust - Related: rhbz#672872 cancel gtk file dialog on terminate - Resolves: fdo#33509/ooo#62414 fix CTL spelling popup - Resolves: rhbz#673819 crash on changing position of header/footer object - Resolves: rhbz#670020 crash in slidesorting - Resolves: rhbz#676539 handle missing pWindows from xWindows - Resolves: rhbz#649310 don't crash deregistering diff. platform ext. (dtardon) - Resolves: rhbz#666440 don't pushback and process a corrupt extension- Resolves: rhbz#671540 fix lonely )- next release candidate - drop integrated 0001-fix-presenter-screens-description.xml-build.patch- backport fix to get presenter screen working - make handling busted extensions more robust- latest version - drop integrated 0001-Resoves-rhbz-663857-font-color-missing-C-FAQ-10.3-do.patch - drop integrated 0001-Avoid-double-paste-when-pasting-text-into-cell-comme.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-660342-Undo-Redo-crash-with-postits.patch - drop integrated 0001-Resolves-rhbz-666088-clean-up-search-cache-singleton.patch- Resolves: rhbz#666088 don't crash on clean up of search cache- create a KDE integration subpackage- rebuild with new poppler- Resolves: rhbz#663724 fdo32572-sc-dont-double-paste.patch - Resolves: rhbz#660342 Undo/Redo crash with postits- latest version- Resolves: rhbz#663857 font color missing in transitions- rebuild (poppler)- Fix up some doc imports- release candidate 1 - drop integrated qstart.dont-forceenabled-on-post-reg-restart.patch - drop integrated exit.quickstarter.when.deleted.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated Resolves: rhbz#610103 exit quickstarter when libs deleted - Resolves: rhbz#652695 release desktop in timeout - Resolves: rhbz#657541 don't crash during processing of auto. styles when joining paragraphs (dtardon)- next Libreoffice milestone - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated libreoffice-buildfix.patch - drop integrated libreoffice-xdg632229.gnomeshell.patch - drop integrated 0001-strcpy-cannot-be-used-with-overlapping-src-and-dest.patch - drop integrated 0001-abort-doesn-t-gain-us-anything-here.patch - drop integrated 0001-latest-libX11-changed-header-guards.patch- turn script providers into extensions- Resolves: rhbz#649210 add Sinhalese langpack- langpack macro hard-coded version number- Resolves: xdg632229 gnomeshell app tracking- use macros to define auto-correction and language pack subpackages- next LibreOffice milestone - drop integrated - drop integrated workspace.dtardon03.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated workspace.impress195.patch - drop integrated workspace.srb1.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated workspace.vcl113.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated workspace.cmcfixes77.patch - drop integrated workspace.vcl114.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated workspace.vcl115.patch - drop integrated workspace.cmcfixes78.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated workspace.cmcfixes79.patch - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop integrated - drop workspace.gtk3.patch- Related: rhbz#639945 pull in review changes + redland build-fix + replace awk script + validate .destop files- initial import of the leviathan/bin/sh/bin/ 1: -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu   POSIX shell script, ASCII text executableASCII textFORTRAN program, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesdirectoryempty (Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract)UTF-8 Unicode textXML 1.0 document, ASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=39c97c3d0db4ae0d6697a171c78e91814d8d3b67, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b547948f3b44ac6d2504979cf516ae8ca7fcacd4, strippedXML 1.0 document, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linestroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)NO3RPR R'R(RRRRRR3R#R$R%RR"R&R)RRR!R4RR R RR:PRR R'R(RRRRRRRR.R/R-R+R2R0R*R,R1R3R#R$R%RR"R&RR R RRR)RRRRRRRR R!R4R5R6RR R RR:RPPPP PP P?7zXZ !#,] b2u y-iSqm`oZ\/_K$t/'0T,ed8ehM{]`SA%:%AgNJz,ĬHAbr^2YG#;Xw=ػ%>SJHÍ^fX5P.[.y5T/7xOa`]lyH2YTW/UI_;ت$2cK]}Lj}$^!l2C"e0ְ}%&^\/vtAQ&Qܥ'[*_;ş/j1ZPk3g_g2z,ndߔOg%#@b> Wu}EJ\ QHDO~GOɃ]~ydM&z+,3r!'̧o8@oJβ? 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