pki-base-10.5.18-18.el7_9>t  DH`pa@$ƨ{*LvYRp9erNҁD+]D2.,GSy45 bmf`[ek+CS9A-jGr],F45uܒ @X+/W]wiݒ^(|n|@QAiKwfV~e̖;%(2L)Sj<re3]Au[6$2ʇw*B=5@NJaLEJ1R_Zc#r)mT4LK@HPAP(Zq*z;#N'Ǧ3~z {;r)f0XrIxJ=9S* ᓓ9< :KkGұ0$yɤh-H,)+0Cxp-,/se˅M߫WRG'!&k&quo0Su!N(쨊*7d62f68c1c5d8f80e760fee37d4771e8c0f87fcb@a@$ƨ$Oy/j3 7l!c}' ړt8,hKS*. =R;hRX[N>l 9Byr#! /&?aIuH,_NtU\`l{/aՖ2We7OQCBƭXRrTo[=^c >~Wt 2-~c! y Fq)+tAN38p_CA5"z2f #\P@?8^KH vz/U[6@HۊB D7lq+CŃD9eϛ?: pޗ$B5U0q1Xr-v'"R()3 l-gm[Q'#fס)e1!FQYS !^^FVZY.h{j tucΟ녝k CӨiU E ēEFDvF)J/ \$JQ!-(>Bd?dd   ? D H ` d k q       $ 6 H l 15 1369>9`;;<<=H=L=[(=a8=h9A:r2>G1@G9BGAGGXHI|IKXL,YL@ZL[L\L]N^TbWqdXeX fXlXtX,uZPv\tw_\xaycBdCpki-base10.5.1818.el7_9Certificate System - PKI FrameworkThe PKI Framework contains the common and client libraries and utilities written in Python. This package is a part of the PKI Core used by the Certificate System. ================================== || ABOUT "CERTIFICATE SYSTEM" || ================================== Certificate System (CS) is an enterprise software system designed to manage enterprise Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) deployments. PKI Core contains ALL top-level java-based Tomcat PKI components: * pki-symkey * pki-base * pki-base-python2 (alias for pki-base) * pki-base-python3 * pki-base-java * pki-tools * pki-server * pki-ca * pki-kra * pki-ocsp * pki-tks * pki-tps * pki-javadoc which comprise the following corresponding PKI subsystems: * Certificate Authority (CA) * Key Recovery Authority (KRA) * Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Manager * Token Key Service (TKS) * Token Processing Service (TPS) Python clients need only install the pki-base package. This package contains the python REST client packages and the client upgrade framework. Java clients should install the pki-base-java package. This package contains the legacy and REST Java client packages. These clients should also consider installing the pki-tools package, which contain native and Java-based PKI tools and utilities. Certificate Server instances require the fundamental classes and modules in pki-base and pki-base-java, as well as the utilities in pki-tools. The main server classes are in pki-server, with subsystem specific Java classes and resources in pki-ca, pki-kra, pki-ocsp etc. Finally, if Certificate System is being deployed as an individual or set of standalone rather than embedded server(s)/service(s), it is strongly recommended (though not explicitly required) to include at least one PKI Theme package: * dogtag-pki-theme (Dogtag Certificate System deployments) * dogtag-pki-server-theme * redhat-pki-server-theme (Red Hat Certificate System deployments) * redhat-pki-server-theme * customized pki theme (Customized Certificate System deployments) * -pki-server-theme NOTE: As a convenience for standalone deployments, top-level meta packages may be provided which bind a particular theme to these certificate server CentOSGPLv2CentOS BuildSystem System Environment/Base if [ $1 -eq 1 ] then # On RPM installation create system upgrade tracker echo "Configuration-Version: 10.5.18" > /etc/pki/pki.version else # On RPM upgrade run system upgrade echo "Upgrading PKI system configuration at `/bin/date`." >> /var/log/pki/pki-upgrade-10.5.18.log 2>&1 /sbin/pki-upgrade --silent >> /var/log/pki/pki-upgrade-10.5.18.log 2>&1 echo >> /var/log/pki/pki-upgrade-10.5.18.log 2>&1 fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ] then # On RPM uninstallation remove system upgrade tracker rm -f /etc/pki/pki.version fi>O0TDTD@8Z8Z!::("$#l#lIH^H^\uu __Uuu $$ePePff$4))LN?BB)]'?'?=m +<!!{x>l#v &p̜! upk\>!~tkb c( 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Team 10.2.3-1Dogtag Team 10.2.3-0.1Dogtag Team 10.3.0-0.1Dogtag Team 10.2.3-0.1Dogtag Team 10.2.2-1Dogtag Team 10.2.2-0.1Dogtag Team 10.2.1-1Matthew Harmsen - 10.2.1-0.4Ade Lee 10.2.1-0.3Christina Fu 10.2.1-0.2Dogtag Team 10.2.1-0.1Ade Lee 10.2.0-3Matthew Harmsen - 10.2.0-2Dogtag Team 10.2.0-1Matthew Harmsen - 10.2.0-0.10Matthew Harmsen - 10.2.0-0.9Matthew Harmsen - 10.2.0-0.8Fedora Release Engineering - 10.2.0-0.5Jack Magne - 10.2.0-0.7Matthew Harmsen - 10.2.0-0.6Matthew Harmsen - 10.2.0-0.5Ade Lee - 10.2.0-0.4Fedora Release Engineering - 10.2.0-0.3Michael Simacek - 10.2.0-0.2Dogtag Team 10.2.0-0.1Ade Lee 10.1.0-1Ade Lee 10.1.0-0.14Ade Lee 10.1.0-0.13Ade Lee 10.1.0-0.12Ade Lee 10.1.0-0.11Endi S. Dewata 10.1.0-0.10Abhishek Koneru Koneru S. Dewata 10.1.0-0.7Endi S. Dewata 10.1.0-0.6Endi S. Dewata 10.1.0-0.5Ade Lee 10.1.0-0.4Endi S. Dewata 10.1.0-0.3Matthew Harmsen 10.1.0-0.2Ade Lee 10.1.0-0.1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.2-5Ade Lee 10.0.2-4Ade Lee 10.0.2-3Endi S. Dewata 10.0.2-2Ade Lee 10.0.2-1Ade Lee 10.0.2-0.8Endi S. Dewata 10.0.2-0.7Endi S. Dewata 10.0.2-0.6Ade Lee 10.0.2-0.5Endi S. Dewata 10.0.2-0.4Endi S. Dewata 10.0.2-0.3Endi S. Dewata 10.0.2-0.2Endi S. Dewata 10.0.2-0.1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.1-9Ade Lee 10.0.1-8Endi S. Dewata 10.0.1-7Matthew Harmsen 10.0.1-6Endi S. Dewata 10.0.1-5Endi S. Dewata 10.0.1-4Matthew Harmsen 10.0.1-3Matthew Harmsen 10.0.1-2Ade Lee 10.0.1-1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-5Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-4Ade Lee 10.0.0-3Ade Lee 10.0.0-2Ade Lee 10.0.0-1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.56.b3Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.55.b3Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.54.b3Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.53.b3Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.52.b3Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.51.b2Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.50.b2Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.49.b2Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.48.b2Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.47.b1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.46.b1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.45.b1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.44.b1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.43.b1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.42.b1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.41.b1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.40.b1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.40.a2Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.39.a2Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.38.a2Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.37.a2Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.36.a2Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.36.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.35.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.34.a1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.33.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.32.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.31.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.30.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.29.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.28.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.27.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.26.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.25.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.24.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.23.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.22.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.21.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.20.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.19.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.18.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.17.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.16.a1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.15.a1Christina Fu 10.0.0-0.14.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.13.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.12.a1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.11.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.10.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.9.a1Jack Magne 10.0.0-0.8.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.7.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.6.a1Ade Lee 10.0.0-0.5.a1Endi S. Dewata 10.0.0-0.4.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.3.a1Matthew Harmsen 10.0.0-0.2.a1Nathan Kinder 10.0.0-0.1.a1Ade Lee 9.0.16-3Endi S. Dewata 9.0.16-2Matthew Harmsen 9.0.16-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.15-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.14-1Ade Lee 9.0.13-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.12-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.11-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.10-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.9-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.8-2Matthew Harmsen 9.0.8-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.7-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.6-2Matthew Harmsen 9.0.6-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.5-2Matthew Harmsen 9.0.5-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.4-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.3-2Matthew Harmsen 9.0.3-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.2-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.1-3Matthew Harmsen 9.0.1-2Matthew Harmsen 9.0.1-1Matthew Harmsen 9.0.0-3Matthew Harmsen 9.0.0-2Matthew Harmsen 9.0.0-1- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 10): - ########################################################################## - Bugzillla Bug 1978345 - End Entity's List Certificates Page Back/Forward Buttons are Broken (ckelley,, mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug 2008707 - pkispawn bails out too easily for things that could have been worked around after installation [RHEL 7.9.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug 2016773 - Directory authentication plugin requires directory admin password just for user authentication (rhel-7.9.z) (, jmagne) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and pki-console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 9): - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1958788 - ipa: ERROR: Request failed with status 500: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 500 [ftweedal, ckelley] - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and pki-console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9 (Batch Update 8): - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1958277 - PKCS10Client EC Attribute Encoding [cfu] - Bugzilla Bug 1958788 - ipa: ERROR: Request failed with status 500: Non-2xx response from CA REST API: 500 [ftweedale, ckelley] - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 8): - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1959937 - TPS Allowing Token Transactions while the CA is Down [cfu] - Bugzilla Bug 1979710 - TPS Not properly enforcing Token Profile Separation [cfu]- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1905374 - restrict EE profile list and enrollment submission per LDAP group without immediate issuance [rhel-7.9.z] (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and pki-console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 7)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1911472 - Revoke via REST API not working when Agent certificate not issued by CA [rhel-7.9.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug 1914587 - RHEL IPA PKI - Failed to read product version (ckelley) - Bugzilla Bug 1942687 - TPS not populating Token Policy, or switching PIN_RESET=YES to NO [rhel-7.9.z] (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug 1955633 - Recovery of Keys migrated to latest version of KRA fail to recover and result in Null Point Exception [rhel-7.9.z] (jmagne) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and pki-console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 6)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1949136 - PKI instance creation failed with new 389-ds-base build (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug 1949656 - CRMF requests with extensions other than SKID cannot be processed (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and pki-console to 10.5.18 in RHCS 9.7 (Batch Update 6)- Change variable 'TPS' to 'tps' - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1883639 - Add KRA Transport and Storage Certificates profiles, audit for IPA (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # Backported CVEs (ascheel): - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1724697 - CVE-2019-10180 pki-core: unsanitized token parameters in TPS resulting in stored XSS [certificate_system_9-default] (edewata, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1725128 - CVE-2019-10178 pki-core: stored Cross-site scripting (XSS) in the pki-tps web Activity tab [certificate_system_9-default] (edewata, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1791100 - CVE-2020-1696 pki-core: Stored XSS in TPS profile creation [certificate_system_9-default] (edewata, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1724688 - CVE-2019-10146 pki-core: Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in 'path length' constraint field in CA's Agent page [rhel-7.9.z] (dmoluguw, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1789843 - CVE-2019-10221 pki-core: reflected cross site scripting in getcookies?url= endpoint in CA [rhel-7.9.z] (dmoluguw, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1724713 - CVE-2019-10179 pki-core: pki-core/pki-kra: Reflected XSS in recoveryID search field at KRA's DRM agent page in authorize recovery tab [rhel-7.9.z] (ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1798011 - CVE-2020-1721 pki-core: KRA vulnerable to reflected XSS via the getPk12 page [rhel-7.9.z] (ascheel,jmagne) - ########################################################################## - Update to jquery v3.4.1 (ascheel) - Update to jquery-i18n-properties v1.2.7 (ascheel) - Update to backbone v1.4.0 (ascheel) - Upgrade to underscore v1.9.2 (ascheel) - Update to patternfly v3.59.3 (ascheel) - Update to jQuery v3.5.1 (ascheel) - Upgrade to bootstrap v3.4.1 (ascheel) - Link in new Bootstrap CSS file (ascheel) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1733588 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1883639 - Add KRA Transport and Storage Certificates profiles, audit for IPA (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # Backported CVEs (ascheel): - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug 1724697 - CVE-2019-10180 pki-core: unsanitized token parameters in TPS resulting in stored XSS [certificate_system_9-default] (edewata, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1725128 - CVE-2019-10178 pki-core: stored Cross-site scripting (XSS) in the pki-tps web Activity tab [certificate_system_9-default] (edewata, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1791100 - CVE-2020-1696 pki-core: Stored XSS in TPS profile creation [certificate_system_9-default] (edewata, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1724688 - CVE-2019-10146 pki-core: Reflected Cross-Site Scripting in 'path length' constraint field in CA's Agent page [rhel-7.9.z] (dmoluguw, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1789843 - CVE-2019-10221 pki-core: reflected cross site scripting in getcookies?url= endpoint in CA [rhel-7.9.z] (dmoluguw, ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1724713 - CVE-2019-10179 pki-core: pki-core/pki-kra: Reflected XSS in recoveryID search field at KRA's DRM agent page in authorize recovery tab [rhel-7.9.z] (ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug 1798011 - CVE-2020-1721 pki-core: KRA vulnerable to reflected XSS via the getPk12 page [rhel-7.9.z] (ascheel,jmagne) - ########################################################################## - Update to jquery v3.4.1 (ascheel) - Update to jquery-i18n-properties v1.2.7 (ascheel) - Update to backbone v1.4.0 (ascheel) - Upgrade to underscore v1.9.2 (ascheel) - Update to patternfly v3.59.3 (ascheel) - Update to jQuery v3.5.1 (ascheel) - Upgrade to bootstrap v3.4.1 (ascheel) - Link in new Bootstrap CSS file (ascheel) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1733588 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- Bugzilla Bug #1883639 - additional fix to upgrade script (edewata)- Bugzilla Bug #1883639 - additional support on upgrade for audit cert profile and auditProfileUpgrade + auditProfileUpgrade part 2 (cfu)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1883639 - add profile caAuditSigningCert (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1710978 - TPS - Add logging to tdbAddCertificatesForCUID if - # Bugzilla Bug #1858860 - TPS - Update Error Codes returned to client - # Bugzilla Bug #1858861 - TPS - Server side key generation is not working - # Bugzilla Bug #1858867 - TPS does not check token cuid on the user- Patch for CMCResponse tool - Bugzilla Bug #1710109 - add RSA PSS support - fix CMCResponse tool (jmagne)- Patch for CMC Credential Error, RSA PSS typo, and new profile for directory-authentication-based Server-Side keygen - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1710109 - add RSA PSS support (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1794213 - Server-Side keygen Enrollment for EE (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1733588 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- Updated jss dependencies - Bugzilla Bug #1710109 - add RSA PSS support - fix SHA512 (jmagne)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1794213 - Server-Side keygen Enrollment for EE additional support and touch-up (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1710975 - TPS - Searching the certificate DB for a brand new- Updated jss dependencies - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1794213 - Server-Side keygen Enrollment for EE (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1809273 - CRL generation performs an unindexed search (jmagne) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1549307 - No default TPS Auditor group (ascheel)- Bugzilla Bug #1710109 - add RSA PSS support - fix IPA installer (jmagne)- Updated jss dependencies - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.9: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1774174 - Rebase pki-core from 10.5.17 to 10.5.18 (RHEL) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.7: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1774177 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and - # Bugzilla Bug #1774181 - Update RHCS version of CA, KRA, OCSP, and TKS so- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.8: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1723008 - ECC Key recovery failure with CKR_TEMPLATE_INCONSISTENT (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1774282 - pki-server-nuxwdog template has pid file name with non-breakable space char encoded instead of 0x20 space char (ascheel) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.6: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1733588 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.8: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1523330 - CC: missing audit event for CS acting as TLS client (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.6: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1733588 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- Include 'pistool' in the 'pki-tools' package- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.8: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1445479 - KRATool does not support netkeyKeyRecovery attribute (dmoluguw) - Bugzilla Bug #1534013 - Attempting to add new keys using a PUT KEY APDU to a token that is loaded only with the default/factory keys (Key Version Number 0xFF) returns an APDU with error code 0x6A88. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1709585 - PKI (test support) for PKCS#11 standard AES KeyWrap for HSM support (cfu, ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1748766 - number range depletion when multiple clones created from same master (ftweedal) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.6: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1520258 - TPS token search fails to find entries , LDAP filter - # Bugzilla Bug #1535671 - RFE to have the users be able to use the- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.8: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1523330 - CC: missing audit event for CS acting as TLS client (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1597727 - CA - Unable to change a certificate’s revocation reason from superceded to key_compromised (rhcs-maint) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.6: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1470410 - TPS doesn't update revocation status when - # Bugzilla Bug #1470433 - Add supported transitions to TPS (rhcs-maint) - # Bugzilla Bug #1585722 - TMS - PKISocketFactory – Modify Logging to Allow - # Bugzilla Bug #1642577 - TPS – Revoked Encryption Certificates Marked as- Updated jss, nuxwdog, and tomcatjss dependencies - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.8: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1733586 - Rebase pki-core from 10.5.16 to 10.5.17 (RHEL) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.6: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1718418 - Update RHCS version of CA, KRA, OCSP, and TKS so - # Bugzilla Bug #1733588 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.7: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1638379 - PKI startup initialization process should not depend on LDAP operational attributes [ftweedal] - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.5: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1633423 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.7: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1491453 - Need Method to Include SKI in CA Signing Certificate Request [ftweedal] - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.5: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1633423 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- Updated jss dependencies - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.7: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1633422 - Rebase pki-core from 10.5.1 to 10.5.16 (RHEL) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.5: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1633423 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- Updated jss dependencies - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1671245 - CC: unable to verify cert before import [rhel-7.6.z] [manpage] (ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug #1671303 - CC: Upgrade scripts for audit event names (RHEL) [rhel-7.6.z] (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1671586 - CC: Upgrade scripts for audit event names (RHCS)- Updated jss dependencies - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1671245 - CC: unable to verify cert before import [rhel-7.6.z] (ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug #1671303 - CC: Upgrade scripts for audit event names (RHEL) [rhel-7.6.z] (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1671586 - CC: Upgrade scripts for audit event names (RHCS)- Updated jss dependencies - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1671245 - CC: unable to verify cert before import [rhel-7.6.z] (ascheel) - Bugzilla Bug #1671303 - CC: Upgrade scripts for audit event names (RHEL) [rhel-7.6.z] (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1671586 - CC: Upgrade scripts for audit event names (RHCS)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1659939 - CC: Simplifying Web UI session timeout configuration [rhel-7.6.z] (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1639836 - CC: Identify RHCS version of CA, KRA, - # Added Batch Update Information to Product Version (mharmsen)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1657922 - CC: CA/OCSP startup fail on SystemCertsVerification if enableOCSP is true [rhel-7.6.z] (jmagne) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1639836 - CC: Identify RHCS version of CA, KRA,- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1645262 - pkidestroy may not remove all files [rhel-7.6.z] (dmoluguw) - Bugzilla Bug #1645263 - Auth plugins leave passwords in the access log and audit log using REST [rhel-7.6.z] (dmoluguw) - Bugzilla Bug #1645429 - pkispawn fails due to name collision with /var/log/pki/ [rhel-7.6.z] (dmoluguw) - Bugzilla Bug #1655951 - CC: tools supporting CMC requests output keyID needs to be captured in file [rhel-7.6.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1656297 - Unable to install with admin-generated keys [rhel-7.6.z] (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1639836 - CC: Identify RHCS version of CA, KRA,- Require "tomcatjss >= 7.2.1-8" as a build and runtime requirement - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1632116 - CC: missing audit event for CS acting as TLS client [rhel-7.6.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1632120 - Unsupported RSA_ ciphers should be removed from the default ciphers list [rhel-7.6.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1632615 - Permit certain SHA384 FIPS ciphers to be enabled by default for RSA and ECC . . . [rhel-7.6.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1632616 - X500Name.directoryStringEncodingOrder overridden by CSR encoding (coverity changes) [rhel-7.6.z] (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1633104 - CMC: add config to allow non-clientAuth [rhel-7.6.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1636490 - Installation of CA using an existing CA fails [rhel-7.6.z] (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1643878 - pki cli command for RHCS doesn't prompt for a password [rhel-7.6.z] (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1643879 - CC: Identify version/release of pki-ca, pki-kra, pki-ocsp, pki-tks, and pki-tps remotely [RHEL] [rhel-7.6.z] (cfu, jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1643880 - PKI subsystem process is not shutdown when there is no space on the disk to write logs [rhel-7.6.z] (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1639836 - CC: Identify RHCS version of CA, KRA,- Updated nuxwdog dependencies - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #673182 - ECC keys not supported for signing audit logs (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1593805 - Better understanding of NSS_USE_DECODED_CKA_EC_POINT for ECC (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1601071 - Certificate generation happens with partial attributes in CMCRequest file (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1601569 - CC: Enable all config audit events (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1608375 - CMC Revocations throws exception with same reqIssuer & certissuer (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1557570 - Re-base pki-core from 10.5.1 to- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1596629 - ipa-replica-install --setup-kra broken on DL0 with latest version (abokovoy) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1557570 - Re-base pki-core from 10.5.1 to- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1548203 - pki console configurations that involves ldap passwords leave the plain text password in signed audit logs (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1494591 - keyGen fails when only Identity- Re-spin alpha builds- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1471935 - X500Name.directoryStringEncodingOrder overridden by CSR encoding (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1538311 - Using a Netmask produces an odd entry in a certificate (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1540440 - CMC: Audit Events needed for failures in SharedToken scenario's (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1550742 - Address ECC profile overrides (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1562841 - servlet profileSubmitCMCSimple throws NPE (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1572432 - AuditVerify failure due to line breaks (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1592961 - Need proper default subjectDN for CMC request authenticated through SharedToken (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1557570 - Re-base pki-core from 10.5.1 to- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.6: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1538311 - Using a Netmask produces an odd entry in a certifcate (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1544843 - ExternalCA: Installation failed during csr generation with ecc (rrelyea, gkapoor) - Bugzilla Bug #1557569 - Re-base pki-core from 10.5.1 to latest upstream 10.5.x (RHEL) (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1580394 - CMC CRMF requests result in InvalidKeyFormatException when signing algorithm is ECC (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1580527 - CVE-2018-1080 pki-core: Mishandled ACL configuration in reverses rules that allow and deny access (ftweedal, cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1585866 - CRMFPopClient tool - should allow option to do no key archival (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1588655 - Cert validation for installation with external CA cert (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1557570 - Re-base pki-core from 10.5.1 to- Rebuild due to build system database problem- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1553068 - Using a Netmask produces an odd entry in a certifcate [rhel-7.5.z] (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1585945 - CMC CRMF requests result in InvalidKeyFormatException when signing algorithm is ECC [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1587826 - ExternalCA: Installation failed during csr generation with ecc [rhel-7.5.z] (rrelyea, gkapoor) - Bugzilla Bug #1588944 - Cert validation for installation with external CA cert [rhel-7.5.z] (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1588945 - CRMFPopClient tool - should allow option to do no key archival (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1589307 - CVE-2018-1080 pki-core: Mishandled ACL configuration in reverses rules that allow and deny access [rhel-7.5.z] (ftweedal, cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core,- Updated "jss" build and runtime requirements (mharmsen) - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1571582 - [MAN] Missing Man pages for tools CMCRequest, CMCResponse, CMCSharedToken (typos) [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1572548 - IPA install with external-CA is failing when FIPS mode enabled. [rhel-7.5.z] (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1574848 - servlet profileSubmitCMCSimple throws NPE [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1575521 - subsystem -> subsystem SSL handshake issue with TLS_ECDHE_RSA_* on Thales HSM [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1581134 - ECC installation for non CA subsystems needs improvement [rhel-7.5.z] (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1581135 - SAN in internal SSL server certificate in pkispawn configuration step [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1581167 - CC: CMC profiles: Some CMC profiles have wrong input class_id [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1581382 - ECDSA Certificates Generated by Certificate System 9.3 fail NIST validation test with parameter field. [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core,- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1554726 - Need ECC-specific Enrollment Profiles for standard conformance [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1557880 - [MAN] Missing Man pages for tools CMCRequest, CMCResponse, CMCSharedToken [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1560233 - libtps does not directly depend on libz- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1550581 - CMCAuth throws org.mozilla.jss.crypto.TokenException: Unable to insert certificate into temporary database [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1551067 - [MAN] Add --skip-configuration and --skip-installation into pkispawn man page. [rhel-7.5.z] (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1552241 - Make sslget aware of TLSv1_2 ciphers [rhel-7.5.z] (cheimes, mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1553068 - Using a Netmask produces an odd entry in a certifcate [rhel-7.5.z] (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1554726 - Need ECC-specific Enrollment Profiles for standard conformance [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1554727 - Permit additional FIPS ciphers to be enabled by default for RSA . . . [rhel-7.5.z] (mharmsen, cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1557880 - [MAN] Missing Man pages for tools CMCRequest, CMCResponse, CMCSharedToken [rhel-7.5.z] (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1557883 - Console: Adding ACL from pki-console gives StringIndexOutOfBoundsException [rhel-7.5.z] (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1558919 - Not able to generate certificate request with ECC using pki client-cert-request [rhel-7.5.z] (akahat) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1560233 - libtps does not directly depend on libz- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1473452 - Rebase pki-core to latest upstream 10.5.x release - Bugzilla Bug #1445532 - CC: Audit Events: Update the default audit event set (RHEL) (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1532867 - Inconsistent key ID encoding (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1540687 - CC: External OCSP Installation failure with HSM and FIPS (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, - # Bugzilla Bug #1404075 - CC: Audit Events: Update the default audit event- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1473452 - Rebase pki-core to latest upstream 10.5.x release - Bugzilla Bug #1542210 - pki console configurations that involves ldap passwords leave the plain text password in debug logs (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1543242 - Regression in lightweight CA key replication (ftweedal) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core,- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1473452 - Rebase pki-core to latest upstream 10.5.x release - Bugzilla Bug #1445532 - CC: Audit Events: Update the default audit event set (RHEL) (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1522938 - CC: Missing faillure resumption detection and audit event logging at startup (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1523410 - Unable to have non "pkiuser" owned CA instance (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1525306 - CC: missing CMC request and response record (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1532933 - Installing subsystems with external CMC certificates in HSM environment shows import error (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1535797 - ExternalCA: Failures when installed with hsm (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1539125 - restrict default cipher suite to those ciphers permitted in fips mode (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1539198 - Inconsistent CERT_REQUEST_PROCESSED outcomes. (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1540440 - CMC: Audit Events needed for failures in SharedToken scenario's (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1541526 - CMC: Revocation works with an unknown revRequest.issuer (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1541853 - ProfileService: config values with backslashes have backslashes removed (ftweedal) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, - # Bugzilla Bug #1404075 - CC: Audit Events: Update the default audit - # Bugzilla Bug #1501436 - TPS CS.cfg should be reflected with the- Updated jss, nuxwdog, and openssl dependencies - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1473452 - Rebase pki-core to latest upstream 10.5.x release (RHEL) - Bugzilla Bug #1402280 - CA Cloning: Failed to update number range in few cases (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1428021 - CC: shared token storage and retrieval mechanism (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1447145 - CMC: cmc.popLinkWitnessRequired=false would cause error (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1498957 - pkidestroy does not work with nuxwdog (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1520277 - PR_FILE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR during pkispawn (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1520526 - p12 admin certificate is missing when certificate is signed Externally (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1523410 - Unable to have non "pkiuser" owned CA instance (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1523443 - HAProxy rejects OCSP responses due to missing nextupdate field (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1526881 - Not able to setup CA with ECC (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1532759 - pkispawn seems to be leaving our passwords in several different files after installation completes (alee) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core,- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1473452 - Rebase pki-core to latest upstream 10.5.x release (RHEL) - Bugzilla Bug #1466066 - CC: Secure removal of secret data storage (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1518096 - ExternalCA: Failures in ExternalCA when tried to setup with CMC signed certificates (cfu) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1473452 - Rebase pki-core to latest upstream 10.5.x release (RHEL) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - #Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- dogtagpki Pagure Issue #2853 - Cleanup spec file conditionals- Patch applying check-ins since 10.5.1-1- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1473452 - Rebase pki-core to latest upstream 10.5.x release (RHEL) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - #Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.5: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1473452 - Rebase pki-core to latest upstream 10.5.x release (RHEL) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.3: - ########################################################################## - #Bugzilla Bug #1471303 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and- #Bugzilla Bug #1492560 - ipa-replica-install --setup-kra broken on DL0- #Require "jss >= 4.4.0-8" as a build and runtime requirement - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - # Resolves: rhbz #1486870,1485833,1487509,1490241,1491332 - # Bugzilla Bug #1486870 - Lightweight CA key replication fails (regressions) - # Bugzilla Bug #1485833 - Missing CN in user signing cert would cause error - # Bugzilla Bug #1487509 - pki-server-upgrade fails when upgrading from - # Bugzilla Bug #1490241 - PKCS12: upgrade to at least AES and SHA2 (FIPS) - # Bugzilla Bug #1491332 - TPS UI: need to display tokenType and tokenOrigin - # dogtagpki Pagure Issue #2764 - py3: pki.key.archive_encrypted_data: - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.2: - ########################################################################## - # Resolves: rhbz #1486870,1485833,1487509,1490241,1491332,1482729,1462271 - # Bugzilla Bug #1462271 - TPS incorrectly assigns "tokenOrigin" and - # Bugzilla Bug #1482729 - TPS UI: need to display tokenType and tokenOrigin- Resolves: rhbz #1463350 - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1463350 - Access banner validation (edewata)- # Resolves: rhbz #1472615,1472617,1469447,1463350,1469449,1472619,1464970,1469437,1469439,1469446 - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1472615 - CC: allow CA to process pre-signed CMC non-signing - # Bugzilla Bug #1472617 - CMC: cmc.popLinkWitnessRequired=false would cause - # Bugzilla Bug #1469447 - CC: CMC: check HTTPS client authentication cert - # Bugzilla Bug #1463350 - Access banner validation (edewata) - # Bugzilla Bug #1469449 - CC: allow CA to process pre-signed CMC renewal - # Bugzilla Bug #1472619 - Platform Dependent Python Import (mharmsen) - # Bugzilla Bug #1464970 - CC: CMC: replace id-cmc-statusInfo with - # Bugzilla Bug #1469437 - subsystem-cert-update command lacks --cert option - # Bugzilla Bug #1469439 - Fix Key Changeover with HSM to support SCP03 - # Bugzilla Bug #1469446 - CC: need CMC enrollment profiles for system- # Resolves: rhbz #1469432 - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - # Bugzilla Bug #1469432 - CMC plugin default change - # Resolves CVE-2017-7537 - # Fixes BZ #1470948- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1458043 - Key recovery on token fails with invalid public key error on KRA (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1460764 - CC: CMC: check HTTPS client authentication cert against CMC signer (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1461533 - Unable to find keys in the p12 file after deleting the any of the subsystem certs from it (ftweedal)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1393633 - Creating symmetric key (sharedSecret) using tkstool is failing when RHEL 7.3 is in FIPS mode. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1419756 - CC: allow CA to process pre-signed CMC non-signing certificate requests (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1419777 - CC: allow CA to process pre-signed CMC revocation non-signing cert requests (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1458047 - change the way aes clients refer to aes keysets (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1458055 - dont reuse IVs in the CMC code (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1460028 - In keywrap mode, key recovery on KRA with HSM causes KRA to crash (ftweedal)- Require "selinux-policy-targeted >= 3.13.1-159" as a runtime requirement - Require "tomcatjss >= 7.2.1-4" as a build and runtime requirement - ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1400149 - pkispawn fails to create CA subsystem on FIPS enabled system (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1447144 - CA brought down during separate KRA instance creation (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1447762 - pkispawn fails occasionally with this failure ACCESS_SESSION_ESTABLISH_FAILURE (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1454450 - SubCA installation failure with 2 step installation in fips enabled mode (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1456597 - Certificate import using pki client-cert-import is asking for password when already provided (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1456940 - Build failure due to Pylint issues (cheimes) - Bugzilla Bug #1458043 - Key recovery using externalReg fails with java null pointer exception on KRA (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1458379 - Upgrade script for keepAliveTimeout parameter (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1458429 - client-cert-import --ca-cert should import CA cert with trust bits "CT,C,C" (edewata) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.2: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1274086 - [RFE] Add SCP03 support (RHCS) (jmagne)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1393633 - Creating symmetric key (sharedSecret) using tkstool is failing when RHEL 7.3 is in FIPS mode. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1445519 - CA Server installation with HSM fails (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1452617 - Unable to create IPA Sub CA (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1454471 - Enabling all subsystems on startup (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1455617 - Key recovery on token fails because key record is not marked encrypted (alee)- Bugzilla Bug #1454603 - Unable to install IPA server due to pkispawn error (mharmsen)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1419761 - CC: allow CA to process pre-signed CMC renewal non-signing cert requests (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1447080 - CC: CMC: allow enrollment key signed (self-signed) CMC with identity proof (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1447144 - CA brought down during separate KRA instance creation (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1448903 - exception Invalid module "--ignore-banner" when defined in ~/.dogtag/pki.conf and run pki pkcs12-import --help (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1450143 - CA installation with HSM in FIPS mode fails (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1452123 - CA CS.cfg shows default port (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1452250 - Inconsistent CERT_REQUEST_PROCESSED event in ConnectorServlet. (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1452340 - Ensuring common audit log correctness (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1452344 - Adding serial number into CERT_REQUEST_PROCESSED audit event. (edewata)- ########################################################################## - # RHEL 7.4: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1386303 - cannot extract generated private key from KRA when HSM is used. (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1446364 - pkispawn returns before tomcat is ready (cheimes) - Bugzilla Bug #1447145 - CMC: cmc.popLinkWitnessRequired=false would cause error (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1448203 - CAInfoService: retrieve KRA-related values from the KRA (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1448204 - pkispawn of clone install fails with InvalidBERException (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1448521 - kra unable to extract symmetric keys generated on thales hsm (alee) - Updated "jss" build and runtime requirements (mharmsen) - ########################################################################## - # RHCS 9.2: - ########################################################################## - Bugzilla Bug #1274086 - [RFE] Add SCP03 support (RHCS) (jmagne)- ############################################################################ - # RHEL 7.4: - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1303683 - dogtag should support GSSAPI based auth in conjuction with FreeIPA (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1385208 - RHCS 9.1 RC5 CA in the certificate profiles the startTime parameter is not working as expected. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1419756 - CC: allow CA to process pre-signed CMC non-signing certificate requests (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1426754 - PKCS12: upgrade to at least AES and SHA2 (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1445088 - profile modification cannot remove existing config parameters (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1445535 - CC: Crypto Operation (AES Encryption/Decryption) (RHEL) (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1446874 - Missing ClientIP and ServerIP in audit log when pki CLI terminates SSL connection (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1446875 - Session timeout for PKI console (RHEL) (edewata) - ############################################################################ - # RHCS 9.2: - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1404480 - CC: Crypto Operation (AES Encryption/Decryption) (RHCS) (alee)- ############################################################################ - # RHEL 7.4: - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1282504 - Installing pki-server in container reports scriptlet failed, exit status 1 (jpazdziora) - Bugzilla Bug #1400149 - pkispawn fails to create CA subsystem on FIPS enabled system (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1410650 - [RFE] Add SCP03 support for sc 7 g & d cards (RHEL) (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1437591 - cli authentication using expired cert throws an exception (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1437602 - non-CA cli looks for CA in the instance during a request (edewata) - ############################################################################ - # RHCS 9.2: - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1274086 - [RFE] Add SCP03 support for sc 7 g & d cards (RHCS) (jmagne) - ############################################################################ - # Common Criteria - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1404080 - CC: add audit event: various SSL/TLS failures (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1417307 - CC: Audit Review /Searches (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1419737 - CC: CMC: id-cmc-popLinkWitnessV2 feature implementation (cfu)- Require "nss >= 3.28.3" as a build and runtime requirement - Require "jss >= 4.4.0-4" as a build and runtime requirement - Require "tomcatjss >= 7.2.1-3" as a build and runtime requirement - dogtagpki Pagure Issue #2612 - Unable to clone due to pki pkcs12-cert-find failure (edewata) - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1394309 - Rebase pki-core to 10.4.x in RHEL-7.4 - Bugzilla Bug #1394315 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and pki-console to 10.4.x - ############################################################################ - # RHEL 7.4: - ############################################################################ - ############################################################################ - # RHCS 9.2: - ############################################################################ - ############################################################################ - # Common Criteria - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1419734 - CC: CMC: id-cmc-identityProofV2 feature implementation (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1419742 - CC: CMC: provide Proof of Possession for encryption cert requests (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1404080 - CC: add audit event: various SSL/TLS failures (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1428020 - CC: CMC feature support: provided issuance protection cert mechanism (cfu)- Require "jss >= 4.4.0-1" as a build and runtime requirement - Require "tomcatjss >= 7.2.1-1" as a build and runtime requirement - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1394309 - Rebase pki-core to 10.4.x in RHEL-7.4 - Bugzilla Bug #1394315 - Rebase redhat-pki, redhat-pki-theme, pki-core, and pki-console to 10.4.x - ############################################################################ - # RHEL 7.4: - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1222557 - ECDSA Certificates Generated by Certificate System 8.1 fail NIST validation test with parameter field. (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1238684 - Generting Symmetric key fails with key-generate when --usages verify (vakwetu) - Bugzilla Bug #1246635 - user-cert-add --serial CLI request to secure port with remote CA shows authentication failure (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1249400 - CA EE: Submit caUserCert request without uid does not show proper error message (vakwetu) - Bugzilla Bug #1305993 - Add profile component that copies CN to SAN (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1316653 - pki ca-cert-request-submit fails presumably because of missing authentication even if it should not require any (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1325071 - add options to enable/disable cert or crl publishing. (vakwetu) - Bugzilla Bug #1330800 - Failed to start pki-tomcatd Service ("ipa-cacert-manage renew" failed?) (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1368410 - Misleading Logging for HSM (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1372052 - Unable to search certificate requests using the latest request ID (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1375347 - Typo in comment line of (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1376226 - IPA replica-prepare failed with error "Profile caIPAserviceCert Not Found" (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1376488 - pkispawn fails as it is not able to find openssl as a dependency package (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1378275 - two-step externally-signed CA installation fails due to missing AuthorityID (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1378277 - Spurious host authority entries created (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1378527 - Miscellaneous Minor Changes (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1381084 - KRA installation failed against externally-signed CA with partial certificate chain (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1382066 - Problems with FIPS mode (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1386371 - Remove xenroll.dll from pki-core (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1386424 - Fix packaging duplicates of classes in multiple jar files (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1391737 - Changes to target.agent.approve.list parameter is not reflected in the TPS Web UI (RHEL 7) (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1392068 - [RFE] add express archivals and retrievals from KRA (vakwetu) - Bugzilla Bug #1395817 - Unable to install subordinate CA with HSM in FIPS mode (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1397200 - pkispawn does not change default ecc key size from nistp256 when nistp384 is specified in spawn config (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1399862 - Dogtag 10.3.9 Man Pages (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1404881 - TPS throws "err=6" when attempting to format and enroll G&D Cards (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1405654 - Token memory not wiped after key deletion (RHEL) (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1409946 - Request ID undefined for CA signing certificate (vakwetu) - Bugzilla Bug #1409949 - CA Certificate Issuance Date displayed on CA website incorrect (vakwetu) - Bugzilla Bug #1410650 - [RFE] Add SCP03 support (RHEL) (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1411428 - Unable to create a CA clone in FIPS (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1412211 - Unable to set up KRA in FIPS (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1412681 - update to 7.3 IPA with otpd bugfixes, tomcat will not finish start, hangs (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1413132 - pki-tomcat for 10+ minutes before generating cert (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1413136 - Problem with default AJP hostname in IPv6 environment. (edewata) - ############################################################################ - # RHCS 9.2: - ############################################################################ - Bugzilla Bug #1248553 - TPS Enrollment always goes to "ca1 (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1274086 - [RFE] Add SCP03 support (RHCS) (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1274096 - [BUG] Add ability to disallow TPS to enroll a single user on multiple tokens. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1379379 - Unable to read an encrypted email using renewed tokens (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1379749 - Automatic recovery of encryption cert is not working when a token is physically damaged and a temporary token is issued (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1381375 - Cert/Key recovery is successful when the cert serial number and key id on the ldap user mismatches (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1381635 - Token format with external reg fails when op.format.externalRegAddToToken.revokeCert=true (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1382762 - PIN_RESET policy is not giving expected results when set on a token (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1386257 - Changes to target.agent.approve.list parameter is not reflected in the TPS Web UI (RHCS 9) (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1391207 - Automatic recovery of encryption cert - CA and TPS tokendb shows different certificate status (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1395479 - TPS throws "err=6" when attempting to format and enroll G&D Cards (RHCS) (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1404900 - Dogtag 10.3.9 logging properties (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1405655 - Token memory not wiped after key deletion (RHCS) (jmagne) - ############################################################################- ## RHEL 7.3.z Batch Update 4 - Bugzilla Bug #1429492 - Add profile component that copies CN to SAN (ftweedal)- ## RHCS 9.1.z Batch Update 3 - Bugzilla Bug #1391207 - Automatic recovery of encryption cert - CA and TPS tokendb shows different certificate status (cfu) - ## RHEL 7.3.z Batch Update 3 - Bugzilla Bug #1417063 - ECDSA Certificates Generated by Certificate System 8.1 fail NIST validation test with parameter field. (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1417064 - Unable to search certificate requests using the latest request ID (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1417065 - CA Certificate Issuance Date displayed on CA website incorrect (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1417066 - update to 7.3 IPA with otpd bugfixes, tomcat will not finish start, hangs (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1417067 - pki-tomcat for 10+ minutes before generating cert (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1417190 - Problem with default AJP hostname in IPv6 environment. (edewata)- Separate original patches into RHEL and RHCS portions - ## RHEL 7.3.z Batch Update 2 - Bugzilla Bug #1404176 - logging properties and man pages (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1405328 - TPS throws "err=6" when attempting to format and enroll G&D Cards (jmagne) - ## RHCS 9.1.z Batch Update 2 - Bugzilla Bug #1395479 - TPS throws "err=6" when attempting to format and enroll G&D Cards (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1404900 - RHCS logging properties (edewata)- ## RHEL 7.3.z Batch Update 2 - Bugzilla Bug #1404173 - user-cert-add --serial CLI request to secure port with remote CA shows authentication failure (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1404175 - pki ca-cert-request-submit fails presumably because of missing authentication even if it should not require any (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1404178 - Changes to target.agent.approve.list parameter is not reflected in the TPS Web UI [pki-base] (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1404172 - Unable to install subordinate CA with HSM in FIPS mode (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1403689 - pkispawn does not change default ecc key size from nistp256 when nistp384 is specified in spawn config (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1404176 - logging properties and man pages (edewata) - ## RHCS 9.1.z Batch Update 2 - Bugzilla Bug #1386257 - Changes to target.agent.approve.list parameter is not reflected in the TPS Web UI [pki-tps] (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1391207 - Automatic recovery of encryption cert - CA and TPS tokendb shows different certificate status (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1395479 - TPS throws "err=6" when attempting to format and enroll G&D Cards (jmagne)- Marked the following RHCS 9.1.z bug: Bugzilla Bug #1382862 - TPS token enrollment fails to setupSecureChannel when TPS and TKS security db is on fips mode. (jmagne) as a duplicate of RHEL 7.3.z bug: Bugzilla Bug #1389757 - Problems with FIPS mode (edewata) and moved the patch from the RHCS 9.1.z bug to the RHEL 7.3.z bug.- ## RHEL 7.3.z Batch Update 1 - Bugzilla Bug #1389757 - Problems with FIPS mode (edewata) (added KRA key recovery via CLI in FIPS mode) - ## RHCS 9.1.z Batch Update 1 - Reverted patches associated with Bugzilla Bug #1386257 - Changes to target.agent.approve.list parameter is not reflected in the TPS Web UI (edewata)- ## RHEL 7.3.z Batch Update 1 - Bugzilla Bug #1390318 - CA EE: Submit caUserCert request without uid does not show proper error message (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #1390319 - Failed to start pki-tomcatd Service ("ipa-cacert-manage renew" failed?) (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1390320 - pkispawn fails as it is not able to find openssl as a dependency package (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #1390321 - two-step externally-signed CA installation fails due to missing AuthorityID (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1390322 - Spurious host authority entries created (ftweedal) - Bugzilla Bug #1390324 - KRA installation failed against externally-signed CA with partial certificate chain (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1389757 - Problems with FIPS mode (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1390311 - Fix packaging duplicates of classes in multiple jar files (edewata) - Bugzilla Bug #1390325 - Typo in comment line of (edewata) - ## RHCS 9.1.z Batch Update 1 - Bugzilla Bug #1248553 - TPS Enrollment always goes to "ca1" (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1274096 - [BUG] Add ability to disallow TPS to enroll a single user on multiple tokens. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1379379 - Unable to read an encrypted email using renewed tokens (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1379749 - Automatic recovery of encryption cert is not working when a token is physically damaged and a temporary token is issued (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1381375 - Cert/Key recovery is successful when the cert serial number and key id on the ldap user mismatches - Bugzilla Bug #1381635 - Token format with external reg fails when op.format.externalRegAddToToken.revokeCert=true (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #1382762 - PIN_RESET policy is not giving expected results when set on a token (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1382862 - TPS token enrollment fails to setupSecureChannel when TPS and TKS security db is on fips mode. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #1386257 - Changes to target.agent.approve.list parameter is not reflected in the TPS Web UI (edewata)- PKI TRAC Ticket #1527 - TPS Enrollment always goes to "ca1" (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #1664 - [BUG] Add ability to disallow TPS to enroll a single user on multiple tokens. (jmagne) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2478 - pkispawn fails as it is not able to find openssl as a dependency package (mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2483 - Unable to read an encrypted email using renewed tokens (jmagne) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2496 - Cert/Key recovery is successful when the cert serial number and key id on the ldap user mismatches (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2505 - Fix packaging duplicates of classes in multiple jar files (edewata)- Revert Patch: PKI TRAC Ticket #2449 - Unable to create system certificates in different tokens (edewata) - Resolves: rhbz #1374054 - ipa-replica-install fails setting up certificate - Restores: rhbz #1319557 - pkispawn KRA instance is failing server - Removes from Errata: rhbz #1372041 - Unable to create system certificates in different tokens- PKI TRAC Ticket #1638 - Lightweight CAs: revoke certificate on CA deletion (ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2436 - Dogtag 10.3.6: Miscellaneous Enhancements (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2443 - Prevent deletion of host CA's keys if LWCA entry deleted (ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2444 - Authority entry without entryUSN is skipped even if USN plugin enabled (ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2446 - pkispawn: make subject_dn defaults unique per instance name (for shared HSM) (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2447 - CertRequestInfo has incorrect URLs (vakwetu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2449 - Unable to create system certificates in different tokens (edewata)- PKI TRAC Ticket #1578 - Authentication Instance Id PinDirEnrollment with authType value as SslclientAuth is not working (jmagne) - PKI TRAC TIcket #2414 - pki pkcs12-cert-del shows a successfully deleted message when a wrong nickname is provided (gkapoor) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2423 - pki_ca_signing_token when not specified does not fallback to pki_token_name value (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2436 - Dogtag 10.3.6: Miscellaneous Enhancements (akasurde) - ticket remains open - PKI TRAC Ticket #2439 - Outdated deployment descriptors in upgraded server(edewata)- PKI TRAC Ticket #690 - [MAN] pki-tools man pages (mharmsen) - CMCEnroll - PKI TRAC Ticket #833 - pki user-mod fullName="" gives an error message "PKIException: LDAP error (21): error result" (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2431 - Errors noticed during ipa server upgrade. (cheimes, edewata, mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2432 - Kra-selftest behavior is not as expected (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2436 - Dogtag 10.3.6: Miscellaneous Enhancements (edewata, mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2437 - TPS UI: while adding certs for users from TPSUI pem format with/without header works while pkcs7 with header is not allowed (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2440 - Optional CA signing CSR for migration (edewata)- Bugzilla Bug #1366465 - Errata TPS upgrade test fails- PKI TRAC Ticket #978 - TPS connector man page: add revocation routing info (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #1285 - [MAN] Apply 'generateCRMFRequest() removed from Firefox' workarounds to appropriate 'pki' man page (jmagne) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2246 - [MAN] Man Page: AuditVerify (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2381 - Throws exception while providing invalid module. (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2383 - CLI :: pki client-cert-request --extractable should accept only boolean value (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2389 - Installation: subsystem certs could have notAfter beyond CA signing cert in case of external or existing CA (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2399 - Dogtag 10.3.5: Miscellaneous Enhancements (akasurde, alee, cheimes, edewata, jmagne, mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2401 - pkispawn calls dnsdomainname even if it does not rpm-require hostname (mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2402 - Conflict in file ownership in pki-base and pki-server (cheimes) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2403 - Deployment problem with RESTEasy 3.0.17 (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2406 - Make starting CRL Number configurable (jmagne) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2412 - pki client-cert-import --trust option does not apply the specified trust bits (alee) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2418 - [TPS] Some template substitution didn't happen during installation (alee) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2420 - CA subsystem OSCP responder fails when LWCAs are not used (ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2421 - Incorrect SELinux contexts Installation/Configuration (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2424 - ipa-ca-install fails on replica when IPA server is converted from CA-less to CA-full (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2428 - broken request links for CA's system certs in agent request viewing (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2430 - CA Agent certificate list is not sorted by serial number in migration case (jmagne) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2431 - Errors noticed during ipa server upgrade. (mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2433 - Lightweight CA GET /chain returns bogus PEM data (ftweedal)- PKI TRAC Ticket #691 - [MAN] pki-server man pages (mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #1114 - [MAN] Generting Symmetric key fails with key-generate when --usages verify is passed (jmagne) - PKI TRAC Ticket #1306 - [RFE] Add granularity to token termination in TPS (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #1308 - [RFE] Provide ability to perform off-card key generation for non-encryption token keys (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #1405 - [MAN] Add additional HSM details to 'pki_default.cfg' & 'pkispawn' man pages (mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #1607 - [MAN] man pkispawn has inadequate description for shared vs non shared tomcat instance installation (mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #1664 - [BUG] Add ability to disallow TPS to enroll a single user on multiple tokens. (jmagne) - PKI TRAC Ticket #1711 - CLI :: pki-server ca-cert-request-find throws IOError (edewata, ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2285 - freeipa fails to start correctly after pki-core update on upgraded system (ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2311 - When pki_token_name=Internal, consider normalizing it to "internal" (mharmsen) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2349 - Separated TPS does not automatically receive shared secret from remote TKS (jmagne) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2364 - CLI :: pki-server ca-cert-request-show throws attribute error (ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2368 - pki-server subsystem subcommands throws error with --help option (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2374 - KRA cloning overwrites CA signing certificate trust flags (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2380 - Pki-server instance commands throws exception while specifying invalid parameters. (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2384 - CA installation with HSM prompts for HSM password during silent installation (edewata) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2385 - Upgraded CA lacks ca.sslserver.certreq in CS.cfg (ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2387 - Add config for default OCSP URI if none given (ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2388 - CA creation responds 500 if certificate issuance fails (ftweedal) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2389 - Installation: subsystem certs could have notAfter beyond CA signing cert in case of external or existing CA (cfu) - PKI TRAC Ticket #2390 - Dogtag 10.3.4: Miscellaneous Enhancements (akasurde, edewata)- PKI TRAC Ticket #2373 - Fedora 25: RestEasy 3.0.6 ==> 3.0.17 breaks pki-core (ftweedal)- Updated release number to 10.3.3-1- Updated version number to 10.3.3-0.1- Provided cleaner runtime dependency separation- Updated tomcatjss version dependencies- Updated 'java', 'java-headless', and 'java-devel' dependencies to 1:1.8.0.- Updated tomcat version dependencies- Updated version number to 10.3.2-1- Updated version number to 10.3.2-0.1- Updated version number to 10.3.1-1 (to allow upgrade from 10.3.0.b1)- Updated version number to 10.3.0-1- Build for F24 beta- PKI TRAC Ticket #2255 - PKCS #12 backup does not contain trust attributes.- Updated build for F24 alpha- PKI TRAC Ticket #1625 - Allow multiple ACLs of same name (union of rules) [ftweedal] - PKI TRAC Ticket #2237 - Add CRL dist points extension to OIDMap unconditionally [edewata] - PKI TRAC Ticket #1803 - Removed unnecessary URL encoding for admin cert request. [edewata] - PKI TRAC Ticket #1742 - Added support for cloning 3rd-party CA certificates. [edewata] - PKI TRAC Ticket #1482 - Added TPS token filter dialog. [edewata] - PKI TRAC Ticket #1808 - Fixed illegal token state transition via TEMP_LOST. [edewata]- Build for F24 alpha- PKI Trac Ticket #1399 - Move java components out of pki-base- PKI TRAC Ticket #1850 - Rename DRMTool --> KRATool- PKI TRAC Ticket #1714 - mod_revocator and mod_nss dependency for tps should be removed- PKI TRAC Ticket #1623 - Runtime dependency on python-nss is missing- Updated version number to 10.3.0-0.1- Added dep on tomcat-servlet-3.1-api [Fedora 23 and later] or dep on tomcat-servlet-3.0-api [Fedora 22 and later] to pki-tools - Updated dep on tomcatjss [Fedora 23 and later]- Updated dep on policycoreutils-python-utils [Fedora 23 and later]- Updated version number to 10.2.7-0.1- Update release number for release build- Remove setup directory and remaining Perl dependencies- Remove ExcludeArch directive- Updated version number to 10.2.6-0.1- Update release number for release build- Resolves rhbz #1230970 - Errata TPS tests for rpm verification failed- Updated version number to 10.2.5-0.1- Update release number for release build- Updated nuxwdog and tomcatjss requirements (alee)- Updated version number to 10.2.4-0.1 - Added nuxwdog systemd files- Update release number for release build- Reverted version number back to 10.2.3-0.1 - Added support for Tomcat 8.- Updated version number to 10.3.0-0.1- Updated version number to 10.2.3-0.1- Update release number for release build- Updated version number to 10.2.2-0.1 - Moved web application deployment locations. - Updated Resteasy and Jackson dependencies. - Added missing python-lxml build dependency.- Update release number for release build- PKI TRAC Ticket #1187 - mod_perl should be removed from requirements for 10.2 - PKI TRAC Ticket #1205 - Outdated selinux-policy dependency. - Removed perl(XML::LibXML), perl-Crypt-SSLeay, and perl-Mozilla-LDAP runtime dependencies- Change resteasy dependencies for F22+- Ticket 1198 Bugzilla 1158410 add TLS range support to server.xml by default and upgrade (cfu) - PKI Trac Ticket #1211 - New release overwrites old source tarball (mharmsen) - up the release number to 0.2- Updated version number to 10.2.1-0.1. - Added CLIs to simplify generating user certificates - Added enhancements to KRA Python API - Added a man page for pki ca-profile commands. - Added python api docs- Disable pylint dependency for RHEL builds - Added jakarta-commons-httpclient requirements - Added tomcat version for RHEL build - Added resteasy-base-client for RHEL build- PKI TRAC Ticket #1130 - Add RHEL/CentOS conditionals to spec- Update release number for release build- PKI TRAC Ticket #1017 - Rename pki-tps-tomcat to pki-tps- Merged's spec file changes from the stand-alone 'pki-tps-client' package needed to build/run the native 'tpsclient' command line utility into this 'pki-core' spec file under the 'tps' package. - Original tps libararies must be built to support this native utility. - Modifies tps package from 'noarch' into 'architecture-specific' package- PKI TRAC Ticket #1127 - Remove 'pki-ra', 'pki-setup', and 'pki-silent' packages . . .- Rebuilt for Respin to include the applet files with the rpm install. No change to spec file needed.- Bugzilla Bug #1120045 - pki-core: Switch to java-headless (build)requires -- drop dependency on java-atk-wrapper - Removed 'java-atk-wrapper' dependency from 'pki-server'- PKI TRAC Ticket #832 - Remove legacy 'systemctl' files . . .- Update rawhide build- Rebuilt for Use Requires: java-headless rebuild (#1067528)- Added option to build without server packages. - Replaced Jettison with Jackson. - Added python-nss build requirement - Bugzilla Bug #1057959 - pkispawn requires policycoreutils-python - TRAC Ticket #840 - pkispawn requires policycoreutils-python - Updated requirements for resteasy - Added template files for archive, retrieve and generate key requests to the client package.- Trac Ticket 788 - Clean up spec files - Update release number for release build - Updated requirements for resteasy- Change release number for beta build- Updated requirements for tomcat- Removed additional /var/run, /var/lock references.- Removed delivery of /var/lock and /var/run directories for fedora 20.- Moved Tomcat-based TPS into pki-core.- Listed new packages required during build, due to issues reported by pylint. - Packages added: python-requests, python-ldap, libselinux-python, policycoreutils-python- Added pylint scan to the build process.- Added man pages for upgrade tools.- Cleaned up the code to install man pages.- Reorganized deployment tools.- Bugzilla Bug 973224 - resteasy-base must be split into subpackages to simplify dependencies- Updated dependencies to Java 1.7.- TRAC Ticket 606 - add restart / start at boot info to pkispawn man page - TRAC Ticket 610 - Document limitation in using GUI install - TRAC Ticket 629 - Package ownership of '/usr/share/pki/etc/' directory- Change release number for 10.1 development- Fixed incorrect JNI_JAR_DIR.- TRAC Ticket 605 Junit internal function used in TestRunner, breaks F19 build- TRAC Ticket 604 Added fallback methods for pkispawn tests- Added default pki.conf in /usr/share/pki/etc - Create upgrade tracker on install and remove it on uninstall- Change release number for official release.- Added %pretrans script for f19 - Added java-atk-wrapper dependency- Added pki-server-upgrade script and pki.server module. - Call upgrade scripts in %post for pki-base and pki-server.- Added dependency on commons-io.- Add /var/log/pki and /var/lib/pki directories- Run pki-upgrade on post server installation.- Added dependency on python-lxml.- Added pki-upgrade script.- Updated version number to 10.0.2-0.1.- Renamed base/deploy to base/server. - Moved pki.conf into pki-base. - Removed redundant pki/server folder declaration.- Removed jython dependency- Added minimum python-requests version.- Bugzilla Bug #919476 - pkispawn crashes due to dangling symlink to jss4.jar- Added dependency on python-requests. - Reorganized Python module packaging.- Added dependency on python-ldap.- TRAC Ticket #517 - Clean up theme dependencies - TRAC Ticket #518 - Remove UI dependencies from pkispawn . . .- Removed runtime dependency on 'pki-server-theme' to resolve Bugzilla Bug #916134 - unresolved dependency in pki-server: pki-server-theme- TRAC Ticket 214 - Missing error description for duplicate user - TRAC Ticket 213 - Add nonces for cert revocation - TRAC Ticket 367 - pkidestroy does not remove connector - TRAC Ticket #430 - License for 3rd party code - Bugzilla Bug 839426 - [RFE] ECC CRL support for OCSP - Fix spec file to allow f17 to work with latest tomcatjss - TRAC Ticket 466 - Increase root CA validity to 20 years - TRAC Ticket 469 - Fix tomcatjss issue in spec files - TRAC Ticket 468 - pkispawn throws exception - TRAC Ticket 191 - Mapping HTTP Exceptions to HTTP error codes - TRAC Ticket 271 - Dogtag 10: Fix 'status' command in 'pkidaemon' . . . - TRAC Ticket 437 - Make admin cert p12 file location configurable - TRAC Ticket 393 - pkispawn fails when selinux is disabled - Punctuation and formatting changes in man pages - Revert to using default config file for pkidestroy - Hardcode setting of resteasy-lib for instance - TRAC Ticket 436 - Interpolation for pki_subsystem - TRAC Ticket 433 - Interpolation for paths - TRAC Ticket 435 - Identical instance id and instance name - TRAC Ticket 406 - Replace file dependencies with package dependencies- TRAC Ticket #430 - License for 3rd party code- TRAC Ticket #469 - Dogtag 10: Fix tomcatjss issue in pki-core.spec and dogtag-pki.spec . . . - TRAC Ticket #468 - pkispawn throws exception- Replaced file dependencies with package dependencies- Updated man pages- Update to official release for rc1- TRAC Ticket #315 - Man pages for pkispawn/pkidestroy. - Added place-holders for 'pki.1' and 'pki_default.cfg.5' man pages.- Added system-wide configuration /etc/pki/pki.conf. - Removed redundant lines in %files.- Moved default deployment configuration to /etc/pki.- Cleaned up spec file to provide only support rhel 7+, f17+ - Added resteasy-base dependency for rhel 7 - Update cmake version- Update release to b3- Removed dependency on CA, KRA, OCSP, TKS theme packages.- Renamed pki-common-theme to pki-server-theme.- TRAC Ticket #395 - Dogtag 10: Add a Tomcat 7 runtime requirement to 'pki-server'- Update release to b2- TRAC Ticket #350 - Dogtag 10: Remove version numbers from PKI jar files . . .- Added Obsoletes for pki-selinux- Remove build of pki-selinux for f18, use system policy instead- Update required tomcatjss version - Added net-tools dependency- Update selinux-policy version to fix error from latest policy changes- Fix typo in selinux policy versions- Added build requires for correct version of selinux-policy-devel- Update release to b1- Merged pki-silent into pki-server.- Renamed "shared" folder to "server".- Added required selinux versions for new policy.- Added Provides to packages replacing obsolete packages.- Update release to a2- Modified CMake to use RPM version number- Added VERSION file- Merged pki-setup into pki-server- Added Conflicts for IPA 2.X - Added build requires for zip to work around mock problem- TRAC Ticket #312 - Dogtag 10: Automatically restart any running instances upon RPM "update" . . . - TRAC Ticket #317 - Dogtag 10: Move "pkispawn"/"pkidestroy" from /usr/bin to /usr/sbin . . .- Fixed pki-server to include everything in shared dir.- Added build dependency on redhat-rpm-config.- Merged Javadoc packages.- Added pki-tomcat.jar.- Moved webapp creation code into pkispawn.- Split pki-client.jar into pki-certsrv.jar and pki-tools.jar.- Merged pki-native-tools and pki-java-tools into pki-tools. - Modified pki-server to depend on pki-tools.- Split pki-common into pki-base and pki-server. - Merged pki-util into pki-base. - Merged pki-deploy into pki-server.- Updated release of 'tomcatjss' to rely on Tomcat 7 for Fedora 17 - Changed Dogtag 10 build-time and runtime requirements for 'pki-deploy' - Altered PKI Package Dependency Chain (top-to-bottom): pki-ca, pki-kra, pki-ocsp, pki-tks --> pki-deploy --> pki-common- Added pki-client.jar.- Merged pki-jndi-realm.jar into pki-cmscore.jar.- PKI TRAC Task #254 - Dogtag 10: Fix spec file to build successfully via mock on Fedora 17 . . .- Moved 'pki-jndi-real.jar' link from 'tomcat6' to 'tomcat' (Tomcat 7)- Updated release of 'tomcatjss' to rely on Tomcat 7 for Fedora 18- Added CLI for REST services- Integration of Tomcat 7 - Addition of centralized 'pki-tomcatd' systemd functionality to the PKI Deployment strategy - Removal of 'pki_flavor' attribute- BZ 813075 - selinux denial for file size access- Bug 745278 - [RFE] ECC encryption keys cannot be archived- Replaced candlepin-deps with resteasy- Added option to build without Javadoc- BZ 802396 - Change location of TOMCAT_LOG to match tomcat6 changes - Corrected patch selected for selinux f17 rules- Corrected 'junit' dependency check- Initial attempt at PKI deployment framework described in ''.- Added support for pki-jndi-realm in tomcat6 in pki-common and pki-kra. - Ticket #69.- For 'mock' purposes, removed platform-specific logic from around the 'patch' files so that ALL 'patch' files will be included in the SRPM.- Removed dependency on OSUtil.- 'pki-selinux' - Added platform-dependent patches for SELinux component - Bugzilla Bug #739708 - Selinux fix for ephemeral ports (F16) - Bugzilla Bug #795966 - pki-selinux policy is kind of a mess (F17)- Added dependency on Apache Commons Codec.- Add '-DSYSTEMD_LIB_INSTALL_DIR' override flag to 'cmake' to address changes in fundamental path structure in Fedora 17 - 'pki-setup' - Hard-code Perl dependencies to protect against bugs such as Bugzilla Bug #772699 - Adapt perl and python fileattrs to changed file 5.10 magics - 'pki-selinux' - Bugzilla Bug #795966 - pki-selinux policy is kind of a mess- Integrated 'pki-kra' into 'pki-core' - Integrated 'pki-ocsp' into 'pki-core' - Integrated 'pki-tks' into 'pki-core' - Bugzilla Bug #788787 - added 'junit'/'junit4' build-time requirements- Updated package version number- Added resteasy-jettison-provider-2.3-RC1.jar to pki-setup- Added JUnit tests- 'pki-setup' - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - Bugzilla Bug #737122 - DRM: during archiving and recovering, wrapping unwrapping keys should be done in the token (cfu) - 'pki-java-tools' - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #744797 - KRA key recovery (retrieve pkcs#12) fails after the in-place upgrade( CS 8.0->8.1) (cfu) - 'pki-selinux' - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #746367 - Typo in the profile name. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #737122 - DRM: during archiving and recovering, wrapping unwrapping keys should be done in the token (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #749927 - Java class conflicts using Java 7 in Fedora 17 (rawhide) . . . (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #749945 - Installation error reported during CA, DRM, OCSP, and TKS package installation . . . (mharmsen) - 'pki-silent'- Bugzilla Bug #734590 - Refactor JNI libraries for Fedora 16+ . . . (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #699809 - Convert CS to use systemd (alee) - 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #730146 - SSL handshake picks non-FIPS ciphers in FIPS mode (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #737192 - Need script to upgrade proxy configuration (alee) - 'pki-symkey' - Bugzilla Bug #730162 - TPS/TKS token enrollment failure in FIPS mode (hsm+NSS). (jmagne) - 'pki-native-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #730801 - Coverity issues in native-tools area (awnuk) - Bugzilla Bug #730146 - SSL handshake picks non-FIPS ciphers in FIPS mode (cfu) - 'pki-util' - Bugzilla Bug #730146 - SSL handshake picks non-FIPS ciphers in FIPS mode (cfu) - 'pki-java-tools' - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #730146 - SSL handshake picks non-FIPS ciphers in FIPS mode (cfu) - Bugzilla Bug #737218 - Incorrect request attribute name matching ignores request attributes during request parsing. (awnuk) - Bugzilla Bug #730162 - TPS/TKS token enrollment failure in FIPS mode (hsm+NSS). (jmagne) - 'pki-selinux' - Bugzilla Bug #739708 - pki-selinux lacks rules in F16 (alee) - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #712931 - CS requires too many ports to be open in the FW (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #730146 - SSL handshake picks non-FIPS ciphers in FIPS mode (cfu) - 'pki-silent' - Bugzilla Bug #739201 - pkisilent does not take arch into account as Java packages migrated to arch-dependent directories (mharmsen)- 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #734590 - Refactor JNI libraries for Fedora 16+ . . . - 'pki-symkey' - Bugzilla Bug #734590 - Refactor JNI libraries for Fedora 16+ . . . - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - Bugzilla Bug #734590 - Refactor JNI libraries for Fedora 16+ . . . - 'pki-java-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #734590 - Refactor JNI libraries for Fedora 16+ . . . - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #734590 - Refactor JNI libraries for Fedora 16+ . . . - 'pki-selinux' - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #734590 - Refactor JNI libraries for Fedora 16+ . . . - Bugzilla Bug #699809 - Convert CS to use systemd (alee) - 'pki-silent' - Bugzilla Bug #734590 - Refactor JNI libraries for Fedora 16+ . . .- 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #699809 - Convert CS to use systemd (alee) - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #699809 - Convert CS to use systemd (alee) - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #699809 - Convert CS to use systemd (alee)- 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #712931 - CS requires too many ports to be open in the FW (alee) - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #717643 - Fopen without NULL check and other Coverity issues (awnuk) - Bugzilla Bug #730801 - Coverity issues in native-tools area (awnuk) - 'pki-util' - 'pki-java-tools' - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #700522 - pki tomcat6 instances currently running unconfined, allow server to come up when selinux disabled (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #731741 - some CS.cfg nickname parameters not updated correctly when subsystem cloned (using hsm) (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #712931 - CS requires too many ports to be open in the FW (alee) - 'pki-selinux' - Bugzilla Bug #712931 - CS requires too many ports to be open in the FW (alee) - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #712931 - CS requires too many ports to be open in the FW (alee) - 'pki-silent'- 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #689909 - Dogtag installation under IPA takes too much time - remove the inefficient sleeps (alee) - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - 'pki-java-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #724861 - DRMTool: fix duplicate "dn:" records by renumbering "cn=" (mharmsen) - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #717041 - Improve escaping of some enrollment inputs like (jmagne, awnuk) - Bugzilla Bug #689909 - Dogtag installation under IPA takes too much time - remove the inefficient sleeps (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #708075 - Clone installation does not work over NAT (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #726785 - If replication fails while setting up a clone it will wait forever (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #728332 - xml output has changed on cert requests (awnuk) - Bugzilla Bug #700505 - pki tomcat6 instances currently running unconfined (alee) - 'pki-selinux' - Bugzilla Bug #700505 - pki tomcat6 instances currently running unconfined (alee) - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #728605 - RFE: increase default validity from 6mo to 2yrs in IPA profile (awnuk) - 'pki-silent' - Bugzilla Bug #689909 - Dogtag installation under IPA takes too much time - remove the inefficient sleeps (alee)- 'pki-setup' - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - Bugzilla Bug #719007 - Key Constraint keyParameter being ignored using an ECC CA to generate ECC certs from CRMF. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #716307 - rhcs80 - DER shall not include an encoding for any component value which is equal to its default value (alee) - 'pki-java-tools' - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #720510 - Console: Adding a certificate into nethsm throws Token not found error. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #719007 - Key Constraint keyParameter being ignored using an ECC CA to generate ECC certs from CRMF. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #716307 - rhcs80 - DER shall not include an encoding for any component value which is equal to its default value (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #722989 - Registering an agent when a subsystem is created - does not log AUTHZ_SUCCESS event. (alee) - 'pki-selinux' - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #719113 - Add client usage flag to caIPAserviceCert (awnuk) - 'pki-silent'- Updated release of 'jss' - Updated release of 'tomcatjss' for Fedora 15 - 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error. (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #693815 - /var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out owned by pkiuser (jdennis) - Bugzilla Bug #694569 - parameter used by pkiremove not updated (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #669226 - Remove Legacy Build System (mharmsen) - 'pki-symkey' - Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error. (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #669226 - Remove Legacy Build System (mharmsen) - 'pki-native-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error. (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #717765 - TPS configuration: logging into security domain from tps does not work with clientauth=want. (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #669226 - Remove Legacy Build System (mharmsen) - 'pki-util' - Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error. (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #669226 - Remove Legacy Build System (mharmsen) - 'pki-java-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error. (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #532548 - Tool to do DRM re-key (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #532548 - Tool to do DRM re-key (config file and record processing) (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #532548 - Tool to do DRM re-key (tweaks) (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #669226 - Remove Legacy Build System (mharmsen) - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error. (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #695403 - Editing signedaudit or transaction, system logs throws 'Invalid protocol' for OCSP subsystems (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #694569 - parameter used by pkiremove not updated (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #695015 - Serial No. of a revoked certificate is not populated in the CA signedAudit messages (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #694143 - CA Agent not returning specified request (awnuk) - Bugzilla Bug #695015 - Serial No. of a revoked certificate is not populated in the CA signedAudit messages (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #698885 - Race conditions during IPA installation (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #704792 - CC_LAB_EVAL: CA agent interface: SubjectID=$Unidentified$ fails audit evaluation (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #705914 - SCEP mishandles nicknames when processing subsequent SCEP requests. (awnuk) - Bugzilla Bug #661142 - Verification should fail when a revoked certificate is added. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #707416 - CC_LAB_EVAL: Security Domain: missing audit msgs for modify/add (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #707416 - additional audit messages for GetCookie (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #707607 - Published certificate summary has list of non-published certificates with succeeded status (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #717813 - EV_AUDIT_LOG_SHUTDOWN audit log not generated for tps and ca on server shutdown (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #697939 - DRM signed audit log message - operation should be read instead of modify (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #718427 - When audit log is full, server continue to function. (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #718607 - CC_LAB_EVAL: No AUTH message is generated in CA's signedaudit log when a directory based user enrollment is performed (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #669226 - Remove Legacy Build System (mharmsen) - 'pki-selinux' - Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error. (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #720503 - RA and TPS require additional SELinux permissions to run in "Enforcing" mode (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #669226 - Remove Legacy Build System (mharmsen) - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error. (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #693815 - /var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out owned by pkiuser (jdennis) - Bugzilla Bug #699837 - service command is not fully backwards compatible with Dogtag pki subsystems (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #649910 - Console: an auditor or agent can be added to an administrator group. (jmagne) - Bugzilla Bug #707416 - CC_LAB_EVAL: Security Domain: missing audit msgs for modify/add (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #716269 - make ra authenticated profiles non-visible on ee pages (alee) - Bugzilla Bug #718621 - CC_LAB_EVAL: PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVE_REQUEST occurs for a revocation invoked by EE user (awnuk) - Bugzilla Bug #669226 - Remove Legacy Build System (mharmsen) - 'pki-silent' - Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error. (mharmsen) - Bugzilla Bug #669226 - Remove Legacy Build System (mharmsen)- 'pki-setup' - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - 'pki-java-tools' - Added 'DRMTool.cfg' configuration file to inventory - 'pki-common' - 'pki-selinux' - 'pki-ca' - 'pki-silent'- 'pki-setup' - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - 'pki-java-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #532548 - Tool to do DRM re-key - 'pki-common' - 'pki-selinux' - 'pki-ca' - 'pki-silent'- 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #693815 - /var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out owned by pkiuser - Bugzilla Bug #694569 - parameter used by pkiremove not updated - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - 'pki-java-tools' - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #695403 - Editing signedaudit or transaction, system logs throws 'Invalid protocol' for OCSP subsystems - Bugzilla Bug #694569 - parameter used by pkiremove not updated - Bugzilla Bug #695015 - Serial No. of a revoked certificate is not populated in the CA signedAudit messages - Bugzilla Bug #694143 - CA Agent not returning specified request - Bugzilla Bug #695015 - Serial No. of a revoked certificate is not populated in the CA signedAudit messages - Bugzilla Bug #698885 - Race conditions during IPA installation - 'pki-selinux' - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #693815 - /var/log/tomcat6/catalina.out owned by pkiuser - Bugzilla Bug #699837 - service command is not fully backwards compatible with Dogtag pki subsystems - 'pki-silent'- Bugzilla Bug #695157 - Auditverify on TPS audit log throws error.- Bugzilla Bug #690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15 (beta) - Bugzilla Bug #693327 - Missing requires: tomcatjss - 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #690626 - pkiremove removes the registry entry for all instances on a machine - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - 'pki-java-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #689453 - CRMFPopClient request to CA's unsecure port throws file not found exception. - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #692990 - Audit log messages needed to match CC doc: DRM Recovery audit log messages - 'pki-selinux' - 'pki-ca' - 'pki-silent'- Bugzilla Bug #693327 - Missing requires: tomcatjss- Bugzilla Bug #690950 - Update Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15 (beta) - Require "jss >= 4.2.6-15" as a build and runtime requirement - Require "tomcatjss >= 2.1.1" as a build and runtime requirement for Fedora 15 and later platforms - 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #688287 - Add "deprecation" notice regarding using "shared ports" in pkicreate -help . . . - Bugzilla Bug #688251 - Dogtag installation under IPA takes too much time - SELinux policy compilation - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - 'pki-java-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #689501 - ExtJoiner tool fails to join the multiple extensions - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #683581 - CA configuration with ECC(Default EC curve-nistp521) CA fails with 'signing operation failed' - Bugzilla Bug #689662 - ocsp publishing needs to be re-enabled on the EE port - 'pki-selinux' - Bugzilla Bug #684871 - ldaps selinux link change - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #683581 - CA configuration with ECC(Default EC curve-nistp521) CA fails with 'signing operation failed' - Bugzilla Bug #684381 - CS.cfg specifies incorrect type of comments - Bugzilla Bug #689453 - CRMFPopClient request to CA's unsecure port throws file not found exception.(profile and CS.cfg only) - 'pki-silent'- Bugzilla Bug #688763 - Rebase updated Dogtag Packages for Fedora 15 (alpha) - Bugzilla Bug #676182 - IPA installation failing - Fails to create CA instance - Bugzilla Bug #675742 - Profile caIPAserviceCert Not Found - 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #678157 - uninitialized variable warnings from Perl - Bugzilla Bug #679574 - Velocity fails to load all dependent classes - Bugzilla Bug #680420 - xml-commons-apis.jar dependency - Bugzilla Bug #682013 - pkisilent needs xml-commons-apis.jar in it's classpath - Bugzilla Bug #673508 - CS8 64 bit pkicreate script uses wrong library name for SafeNet LunaSA - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #673638 - Installation within IPA hangs - Bugzilla Bug #678715 - netstat loop fixes needed - Bugzilla Bug #673609 - CC: authorize() call needs to be added to getStats servlet - 'pki-selinux' - Bugzilla Bug #674195: SELinux error message thrown during token enrollment - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #673638 - Installation within IPA hangs - Bugzilla Bug #673609 - CC: authorize() call needs to be added to getStats servlet - Bugzilla Bug #676330 - init script cannot start service - 'pki-silent' - Bugzilla Bug #682013 - pkisilent needs xml-commons-apis.jar in it's classpath- 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #676051 - IPA installation failing - Fails to create CA instance - Bugzilla Bug #676182 - IPA installation failing - Fails to create CA instance- 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #674894 - ipactl restart : an annoy output line - Bugzilla Bug #675179 - ipactl restart : an annoy output line- Bugzilla Bug #673233 - Rebase pki-core to pick the latest features and fixes - 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #673638 - Installation within IPA hangs - 'pki-symkey' - 'pki-native-tools' - 'pki-util' - 'pki-java-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #673614 - CC: Review of cryptographic algorithms provided by '' package - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #672291 - CA is not publishing certificates issued using "Manual User Dual-Use Certificate Enrollment" - Bugzilla Bug #670337 - CA Clone configuration throws TCP connection error. - Bugzilla Bug #504056 - Completed SCEP requests are assigned to the "begin" state instead of "complete". - Bugzilla Bug #504055 - SCEP requests are not properly populated - Bugzilla Bug #564207 - Searches for completed requests in the agent interface returns zero entries - Bugzilla Bug #672291 - CA is not publishing certificates issued using "Manual User Dual-Use Certificate Enrollment" - - Bugzilla Bug #673614 - CC: Review of cryptographic algorithms provided by '' package - Bugzilla Bug #672920 - CA console: adding policy to a profile throws 'Duplicate policy' error in some cases. - Bugzilla Bug #673199 - init script returns control before web apps have started - Bugzilla Bug #674917 - Restore identification of Tomcat-based PKI subsystem instances - 'pki-selinux' - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #504013 - sscep request is rejected due to authentication error if submitted through one time pin router certificate enrollment. - Bugzilla Bug #672111 - CC doc: certServer.usrgrp.administration missing information - Bugzilla Bug #583825 - CC: Obsolete servlets to be removed from web.xml as part of CC interface review - Bugzilla Bug #672333 - Creation of RA agent fails in IPA installation - Bugzilla Bug #674917 - Restore identification of Tomcat-based PKI subsystem instances - 'pki-silent' - Bugzilla Bug #673614 - CC: Review of cryptographic algorithms provided by '' package- Bugzilla Bug #656661 - Please Update Spec File to use 'ghost' on files in /var/run and /var/lock- 'pki-symkey' - Bugzilla Bug #671265 - pki-symkey jar version incorrect - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #564207 - Searches for completed requests in the agent interface returns zero entries- Allow 'pki-native-tools' to be installed independently of 'pki-setup' - Removed explicit 'pki-setup' requirement from 'pki-ca' (since it already requires 'pki-common') - 'pki-setup' - Bugzilla Bug #223343 - pkicreate: should add 'pkiuser' to nfast group - Bugzilla Bug #629377 - Selinux errors during pkicreate CA, KRA, OCSP and TKS. - Bugzilla Bug #555927 - rhcs80 - AgentRequestFilter servlet and port fowarding for agent services - Bugzilla Bug #632425 - Port to tomcat6 - Bugzilla Bug #606946 - Convert Native Tools to use ldapAPI from OpenLDAP instead of the Mozldap - Bugzilla Bug #638377 - Generate PKI UI components which exclude a GUI interface - Bugzilla Bug #643206 - New CMake based build system for Dogtag - Bugzilla Bug #658926 - org.apache.commons.lang class not found on F13 - Bugzilla Bug #661514 - CMAKE build system requires rules to make javadocs - Bugzilla Bug #665388 - jakarta-* jars have been renamed to apache-*, pkicreate fails Fedora 14 and above - Bugzilla Bug #23346 - Two conflicting ACL list definitions in source repository - Bugzilla Bug #656733 - Standardize jar install location and jar names - 'pki-symkey' - Bugzilla Bug #638377 - Generate PKI UI components which exclude a GUI interface - Bugzilla Bug #643206 - New CMake based build system for Dogtag - Bugzilla Bug #644056 - CS build contains warnings - 'pki-native-tools' - template change - Bugzilla Bug #606946 - Convert Native Tools to use ldapAPI from OpenLDAP instead of the Mozldap - Bugzilla Bug #638377 - Generate PKI UI components which exclude a GUI interface - Bugzilla Bug #643206 - New CMake based build system for Dogtag - Bugzilla Bug #644056 - CS build contains warnings - 'pki-util' - Bugzilla Bug #615814 - rhcs80 - profile policyConstraintsCritical cannot be set to true - Bugzilla Bug #224945 - javadocs has missing descriptions, contains empty packages - Bugzilla Bug #621337 - Limit the received senderNonce value to 16 bytes. - Bugzilla Bug #621338 - Include a server randomly-generated 16 byte senderNonce in all signed SCEP responses. - Bugzilla Bug #621327 - Provide switch disabling algorithm downgrade attack in SCEP - Bugzilla Bug #621334 - Provide an option to set default hash algorithm for signing SCEP response messages. - Bugzilla Bug #635033 - At installation wizard selecting key types other than CA's signing cert will fail - Bugzilla Bug #645874 - rfe ecc - add ecc curve name support in JSS and CS interface - Bugzilla Bug #488253 - com.netscape.cmsutil.ocsp.BasicOCSPResponse ASN.1 encoding/decoding is broken - Bugzilla Bug #551410 - com.netscape.cmsutil.ocsp.TBSRequest ASN.1 encoding/decoding is incomplete - Bugzilla Bug #550331 - com.netscape.cmsutil.ocsp.ResponseData ASN.1 encoding/decoding is incomplete - Bugzilla Bug #623452 - rhcs80 pkiconsole profile policy editor limit policy extension to 5 only - Bugzilla Bug #638377 - Generate PKI UI components which exclude a GUI interface - Bugzilla Bug #651977 - turn off ssl2 for java servers (server.xml) - Bugzilla Bug #643206 - New CMake based build system for Dogtag - Bugzilla Bug #661514 - CMAKE build system requires rules to make javadocs - Bugzilla Bug #658188 - remove remaining references to tomcat5 - Bugzilla Bug #656733 - Standardize jar install location and jar names - Bugzilla Bug #223319 - Certificate Status inconsistency between token db and CA - Bugzilla Bug #531137 - RHCS 7.1 - Running out of Java Heap Memory During CRL Generation - 'pki-java-tools' - Bugzilla Bug #224945 - javadocs has missing descriptions, contains empty packages - Bugzilla Bug #638377 - Generate PKI UI components which exclude a GUI interface - Bugzilla Bug #659004 - CC: AuditVerify hardcoded with SHA-1 - Bugzilla Bug #643206 - New CMake based build system for Dogtag - Bugzilla Bug #661514 - CMAKE build system requires rules to make javadocs - Bugzilla Bug #662156 - HttpClient is hard-coded to handle only up to 5000 bytes - Bugzilla Bug #656733 - Standardize jar install location and jar names - 'pki-common' - Bugzilla Bug #583822 - CC: ACL issues from CA interface CC doc review - Bugzilla Bug #623745 - SessionTimer with LDAPSecurityDomainSessionTable started before configuration completed - Bugzilla Bug #620925 - CC: auditor needs to be able to download audit logs in the java subsystems - Bugzilla Bug #615827 - rhcs80 - profile policies need more than 5 policy mappings (seem hardcoded) - Bugzilla Bug #224945 - javadocs has missing descriptions, contains empty packages - Bugzilla Bug #548699 - subCA's admin certificate should be generated by itself - Bugzilla Bug #621322 - Provide switch disabling SCEP support in CA - Bugzilla Bug #563386 - rhcs80 ca crash on invalid inputs to profile caAgentServerCert (null cert_request) - Bugzilla Bug #621339 - SCEP one-time PIN can be used an unlimited number of times - Bugzilla Bug #583825 - CC: Obsolete servlets to be removed from web.xml as part of CC interface review - Bugzilla Bug #629677 - TPS: token enrollment fails. - Bugzilla Bug #621350 - Unauthenticated user can decrypt a one-time PIN in a SCEP request - Bugzilla Bug #503838 - rhcs71-80 external publishing ldap connection pools not reliable - improve connections or discovery - Bugzilla Bug #629769 - password decryption logs plain text password - Bugzilla Bug #583823 - CC: Auditing issues found as result of CC - interface review - Bugzilla Bug #632425 - Port to tomcat6 - Bugzilla Bug #586700 - OCSP Server throws fatal error while using OCSP console for renewing SSL Server certificate. - Bugzilla Bug #621337 - Limit the received senderNonce value to 16 bytes. - Bugzilla Bug #621338 - Include a server randomly-generated 16 byte senderNonce in all signed SCEP responses. - Bugzilla Bug #607380 - CC: Make sure Java Console can configure all security relevant config items - Bugzilla Bug #558100 - host challenge of the Secure Channel needs to be generated on TKS instead of TPS. - Bugzilla Bug #489342 - doesn't support EC - Bugzilla Bug #630121 - OCSP responder lacking option to delete or disable a CA that it serves - Bugzilla Bug #634663 - CA CMC response default hard-coded to SHA1 - Bugzilla Bug #621327 - Provide switch disabling algorithm downgrade attack in SCEP - Bugzilla Bug #621334 - Provide an option to set default hash algorithm for signing SCEP response messages. - Bugzilla Bug #635033 - At installation wizard selecting key types other than CA's signing cert will fail - Bugzilla Bug #621341 - Add CA support for new SCEP key pair dedicated for SCEP signing and encryption. - Bugzilla Bug #223336 - ECC: unable to clone a ECC CA - Bugzilla Bug #539781 - rhcs 71 - CRLs Partitioned by Reason Code - onlySomeReasons ? - Bugzilla Bug #637330 - CC feature: Key Management - provide signature verification functions (JAVA subsystems) - Bugzilla Bug #223313 - should do random generated IV param for symmetric keys - Bugzilla Bug #555927 - rhcs80 - AgentRequestFilter servlet and port fowarding for agent services - Bugzilla Bug #630176 - Improve reliability of the LdapAnonConnFactory - Bugzilla Bug #524916 - ECC key constraints plug-ins should be based on ECC curve names (not on key sizes). - Bugzilla Bug #516632 - RHCS 7.1 - CS Incorrectly Issuing Multiple Certificates from the Same Request - Bugzilla Bug #648757 - expose and use updated cert verification function in JSS - Bugzilla Bug #638242 - Installation Wizard: at SizePanel, fix selection of signature algorithm; and for ECC curves - Bugzilla Bug #451874 - RFE - Java console - Certificate Wizard missing e.c. support - Bugzilla Bug #651040 - cloning shoud not include sslserver - Bugzilla Bug #542863 - RHCS8: Default cert audit nickname written to CS.cfg files imcomplete when the cert is stored on a hsm - Bugzilla Bug #360721 - New Feature: Profile Integrity Check . . . - Bugzilla Bug #651916 - kra and ocsp are using incorrect ports to talk to CA and complete configuration in DonePanel - Bugzilla Bug #642359 - CC Feature - need to verify certificate when it is added - Bugzilla Bug #653713 - CC: setting trust on a CIMC cert requires auditing - Bugzilla Bug #489385 - references to rhpki - Bugzilla Bug #499494 - change CA defaults to SHA2 - Bugzilla Bug #623452 - rhcs80 pkiconsole profile policy editor limit policy extension to 5 only - Bugzilla Bug #649910 - Console: an auditor or agent can be added to an administrator group. - Bugzilla Bug #632425 - Port to tomcat6 - Bugzilla Bug #638377 - Generate PKI UI components which exclude a GUI interface - Bugzilla Bug #651977 - turn off ssl2 for java servers (server.xml) - Bugzilla Bug #653576 - tomcat5 does not always run filters on servlets as expected - Bugzilla Bug #642357 - CC Feature- Self-Test plugins only check for validity - Bugzilla Bug #643206 - New CMake based build system for Dogtag - Bugzilla Bug #659004 - CC: AuditVerify hardcoded with SHA-1 - Bugzilla Bug #661196 - ECC(with nethsm) subca configuration fails with Key Type RSA Not Matched despite using ECC key pairs for rootCA & subCA. - Bugzilla Bug #661889 - The Servlet TPSRevokeCert of the CA returns an error to TPS even if certificate in question is already revoked. - Bugzilla Bug #663546 - Disable the functionalities that are not exposed in the console - Bugzilla Bug #661514 - CMAKE build system requires rules to make javadocs - Bugzilla Bug #658188 - remove remaining references to tomcat5 - Bugzilla Bug #649343 - Publishing queue should recover from CA crash. - Bugzilla Bug #491183 - rhcs rfe - add rfc 4523 support for pkiUser and pkiCA, obsolete 2252 and 2256 - Bugzilla Bug #640710 - Current SCEP implementation does not support HSMs - Bugzilla Bug #656733 - Standardize jar install location and jar names - Bugzilla Bug #661142 - Verification should fail when a revoked certificate is added - Bugzilla Bug #642741 - CS build uses deprecated functions - Bugzilla Bug #670337 - CA Clone configuration throws TCP connection error - Bugzilla Bug #662127 - CC doc Error: SignedAuditLog expiration time interface is no longer available through console - 'pki-selinux' - Bugzilla Bug #638377 - Generate PKI UI components which exclude a GUI interface - Bugzilla Bug #643206 - New CMake based build system for Dogtag - Bugzilla Bug #667153 - store nuxwdog passwords in kernel ring buffer - selinux changes - 'pki-ca' - Bugzilla Bug #583822 - CC: ACL issues from CA interface CC doc review - Bugzilla Bug #620925 - CC: auditor needs to be able to download audit logs in the java subsystems - Bugzilla Bug #621322 - Provide switch disabling SCEP support in CA - Bugzilla Bug #583824 - CC: Duplicate servlet mappings found as part of CC interface doc review - Bugzilla Bug #621602 - pkiconsole: Click on 'Publishing' option with admin privilege throws error "You are not authorized to perform this operation". - Bugzilla Bug #583825 - CC: Obsolete servlets to be removed from web.xml as part of CC interface review - Bugzilla Bug #583823 - CC: Auditing issues found as result of CC - interface review - Bugzilla Bug #519291 - Deleting a CRL Issuing Point after edits throws 'Internal Server Error'. - Bugzilla Bug #586700 - OCSP Server throws fatal error while using OCSP console for renewing SSL Server certificate. - Bugzilla Bug #621337 - Limit the received senderNonce value to 16 bytes. - Bugzilla Bug #621338 - Include a server randomly-generated 16 byte senderNonce in all signed SCEP responses. - Bugzilla Bug #558100 - host challenge of the Secure Channel needs to be generated on TKS instead of TPS. - Bugzilla Bug #630121 - OCSP responder lacking option to delete or disable a CA that it serves - Bugzilla Bug #634663 - CA CMC response default hard-coded to SHA1 - Bugzilla Bug #621327 - Provide switch disabling algorithm downgrade attack in SCEP - Bugzilla Bug #621334 - Provide an option to set default hash algorithm for signing SCEP response messages. - Bugzilla Bug #539781 - rhcs 71 - CRLs Partitioned by Reason Code - onlySomeReasons ? - Bugzilla Bug #637330 - CC feature: Key Management - provide signature verification functions (JAVA subsystems) - Bugzilla Bug #555927 - rhcs80 - AgentRequestFilter servlet and port fowarding for agent services - Bugzilla Bug #524916 - ECC key constraints plug-ins should be based on ECC curve names (not on key sizes). - Bugzilla Bug #516632 - RHCS 7.1 - CS Incorrectly Issuing Multiple Certificates from the Same Request - Bugzilla Bug #638242 - Installation Wizard: at SizePanel, fix selection of signature algorithm; and for ECC curves - Bugzilla Bug #529945 - (Instructions and sample only) CS 8.0 GA release -- DRM and TKS do not seem to have CRL checking enabled - Bugzilla Bug #609641 - CC: need procedure (and possibly tools) to help correctly set up CC environment - Bugzilla Bug #509481 - RFE: support sMIMECapabilities extensions in certificates (RFC 4262) - Bugzilla Bug #651916 - kra and ocsp are using incorrect ports to talk to CA and complete configuration in DonePanel - Bugzilla Bug #511990 - rhcs 7.3, 8.0 - re-activate missing object signing support in RHCS - Bugzilla Bug #651977 - turn off ssl2 for java servers (server.xml) - Bugzilla Bug #489385 - references to rhpki - Bugzilla Bug #499494 - change CA defaults to SHA2 - Bugzilla Bug #623452 - rhcs80 pkiconsole profile policy editor limit policy extension to 5 only - Bugzilla Bug #649910 - Console: an auditor or agent can be added to an administrator group. - Bugzilla Bug #632425 - Port to tomcat6 - Bugzilla Bug #638377 - Generate PKI UI components which exclude a GUI interface - Bugzilla Bug #653576 - tomcat5 does not always run filters on servlets as expected - Bugzilla Bug #642357 - CC Feature- Self-Test plugins only check for validity - Bugzilla Bug #643206 - New CMake based build system for Dogtag - Bugzilla Bug #661128 - incorrect CA ports used for revoke, unrevoke certs in TPS - Bugzilla Bug #512496 - RFE rhcs80 - crl updates and scheduling feature - Bugzilla Bug #661196 - ECC(with nethsm) subca configuration fails with Key Type RSA Not Matched despite using ECC key pairs for rootCA & subCA. - Bugzilla Bug #649343 - Publishing queue should recover from CA crash. - Bugzilla Bug #491183 - rhcs rfe - add rfc 4523 support for pkiUser and pkiCA, obsolete 2252 and 2256 - Bugzilla Bug #223346 - Two conflicting ACL list definitions in source repository - Bugzilla Bug #640710 - Current SCEP implementation does not support HSMs - Bugzilla Bug #656733 - Standardize jar install location and jar names - Bugzilla Bug #661142 - Verification should fail when a revoked certificate is added - Bugzilla Bug #668100 - DRM storage cert has OCSP signing extended key usage - Bugzilla Bug #662127 - CC doc Error: SignedAuditLog expiration time interface is no longer available through console - Bugzilla Bug #531137 - RHCS 7.1 - Running out of Java Heap Memory During CRL Generation - 'pki-silent' - Bugzilla Bug #627309 - pkisilent subca configuration fails. - Bugzilla Bug #640091 - pkisilent panels need to match with changed java subsystems - Bugzilla Bug #527322 - pkisilent ConfigureDRM should configure DRM Clone. - Bugzilla Bug #643053 - pkisilent DRM configuration fails - Bugzilla Bug #583754 - pki-silent needs an option to configure signing algorithm for CA certificates - Bugzilla Bug #489385 - references to rhpki - Bugzilla Bug #638377 - Generate PKI UI components which exclude a GUI interface - Bugzilla Bug #651977 - turn off ssl2 for java servers (server.xml) - Bugzilla Bug #640042 - TPS Installlation Wizard: need to move Module Panel up to before Security Domain Panel - Bugzilla Bug #643206 - New CMake based build system for Dogtag - Bugzilla Bug #588323 - Failed to enable cipher 0xc001 - Bugzilla Bug #656733 - Standardize jar install location and jar names - Bugzilla Bug #645895 - pkisilent: add ability to select ECC curves, signing algorithm - Bugzilla Bug #658641 - pkisilent doesn't not properly handle passwords with special characters - Bugzilla Bug #642741 - CS build uses deprecated functions- Bugzilla Bug #668839 - Review Request: pki-core - Removed empty "pre" from "pki-ca" - Consolidated directory ownership - Corrected file ownership within subpackages - Removed all versioning from NSS and NSPR packages- Bugzilla Bug #668839 - Review Request: pki-core - Added component versioning comments - Updated JSS from "4.2.6-10" to "4.2.6-12" - Modified installation section to preserve timestamps - Removed sectional comments- Initial revision. 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