subscription-manager-gui-1.24.48-1.el7.centos>t  DH`p`$ƨ3mN$Oݡ(5nɓG W; N5i^{WCŁTZ Fb٦v# uJxZS?,+[ ٵտgEAG\|C?|⦏ԁE`U 2k>RcT5 I+@moe&g1H8P{6m5:Y E#ѬUFc8%>ojՓzW0i u!i3VAԹ"<vT}#J[Co5\}:7A­'9r9DoYd_{_+k ~0Ԗe%ee/*0õEzpIj M̜{l}$g,&e9 H&y'SU׮C3zhM*A!,[#*LJe"mi&nS점vlHS57={7 rԾAwVKC04d2a7927a1a539d630d9d9d0a623de253c1da3d`$ƨRpyȅ%zJLP+% =ClH( œH;,ɍJ;09F'O0;SNd*ru}CF=ˍ/ҕ(tL Bș8[ػ`޼nAt?dd# 0 h '- Yq > `    a ,   ( 8 9:7i>@BGHHIXYZ[\ ]P^ bGd eflt0utv wDxyV`Csubscription-manager-gui1.24.481.el7.centosA GUI interface to manage Red Hat product subscriptionsThis package contains a GTK+ graphical interface for configuring and registering a system with a Red Hat Entitlement platform and manage subscriptions.`ex86-02.bsys.centos.orgLCentOSGPLv2CentOS BuildSystem System Environment/Base --no-create /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : scrollkeeper-update -q -o /usr/share/omf/subscription-manager || :if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then touch --no-create /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : scrollkeeper-update -q || : fiTaBFC}Lzƥ eǁA큤`e`e`e`e`e `e`xv-`xv-`xv-`xv-`xv-`xv-`xv-`xv-`xv-`xv-`xv-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-manager-1.24.48-1.el7.centos.src.rpmappdata()appdata(subscription-manager-gui.appdata.xml)application()application(subscription-manager-gui.desktop)subscription-manager-gnomesubscription-manager-guisubscription-manager-gui(x86-64)     /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shgnome-icon-themerhsm-gtkrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)subscription-managerrpmlib(PayloadIsXz)1.24.48-1.el7.centos3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-11.24.48-1.el7.centos5.2-14.11.3`x*`v@`lM@__@_@^^W@^?@^?@^V@^I^U@^^@^H^^^^|@^t@^V]^(9@^@^!@]W]z@]m]@]{]nU]nU][]V]R@] ] #]@\]@\\"\"\@\\\\\\,@\d[0[ā@[\[@[qr[dC[dC[,[o[@ZVZVZVZmZH@ZZZ}@ZWQZ.s@ZOZOYY@Y@YdYyY]YtYtY@XX@X@XsX@X@X@XƉXX@XJX8'X!@X@WW@WWj}WQq@W0{W@V@VaVVHV%@VVa@V@V7@UŬU(UUU@U@UmUUyx@UmUd`@U[%UCjU-@U-@U&iT@TԬTZ@T@T@T~@To)@T\@TN3THT.T->@T%U@T@TT@SSSS@S@SFSFSFSESQ@S @SS@S@S[S,Sb7@Sb7@S^BSFS*@S(RRRR߲RʚR@P.2@P#@PkPPO@OOG@OG@O@OiOЗOO8O|7OleOk@O`@OU@ODO8@O))@O"O@ON2NNU@NU@Nܲ@Nܲ@Christopher Snyder 1.24.48-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.47-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.46-1William Poteat 1.24.45-1William Poteat 1.24.44-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.43-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.42-1William Poteat 1.24.41-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.40-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.39-1William Poteat 1.24.38-1William Poteat 1.24.37-1William Poteat 1.24.36-1William Poteat 1.24.35-1William Poteat 1.24.34-1William Poteat 1.24.33-1William Poteat 1.24.32-1William Poteat 1.24.31-1William Poteat 1.24.30-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.29-1William Poteat 1.24.28-1William Poteat 1.24.27-1William Poteat 1.24.26-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.25-1William Poteat 1.24.24-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.23-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.22-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.21-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.20-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.19-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.18-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.17-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.16-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.15-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.14-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.13-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.12-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.11-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.10-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.9-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.8-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.7-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.6-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.5-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.4-3Christopher Snyder 1.24.4-2Kevin Howell 1.24.4-1Kevin Howell 1.24.3-4Christopher Snyder 1.24.3-2Christopher Snyder 1.24.3-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.2-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.1-1Christopher Snyder 1.24.0-1Christopher Snyder 1.23.4-1Christopher Snyder 1.23.3-1Christopher Snyder 1.23.2-1Christopher Snyder 1.23.1-1Christopher Snyder 1.22.1-1Christopher Snyder 1.22.0-1Christopher Snyder 1.21.5-1Christopher Snyder 1.21.4-3Christopher Snyder 1.21.4-2Christopher Snyder 1.21.4-1Christopher Snyder 1.21.3-1Alex Wood 1.21.2-3Alex Wood 1.21.2-2Alex Wood 1.21.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 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1935592: Fix getting releases, when SCA is used ( 1890080: Handle IOErrors and Exceptions when looking for process names ( 1826300: Better messages for attach --auto for SCA mode; ENT-3175 ( 1826300: Ignore auto-attach, when SCA mode is used ( - 1850919: False positive log "rhsmd process exceeded runtime and was killed." ( - 1868936: Do not print traceback, when profile upload failed ( 1848636, 1849074: Update insights machine-id path ( - 1796833: Update translations ( 1842474: Update local and cache file during sync(); ENT-2433 ( - 1838012: prevent redundant remote syspurpose sync ( 1725525: Update keys for translations ( 1789457: Syspurpose exception message parsing ( - 1725525: Mark one string for translation; ENT-1680 ( - 1796833: Fix a few broken fr translations ( - 1796833: Update translations ( 1837244: Fix wrong version provided by subscription-manager version; ENT-2388 ( - 1834792: Try to terminate rhsmd after timeout; ENT-2368 ( 1830994: Fix warning messages in dnf/yum ( - 1823523: Detect rhsm-icon running without psutil ( - 1771921: Package profiles sends too early when registering a client ( - 1688702: Generate redhat.repo in off-line mode; ENT-2302 ( 1831104: When in Simple Content Access mode, subscription-manager should not complain that subscriptions aren't attached ( 1827711: Make rhsmd cron read 'processTimeout' case-insensitive ( 1796986: Collect AWS instance id when available ( 1796833: RHEL 7.9 Tier 0 Localization ( - 1818932: Using 'Simple Content Access' for access mode ( 1821830: Registration fails with a message "Restlib' object has no attribute '_get_cert_key_list' ( Flags for build [relro] ( 1816926: Fix "attach --auto" command; ENT-2242 ( - 1775714: Do not install rhsmd and rhsm-icon on rhel8; ENT-1959 ( - 1763271: Golden ticket: do not print list of products; ENT-2017 ( 1569491: rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm should try to resolve product ID collisions ( - 1688702: allow offline repo management ( 1794653: corrected missing quotes for config check; ENT-2010 ( - Update to releasers ( - 1803783: Added copytruncate option to logrotate conf file; ENT-2114 ( 1796088: Added option --force for command refresh; ENT-2033 ( - Update releasers for new release ( - 1702753: Fix cockpit plugin, when golden ticket is used; ENT-1287 ( - Bump sshpk from 1.13.1 to 1.16.1 in /cockpit (dependabot[bot] - Bump eslint from 3.19.0 to 4.18.2 in /cockpit (49699333+dependabot[bot] - Bump stringstream from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 in /cockpit (49699333+dependabot[bot] - Bump macaddress from 0.2.8 to 0.2.9 in /cockpit (dependabot[bot] - Bump is-my-json-valid from 2.16.0 to 2.20.0 in /cockpit (dependabot[bot] - 1719709: cockpit - Improve behavior when connection to D-Bus fails ( - 1719702: cockpit - Fix overlapping update requests ( - 1719697: cockpit - Fix detection of proxy while attaching ( - Bump sshpk from 1.13.1 to 1.16.1 in /cockpit (dependabot[bot] - Bump tar from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 in /cockpit (dependabot[bot] - cockpit plugin: Fix alignment and layout issues in register dialog ( - Fix subscription-manager-cockpit AppStream data ( 1741183: Yum loaded subscription-manager plugin multiple times ( 1786236: Update repos quickly enough to allow yum install -y $package immediately in containers ( - 1788293: Update repos in postconfig_hook to see new repos immediately ( - 1788297: Duplicate messages are being reported by the yum plugin for subscription-manager ( 1733992: Update to translations ( 1703054: Blacklist some locales for Python2.x; ENT-1288 ( 1756491: Remove usage of deprecated method in yum plugins ( 1724712: Updated from System Type to Entitlement Type ( 1520383: Update to logging levels ( 1752059: corrected cron receving stdout mail for rhsmd run ( - 1733992: Update translations ( 1621275: YUM plugin - less API calls; ENT-923 ( 1643189: Added timeout for rhsmd cron job ( 1743729: Update dnf-plugin dependencies for RHEL 7 ( 1742208: Send package profile on yum transactions ( 1739706: Proper messaging of syspurpose add-addons ( - 1739707: GUI: Do not auto-attach, when golden ticket is used ( - 1705017: Show in man page that --installed is the default for the list command ( - 1737894: syspurpose attributes in list --consumed ( - 1737894: Print roles and usage in list of subscriptions ( - 1739705: Don't print traceback during list --available ( - 1724712: Updating from System Type to Entitlement Type ( - 1739699: Fixed unsetting syspurpose attributes ( - 1723803: Print reasons, why syspurpose status is mismatch ( - 1652549: Addition of tests for heartbeat method ( - 1652549: Connection method for hypervisor heartbeat ( - 1739695: Add in a last_boot fact for parity with spacewalk facts ( - 1702239: Fix traceback for syspurpose on rhel7 ( - 1703054: Do not crash sub-man during unregistering ( - 1739697: Syspurpose client to have the same behavior as SubMan when in conflict with server ( - 1591315: Fewer warning messages when golden ticket is used ( - 1520383: Use more appropriate log levels instead of info ( 1722238: Fix reporting insights id in facts on RHEL7 ( 1722238: Report insights id as fact, when insights is installed ( 1709728: Dialog with proxy conf didn't pop-up; ENT-1333 ( - 1704421: Install only one prod cert, when RPM is available in more repos. ( - 1710564: Make entitlement certs and keys world-readable ( 1688221: update translations ( - Revert "1700445: Do not disabled repos in redhat.repo; ENT-1261" ( - Revert "1621275: Less communication with candlepin server from sub-man plugin; ENT-923" ( 1703607: Remove productid cert, when it is not needed; ENT-1300 ( fix bad cherry-pick (removes uninitentional tab) ( 1704662: Do not create corrupted redhat.repo (wrong scheme); ENT-1306 ( - 1703768: Display 'Status Details' correctly in GUI; ENT-1305 ( - 1699345: Do not perform proxy check under some circumstances. ( - 1698645: Ensure we use local syspurpose when there are network issues ( - 1698443: Proper callbacks in cert sorter ( - 1697563: Suppress output when collecting profile ( - 1696428: use enabled_metadata = 0 for disabled repositories ( - 1669994: Use on_date on syspurpose status if specified ( - 1668152: Remove the Select SLA screen from initial-setup ( - 1660883: Better feedback for repo commands when not registered ( - 1657173: Install cron service properly on SLES; ENT-1250 ( - 1657171: Bug fix of .spec file specific for SuSE; ENT-1056 ( - 1637090: Do not send Host header twice, when m2crypto is used; ENT-1100 ( - 1621275: Less communication with candlepin server from sub-man plugin; ENT-923 ( - 1708722: Only show syspurpose usage when necessary ( - 1688221: Update translations ( 1700445: Do not disabled repos in redhat.repo; ENT-1261 ( - 1591704: Handle disabled status when golden ticket is in play ( Do a new release- Fix malformed cherry-pick ( 1685037: Ignore null repos when running using packagekit ( - 1666845: Always submit empty string for reset ( - 1666845: Always submit empty string for reset ( - 1666845: Do not set role or usage to the empty string ( - 1673973: Do not override sla on auto-attach ( - 1673973: Read syspurpose on register using cockpit ( - 1673934, 1673931: Two bug fixes of productid libdnf plugin; ENT-1165 ( - 1655778: Increase RHEL major version detection reliability ( - 1676982: Do not make duplicate sync calls on syspurpose show ( - 1654531: Add default for proxy_scheme in rhsm.conf ( Bump release to simply build/release ( 1698468: require python-librepo for rhel 7 ( 1694107: Begin packaging syspurpose for python 2 systems ( Add rhel 7.7 releaser ( - 1654531: Add proxy_scheme to rhsm.conf ( - 1665409: Update syspurpose status in cockpit addon ( - 1673838: Set trailing character '\0' at the end of cert content ( - 1666516: Allow reporting of profile info on dnf transactions ( - 1633216: Use new libdnf API to reuse connection to repo; ENT-1111 ( - 1668947: set enable_metadata to 0 for disabled repos; ENT-1146 ( - 1666512: Add some details on dnf uploadprofile to rhsm.conf man page ( - More reliable PXE server and PXE client ( - 1666516: Don't send package list, when report_package_profile=0; ENT-1097 ( - 1671734: Dont traceback on status syspurpose sync - Do not show an error or traceback when running the status command and the server is unreachable during syncing of syspurpose data. ( - 1668152: take into account syspurpose during initial-setup - Registering through initial-setup will now persist & use the syspurpose values that were set during the anaconda installation process. ( - 1661414: No message display when set service level by subscription manager[ENT-1106] ( - 1661400: Incorrect handling of response message ( - 1652870: Stay consistent with Katello list ( - ENT-978: Upgrade pxe-server/client to fedora29 - Also, now the RHSM spoke in anaconda initializes and logs in the rhsm.log. ( - 1660520: Modify spec file to require right version of libdnf. ( - 1582317: Do not collect hardware facts twice; ENT-653 ( - 1666373: Do not delete product certs for disabled repos; ENT-1034 ( - Supplements keyword is not available on rhel7 or centos7. ( - 1634033: do not install conf file for non-existant dnf plugin ( - 1652870: handle new syspurpose status states - Now, the new syspurpose statuses 'matched', 'mismatched' and 'not specified' returned by the server will also be handled and shown. - In addition, for backwards compatibility, if the server returns one of 'valid', 'invalid' or 'partial' status, those will still be handled and shown too by subscription-manager. ( - 1632394: Supplement initial-setup-gui with our addon ( - 1654531: Make default repolist proxy to http protocol when not specified ( - 1655083: Sync syspurpose on status command ( - 1658383: Ensure syspurpose has translations ( - 1624859: Simplify syspurpose bash completion ( - 1656598: Treat false as disabled when listing repos ( - 1663254: Remove "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Client/Desktop" role option ( - 1591399: Stop throwing exception on timeout to avoid stacktrace ( - 1658409: Stop redhat.repo from growing exponentially ( - 1661219: Do not delete product certs for disabled repos; ENT-1034 ( - 1660224: Allow setting and unsetting of addons and service level ( - 1618901: Module name unknown ( - 1643128: Do not execute subscription-manager dnf plugin twice; ENT-987 ( - 1660224: Use the result from SyncResult objects for showing syspurpose ( - Added several unit tests and refactoring of code to libdnf product ID plugin ( - 1633277: syspurpose tool will now log in rhsm.log - The syspurpose tool will now log all communication with the server in the rhsm.log - Added a lot of log statements in the key actions of the syspurpose tool itself, to help with debugging. ( - 1636852 & 1646384: better auth handling when listing service-levels - When running service-level --list with invalid credentials, dont traceback, but show the proper error to the user. - This is handled when either the --serverurl, or --username and --password options are used. ( - 1654491: Use new API of DNF ( - 1633264: Ensure we sync syspurpose on register ( - 1625214: send ConfigChanged event when file replaced - Now, the ConfigChanged event will be sent not only when a monitored file is edited in place, but also when the whole file is replaced with another who is moved/renamed to the same location & name. ( - 1654873: Add man entry for rhsmcertd.disable ( - 1654868: Add man page docs of the package_profile_on_trans option ( - 1638153: Restore service-level command for older servers ( - 1624859: Add bash completion for syspurpose aspects ( - 1633380: show syspurpose status Unknown when cache missing - When the server is unreachable and the syspurpose status cache is missing, then don't traceback, but show status as 'Unknown'. - Also, when the server is reachable, but the system is unregisted, show the 'Unknown' syspurpose status, but don't cache it. ( - 1642888: Add semanage advice on setting non-default proxy_port ( - 1651621: use cockpit-desktop to launch cockpit based gui ( - Bug fix: include debuginfo in RPM with debuginfo information ( - Sync changes with Entitlement Server from both subman and syspurpose ( - 1618372: Print accessible content paths from X509 extension using rct ( - 1650323: dnf subcommand for profile uploads; ENT-984 ( - 1599801: fix Python2 and Python3 incompatibility; ENT-776 ( - 1649125: setuptools naming change ( - 1618498: cockpit will notify activation keys require org - When trying to register with activation keys in cockpit, now the proper message will be displayed to the user when he doesn't also provide an organisation. ( - 1651669: Remove dbus-python from egg requirements ( - Fix issue with Python 3.7 on Fedora 29. ( - Fix several issues with os.errno ( - 1650941: Fix value of Self-Support SLA in valid_fields.json ( - Fix builds of product-id plugin ( - Fixed bug that caused crashes of PackageKit daemon. ( - Small fixes of libdnf product-id plugin ( - Disable rhsmcertd by config entry ( - Typo fixes ( - Add fixes from @kahowell ( - Add dpkg-post-invoke hook deb_package_profile_upload ( - Add apt-transport-katello ( - Fall back to python package version ( - Make AptRepoFile dependent on the existence of python-deb822 ( - Add dependencies ( - Multiplex server_value_repo_logic for all packet managers ( - Factor out from ( - Make apt, yum and zypper equal siblings in repolib ( - Add AptRepoFile ( - Rename modules to use underscore instead of hyphen. ( - Remove zypper productid tests (for now) ( - Fix service name in zypper tests ( - Do not build libdnf plugin on RHEL 7 or Fedora 28. ( - Uniquify the module list ( - ENT-949: run the package profile reporting on the post_trans_hook for each transaction ( - Add module that can be invoked to force package profile upload. ( - Polished libdnf product-id plugin accorind feedback from PR. ( - 1632394 Fix error caused by changes in pyanaconda API. ENT-906 ( - Package product-id plugin ( - Remove macro forms of system executables ( - Change in-source build message to a warning. ( - Correct a few issues from code review. ( - Remove "hello world" plugin ( - Fixed almost all memory leaks from product-id plugin ( - Make "Debug" default built type. ( - Solve some warnings. ( - Added documentation about product-id plugin. ( - Add docs. Deduplicate repo IDs. ( - Added some unit tests for reading product certificate. ( - Get rid of remaining compile warnings. ( - Incorporate productDB code. ( - Add option to make production ready code, added some more strict gcc options. ( - Added more unit tests and fixed one bug. ( - Added some basic test for creating handle and hook. ( - Add incomplete method to write database. ( - Added basic support for testing product-id.c ( - Fixed some memory leaks from productdb and unit tests. ( - Additional product db work ( - Fix memory leaks and logging messages. ( - Fixed issue with list of installed packages and small changes ( - More productdb functions and tests. ( - Removing of unused product certs and productdb ( - Code and tests for product-db. ( - Basic refactoring, add unit framework. ( - Fixed issue with variable substitution. ( - Removed more memory leaks and improved printError(). ( - Write the map of product ID to repos into JSON. ( - Added support for JSON-C into CMakeLists.txt. ( - Fixed several memory leaks using Valgrind ( - Rename method to denote it actually installs a cert. ( - Move hook method up to be with its friends. ( - Only install product certs from active repos. ( - Switch to CMake for product-id plugin by removing Makefile. ( - Make reading of product certificate more robust. ( - Loging of productid plugin and put decompressed cert to /etc/pki/product ( - Figure out what file name to use for the product cert. ( - Link with zlib, libcrypto and libssl libraries. ( - Gunzip the product certificate. ( - Find active packages ( - Faster method of fetching active repos. ( - Look for active packages ( - Fetch productid file. ( - Ignore cmake build directories ( - Rename using hyphen ( - Add CMake file ( - Makefile and trivial version of product id plugin ( - Add note about using a local build. ( - Added debug printing to log file (testing of pkcon). ( - Added more notes to ( - Added; fixed bug in plugin and added some \n to printf. ( - Added initial test/example libdnf plugin ( - Clean up temp files after unit tests. ( - Add an environment variable to disable package profile reporting ( - 1642271: Do not set a None lang ( - Detect sles11 via /etc/SuSE-release ( 1645205: Do not update ent certs inside containers ( - 1633304: Disable zypper product-id plugin. ( - Fedora documentation guidelines favor global over define. ( - Show installed profiles only for enabled modules ( - 1631339: Fix os.errno issue ( - Add a missing comma in test_cache ( - Add module enabled and disabled information ( - 1636381: Fix up our detection of missing org for service-level list ( - 1616403: Better handling of missing locale use ( - 1636381: Handle case of nonexistant org ( - Add scripts to setup local development environment ( - 1633380: Add syspurpose compliance status cache - Altered the syspurpose compliance status connection call to use the /consumers/{uuid}/purpose_compliance API instead of fetching the consumer object and reading the syspurpose compliance field off of it. - Added new syspurpose compliance status cache saved in /var/lib/rhsm/cache/syspurpose_compliance_status.json similar to the entitlement status cache. - When the server is unreachable, we don't traceback, but rather use the new cache value instead. ( - 1639625: Tolerate server missing syspurpose fields ( - 1639086: Fix vendor comparison ( - Includes the installed module profiles ( - 1623390: Fix unregistered messaging in syspurpose ( - 1637183: Replace redhat-uep.pem properly ( - 1632797: Only save SLA set during register or attach if specified ( - Updated how syspurpose handles unsetting values ( - Update man page for report_package_profile option ( - Automatic commit of package [subscription-manager] release [1.24.1-1]. ( - 1616366: Use LANG from environment ( - syspurpose no longer supresses JSON malformation errors ( - Rename zypper plugin to rhsm ( - 1632384: Sync SLA regardless of capability: ( - 1621783: Updated syspurpose fields to match expected values ( - 1632248: User should be able to set/unset while not registered ( - 1633575: Update error message when syspurpose is not supported by server ( - 1614925: Fix grammar ( Rename zypper plugin to rhsm ( - 1632384: Sync SLA regardless of capability: ( - 1621783: Updated syspurpose fields to match expected values ( - 1633575: Update error message when syspurpose is not supported by server ( - 1614925: Fix grammar ( - Added support of modulemd to combined profile; ENT-834 ( - 1620136: dnf plugin deletes prod cert as expected; ENT-773 ( - 1615944: Show help when no args are provided ( - 1614943: Fix bytes/unicode handling of dmi data ( - 1618825: Rename de_DE.po and es_ES.po ( - Combined profile: WIP enabled repos ( - Added list of enabled repos to combined profile; ENT-833 ( - 1607955: WIP: polishing PR with bug fix of release --list ( - Fixed name of capability and added two unit tests. ( - Explict requires added for package we use directly ( - 1581410: Eliminate potential for circular dependency ( - 1631076: subscription-manager rpm now requires python3-syspurpose ( - For tito build, clean the yarn cache ( - Fix ubuntu compat for virt-who travis runs ( - Fix RPMDiff issue with multilib ( - Use Combined Profile reporting ( - 1629073: No python3-dmidecode on aarch64, ppc64le ( - Simplify and fix subpackages logic ( - 1614653: Update intermediate CA ( - Fix spelling to capitalize Workstation properly ( - 1607955: Try to use all entitlement certs for connection with CDN ( - Use pre-provisioned centos7 box ( - Vagrant: use ansible-role-subman-devel via galaxy ( - Vagrant: skip provisioning if var needs_provision is false ( Use the "service_level_agreement" attribute for the SlaCommand ( - 1623262: Make automatic enablement of yum plugins working again; ENT-820 ( - Start releasing to f29 ( 1600694: Log dbus exception tracebacks at the debug level ( - 1623368: Register a system without a syspurpose.json file ( - Revert "Add sles version to dist" ( - 1596699: Handle non-existant rhsm-debug destination (ENT-780) ( - Sync system purpose for sub-man subcommands ( - Add man page for syspurpose. ( - 1613968: DNF product-id plugin can install product cert; ENT-789 ( - Add sles version to dist ( - Remove extraneous include in setup() ( - Updated translations ( - 1596001: Change syspurpose import error log level to debug level ( - 1602702: rhsmcertd did not close lock file; ENT-736 ( - Adds the addons set of commands to syspurpose ( - 1581445: ENT-564: rhsm configuration manage_repos is not working on RHEL8 ( - Fix time stamps of pyc files ( 1606435: Rename the async module for compatibility with python 3.7; ENT-737 ( - Cockpit/Syspurpose service integration fix ( - Display both new and old value in syspurpose diff message ( - Fix sending single value of addons. ( - Fix synchronization of usage with candlepin ( - 1596294: Fix displayin RHSM Spoke in Initial Setup ( - Syspurpose field value lists [ENT-766] ( - ENT-717: Syncing of syspurpose store with candlepin ( - 1609048: Replacement of imp module with importlib; ENT-758 ( Move "nose" to test requirements for syspurpose ( Integrate Syspurpose DBus Signal with Cockpit ( - Change usage_type to usage ( - ENT-715 Sync syspurpose with server ( - 1609052: DNF Plugin needs config initiated earlier ( - 1608963: Minimize packaging for python 3 ( - Improve test setup for syspurpose tests. ( - Two simple fixes for syspurpose ( - Raise ioerr when necessary during sp read ( - ENT-720 Adds the addons subcommand ( - 1602056: Added role subcommand ENT-719 ( - Replace lsb-release in spec and Makefile ( - Mock out syspurpose code from being executed in subman tests ( - ENT-584 syspurpose UTF-8 support & better formatting - All syspurpose operations now support UTF-8 - syspurpose.json now has user-friendly indentation ( - ENT-446 Report systempurpose on registration ( - 1512944: Fix up remaining python2 deps ENT-724 ( - ENT-721: Usage command ( - ENT-590 Enhanced SyspurposeStore add/remove operations - 'add' will now not override an existing value that was added by the 'set' command, but it will be maintained and added in a list along with the newly added value. - 'add' will now not add an element to a list if the list already contains it (no duplicates). - 'remove' will now unset the current value, if that turns out to be scalar instead of being contained in a list. ( - Move syspurpose out of packages directory. ( - Correct small problems in syspurpose. ( - ansible vagrant QOL fixes ( - ENT-723: Add System Purpose Status to System Status output ( - Improve debug logging for release listing ( - Remove other references to python-kitchen. ( - Make build_ext a proper dependency. ( - Add zanata.xml configuration file and gettext keys.pot ( - Move clean command to common build_ext module. ( - Only gather optparse strings in subscription-manager. ( - Move syspurpose source files to be under package directory. ( - Look for source files based on package directory locations. ( - Add gettext calls to syspurpose. ( - Load build_ext i18n commands in ( - Integrate Dbus signals with Cockpit GUI ( - Do not install subman-gui from by default ( - ENT-591 Handle when syspurpose.json is missing & create it. ( - Fix indeterminate unit test failure. ( - Removal of python-kitchen ( - ENT-731 Replaced syspurpose 'offerings' commands with 'role': - Removed commands 'add-offerings', 'remove-offerings', 'unset-offerings' - Added commands 'set-role' and 'unset-role' ( - ENT-589 Intentctl -> syspurpose ( - ENT-710: Add three_way_merge utility function ( - ENT-477: Add signal EntitlementsChanged ( - ENT-476: Add signal InstalledProductsChanged ( - 1594733: Fix GetStatus in com.redhat.RHSM1.Entitlement ENT-641 ( - Make vagrant setup more flexible ( - ENT-475: Add signal ConfigChanged ( - 1581777: Reraise exception properly. ENT-566 ( - Replace curly quote with straight quote ( - Add implementation of filesystem watcher ( - 1581410: ENT-572: subman should require dnf-plugin-subscription-manager ( - ENT-478 com.redhat.RHSM1.Consumer D-Bus service object ( - 1576423: Polished changes provided in #1816 and added unit test. ( 1571998: Ignore HTB repos ( - 1589296: subman list option --after now named --afterdate ( - 1558411: Begin building dnf-plugin-subscription-manager for RHEL 7 ( - Use constant defined in ( - 1553266: When d-bus methods are unavailable, show appropriate message. * Added a "safe call" mechanism that makes the initial dbus calls (entitlementService, configService, productsService) only if the service is available, tries to restart the rhsm service if possible, and otherwise failing gracefully. * Added new UI curtain that provides a meaningful message and advice to the end user. * Re-added utility method statusUpdateFailed that was accidentally deleted. ( - 1580996: Fix comparision of objects in Python 3 (ENT-578) ( - Make xauth Idempotent again ( - Fixes missing locale issues while running nosetests ( - Remove freezegun ( - 1576582: Make rhsm.full_fresh_on_yum=1 working again (ENT-534) ( - ansible-fix: fixed ansible failing during vagrant up ( - Update the license of the subman-cockpit-plugin to GPLv2 ( - 1510920: Allow access to job cancellation API ( - ENT-447 Add icons to RPM package for subman cockpit plugin ( Remove F26 from releasers (Fedora 26 EOL) ( Fix python-rhsm Provides and Obsoletes ( - 1568609: Updated man page for --after list option ( - Get Initial Setup Addon to run during installation in Vagrant ( - ENT-447 Create .desktop file that opens web page with our cockpit plugin ( - ENT-481 service-level command & options now update syspurpose metadata ( - 1560727: Search for proxy auth message in whole error string ( - 1555384: get_libexecdir now returns a string instead of bytes ( - Added generic set/unset and add/remove commands to syspurpose ( - ENT-488 syspurpose now warns if running in container ( - 1574706: Create python2-subscription-manager-rhsm properly ( - Automatic rebuilding of updates.img on PXE Server ( - 1574529: Fix rhsmcertd integer overflow on i386 & i686 ( - Respecting proxy port configured in rhsm.conf ( Add dist back to release ( Add missing buildrequires to fix upstream fedora python2 builds ( Stop building subscription-manager-gui, when Python 3 is used ( - Remove kitchen from install_requires ( 1439645: Perform a full entitlement refresh in the yum/dnf/zypper plugins ( - 1527727: Add proc_stat.btime fact ( - 1568214: rhsmcertd no longer uses reload on py3 ( - 1559227: Do not use str format for python 2.6 ( - 1425766: Additional message in status to indicate content access ( - Adds a new cli utility 'syspurpose' ( - 1559227: Do not log Error messages for missing identity cert/key ( - 1458159: python-dmidecode bug fix requires specific RPM release. ( - fix for proxy-server provisioning - resolving of '' ( - 1458159: Require latest version of python-dmidecode ( - 1551044: Add the option to build both python{3,2}-subscription-manager-rhsm ( - 1559743: Reduce log level of network address fact collection to debug ( - added a vagrant section for a VM for proxy-server ( - ansible role rhsm-services and document ( - Fix updates.img to include required Python packages ( - Do not remove existing zypper repos when disconnected ( - Apply updates.img druing PXE boot ( - Do not use private network addresses for vagrant hostmanager ( - Adds tool to make updates.img file for use with anaconda ( - 1554482: Reenable RHUI support ( - Fix building on SLES 11 ( - Added PXE BOOT client to the Vagrant setup ( - New Vagrant file for creating PXEBOOT server ( - 1551386: Cannot put unicode into gtk for button label ( - 1551465: Fix unicode decode issue on py 2.6 ( - Remove unneeded spec file directives ( Add missing dist macro to release- Remove %clean section ( - Remove BuildRoot definition ( 1547354: Add missing requires for python-kitchen ( - 1528625: Prevent dmidecode failure from returning None ( - 1543639: Properly encode package profile data ( - 1527396: Subman cockpit plugin - fix registration using act. keys ( - 1535974: Close register dialog, when status is changed ( - Add start date to available pool listing ( - Condition requiring --after and --all is unnecessary ( - 1510024: Handle rhel-alt product tags properly ( - 1540204: Raise RateLimitExceededException with headers ( - 1533905: Remove dependency on yum and chkconfig. ( - 1479353: Add --after option to list command ( - 1537473: Subman rpm requires python-setuptools ( - 1525238: Do not protect rhel prod. cert with special case ( - 1526622: Do not delete product certificates in protected directory ( - 1519512: Handle non-UTF8 RPM vendors ( - 1487600: Fix registration success detection ( - 1527813: subman-gui use new URL of Online Documentation ( - 1527392: Clear credential data in register dialog ( - rct cat-manifest: show Web and API urls from consumer.json ( - Use dnf on RHEL or Fedora w/ using Python 3 ( - 1507030: RestlibExceptions should show they originate server-side ( - Package for Python 3 on Fedora ( Rebuilt for Do not enable gpgcheck if the only a metadata gpg key is configured ( - 1448313: Do not log error, when rhsmcertd is restarted ( - Support configuration of a repo metadata signing key ( - Generate bin scripts via setuptools entry_points ( - 1304056: Fix D-Bus path of com.redhat.RHSM1.Facts ( - 1516439: Cockpit reports error during unregister when candlepin unavailable ( - 1510727: Enable starting of subman GUI, when consumer has been deleted ( Sync zanata translations ( - Add parameter to D-Bus API to pass locale for localization of errors ( - 1463765: Fix wrong Indic-language translations ( - 1487600: Cockpit - Save configuration from register dialog ( - 1464571: Improve multiple product certs errors ( - Replace cockpit-subscriptions ( - 1507158: Provide Host: in http CONNECT header ( - 1319927: Remove newline from auto enable message ( Sync zanata translations ( Sync zanata translations ( - 1514067: Call virt-what using absolute path ( - 1487688: Load config settings for cockpit plugin ( - Added dependencies to cockpit-bridge and cockpit-shell. ( - 1462456: Flush stdout and stderr on more places ( - 1491842: fixed typo in man page. ( - 1508591: Removed python-rhsm from subscription-manager version ( - 1421010: Subman-GUI shows error dialog (wrong proxy settings) ( - 1500106: subscription-manager status --ondate do not ignore date ( - 1506970: Fixed default custom URL in cockpit plugin ( Sync zanata translations ( - Cockpit - listing of installed products using patternfly-react ( - 1508457: Bump versions in python-rhsm obsoletes ( - Implement fallback for settimeout on old m2crypto ( - Cockpit: reconcile translated strings ( - Cockpit: use translations from root dir ( Fix cockpit tgz path in spec file ( Cockpit: Implement modal dialog ( - Implement bootstrap-select component ( - Port cockpit subscriptions-client to dbus ( - Move python-rhsm build into subscription-manager ( - 1354667: Add identity cert detection to proxy error message generation ( - 1501889: Enable yum plugins after sub-man subcommand is executed ( - 1477958: Use inotify for checking changes of consumer certs ( Sync zanata translations ( - Bump python-rhsm requirement to 1.20.2 ( - 1448313: Do not log error, when rhsm_icon.json does not exist ( - 1354667: Better message for proxy/identity cert issue ( - 1489917: More robust reading of yum plugin file ( - 1491842: Add man page doc for [rhsm] auto_enable_yum_plugins ( - 1493711: Fix --matches option for the list command. ( - 1476817: Set network.ipv4_address properly, when DNS misconfigured. ( - 1483746: Force UTF-8 encoding in rhsm-service ( - rename RepoFile to YumRepoFile ( - 1466453: [RFE] rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm auto-enable yum plugins ( - D-Bus service for removing entitlements (all/ID/serial num.) ( - 1489917: More robust reading of yum plugin file ( - 1489877: minor typo in /etc/rhsm/rhsm.conf comment ( - restructure RepoFile hierarchy ( - 1319927: [RFE] sub-man automatically enables yum plugins ( - Fix polymorphy for RHSMLogHandler ( - 1481384: Do not update redhat.repo at RateLimitExceededException ( - 1485008: subman register --type="RHUI" should work ( - 1481384: Do not update redhat.repo at RateLimitExceededException (#1685) ( - Do not attempt to register if already registered. ( - Integrate registration service into RegisterCommand. ( - 1480659: Properly initialize clean repo copy ( - D-Bus service for unregistering system (#1680) ( - Add an entitlement service and use it in the CLI and DBus. ( - Remove unneeded plugin conduit. ( - Clean up imports in dbus.base_object ( - Move certificate persistence into register service itself. ( - 1480395: Force UTF-8 encoding in daemons ( - 1464571: 'sub-man release' prints error for more prod. certs. ( - 1400326: Better error print, when consumer cert is corrupted ( - Reload identity after registering. ( - Move registration code to a distinct service. ( - The get_installed_product_status() is now method of InstalledProducts, small changes, refactoring. ( - D-Bus service for listing installed products ( - 1461003: Deprecate --type option on register command ( - 1462928: Reset status after connection validation ( - 1330036: Better status error message for initial-setup ( Only return JSON body from Register service. ( - Add a DBus object and service to attach subscriptions. ( - 1472746: Correct sorting of dates in subman gui ( - 1472715: Python module rhsm should never call exit() ( - 1462456: added flush() method to Tee class in fixtures. ( - 1462456: flushing of stdout and stderr once again ( - 1329349: Add subscription-manager plugin to yum-config-manager ( - 1468297: Fix gui proxy check ( - 1367672: Ignore "already attached" in register GUI ( - 1350402: fix broken pipe error in other bin scripts ( - 1463325: Output consumer name on registration ( - Tell SUSE to use yum since python-kitchen is unavailable. ( - Do not package the yum plugins if they are not needed. ( - Use python-kitchen instead of yum for util method. ( - 1380341: Better dialog in GUI, when consumer is deleted at CP. ( - 1459194: open Online Documentation, when env. var. LANG is unset ( - 1455681: rhsm-debug created report dir with wrong perms ( - 1452075: print only readable part of SSL error to console ( - 1413161: Add baseurl examples, explanation ( - 1386914: Add hypervisor consumer type to manpages ( - 1444453: Have gettext return unicode instead of bytes. ( - 1443570: Update retired article reference ( - 1457348: Use https for the label. ( - 1457197: Env. variable no_proxy=* is not ignored ( - 1392709: Display better error msg., when wrong proxy is set up ( - 1448501: subman gui can unregister, when network is up again ( - 1422196: Update container certs after plugin install ( - 1441397: added --noproxy for rhsm-debug auto-completion ( - 1421010: GUI opens network dialog due to bad proxy during startup ( - 1414529: Raise exception with path/string of wrong certificate. ( - 1443164: no_proxy match the host name when * is used ( - 1441397: Added --noproxy to bash completion script ( - Python 3 compatability fixes. ( - 1365472: Add mnemonic for subscription-manager spoke ( - 1443159: Added default value for splay configuration ( - 1452737: Enable saving no_proxy settings from GUI ( - 1451003: identity reports right info in name field ( - 1450818: Bug fix of com.redhat.Subscriptionmanager D-Bus policy ( - 1451166: Fix Host header when using proxy ( - 1450049: Replace `-` with `_` in completion functions ( - 1450862: remove obsolete certiciates of golden ticket ( - 1448855: golden ticket entitlement was not removed. ( - 1449824: facts collection aborts with unknown locale ( - 1432231: Support /etc/init.d daemon even on EL7 ( - 1450210: Make lscpu ignore locale again ( - 1447211: Don't read non-existing json cache file. ( - 1401787: Use json file for caching pool type. ( - 1447722: use socket.getaddrinfo() to mimic hostname -f cmd ( - 1427069: Add secondary file to determine external repo file changes ( - 1444453: set bin scripts file encoding to utf-8 ( - 1444453: Set default encoding for gui to UTF-8 ( - include 'full_refresh_on_yum' logic in zypper service plugin ( - rehash ca-path in zypper service plugin ( - Add preliminary zypper support ( - Define libexec directory at compile time ( - Separate CFLAGS and LDFLAGS ( - 1445204: Update timestamp during intitial cert check. ( Bump python-rhsm requirement to 1.20.0 ( - 1444512: Display deleted uuid in facts dialog correctly. ( Bump python-rhsm requirement to 1.19.6 ( 1446638: Remove dbus-x11 dependency ( - 1443101: Provide feedback for force register ( - 1446469: Use sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') in better way. ( - 1440319: fixed wrong spelling. ( - 1426343: fixed rct to display cert without subjectAltName. ( Sync zanata translations ( - 1444714: Error reading system DMI information ( - 1357152: Print right dates on subscription-manager list --installed ( - 1445387: Set locale fact to Unknown if value cannot be determined ( - 1443693: Enable to overwrite system.certificate_version with custom fact. ( - 1444800: Added mising policy file. ( - 1429505: Facts dbus service does not start properly due to timeout. ( - 1443215: bug fix of writing time stamps. ( - 1443554: Clicking at Help->Getting Started opens yelp. ( - 1428002: Add proxy configuration info to man page ( - 1443598: Remove M2Crypto reference from rhsmlib ( Sync zanata translations ( - 1438869: Capture dmidecode errors at fact gathering ( - 1443205: Simplify rhsmcertd log message plurality ( - 1435771: Fix UnboundLocalError during custom facts collection ( - 1426357: Fix DBus register service configuration issue. ( - 1405314: Better output message, when subman gui is launched with non-root user. ( - 1426685: Bug fix: subman doesn't log errors when repository enabling failed ( - 1441698: Install missing rpm package with fonts. ( - 1438085: Do not include virt.uuid for platforms where it is not known ( Sync zanata translations ( - Bump python-rhsm requirement to 1.19.5 ( - 1435013: Add splay option to rhsmcertd, randomize over interval ( - 1438139: Make subscription details view expand ( - 1438869: Clear dmidecode warnings ( - Update log message to be more clear about the splay time being used ( - 1438561: Do not use D-Bus for facts collection ( - 1433368: 1432947: Filter content access certs at entitlement list level ( Sync zanata translations ( - 1440934: Ensure rhsmcertd performs both types of checks ( - 1440251: Bug fixing building of rhsmcertd at RHEL ( - 1440922: Add a description of maxSplayMinutes to the rhsm.conf man page ( Bump required python-rhsm version to 1.19.4-1 ( - 1435013: Add splay to all checks done by rhsmcertd ( - 1431659: Let rhsmcertd-worker clean up on SIGTERM ( - 1428435: Make release set/unset regenerate repos ( - 1425922: System locale in facts ( - 1420533: Add no_proxy option to API, config, UI ( - 1424614: Add support to rct to print contentAccessMode attribute ( - Automatic commit of package [python-rhsm] release [1.19.3-1]. ( - 1434860: Only log correlation ID for specified cmd ( Zanata translations for 1.19.X ( - 1433479: rhsmcertd - check connection before lock ( - 1427069: Prioritize content from Basic entitlements ( - 1429657: Remove catch-all on register --force ( Bump required python-rhsm version to 1.19.2 ( - 1434094: Deny D-BUS Config.Set from non-root ( Lock down Facts object to be accessible to root only. ( - 1423013: Allow DBus calls to the com.redhat.RHSM1 interfaces ( - Address code paths with Coverity FORWARD_NULL ( Query.na_dict() has been renamed in dnf 2.0 (#1544) ( - Add correlation ID to each cmd & rhsmcertd run ( - 1425438: Hide content access certs from list cmd ( - 1421930: Force update of icon cache on install of subman gui ( - Bug fix: make install works as expected, when PYTHON_VER is not set using system variable. ( - 1415708: Fix issues with facts gathering. ( - Add content access cert functionality to subman ( - Bootstrap DBus mainloop when rhsmcertd runs. ( - Fix string comparison missed in python3 PR ( - Add missing Requires and BuildRequires needed by F25. ( Add missing BuildRequires. ( - Zanata translations for 1.19 ( - Drop unsupported languages from zanata.xml ( - Fix initialization of a couple of tests ( Bump version to 1.19 ( - 1405125: Strip null byte from end of virt uuid. ( - Provide DBus objects for configuration, facts, and registration. ( - Use repo location for python-rhsm dependency. ( - 1402009: Unset TERM inside subscription-manager ( - 1404930: Provide GUI flow to fix proxy settings ( - 1403387: Fix proxy conn test short-circuit ( - 1401394: Collect fqdn via `hostname -f` ( 1401078: "Remote server error" on BadStatusLine ( - 1390712: Add --remove-rhn-packages to man pages ( - fix keyerror when showing subs that doesnt have derivedProvidedProducts ( - Fix test failure when no legacy services installed ( - show Derived Provided Products for products that have them ( - 1261215: Fix frozen progress bars ( - 1360427: Show error if browser is not detected ( 1395659: Handle ProxyExceptions that occur during GUI operation ( - 1395662: Properly parses exc_info based on type ( - 1395794: Include python-decorator as a required dependency ( - 1378495: Do not touch OSTree Origin files. ( - Replace m2crypto references ( - 1390258: Validate --remove-rhn-packages conflicting options ( - 1390341: Disable SysV/systemd services properly ( - 1268033: Add progress screen for validate server ( Rev zanata version to 1.18.X ( - 1389559: Parse log levels properly from config ( - 1390549: Force input prompts to use stdout ( - debrand so my Katello server errors don't point to real RHSM ( 1367128, 1367126: Add network.fqdn fact ( - 1305729: Improve dnf-plugin package metadata ( - 1382897: Don't always reenable register menu item ( - 1382355: Don't swallow CLI autoattach exceptions ( - 1245473: Add container-specific no-certs warning ( - 1369577: Fix rct cat-manifest --no-content format ( - 1379258: Fix alignment of GTK3 choose_server screen ( - 1320371: Display user-friendly rate limit messages ( - 1362731: Change titles when moving to subscription attachment ( - 1163968: Use macro for service restart ( - 1372779: Fix typo in "connection" ( - 1259768: initial-setup: notify and block for async ( - 1365472: Add keyboard mnemonics for initial-setup ( - 1176219: Treat port as integer for GUI conn test ( - 1366523: Ensure that each quantity spinner has proper settings ( 1176219: Error out if bad proxy settings detected ( - 1376014: Clear activation key list when checkbox unchecked ( - 1367509: fix cert not found message, expand tilde ( - 1373922: Add cat-manifest --no-content desc to man ( - 1346368: Add server_timeout to rhsm.conf manpage ( - 1374389: rm --no-content from stat-cert completion ( - 1366799: Do not check for a releaseVer override when in container ( - 1185914: migrate - handle legacy services/packages ( - 1367657: Escape RestlibExceptions for gui display ( - 1371632: Disallow connection test w/ missing info ( - 1372673: Ensure user is able to skip auto attach during initial-setup ( - 1330515: Account for keyboard interrupt ( - 1371202: Make sub attach view expand in GTK3 ( - 1370623: Fix text sorting for treeview columns ( - 1369522: Add cat-manifest --no-content to bash completion ( - 1298140: Set default window icon ( - 1331739: Validate repo-override --remove non-empty [squashed] ( - 1323271: Update compliance when facts update ( - Disallow empty name for --add ( - Make repo-override --add emit error same as remove ( - 1368362: Do not display logging config error on upgrade ( - 1366055: Add docs for the LOGGING section to rhsm.conf man page ( - 1366301: Entitlement regeneration failure no longer aborts refresh ( - 1336428: Check notification object before use ( - 1365280: Change default log level back to INFO ( - 1362138: Change method signature for Anaconda addon ( - 1251516: Disable import when registered ( - 1336880: Print virt_limit attributes with rct cat-manifest. ( - 1336883: Add --no-content switch to cat-manifest to reduce output. ( - Updated required python-rhsm version ( - 1334916: Move logging configuration to rhsm.conf ( - 1264108: Clear error message on back action ( - Kill transient parent warnings from Register dialog ( - 1333904: 1333906: Append accessible name to contain selected value ( - 1360909: The refresh command now requests entitlement cert regeneration ( - 1351009: Modify message to cover more scenarios ( - 1351370: Ensure rhsmd exits on exceptions ( - Don't warn about GTK_VERSION if SUBMAN_GTK_VERSION is set ( - 1323276: Don't display or store 'None' in proxy values ( - 1327179: Check proxy configuration at GUI startup ( Bump version to 1.18 ( 1353662: Explicitly use ConsumerIdentity keypath and certpath methods ( - 1268307, 1268043, 1257179: Disable back button on registration dialog when there is no back ( - 1335371: Allow auto-attach in GUI when system status is partial ( 1335537: Fix typo in proxy message ( - Remove sys.path shenanigans that break yum imports. ( - 1330054: Set hostname, port and prefix on default button clicked ( - 1325083: Fix available sort order ( - 874735: Support fact collection of multiple ips per interface ( - Added basic SLES compatibility Tested against SLES 11 SP3 ( - drop xtraceback nose plugin usage as it is not available as an PRM ( - Fix Flake8 Errors ( - 1337817: The 'Start-End Date' of expired subscription is not in red status when the subscription expired. ( - 1319678: Alter the return message for removing entitlements at server ( 1297493, 1297485: Restrict visibility of subscription-manager caches. ( - pull translations from zanata 1.17.X, after pushing 1.16.X translations to 1.17.X and pushing keys file ( - update keys using make gettext ( - pull translations from zanata 1.16.X ( - 1328729: add to default registry_hostnames ( - Add lxml requirement to test-requirements. ( - Add noop implementation for deprecated Makefile target. ( - Force version to be converted to a string. ( - Correct incorrectly defined options for custom install command. ( - Let handle populating ( - Eliminate loading modules from /usr/share/rhsm. ( - Switch to using lxml for linting. ( - Handle pep8/flake8 not being available in build environments. ( - Exclude OSTree packages from installation by default. ( - Make XPath searching 2.6 compatible. ( - Fix errors found by new linters ( - Don't use super() with ElementTree.XMLParser. ( - Add some comments on build philosophy. ( - Disable generation via ( - Reorganize spec file. ( - Address issue where Flake8 checked the same file multiple times. ( - Makefile changes. ( - Consolidate targets in Makefile. ( - Pare down the Makefile. ( - Remove items from Makefile now handled by setuptools. ( - Align Makefile with changes made in ( - Remove docs for long deprecated program. ( - Fix deprecated XPath expression. Remove call to missing command. ( - Add icon and Glade files files into ( - Add desktop files to setuptools build. ( - Merge translations back into desktop file. ( - Add linter to search for undefined Glade handlers. ( - Check for use of undefined widgets ( - Use *args for multiple glob searches. ( - Scan .glade files not .ui files for problematic constructs. ( - Detect debug imports and flag them. ( - Use extensions that won't be confused for source files. ( - Simplify AST checking and make it more flexible. ( - Use AST parsing to find constructs that confuse xgettext. ( - Add linting commands. ( - Use some distutils provided utilities. Refactor. ( - Begin process of moving to distutils for building. ( - 1283749: Change some registration dialogs to error ( 1268094: Avoid traceback on unreg with >1 sub ( - 1329397: github issue #1409 ( - 1301215: Test proxy connection before making call 1176219: Stop before cache is returned when using bad proxy options ( - 1315591: Catches exception and allows process to continue ( Added RHEL 7.3 release target ( - 1320507: Use config entry before default for port and prefix ( - 1317613: Typo in selectsla.ui ( - 1321831: Clear auto-attach dialog when consumer has been deleted ( 1315859: Only show one proxy dialog ( - 1309553: Stylish fixes for consumer fixes ( - 1313631: Registration with one environment proceeds as normal ( 1304427: Fixes system path to properly import from module subscription_manager ( - 1266935: Turn sub-man logging to INFO level. ( - register screen -> reg screen and pkg profile ( - 1264964: Always use cert auth for package profile ( - 1309553: Do not fail on check for consumer["type"]["manifest"] ( - 1304680: Include error detail in message ( - 1312367: Progress bar needs to go away on repo update connection fail ( - 1311935: Emits register-message instead of register-error for display of user errors ( - 1302564: Push 'Done' box as close to center of firstboot page as possible ( - 1308523: Navigation buttons sensitivity matches the current_screen.ready ( - 1302775: Navigate through all rhsm firstboot screens ( - 1304280: Tab stop needed on cancel button ( - 1303092: GUI issues in Repos and Help ( 1308732: Leave hw fact virt.uuid unset if unknown ( - 1290885: Display formatted error if no DISPLAY exists. ( 1300259: Select service level label no longer overlaps dropdown box ( - 1220283: Choose server text no longer overlapped by icon. ( - 1300816: Add proc_cpuinfo facts for ppc64/le ( - 1300791: Update man page footers ( - 1300805: Add support for ppc64 virt.uuid ( 1298586: Message needed for remove only invalid pool ( - 1046132: rhsm_icon uses status from check_status ( - 1282961: Update yum version to current RHEL 6.8 one ( - 1046132: rhsm-icon pops up at annoying times - a second attempt ( - 1298327: Handles exception in repolib ( - 1297313: Fixed layout issues with the repository management dialog on GTK2 ( - 1292038: Changed adjustments to GtkAdjustment objects - 1292013: Retain reference to backend for use in proxy config ( 1263037: Change RHSM Icon reporting of unregistered system ( - 1283749: Upgrade the dialogs to error when required fields are blank. ( - 1222627: Allows removal of product certs with no active repos, given temp_disabled_repos ( - 1163398: Modify icon-rhsm man page to reflect the help text ( - Install docs with mode 644 ( - 1288626: Does not report pool ids as serial numbers, ignore duplicates ( - 1061407: Avoid unwanted translations for subscription-manager by string substitutions ( - Output of errors now goes to stderr ( - Use matches string to highlight the field(s) containing the match ( 1285004: Adds check for access to the required manager capabilty ( - 1278472: Change default registration url to ( - 1275179: Do not allow quantity with auto attach ( - 976859: Only check server version if asked. ( - 1195003: Subscription manager man page mention of wild cards for repo enable ( - Use the stock 'close' button for close button. ( 1264964: Ignore uuid=None on package sync ( - Set register-status in RegisterInfo init. ( - Add glade for selectsla combobox for rhel6 ( - 1254460: Fixed the credits button in the about dialog in subman GUI ( - 1192120: Fixed remaining instances of "reregister" in the man pages ( - 1270204: Crash report no longer sent when widget is none ( - Cancel button is now labelled "Close" ( - 1268088: Changes the rhsm spoke display message to end with "registered" ( - Use class methods instead of redundant ad-hoc methods. ( - 1251853: Fix errors if "manage_repos = " in cfg ( - 1268102: Stop main window from opening duplicate dialogs. ( - 1268095: Replace SLA radio buttons w/ combobox ( - 1268060: Add 'cancel' back to s-m-gui register. ( - 1268028: Fix skipped auto attach in registergui ( - 1266929: Fix bug with exception reporting in register dialog. ( - 1266480: Refresh TreeView selection after subscriptions are removed. ( - Allow 'back' to go back multiple times. ( - 1267034: Handle 401 with cert based auth ( - 1262075,1267179: Fix back/cancel nav ( - 1267287: Fix allsubs tab ui regression ( - 1266994: Use our icon for initial-setup spoke icon ( - 1261006: Handle multiple nav button clicks ( - 1242998, 1254550: Fix "already reg'ed" in initial-setup ( - 1265347, 1265371: Added translation updates and corrections from 1.15.X ( 1249012: fix start-end date original color ( - 884288: Make register widgets handle resizing. ( - 1185958: Quieter ostree plugin sans ostree ( - 1168268: Add rhsm.conf proxy info to ostree repo ( - 1249012: Start-End Date of expired subscription is now in red status ( - 1262989: Fix unregister action when consumer is already 'Gone' on server ( - 1262919: Added convenience function for printing to stderr ( - Add a note about GoneException handling. ( - Fixed error message, removed mention of ghost --refresh ( - Delete the 'release' status cache on clean all. ( - Fixed error message, removed mention of ghost --refresh ( - 1248833: Ensure the displayMessage is displayed regardless of success or failure ( - 1254550: Fix activation key usage in gui. ( - Re-initialize() RegisterWidget on RegDialog show ( - 1257943:Adding a warning to repo-override command when manage_repos = 0 ( - 1251853: Manage repos config entry needs to allow blank value ( 884288: Better registergui for initial-setup ( - 1254349: move Resgistering to message ( - 1257460: Set text domain on Gtk.Builder widgets ( - 1246680: Hide rhsm-debug --subscriptions options ( - Set help file name for the Subscription Manager spoke ( - 1246680: Remove subscriptions from rhsm-debug ( - Enabled help options on first tab ( - 1207247: Insecure parameter needs more explanation ( - 1253275: Fix initial-setup ks mode ( - Stopped --consumerid = distributor id ( - 1246429: Stop spinbutton from blocking quantity ( - 1185958: Remove ostree plugins req on ostree ( - Do not allow using --force with --consumerid ( - 1141128: Subscriptions need refresh after imported cert removed ( - x86_64 and aarch /proc/cpuinfo module ( 1150150: Ostree update report should log updates in proper section ( - 1141128: Clean up and correct for style ( - 1251610: Port and prefix were reversed in connection URL statement ( - 1141128: Imported certificate in detatched scenario not getting deleted ( - 1240553: Fix detection of cert dir changes ( - Fixing All Subscriptions layout issues ( - 1221273: Auto-attach failure should not short-circuit other parts of registration ( - Remove use of Widget.is_toplevel() ( - Require initial-setup >=, no fb on el7 ( - Fix spec file build errors ( - search-disabled-repos: ignore failed temporarily enabled repos ( - search-disabled-repos: replace CLI with API calls for enabling repos permanently ( - Add new api package to RPM. ( - Turn off ga loading debug messages. ( - Specify a thread name for any threads we start. ( - 1248746: Fix layout of contract dialog (GTK3) ( - 1248821: Add Gtk.Window to ga_gtk2.Gtk ( - 1248821: All subs date picker was failing. ( - 1249053: Fixed layout/blank button issues on owner selection dialog ( - 1248729: All subs filter dialog was not focused. ( - 1248664: Fix GtkAdjustment related warnings ( - 1248546: Slightly better looking done screen. ( - 1243704: Goto error screen on 'cancel' ( - 1245557: Fix release and service level preferences ( - Add GTK_COMPAT_VERSION to ga_gtk2/gtk_compat ( - 1248773: Fixed proxy dialog layout (GTK3) ( - 1248771: Fixing activation key dialog layout (GTK3) ( - 1247723: Fixed layout issues in Facts dialog (GTK3) ( - 1245283: Properly initialize AutobindWizard when auto-attach is clicked ( - 1248546: Refine the aesthics of register dialog. ( - 1243260: Make proxy config dialog work. ( - 1161157,1155954: Improve performance of Repository Dialog ( - 1185958: Make ostree plugin depend on ostree. ( - 1165771: make content plugins require subman ( - Move gtk_compat features to sub ga module. ( - Use idle_add from ga_Object for 6.x ( - Updated initial-setup-addon package requirement to initial-setup-gui ( - Only build initial-setup rpm on rhel > 7.1 ( Bump version to 1.16 ( - Changed initial-setup-addon package requirement from subman to subman-gui ( - Cast to int for sort in cat-cert ( - 1136163: Ignore pythonpath to avoid selinux AVCs ( - 985157: Display the URL that is the registration target ( - 1234413: lower log level of rhsmd RHN messages ( Merge pull request #1219 from candlepin/alikins/1241247_ga_ImportError ( - Merge pull request #1211 from candlepin/awood/1232232-enable-repos ( - 1241247: Fix ga ImportError in rhsmcertd ( - Merge pull request #1214 from candlepin/alikins/prevent_nose_loading_ga_impls_directly ( - Add comment about the request_injection decorator. ( - Prevent nose looking for tests in sub_manager/ ( - Remove assertIn as that test is not in Python 2.6. ( - Move API dependency injection out of module scope. ( - 1232232: Add supported API to enable content repositories. ( 1241184: Updated Makefile to prevent version string clobbering ( 1240801: Use latest initial-setup API ( Make initial-setup rpm Obsolete firstboot rpm. ( 1232508: file_monitor is no longer a gobject ( - Add 'subscription-manager-initial-setup-addon' sub package ( - Make 'subscription-manager-firstboot' optional ( - Make 'firstboot' and 'initial-setup' RHEL version dependent ( - Add initial-setup modules. ( - Port gui from gtk2 to gtk3 via 'ga' ( - Make gui support gtk2 and gtk3 ( - Add module 'ga' ('gtk any') as Gtk ver abstraction ( - Add search-disabled-repos plugin. ( Added release target for RHEL 7.2 ( - Move po compile/install for faster 'install-files' ( - Stop using deprecated Tito settings. ( Don't try to set file attrs on symlinks in spec ( - 1228807: Make disabling proxy via gui apply ( - Use find_lang --with-gnome for the gnome help ( - Cast return daemon() to void to quiet warnings. ( - Make the 'compile-po' step in the build quiet. ( - Make desktop-file-validate warnings. ( - rpm spec file reorg ( - 1224806: Prevent yum blocking on rhsm locks ( - 1092564: Add LDFLAGS to makefile so RPM can modify them. ( - Update ( - Bump version to 1.15 ( - Remove spurious debug logging about content labels ( - Revert "1189953: Replaced usage of "startup" with "start-up"" ( - Revert "1149098: Removed uses of the non-word "unregister"" ( - Revert "1189937: Added hypens to instances of the non-word "wildcard"" ( - Revert "1200507: Hyphenated uses of the non-word "plugin."" ( - 1225435: Use LC_ALL instead of LANG for lscpu. ( - Remove mutable default args in stubs ( - Add notes about how register/firstboot interact. ( - 1189953: Replaced usage of "startup" with "start-up" ( - 1194453: Fixed typos and grammar issues in the rhsmcertd man page ( - 1192646: Fixed typos and grammar issues in the RHSM conf man page ( - 1192574: Fixed typos and grammar issues in subman GUI man page ( - 1192120: Fixed typos and grammar issues in subman man page ( - 1192094: Fixed erroneous usage of "servicelevel" for the subman command ( - 1194468: Fixed typos and grammar in rhsm-debug man page ( - 1193991: Fixed typos and header for RCT man page. ( - 1200507: Hyphenated uses of the non-word "plugin." ( - 1189946: Removed extraneous hyphens from instances of "pre-configure" ( - 1189937: Added hypens to instances of the non-word "wildcard" ( - 1149098: Removed uses of the non-word "unregister" ( - 1189880: Removed the non-word "unentitle" from error messages ( 1223038: Fix API used by openshift clients. ( - 1195824: Latest strings from zanata ( 1223860: Revert to default value on remove command ( - translation sync from zanata ( - 1223852: fix 'Deletedfd' string in repo report ( - Remove gnome-python2-canvas,gnome-python2 deps ( 1220287: Proxy Save accel fix with latest strings. ( - 1212515: Print error message for missing systemid file. ( - Added missing option to the migration manual page ( - Specified error codes on system_exit in rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm ( - Updated the manual pages for the attach command ( - Remove locale based DatePicker tests. ( - Make rhsm-debug test cases clean up better. ( 1149095: Fix error when yum updates subman modules ( - 1159163: Fix prod id del because of --disablerepo ( - 1180273: Migrate from RHN Classic without credentials ( - 1213418: Message agreement between GUI and CLI in disconnected system ( - 1199597: Fix UnicodeError from repolib's report ( - 1209519: Removed excerpt from man page listing --auto as a requirement ( 1211557: Fix crash when rsyslog not running. ( 1141257: Fix wrapping of subscription name in contract dialog ( - 1147404: Fixed firstboot title length issues ( - 1207306: Revert DBus compliance status code. ( - 1195501: Properly refresh repo file on override deletion ( - Add Fedora 22 to Fedora releaser branches. ( 1170314: Clarify that manage_repos 0 will delete redhat.repo. ( - 1207958: Fix traceback when contract # is None ( - 1117525,1189950,1188961 latest strings from zanata ( - 1200972: Fixed grammar issue with error message in the attach command ( - Bumping required python-rhsm version ( - 1204012: Added missing documentation for the --release option ( - 1209519: Removed erroneous information in help message for subman ( - 1198369: refresh_compliance_status now has a default value for state ( - 1180273: Allow migration without requiring RHN credentials ( - 1201727: Handle reasons with expired ent id ( Move to fileConfig based logging. ( - Ignore glib warnings about class properties. ( - log level updates, mostly info->debug. ( - Condense virt fact logging to one info level entry. ( - Log to info when we update facts. ( - Change branding 'nothing-happened' logs to debug. ( - Condense cert_sorter logged info. ( - Change most cache related log msgs to debug level. ( - Make D-Bus related log entries debug level. ( - Change heal logging to be more concise. ( - Add log friendy str version of Identity ( - 1133647: Fix messageWindow deprecation warning. ( - 1183382: Fix test case to work with dateutil 2. ( - Revert "Added check for /etc/oracle-release in hwprobe" ( - 1196416: Migration should not need credentials with activation keys ( - 1196385: Add --activation-key option to migration man page. ( - 1196418: Add bash completion for --activation-key in migration. ( - Update spec to point to github / new project website. ( - Quiet "Whoever translated calendar*" warnings. ( - Stop 'recently-used.xbel' warnings, disable mru ( - 1154375: Allow use of activation keys during migration. ( - 1191237: Fix proxy "test connection" in firstboot. ( - 1191237: Make proxy config "save" work in firstboot. ( - 1191241: Handle network starting after subman does. ( - 1145077, disabled column wrapping during redirects ( - Add syslog logging handler. ( - 1191237: Fix problems exitting firstboot on errors ( - 1163398, fixing rhsm-icon --help descriptions ( 976855: populate a "" at build time ( - Fixed typo in subscription-manager-gui ( - 1186386: Provide one and only one Red Hat CA to Docker. ( - 1114117: Stop collecting subs info by default. ( - 1184940: Update container plugin config. ( - 1183122: Fix KeyErrors building dbus ent status ( - 884285: Needs to maintain loop for dbus calls ( 1175284: Show warning for crossdev --noarchive ( - Add missing import of GMT() ( - 1180400: "Status Details" are now populated on CLI ( - 1180395: Added "Provides Management" to subman list output ( - Bumping required python-rhsm version ( - Don't fail when product cache has an old format. ( - Use custom JSON encoding function to encode sets. ( - Make 'attach' auto unless otherwise specified. ( - Add product tag reporting to client. ( - 1175185: Removed extra slash from rhsm-debug output ( - 1175291: Fixed a bug with attaching pools via empty file ( - 1070585: Changed button label from "Ok" to "Save" ( - 1122530: Updated man page examples ( - 1132981: Reverted removal of warning message ( - 1058231: Adjusted "last update" label positioning ( Latest strings from zanata. ( - 1122530: Removed/updated more obsoleted documentation, dates and versions ( - 1159348: Improved list error output when using list criteria ( - 1142918: Fixed proxy config button labels ( - Move repolibs release fetch to the last minute. ( 1132981: Fixed exit code when registering system with no products installed ( - Add 'list --matches' example to man page. ( - 1149286: Removed obsolete CLI options from auto-completion ( - 990183: Spelling errors in man pages ( 1103824: Add a catchall excepthook for rhsmd ( - 1119688: Improved exit code usage ( Move ostree config to /etc/ostree/remotes.d/redhat.conf ( - 1147463: Log py.warnings to shutup gobject warning ( - 1159266: rhsm-icon -i fails with "TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '__getitem__'" ( - 1145833: Do not package sat5to6 with subscription-manager. ( - 1156627: Fix list consumed matching no service level to "". ( - 1162331: Changed how prints errors. ( - 1160150: Repos --list leads to deletion of certificates imported to a system ( - 1162170: Added error output when --pool-only is used with --installed. ( - 990183: Fix typos in the new man page ( - 1161694: Modify the --pool-id-only to be --pool-only in bash completion and man page ( - Use .format strings for --ondate example message ( - 1113741: Fix rhsmd traceback on 502 errors. ( - 1157387: Fix incorrect no installed products detected status in GUI. ( Added support for attaching pools from a file/stdin. ( - Revert "1046132: Makes rhsm-icon slightly less annoying." ( - Further improved exit code standardization ( - 1119688: Improved output of the status module ( - Make repolib tag matching use model.find_content ( - Added the --pool-only option to subman's list command. ( - 1157761: Fixed incorrect option usage in migration tool. ( - 1157761: revert to "--servicelevel" ( - 1119688: Improved error code usage in subman. ( Add content/product tag matching for content plugins. ( - Remove ostree 'unconfigured' after configuring. ( - Symlink to redhat-uep.pem if we seem to be syncing a CDN hostname cert dir. ( - Add a test for removing 'unconfigured-state' from origin ( - Case insensitive content type searching. ( - Added container plugin for configuring Docker. ( 1093325: Prevent rhsm-debug from throwing tbs ( - Send list of compliance reasons on dbus ( - 1149286: Updated autocompletion for RHN migration script. ( - Fix file name for rhsm.conf.5 in spec file ( - 1120772: Don't traceback on missing /ostree/repo ( - 1094747: add appdata metdata file ( - 1122107: Clarify registration --consumerid option in manpage. ( - 1149636: Specify OS_VERSION to make in spec file. ( - Added client-side support for --matches on the list command. ( - 1151925: Improved filtered listing output when results are empty. ( - 990183: Add a manpage for rhsm.conf ( - 1122530: Improved grammar and abbreviation usage. ( - 1120576: Added additional testing of version parsing ( Use wildcards in the spec file. ( Latest strings from zanata. ( - 1122001: Reg with --consumerid no longer checks subs ( - 1119648: Added additional functionality to repo listing. ( - Move find content method off entitlement source. ( - More generic search for content method on entitlment source. ( - Refactor generic model into it's own namespace. ( - Refactor EntCertEntitledContent. ( - Add a 'install-pip-requirements' target ( - Drop models ContentSet and EntCertEntitledContentSet. ( Merge pull request #1023 from candlepin/alikins/ppc64le ( - Merge pull request #1026 from candlepin/csnyder/update_repo_dialog_config_msg_1139174 ( - Message needed a period ( - Fix certdirectory tests leaking temp directories. ( - 1142436 - Final fix pre-QE ( - Repo dialog displays appropriate message when repos are disabled by config. ( - 1142436 - unentitle is default, update output, still DRAFT ( - 1142436 - Give sat5to6 a man-page - DRAFT ( - Include ppc64le in list of archs to skip dmi ( - 1134963: Fix 'release --list' on some systems. ( - Add Fedora 21 branch to releaser. ( Added non-overriding default prod dir tests ( - 1135621: fix duplicate product ids from default dir ( - Remove --force option for sat5to6. ( - Disable RHN yum plugin for unentitled Satellite 5 systems. ( - Don't ask for org and environment with consumerid. ( - 1128061: Don't raise logged Disconnected on unreg ( - 1128658: do not contact RHN if unregistered ( - 1132919: Repo dialog information is updated without the need for a gui restart. ( Make 'gettext_lint' target grok _(u"foo") strings. ( - Add a sat5to6 migration script.- 1132071: Update rhsm-debug to collect product-default directory ( - 1123029: Use default product certs if present. ( - Latest strings from zanata. ( 1124685: Handle /status without rules-version ( - 1125132: Label does not change to Attaching on Fristboot progress bar ( - 1128061: Stop logging expected exceptions on unreg ( - 1129480: don't query envs when actkey is given ( - 1130637: Correct call to os.path.isfile ( Extract the latest strings from the code ( - 1126724: Use port instead of 443 for the url help text ( 1124726: Man page entry for '--no-subscriptions' option ( - 1122772: yum repolist now displays warning when appropriate. ( Revert "1114132: subman-gui and other tools are disabled in container mode." ( - Revert "include dirent.h" ( include dirent.h ( 1039577: simplify reposgui gpgcheck control ( - 1046132: Makes rhsm-icon slightly less annoying. ( - 1054632: Adds '7.x' to how to launch section of manual. ( - 1065158: Prompt for environment on registration when necessary ( - 1114126: Container mode message is written to stderr ( - 1114132: subman-gui and other tools are disabled in container mode. ( - 1115499: Allow enable/disable repos in same command. ( - 1118012: Fixes several typos in man page. ( - 1121251: rhsm-debug system does not bash-complete for "--no-subscriptions" ( - 1121272: fix typo that blocked enabling repos via CLI ( - cleanup and fix gui pool reselection on refresh ( - Force subscription-manager yum plugin to respect the managed root ( - Force product-id yum plugin to respect the managed root ( - Display other overrides in the gui ( 1114117: Allow subscriptions to be excluded from rhsm-debug data collection ( - Remove debugging print line from managerlib ( 1022622: Modifies --no-overlap to show pools which provide products not already covered. ( - Reload ostree_config after updating remotes. ( - Fix iniparse tidy import. ( - Remove noise debug logging. ( - Include 'tls-ca-path' for ostree remote configs. ( - Use iniparse.util.tidy if installed. ( - Fix odd ostree repo config whitespace issues. ( - Always update ostree refspec when adding remotes. ( Merge pull request #978 from candlepin/alikins/ostree_gpg_http ( - Merge pull request #979 from candlepin/csnyder/help_message_identity_force ( - Use rhsm.baseurl for ostree urls as well. ( - Handle Content.gpg="http://" as gpg-verify=false ( - 1107810: Updates help message for identity --force. ( - Merge pull request #977 from candlepin/alikins/handle_no_origin (dgoodwin@rm- - Merge pull request #974 from cgwalters/doc-typos ( - Merge pull request #973 from candlepin/alikins/1112282_cond_ostree_rpm ( - make has_ostree use macro value NOT hardcoded value. ( - Handle missing or empty ostree origin file. ( - Fix saving ostree remote configs with gpg set. ( - plugin/ostree: Fix doc typos ( - Merge pull request #972 from candlepin/ckozak/fix_custom_fact_log ( - Merge pull request #968 from candlepin/alikins/setup_py ( - 1112282: Dont build ostree plugin subpackage < 7 ( - Merge pull request #966 from candlepin/alikins/1108257_rhel_5_workstation_special ( - Add required bz flags to tito releaser definition. ( - 1112326: remove extra '/' from custom fact loading error logging ( - Allow tests to run in any TZ ( - Temp ignore use of subprocess.check_output ( - Add test cases for 'rhel-5-workstation' tags. ( - 1108257: special case prod tag rhel-5-workstation ( - Add a simple ( - Merge pull request #965 from candlepin/alikins/good_enthusiasm_pep8 (dgoodwin - Turn off verbose mode of pyqver. ( - make stylish cleanups for new pep8 ( - Add tox.ini with ignores for pep8 indention ( Fix broken logging statement in container mode. ( - 1067035: Move Subscription Manager version for better layout ( Bumping required python-rhsm version ( - Fixing checkstyle. ( - TODO/FIXME cleanup. ( - Cleanup BaseOstreeKeyFileTest.cfgfile_data ( - Remove unused model.OstreeRepo ( - Use python-rhsm's new EntCert.key_path() ( - Add specific exception for refspec parse error ( - stylish cleanups ( - Add test cases for OstreeContents ( - Remove fixed FIXME. ( - Add section name to exception reading remote name. ( - Remove unused origin/refspec from report. ( - repr and report format cleanups. ( - Save needed ostree remote info to config file. ( - Mock an ent cert associated with a content. ( - Start passing along ent cert ssl info to ostree ( - Fix mismerge for OstreeContents usage ( - call get_path() to get path string on deploy ( - Remove done TODO (map gpgkey->gpg-verify) ( - _get_deployed_origin returns None if not a ostree install ( - Fix missed return in gi_wrapper. ( - Rename poor choice of script. ( - Only replace origin remote if it matches first portion of ref. ( - Test subprocess error calling pygobject3 script, log output. ( - Start making OstreeContent resp for finding contents. ( - Add to spec ( - Make models internal data attrs '_' ( - Add a static map_gpg to OstreeRemote ( - stylish cleanups ( - Remove 'api' module. ( - Add models module, for objects we pass to plugins ( - OSTree package depends on pygobject3-base. ( - Move gi introspection code to separate script. ( - Add some missing copyright notices. ( - Remove inj from 'api' module. ( - Add more tests. ( - Remove per class repo_file_store_class ( - Package ostree plugin as a sub-package. ( - Test cases for OstreeConfig and ..RepoFileWriter ( - When persisting a OstreeCore copy all items. ( - Default empty OstreeRemotes or OstreeCore ( - Fix test cases to look for ostree.config ( - Make OstreeConfig use OstreeConfigFileStore ( - Remove OstreeConfigUpdater ( - Complete happy path test for origin remote updating. ( - Attempt to disambiguate use of repo_config_file variables. ( - Beginning tests for ostree origin updating, refactor tempfiles in tests. ( - Name changes ( - Add method to replace ostree remote in a refspec. ( - Get some better reporting, albeit klugey. ( - Add some temp kluge, OstreeRemote's not immutable ( - Make OstreeRemote a dict ( - Simplify the config model a little. ( - s/PluginManagerRunner/PluginHookRunner ( - Stylish cleanups. ( - Add a runiter to the fixtures mock PluginManager ( - We still need the entdir refresh for 'attach'. ( - Use PluginManager.runiter for content actions. ( - Add a PluginManager.runiter() method. ( - Update plugin docs. ( - Add notes, comments, docstrings. ( - Get ostree repo config saving working-ish ( - Update some missed tests. ( - Refactor to an update content plugin. ( - Update makefile and spec for ostree plugin. ( - Move ostree plugin support code to subscription-manager namespace. ( - Add ostree/ for ostree related models. ( - More tests for ostree/repo_file ( - Add src/content_plugins to coverage ( - Use RhsmConfigParser to read repo config ( - More ostree impl tests. ( - Use the 'api' module when importing from plugins. ( - Start of test for 'api' module. ( - Add an api module with our "exported" symbols ( - Use regular config parser instead of pyxdg ( - Add start of tests for ostree repo action ( - Start ostree repo action class stubs ( - Start ostree implementation tests ( - Start adding ostree implementation ( - Add TODO about content_plugin installs ( - Move OstreeContentActionInvoker to it's own module ( - Remove unneeded #!/usr/bin/python ( - Make ostree content action loaded from plugins. ( - Log exceptions from trying to load plugins. ( - Add ostree_content plugin entry point ( - HACK: install ostree content plugin in site-packages ( - Add content_plugins dir,and ostree content plugins ( - Remove sample yum_content plugin ( - Hit ContentActionClient for some test coverage. ( - Add test for ContentActionPluginConduit ( - entcertlib.repo_hook can be content type agnostic ( - Replace odd usage of 'repolib' name. ( - Load content actions from plugin class search ( - Add a dummy yum_content plugin for testing ( - Add ContentActionPluginConduit plugin. ( - Add ostree_action_invoker (ostree repo action) ( - Add ContentActionClient ( - 1104158: Version command needs better explanation for content ( 1070585: GUI no longer locks on connection test. Adds cancel button. ( - Disable CLI if we are running inside a container. ( - Don't encourage registration in yum plugin if we have ents but no identity. ( - Allow yum plugin to generate redhat.repo when unregistered. ( - Rev zanata branch to 1.12.X ( - 1030638: Changes default resolution values in to 800x600. ( - 1086377: Next system check-in not displaying in RHEL 5.11 ( - Fix plugin config so conduit conf methods work. ( - 1058380: Subscripton Manager plugin reporting Subscription Management when RHN is in use ( - Add support for sphinx doc generation. ( bump version to 1.12 ( - Support getting release versions via API call ( - 855050: set default fallback window icon ( - refresh ent_dir after adding/deleting certs ( - 1035440: Don't rewrite redhat.repo unless it has changed ( - 1097536: match-installed filter was incorrectly removed. ( - 1092754: 1094879: Remove install-num-migrate-to-rhsm tool ( update existing repos with non-default overrides ( - correct repos --list behavior ( - Cache overrides when RepoFile is written ( - 1098891: Apply overrides to mutable properties ( - 1076359; Removes the extra l from --remove all ( - 1098891: Update repos, persisting local settings when possible ( - 1094617: Status line reporting for installed products uses incorrect date ( - 1097208: 1097703: Fix rhsmcertd-worker daemon ( - 1086301: Fix product id product version compare ( - 1096777: Bad URI for remove by serial ( - 1095938: re-add at-spi locator in repos window ( - 1094492: Consumer name length issues in certificate ( - Fix yum subman plugin RepoActionInvoker error. ( - Overrides had no "cp", the connection was named uep ( s/certmgr/action_client in spec ( Removing CVS properties since CVS is dead. ( - CertSorter syncs installed prods before super init. ( - Add more entcertlib class and method docs. ( - Reorder methods in roughly exec order ( - entcertlib docstring cleanup ( - TestDataLib -> TestBaseActionInvoker ( - repolib.RepoUpdateAction ->RepoUpdateActionCommand ( - repolib.RepoLib -> RepoActionInvoker ( - InstalledProductsLib -> InstalledProductsActionInvoker ( - IdentityCertLib -> IdentityCertActionInvoker ( - healiblib.HealingLib -> HealingActionInvoker ( - FactAction -> FactsActionCommand ( - FactActionReport -> FactsActionReport ( - FactLib -> FactsActionInvoker ( - entcertlib.EntCertLib -> EntCertActionInvoker ( - certlib.DataLib -> certlib.BaseActionInvoker ( - rename to action_client ( - Rename CertManager to ActionClient ( - Rename CertManager to CertActionClient ( - Update docstrings. ( - Remove no longer used old_install. ( - Add entcertlib docs ( - update copyright info ( - s/entdir/ent_dir since we use that slightly more ( - factsgui identity now injected at the last minute ( - SubManFixture's mock identity now NonCallable ( - test_async does not need to mock Facts ( - Store default inject stub Facts on SubManFixture ( - Remove unneeded Facts() init. ( - Replace Facts() with injected facts in managercli ( - Start replacing use of Facts() with inj'ed facts ( - Stop passing facts to ReleaseBackend. ( - Make repolib use inject ent_dir/prod_dir ( - Make cp_provider manage ContentConnection ( - Make ReleaseBackend use inj'ed ent/prod dirs ( - split migrates basic/consumer connection methods ( - now uses inj'ed CP_PROVIDER ( - ReleaseBackend doesn't need a uep, remove it. ( - Stop passing a uep into CertManager and friends. ( - Don't pass cp to RepoLib from cli, use inj ( - update Overrides to use inject uep ( - Split IdentityCertLib into Lib+Action ( - Use the mock cp_provider inject with the fixture ( - certlib.DataLib doesn't need a uep now ( - Fix testcase to use injected uep ( - Use inj'ed UEP in healinglib ( - Use inj'ed UEP in repolib ( - Use inj'ed UEP in packageprofilelib ( - Use inject uep in installedproductslib ( - Remove unneeded mock Facts in test_certmgr ( - Make certmgr let FactLib use inj uep ( - Make FactActionReport use inj'ed UEP ( - Start letting EntCertLib use injected UEP ( - Move entcertlib to use inj'ed cp_proivder ( - Remove now wrong comment ( - Remove late import of repolib ( - Remove incorrect docstrings ( - Remove initial entcertlib invocation ( - Don't pass in a facts object, inject it ( - We don't use the passed in entdir, don't pass it ( - Handle ActionReport lists having None ( - Remove commented out code ( - Fix up for now, but need to remove these tests ( - certdata merge cleanups ( - merge cleanups ( - Add new files to spec ( - stylish cleanups ( - Use injected identity instead of consumer object ( - Update to use Caputure() instead of MockStdout ( - Fix v1 cert exp cert output for catcert tests ( - self.installed is a property now, fix references ( - merge cleanups ( - make stylish cleanups ( - Update repolib tests for certlib refactor ( - Repo/override cli tests use injected identity ( - Update Repos and overrides for injected identity ( - Update RepoLib to use new DataLib init ( - Fix mismerge and merge cleanups ( - Stylish cleanups, mostly no longer used imports ( - Remove unused ProductCertRepo bits ( - Keep certmgr update_reports as a instance variable ( - Remove certlib.ConsumerIdentity. ( - Move firstboot to use injected identity. ( - Move 'subscription-manager' yum plugin to inj ( - Remove unused ConsumerIdentity from test_unreg ( - Using injection in migration for prod_dir/identity ( - Remove _get_consumer_id from EntUpdateAction ( - Move old test_certlib to test_entcertlib ( - Fix fetch_certificates for entcert Report ( - Add some comments about id error logging ( - Add a certmgr.UnregisterCertMgr class ( - Add a RepoActionReport formatter ( - Add a RepoActionReport ( - More injected id, clean check_registration use ( - Test fixes and merge/rebase cleanup ( - Make string equals show expected/actual ( - identitycertlib now uses injected identity ( - certmgr tests were hitting real rpmdb ( - PackageProfileManager/InstalledProductsManager inj ( - Move PackageProfileLib and InstalledProductsLib ( - Make rhsm_d use injection consumer identity ( - Convert test_async to use SubManFixture ( - test_certmgr calls uep.getRelease, so mock it ( - Use injected consumer identity in firstboot ( - Use injected consume identity in factlib ( - Use ConsumerIdentity from identity not certlib ( - Fix self.exceptions reference ( - _valid_consumer to _inject_mock_valid_consumer ( - Move _[in]valid_consumer to test/ ( - Use injected Identity in repolib ( - Remove certlib.ConsumerIdentity from managerlib ( - Inject identity in utils for version check ( - Give a name to Mock()s created in test/fixture ( - Re add the new slimmer fitter ( - Make entcertlib uses injected identity ( - Split certlib into entcertlib and certlib ( - Make IdentityCertLib use inj IDENTITY ( - Move IdentityCertLib to ( - Split Healing* into ( - repolib.UpdateAction is now RepoUpdateAction ( - Checkout idcertlib._status from it's report ( - Inject an ActionLock, and a Facts class. ( - Add ActionReports, certlib cleanup, lock cleanup ( - The Action subclass is unneeded now. ( - CertManager split CertManager/HealingCertManager ( - HealingAction just uses an EntCertUpdateReport atm ( - reAction()'ify repolib, add RepoReport ( - reAction()'ify Factlib, add FactUpdateReport ( - certmgr expects a ActionReport from Action.perform ( - Rename CertLib->EntCertLib ( - Split UpdateReport into base class and sub classes ( - Create UpdateReport in Certlib.CertLib and pass it ( - Start refactoring certlib ( - Add product certs with os_name in certdata ( - Add ProductIdRepoMap as core of ProductDatabase ( - Add a DefaultDict (defaultdict with pretty print) ( Move atspi locator to correct element ( - 1090560: readd locator to the all subs view ( - test_cert_sorter could fail based on test order ( - 1058383: widgets are added and removed dynamically ( Cleanup entbranding tests names. ( - Test cases for empty,none,not set brand type/name ( - Use a real certificate2.Product in tests cases. ( - Latest strings from zanata ( Use the new Product.brand_name for brand_name ( - 865702: Dont render exc messages with bogus markup ( - 1070908: Don't count cpus without topo for lpar ( - 1075167: Avoid using injected values in migrate-classic-to-rhsm ( - 1074568: Use our translations in optparser ( - Man page spelling corrections ( - 1070737: correct config section for ca_cert_dir ( 1021069: Add reference to network usage info. ( - latest strings from zanata 1.11.X branch ( - 1061923: Remove trailing period from privacy URL ( - 1039913: rhsm-debug updates and fixes ( - 1061407: don't allow some translations ( - 1055664: rhsm-debug now follows more config paths ( - 1038242: add check before chroot ( - 1035115: Update product id certs ( - 864195: New output line for subscribe --auto if it can't cover all products ( - 1060727: Changes to rhsm-debug for sos report ( - 1044596: Don't match beta product tags for release ( - 851325: Tweak activation key checkbox to left ( - Use systemd RPM macros to make life easier. ( - 958016: use rpm %{optflags} and _hardended_build ( Use glob for finding entitlement certs to remove. ( - Make sure entitlement cert directory exists before we clean it out. ( - safer default args in AsyncWidgetUpdater ( - use enumerate instead of confusing myself ( - Pull in latest strings from zanata ( - make sure entitlement has a pool before reading it ( - quickly load preferences ( - 1061937: preference changes occur in the background ( - use existing signals ( - simplify preferences window ( - Fix test failure if run on system that is registered. ( - 1061393: Don't allow subscription-manager string to be translated ( - 1016427: On string was missed from the extraction ( - 1058495: productid yum errors on yum remove ( - 1026501: Preserve PKI directories and have rpm own them. ( - 1058374: Fix crash on exception in managergui._show_buttons ( 1060917: catch exception thrown in firstboot ( - Extract the latest strings ( - 995121: require gnome-icon-theme for calendar icon ( added testing for the pooltype cache ( - 961003: Stricter matches for rhel product tags ( - 1059809: Cache pool types to avoid unnecessary api calls ( - 1059809 Improve attach and remove performance add progress bar ( - 908869: Fix the mis-transated options in pt-BR ( - 1044596: handle http,socket,ssl fetching release ( - dont always print exception message ( - 1044596: Make release listing handle empty data ( - 1020423: update help messages ( - Fix incorrect patching. ( - Mock ProductDatabase so tests can run without a productid.js file ( - 825388: Properly wrap text when reaching dialog limit ( - 1021443: display Consumer deleted message ( - Altering titles per mreid conversation. ( - 1039736: Fix missed reference to CloudForms in tooltip. ( - Fix ta_IN translation problem. ( - Lock timezone to EST5EDT in timezone tests. ( - 1005329: add at-spi locator to the SLA selection table ( - 1039914: Update the rhsm-debug man page ( - 874169: Fix label alignment in progress UI ( - 1020361: Replace the use of the term Valid with Current in the status command ( - 1028596: Add the repo-override command to the subscription-manager man page ( - 1020522: Update the man page for subscription-manager with new list options ( - Pull in the latest strings from zanata. ( - 1057719: adding a small section on deprecated commands ( - 1017354: remove msg printed to stderr via yum ( - 857147: Auto-subscribe window has a confusing name ( - Use instead of pytz. ( - 883486: The local time's start/end dates rendered in the list --available/--consumed incorrect ( - 1049037: Add conditional requires on migration data package. ( - 973938: correctly handle SIGPIPE in rct ( - 878089: Add line wrapping when listing subscription-manager modules ( - 1017354: Ensure all message go to stdout, not stderr ( - 851325: Anchor choose server "default" button beside the text box. ( - 1039739: Add 96x96 and 256x256 icons ( - 873967: Move choose server tooltips closer to the elements they assist with. ( - 1044686: Make serverurl parse error detailed again ( 1018807: Ensure virt facts are a single line ( - 1007580: Print blank spaces if there is no contract number on the list command ( - Fedora 18 is at end of life. ( - Updated translations. ( - 104338: add default dest dir to rhsm-debug help ( - 1042897: add proxy info to rhsm-debug completion ( - 914833: rct cat-cert output reports an Order: Subscription: field. ( - 1052297: delay import of site module ( - set default encoding to utf-8 in rhsm-debug and migrate scripts ( - 1048325: Set default encoding to utf-8 when running the rct script ( - 1050850: re-evaluate system facts when checking for updates ( - Some refactoring of rhsm-debug ( - Additional improvements to rhsm-debug ( 1039736: Modify the remote server string to reference Satellite instead of CloudForms ( - 916666: Change method of service detection ( - Correct at-spi name for subscription type text ( Check for RHSM_DISPLAY before loading any modules. ( - 1034429: Fix stacktrace in logs on unregister. ( - add ServerUrlParseException strings to mapper ( - 1040167: Update installed products properly ( - Added atspi locator for overall status ( - ExceptionMapper will now traverse object graph looking for message ( - Convert tests on stderr to use Capture context manager. ( - Have Capture grab both stdout and stderr. ( - Updated for readability ( - replace file monitors with a single monitor ( - Rename capture context manager and use new-style classes. ( - Correct Makefile for RHEL 5. ( - 1030604: print to stdout instead of stderr for consistency ( - display pool type in cli and gui ( - 1031008: Properly handle exceptions when checking compliance ( - Change the capture() context manager to tee output. ( - Remove mock stdout. Nosetest captures stdout by default. ( - respect http(s)_proxy env variable for proxy information ( - Created ExceptionMapper to allow sharing exception messages ( 1030604: Handle 400 code for add override ( - Use backed to ensure a refreshed Overrides object ( - 1034574: Alternate message based on why no repos exist in GUI ( - 1034396: No longer require entitlements to run repo-override command ( - 1033741: Refresh Overrides CP connection when dialog is shown ( - 1033690: Updated repo-overrides not supported message ( - 1034649: Only allow repolib to update override cache if supported by the server ( - 1032673: Warn on add override if repo doesn't exist ( - 1030996: Fixed usage text for repo-override add/remove options ( - 1032243: Updated the redhat.repo warning ( - Use local ent certs to list attached pools ( - 1021013: Change wording on firstboot address screen ( - 1020539: Show proxy info if no RHN in firstboot ( - Make zip file of consumer information for debugging ( 998033: Handle Unauthorized/Forbidden exceptions in CLI/GUI ( - Remove unnecessary network calls after clean command ( - Bumping the python-rhsm required version ( - Latest translations. ( - Introduced an Override model object to OverrideLib ( - Use injected Identity instead of ConsumerIdentity in repolib ( - Catch ValueError when determining boolean value ( - Use a simplier method to compare two lists of dictionaries. ( - Hide item when server does not support overrides. ( - Show message instead of repo table when no repos exist. ( - Made Repository Details resemble Subscription Details ( - Created an overrides module ( - Created Repository Management Dialog ( - Add 'repo-override' command to alter content repositories server-side. ( 985502: Use yum.i18n utf8_width function for string length in CLI ( - 916666: Displayed 'Next System Check-In' is inaccuarate ( - Change wording for identity in CLI command. ( - 1019753: Stop including a fake consumer UUID fact. ( - 1022198: Display highest suggested quantity in contract selection ( - Hook up the 'why register' dialog from old rhn-client-tools. ( - Add screen to describe and skip registration in Fedora/EL7 firstboot. ( - Fix firstboot on Fedora 19. ( - Report distribution.version.modifier fact. ex 'beta' ( - Center filter dialog on parent window when opened ( - Sort owner list in org selection screen ( - 1004318: Bash completion for rct was not handing options and file lists correctly. ( - 1023166: Strip leading and trailing whitespaces from all usernames and passwords provided on the cli ( - 963579: Stop hiding the Library environment. ( - Fix layout issues with select sla screen in firstboot. ( - Fix the layout for "Confirm Subscriptions" screen. ( 1021581: account/contract display nothing when no data exists ( - Swap heading of selectsla/confirmsubs widgets. ( - 1006748: replace simplejson with 'ourjson' ( 1017351: ignore dbus failures on show_window ( - 1016643: Fix firstboot issues with new firstboot. ( - 1005420: adding --ondate to manpage ( - 1007580: Add contract number to the output of list --available ( - 1017299: handle dmidecode module not installed ( - 846331: Add tooltips to the filters page ( - 1015553: fix help message for no-overlap. display usage requirement ( Latest strings from zanata. ( - Latest string catalog. ( - point at the zanata 1.10.x version/branch ( - Run 'make update-po' on translations. ( - Latest translations from Zanata. ( - Merge pull request #782 from candlepin/ckozak/environment_completion ( - Merge pull request #776 from candlepin/alikins/1008462_log_virt_what ( - 1011712: add missing environments completion ( - Merge pull request #773 from candlepin/ckozak/match_gui_filters ( - Merge pull request #787 from candlepin/awood/1006985-abort-migration ( - Use all keywords args for call to get_avail_ents ( - Add 'providedProducts' to test pool ( - stylish cleanups ( - removed subscribed filter, added testing ( - Add some tests cases for managerlib.get_avail_ents ( - fix wrong index in get_filtered_pools_list ( - remove unused args, remove unnecessary idcert read ( - add completion for new CLI filters ( - 654501: add some filtering to list available ( - Merge pull request #765 from candlepin/alikins/redhataccount ( - Move capture() context manager to ( - Merge pull request #786 from candlepin/ckozak/cli_list_provided ( - 1006985: Abort migration when we detect different certs with the same ID. ( - Merge pull request #781 from candlepin/ckozak/cat_cert_unlimited ( - 996993: add provided to list available ( - Merge pull request #784 from candlepin/ckozak/gui_unentitled_string ( - 1012501: Correct number of entitled products with expired ents ( - 1012566: rhsmd cron job 700 ( - 1011703: Do not allow selection on listview ( - Merge pull request #779 from candlepin/alikins/flex_branding3 ( - 1011961: -1 quantity is printed as unlimited ( - Merge pull request #774 from candlepin/ckozak/fix_gui_completion ( - Make certlib repo and brand updating similar. ( - 1004385: remove some gtk help options ( - Make BrandingInstaller run every cert install/rm ( - Merge pull request #778 from candlepin/ckozak/update_repolib_attach ( - keep repolib in certmgr ( - 1011234: no service level displays empty string ( - 1008016: update repos on certlib change ( - fix traceback when poolstash is empty ( - 1008462: log more virt-what output ( - 1008462: Log detected virt info as we detect it. ( - 1004341: gui completion no longer resets ( - Merge pull request #761 from candlepin/ckozak/overlap_filter_ondate ( - Refactor credentials gathering. ( - Merge pull request #771 from candlepin/alikins/cmd_name_logging ( - Merge pull request #769 from candlepin/ckozak/catch_exception_updating_installed ( - Merge remote branch 'origin/master' into alikins/redhataccount ( - Merge pull request #768 from candlepin/ckozak/status_ondate_completion ( - Merge pull request #766 from candlepin/alikins/make_zanata ( - 973838: refresh redhat.repo after register ( - make default logger include sys.argv[0] ( - Merge pull request #770 from candlepin/mstead/add-virt-type-info ( - Add System Type to output of list --consumed ( - Add Type column to Confirm Subscription screen ( - 1008603: Catch and log connection error while updating installed products ( - Merge pull request #767 from candlepin/ckozak/attach_suggested_quantity ( - 1004385: Add missing rhsm-icon debug options ( - suggested quantity in list available ( - Merge pull request #754 from candlepin/alikins/flex_branding2 ( - 1001820: added ondate to completion ( - cleanup comments ( - remove call on filter change, use None instead of now ( - Adding autocomplete stuff for new migration script options. ( - 767754: overlap filter ondate ( - Add a 'make zanata' target that syncs zanata ( - Adding unit tests for new migration script options. ( - Correct failing unit tests and add convenience method. ( - Change brand attribute from 'os' to 'brand_type' ( - Make rct show branding info ( - Move to RHELBrandsInstaller by default. ( - Split RHEL specific brand install bits ( - Add a BrandsInstaller that handles multiple brands ( - Invert dependencies, and add RHEL specific impls. ( - Stylish cleanups. ( - Added new parameters to the script ( - clean up comments ( - More entbranding logging and testing. ( - Allow multi ents that provide identical branding ( - More entbranding test cases. ( - Add BrandPicker and Brand base class. ( - Add branding support to ent cert importer. ( - Update branding on cert sorter dir moniter event ( - Move all branded product logic to entbranding ( - make it more clear this is for RHEL branded ents ( - Add support for populating product branding info. ( update translations from zanata ( - 1004893: update prods before compliance ( - 1004908: Remove the rhn-setup-gnome dep even more. ( - 1004908: move rhn-setup-gnome requires to -gui subpackage ( - 1004385: rhsm icon completion fix ( - 1004341: add gui completion ( - 1001820: fix autocompletion ( - rev min python version for "make stylish" to 2.6 ( - 994344: messaging for bad filetypes ( - 995597: continue attaching if a pool cannot be found ( - 1001169: fix pythonic empty string identity problems ( Adding Fedora 20 branch to releaser. ( - Subscribe/unsubscribe mirror attach/remove tests ( - Revert "990195: remove subscribe options" ( - 994620: reword tooltip message ( - 997935: stop making requests after unregister ( - 997740: allow autoheal call more often ( - Prevent name collision over the parent variable in RHEL 5 Firstboot. ( - 997189: error is now a sys.exc_info() tuple. ( - self._parent is not defined here. ( - bump version and remove rhel-6.5 releaser ( - Convert contract selection window to use a MappedListStore. ( - Stripe rows whenever the My Subs or All Available tabs are shown. ( - 991165: Refresh row striping after the TreeView is resorted. ( - Remove unused background attribute in Installed Products tab. ( - Set background color on progress bar renderer. ( - No need to set a hint to true in glade then false in code. ( - Remove duplicate import. ( - Add a very simple "smoke" test script ( - 842402: Re-aligning Subscription Manager Gui ( 851321: Refresh/redraw tables after removing subscriptions ( - 974587: allow certs with no content ( - 977920, 983660: manpage updates ( - 987579: Re-arranged preferences dialog ( - 990195: remove subscribe options ( - 991214: refresh ent dir, catch exception gracefully ( - 991548: Display correct error message for registration failures. ( - 991580: add rhsmd debug to stdout ( - 993202: fix default config, take advantage of rhsmconfig options ( - 994266: list consumed shows expired bugs ( - 994997: Fix Unknown is_guest during firstboot. ( - Changed 'It is' to possessive 'Its' ( - Remove unused WARNING_DAYS variable ( - Bump python-rhsm requires to 1.9.1 for config changes. ( - add ondate to status ( - Fedora 17 is at end of life. ( latest translations from zanata ( - Preserve traceback when an exception is thrown from background thread. ( - Remove logging of injection setup ( - 988411: more at-spi changes for QA ( - 908521: Pull in the latest mr strings ( - 928469: Pull in latest ml strings from zanata ( - 927990: Pull in latest ta_IN strings from zanata ( - 987579: Make clicking autoheal label work ( - 988430, 988861: remove logging from write_cache to avoid segfault ( - 966422: Do not hang firstboot if there is an exception during registration. ( - 978329: catch IdentityCertException gracefully ( - 988482: fix gtk warnings on gtk-2.10 ( - 988411: fixed at-spi locator name ( - fixed dbus on rhel5 ( - 987071: specify arch of librsvg dep ( - 987626: Remove PUTS while opening preferences dialog, fix related test ( - 987551: correctly reconnect to rhsmd daemon ( - 981611, 981565: fixed icon and text truncation ( - rev zanata branch to 1.9.X ( - Rev master to 1.9.x ( - 968820: raise timeout exceptions for cli calls ( - 950892: add ents-nag-warning.png to docs install ( - add new file to spec ( - 978466: fix missing socket info s390x/ppc64 ( - 985515: moved DbusIface to fix anaconda productId ( - 983193: remove unused 'Virt Limit' cat-cert field ( - Correcting whitespace error. ( - 986971: String Update: Quantity > Available ( - 980724: allsubstab cleared on identity change, check redeem on register ( - 921222: add 'status' to bash completion ( - 977580: Preferences dialog hide and show ( - 977481: make proxy cli check require_connection ( - 977896: Fixes for Workstation/Desktop certs ( - Added comma to satisfy grammar rules ( - added at-spi locator for autoheal checkbox ( - 984203: Fix german translations ( - 974587: Add more checks for no order portion being present ( - 984206: Removed Spaces from String ( - Remove releasers due to branching. ( - 983670: Improved auto-attach description ( - 982286: Adjusted markup removal ( - 983250: 983281: certs check warning period ( - Adding Fedora 19 Yum releasers. ( Latest translations from zanata. ( - new strings ( 877331: Add --org and --environment options to migration script. ( - 915847: Clear old proxy settings if the --no-proxy option is used. ( - 928401: Fixed translation issue in redeem dialog ( - 974123: default behavior is help, no longer status ( - 976689: Handle no xorg server, allow help ( - 976848: 976851: thread cache write, limit disk reads, singleton - 976865: dbus iface singleton for gui ( - 976866: single instance of ProdDir and EntDir ( - 976868: improve rhsmd logging ( - 976868: enable logging from /usr/libexec/rhsmd ( - 976924: empty service level and type ( - 977481: added proxy options to status ( - 977535: cli uses utf8 too ( - 977851: 977321: Centralize CertSorter, drive updates, refresh properly - 978322: fixed client deleting certs ( - 979492: register auto-attach force recreates cert dirs ( - 980209: removed injection calls from migration script ( - 980640: include stacked ents in provided ( - 981689: fix attach command ( - 982286: Fixed empty dialog message ( - latests strings from zanata and new keys.pot ( - Fixed Preferences dialog to be non-threaded ( - updated spec to require python-rhsm v1.8.13-1 or greater ( - Added auto-attach property in the preferences dialog ( - Added autoheal command to subman CLI ( - Add support for SUBMAN_DEBUG to log to stdout ( - remove logging of plugin args ( - Fixed auto-complete script for auto-attach command ( 844532: xen dom0 cpu topology lies, work around it ( - 854380: fix overlap filter ( - 915847: Provide option to skip using proxy when connecting to RHSM. - 921222: Fixed tab completion ( - 922871: Call pre_product_id_install hook on product install ( - 924766: Show machine type when attaching 'virt only' subscriptions ( - 927340: added empty warning, block auth unless proxy enabled ( - 928401: Fixed translation issue in redeem dialog ( - 947485: System 'disconnected' if no cache and disconnected ( - 947788: facts plugin can handle no 'facter' ( - 966137: stat-cert handles ent cert with no content ( - 972883: Add entries to productid.js during migration. ( - 973938: Flush std out and catch errors to work around the broken pipe from the more command ( - 974123: default behavior is help, no longer status ( - 974587: Allow list --consumed to handle certificates with empty order sections ( ( - 975164: 975186: fix certlib exception handling ( - Pull PluginManager from dependency injection framework ( - Performance enhancements ( - added cp_provider doc strings, modified test fixture ( - Fix expand options so there is no border txt view ( - Make PluginManager lazy loading ( 922825: pre_subscribe conduit now contains more data ( - 921222: Fixed subman auto-complete scripts ( - 922806: Fix RHEL 5 firstboot issue with backButton. ( - 960465: Subman disconnected when consumer cert is invalid ( - 966747: handle a custom facts file being empty ( - 969280: Fix traceback on disconnected sub detach ( - handle s390x's without vm info in sysinfo ( 905136: added accessibily name for owner_label ( - 928175: fixed status command after user deletion ( - 950672: Added data for yellow. Added list view. ( - 963796: Unified descriptions ( - 966745: Correct typo in name of configuration value. ( - 967863: Suggest package to install when mapping file is missing. ( - 968364: show the issuer for certs in rct. ( - 966262 for rct.8; 959563 for subscription-manager.8 ( - Extract latest strings from code. ( - close file objects deliberately ( - Use fnmatch to add wildcard support ( - One more miss from my issuer/errata debacle ( - Extend use of compliance status from cp ( - Add s390 lpar specific socket counting ( - be extra paranoid and strip nul from /sys reads ( - use new cpu info method by default ( - Add a new method for calculating cpu sockets ( - Added reasons to Subscription Details ( - Support enable and disable of all repos. ( Fix echo'ing of exit status or exception on exit ( - 962905: Fixing errors with quantity spinner. ( - 961124: Allow rct dump-manifest to be called more than once ( - 921249: Fix Unknown virt status being reported to server. ( - 905136: Make the accessability value unique ( - 913635: typo ( - 889582 ( - 962520: require python-rhsm 1.8.11 for arches ( - 919706: Relax rhn-setup-gnome dependency. ( - Add new expiring icon ( - use os.linesep as imported ( - cleanup camelCase usage in various files ( - adding architecture data ( - Default option is status ( - changed list --status to status ( - adding data to installed prods ( - SORT ALL THE IMPORTS! ( - stylish cleanup ( - mock.patch ConsumerIdentity instead of monkey patch ( 959563, 956298: for rhel 5.10 ( - 905922: use get_int instead of get in order to consume the value as a booolean ( - enhancements to tests ( - Update expected rct output for content arch info ( - let 'rct cat-cert' show arches info on content sets ( - Use the unknown icon when it is appropriate. ( - Do not allow manual entry of numbers that aren't multiples of spinner increment. ( - 959570: Subscription names were being mangled in the installed products page. ( - 959124: Consistant system status between CLI and GUI ( - re-added compatibility for old candlepin servers. ( - 885130: Switch from using xmlrpclib to rhnlib's rpclib. ( - 958827: fixed duplicate reasons from bundled subs, removed messages for valid products, refactoreed client-side reasons code ( - 958775: correct info for future subscriptions ( - Removing messages from compliant installed products caused by bad overconsumption ( - Use server provided value to determine quantity increment. ( - 957218: Bump system.certificate_version for cores support ( - 956285, 913635, 913628. still need to finalize output for 913628. ( - 955142: Display core limit in rct cat-cert tool ( - Warn when we detect we need a newer version of 'mock' ( - 924919: remove loging about isodate implementation ( - 957195: Pull in the latest or fix from zanata. ( - Add the unkown icon ( - Add reasons to list --installed and list --consumed. Added list --status ( - 908037: remove all ¶ characters from the ml.po file. Zanata was also updated ( - 906552: Fixed mis translation of subscription-manager in pa.po and zh_CN.po. Zanata was also updated ( - 908059: Fix a pt_BR translation which did not include the http portion of a url. Zanata is fixed as well ( - Add F19, 5.10, 6.4 releasers. ( - use "assert_string_equal" for multiline str asserts ( - add "assert_string_equals" that diffs multiline strings ( Latest translations. ( - 903298: Fix a few more examples of Register to ( - 878634: Fix the final three uses of id instead of ID ( - Fix string formatting done outside of gettext _() ( - 950892: entity typo ( - when no parameters are given, dump manifest uses current directory ( - fixed zipfile creation in python 2.4 ( - 919561: moving cat manifest into memory ( - 914717: Fields taken from pool data. ( - 924919: stop log to stderr in isodata module ( - 919561: refactored some code into additional methods, fixed naming conventions, and added test cases ( - Dont log exception if a repo doesn't have productid ( - 919561: checking manifest zip for files outside of scope ( - 919561: moved new extractall into a class that extends ZipFile ( - 919561: fixed variable naming in new extractall method ( - 919561: replaced reference to zipfile.extractall (aded in python2.6) ( 927875: Fix GUI bug if there is an expired certificate. ( - 922806: Use dependency injection with firstboot module. ( - 919512: Remove proxy options from config command. ( - 921126: latest string updates from zanata ( - 919255: Remove extraneous print statement. ( - 919584: Fix unicode error in RHEL 5. ( - Implement entitlement/product status caching. ( - 921245: Update installed products tab after registration. ( - 893993: some refactoring, show_autosubscribe_output returns 0 or 1 ( - 859197: add special case for products that provide 'rhel-' tags ( - productid db now supports multiple repos per product id ( - let ProductData support multiple repos per product ( - 893993: attach --auto now prints the proper text when no products are installed ( - 918746: Switched or ordering for disabling repos. Will now print all repository validation errors ( - 914717: rct cat-manifest fails to report Contract from the embedded entitlement cert ( - More convenient dep injection. ( - Try to handle the really old dbus-python on rhel5 ( - add missing conf file for all_slots plugin ( - 919700: Reload consumer identity after force subscribing. ( - utils.parseDate is now isodate.parse_date ( - Remove ent/prod dir arguments to CLI commands. ( - PluginsCommand does not need network cli options ( - Fix pluginDir config value in default config file ( Pull latest strings from zanata. ( - Use PyXML for iso8601 date on RHEL5 and dateutil after ( - Major switchover to server for compliance checking logic. ( - Introduce dependency injection framework. ( - 916369: Do not persist config changes until the action completes ( - Fix a bug with changing installed products during healing. ( - 912776: fix migration test scripts to expect get_int usage ( - 912776: cast port numbers from cli to int immediately ( - 912776: use config.get_int for server port as well ( - 905649: subscription-manager does not work with dbus-python-1.1.1-1 ( - use ngettext for plural messages in certlib/managercli ( - 912776: use cfg.get_int for proxy port ( - 878097: update service-level org key help text ( - Handle manifests with no subscriptions in the archive ( - 878664: Add filename support to the bash completion for the rct tool. ( - 877590: Changes to the branding messages when the user attempts to register twice ( - New plugin framework. ( / - 886115: Remove line continuations within strings. ( - 913302: Support Level and Support Type should be shown as Service Level and Service Type ( - Add unknown product status state. ( - 913703: Prefer the use of SKU over Product ID ( - 913720: Use the term order number instead of subscription id ( - 878634: Use correct capitalization for ID in the rct tool ( - 878097: Help text for service-level command should be consistent with other help texts ( - 906554: Add ui_repoid_vars line to yum based on the variables which are in the baseurl ( - 912707: Remove a use of the deprecated hasNow() function. ( - 913187: Allow older manifests to print out correctly. ( - 912776: Cast proxy port to an integer. ( - 882459: Deprecated message in help for cert-interval ( - 895447: Changed messages to distinguish between local and server-side removal. ( - 908671: Display the pool ID when available. ( - 911386: Displaying combined Service Level and Type should handle empty values for both items ( string and string catalog update from zanata ( - 908954: Ensure that 'Not Set' is shown in the preferences dialog if it is not set ( - 906214: rct --help should return 0. ( - 909294: Add accessibility names to the preferences combo boxes ( - 878097: Clarify that the --org option is ORG_KEY and not ORG_NAME ( - Just use 0 as error for reading int keys ( - Old version of config entries considered to make changes backwards compatible ( - 882459: aftermath of bug 876753 - Change --heal-interval to --attach-interval in rhsmcertd ( Update tito for RHEL 7.0 ( - Small cleanups for test_migrate ( - Write repofile once instead of during every iteration. ( - Add unit test for migration script. ( - Adding more tests for the migration script. ( - Bump the required version of python-rhsm to pick up the new config file defaults ( - Modify migration script tests to run on Fedora. ( - Give users the ability to disable package reporting ( - 891377: Note in deprecated string that auto-attach-interval is a command option ( - 901612: Yum plugin warnings should go to stderr, not stdout ( - 903298: Replace use of 'Register to' with 'Register with' ( - Rewrite of the migration script featuring unit tests. ( - Remove F16 and old cvs releasers, add F18. ( Add two manifest commands to rct. ( - latest translations from zanata ( - 895447: The count of subscriptions removed is zero for certs that have been imported. ( - 895462: Message for subscription-manager repos --list for disabled repo needs to be modified ( - 885964: After registration, recreate the UEP connection using the identity cert. ( - 869306: Add org ID to facts dialog. ( - 888853: Put output into proper columns regardless of the output language. ( - Update python-rhsm requires version ( - 888052: Add all binaries to the makefile path for gettext string extraction ( - 851303: additional term updates ( - 844411: Add an --insecure option to subscription-manager. ( - 891621: Users can incorrectly enter activation keys when registering to hosted. ( - 889573: Only persist serverurl and baseurl when registering. ( - 889204: Encode the unicode string to utf-8 to avoid syslog errors ( - 889621: String substitution inside gettext causes message translations to never be found ( - 890296: Unicode characters with a - are causing printing issues for rct printing ( - 878269 ( - 784056: Raise a running instance of the GUI to the forefront. ( - 888968: Improve the gui message formatting for SLA selection ( - 873601: Return a non zero code if subscription manager is run with an incorrect command name ( - 839779: Improve messaging when autosubscribe does not work because of SLA ( - 867603: Add quantity to confirm subscriptions dialog. ( - 888790: Rebuild UEP connection after registering with activation keys. ( - 886280; 878257; 878264; 878269 ( - 814378: disable linkify if we are running as firstboot ( - 886887: Take the user back to the activation key page if he enters an invalid key. ( - 863572: Make forward/back insensitive when registering ( - 825950: updating SAM registration procedure; other term edits and updated screenshot ( - 885964: Do not make a getOwner call when not necessary. ( - Ask for the org in environments and service-level modules. ( - 886992: Fix for bad fix for 886604, wrong path for yum repos ( - matt reid's edits to rct; bz886280; bz878257; bz878269; bz878264 ( - 841496: Do not use hyphens in bash completion files as these are invalid for identifiers in the sh shell. ( - Improve logging for rhsmcertd scenarios ( - 878609: Do not use public url redirectors, instead use a address ( - 886604: Fix incorrect path in repos.d check ( - 727092: Read in the org key during registration if none is given. ( - 845622: If an identity certificate has expired, there should be a friendly error message ( - 883123: Have the migration code use the name and the label for org and environment lookup. ( - 886110: help blurb for --auto-attach formatted poorly ( - 880070: require latest python-rhsm to handle unicode issues ( - 798788: Results from subscription-manager facts --update after a server-side consumer was deleted. ( - 878634: Improve the consistency of capitalization of URL, ID, HTTP, and CPU ( - 878657: Make consistent use of the term unregister instead of un-register ( - 883735: load branding module slightly differently ( - Stylish fix. ( - 878664: Add bash completion script for rct ( - 880764: Command line options which can be specified more than once should use the same help text ( - 867070: Adjust default sizing of subscriptions pane in Installed Products tab. ( - 873791: Expected exit codes from unsubscribe with multiple serial numbers ( - 800323: Set default output stream encoding to UTF-8. ( - 862852: Fix double separator in redeem dialog. ( - Display "None" if environments value is empty on consumer. ( - 872351: Display environment in GUI facts dialog and CLI identity command. ( - 881091: Remove punctuation in the help message ( - Revert "878986: refactor to use curses/textwrap for format" ( - 877579: Fix -1 quantity to consume for unlimited pools. ( - 881117: Add at-spi locator to redemption dialog. ( - 881952: Warn and continue if encountering a failure during system deletion. ( - 878820: Fix console error when yum.repos.d does not exist. ( - 839772: Display "Not Set" instead of "" in SLA and release preferences. ( - rev zanata branch version to 1.8.X ( - 878986: refactor to use curses/textwrap for format ( - 878986: Default to no line breaking if no stty is available ( - 878588: Move the requires on usermode from subscription-manager-gui to subscription-manager ( - 878648: Make the help usage formatting consistent for the rct and subscription manager commands ( - 869046: Remove stray 'print' ( - 864207: Autosubscribe should not run when all products are already subscribed. ( - 854702: Place the asterisk indicating editability into the quantity cell. ( Reversioning to 1.8.x stream.- latest strings from zanata ( - 874623: Tell users running the version command if they are not registered. ( - 873418: Add at-spi locators to the activation key window. ( latest strings from zanata ( - 864207: mark these strings for translation ( - 854388: use ngettext to specify contract/contracts ( - 876753: change rhsmcertd --heal-interval to --auto-attach-interval ( - We require python-rhsm-1.1.5 now (ram) ( - 876340: Move the last of the commands and help string to --auto-attach ( - 876294: Use attach instead of subscirbe in the rhn migration tooling ( - 856735: Move the Next Update notification to the About dialog. ( - Removed stacking from RAM ( - Improved comments/logging/tests for RAM ( - Updated the entitlement_version of client ( - Added RAM limit to rct cat-cert output ( - Removing dead code ( - Check RAM when determining status ( 862909: install rct man page ( - Fix to LocalTz DST determination ( 873631: Migrate correctly when there is only one org. ( - 874147: Handle changes in python-ethool api ( 872847: Change unsubscribe feedback when consumer has been deleted ( - 869934: make "release" related cdn usage use proper urlparse ( - 852328: Improve the server version checking ( - 871146: Fix proxy errors on first yum operation after registration. ( - 850430: Pressing Enter in the password entry now activates registration. ( - Attach subscriptions after registration with an activation key. ( latest strings from zanata ( 864177: Add the count for the first word in calculating where to break the line ( - 785666: For bonded interfaces, find mac address of members ( - 839779: Add more context around how to cover the machine with a given SLA ( - 864177: Attempt to detect the size of the terminal to influence how product names are split up. ( - 864569: Make the date picker widget 10 characters wide ( - 855050: Set the icon-name property on all dialogs and windows ( - 848095: Reduce the indentation on the help text to improve the layout on smaller terminals. ( ( - 862848: Change the name of the button to Cancel instead of Close ( - 867766: Unsubscribe from multiple entitlement certificates using serial numbers ( - Clear any cached environments when registering with activation keys. ( ( - Clear any cached activation key values. ( - 869729: --autosubscribe and --activationkey should be mutually exclusive ( - 857191: Stacking shows a useless parent in All Available Subscriptions tab ( - 863133: Subscription-Manager version command should have server type listed first ( - updates for failed-qa issues in bz857195 ( - Increment the hardcoded page number due to added activation key screen. ( - 864555: add "menu" window hint to ( - 850870: Update on-line documentation link. ( - 817671: Add support for Activation Keys in the GUI. ( - 840415: Print an error message if the destination directory does not exist. ( - Fail fast if the user enters a bad org. ( - Marking a string for translation. ( - 866579: Fail fast if the user enters a bad environment. ( - Enable logging in firstboot ( - 865954: Return to creds screen if consumer name is invalid ( - 852107: Make the banners the same width ( - 748912: Make the error message a bit more friendly when there is no cert file to import ( - 865590: Fix broken offline unsubscribe. ( - 852328: Report Classic and Subscription Management consistently in the version and identity commands ( - 864159: Add a new message in the gui when no subscriptions are available on a specific date. ( - 850531: Change the label 'Certificate Status' to 'Status' ( - 850533: Change the label from 'Next Update' to 'Next System Check-in' ( - 855365: Display a singular sentence if only one subscription is removed ( - 862885: Change the text for unlimited to Unlimited ( - 864184: Make the machine type uppercase to be consistent with other output ( - 865545: Added report log when cert has no products. ( - update releases.conf ( 863961: Expect id cert Version to be populated in tests ( - 863565: Give focus to the login field during subscription registration. ( - 838123: remove python2.5ism ( - 844072: remove use and dep of PyXML ( - 838123: Omit mac addresses from facts for lot and sit ipaddress types ( - 856236: Do not allow environmenets to be specified during registration if an activation key is used ( - 858289: Rename the desktop file to subscription-manager-gui.deskstop ( - 808217: Add a text banner to the output of release --list ( - 863428: Add environment support to the migration script. ( - 862099: Fix several dialog closing issues. ( - 854374: Removed extra spacing around help, and improved he rct text output a bit. ( - 853572: Fix a typoin the help messages ( - 859090: Remove the word technology from the branding string ( - 862308: Subscription Manager version reports registered to value when system not registered ( - 861443: Re-raise GoneException in rhsmcertd-worker ( - 861151: make stylish cleanup ( - 852911: Add padding around firstboot tooltips icon. ( - 854312: Do not install a certificate that has expired. ( - Make rhsm-icon work on gnome 3 ( - 853885: Fix icon notification popup only displaying once. ( - 853006: Wrap label in the manually subscribe firstboot screen. ( - 861151: release should not list for incompatible variants ( - 861170: re.escape() values provided to the apply_hightlight() function. ( - 852630: Suscription manager unsubscribe --all shows error on expired subscriptions ( - Freeze obsoletes version for -gnome to -gui rename ( - 860084: remove unused _x from ja_JP translation ( - 860088: remove trailing dot from url in de_DE.po ( - Don't reparse entitlement certs on every search filter change ( - 855257: fix issues with default contract quantity being wrong ( - 860088: some translations were splitting urls into two lines ( - Add to nosetest to ensure that Cert V3 check for validity passes. ( - 860344: Subscription-manager import --certificate fails to recognize a new version 3.0 certificate ( - New icon set. ( - 853035: Fix firstboot "back" issues. ( - Check the full version info of the yum api in productid ( - 847319: Left align manually subscribe firstboot message ( - 860030: make server_version_check use a non authenticated call ( - 847387: Display tooltip for info icon in RHEL 5.9. ( 829825: Adding tests. ( - 853876: No need to check for GoneException when getting status ( - 829825: Disable unsubscribe button when nothing is selected. ( - Remove unused import. ( - 859197: Fix product cert cleanup. ( - 781280: Add I18N comments for some string length issues. ( - 830193: Ensure logging is not diabled by RHN Classic Registration ( - remove unused RepoFile import ( - 855081: Translate Arch as Arq. ( - Check identity cert permissions when running CLI commands ( - mock all of RepoFile for the cli tests ( - 845349: Don't clutter the repo file with empty keys ( - 845349: remove 'return' left in for debugging ( - Stylish errors for mr.po ( - 855085: Fixed the translation for [OPTIONS] ( - 855087: Fix a mis translated [OPTIONS] in the mr.po file. ( - Strings with the same value are not always the same instance. ( - updates from sefler for bz850881 ( - mock out utils.is_valid_server_info for tests ( - 846207: Print error message for each invalid repo. ( - change test async to check for a number of thread callbacks ( - latest strings from zanata ( updates to stat-cert for cert v3 ( - rct: Check for and handle files that aren't x509 certs ( - rct: remove content set count from cat-cert. use stat-cert instead. ( - implement aliases for cli commands ( - rct: add a stat-cert command ( - Switch certv2 related code to certv3 ( - 852107: Make banner headings equal in length ( - 842768: Remove --serverurl option from redeem command. ( - Set correct parent for these error dialogs. ( - set_parent_window() on RegisterScreen has been removed. ( - make regex better ( - 855762: Set correct parent for error dialog boxes raised by Autobind wizard. ( - 856349: rct cat-cert now printing content for all content types ( - 842768: Limit --serverurl and --baseurl to specific commands. ( - 854467: Use of activation keys requires an org. ( ( - 854879: Fixes for Anaconda desktop/workstation product cert installation. ( - 840415: Handle copyfile errors gracefully. ( - Adding new line b/w products when printed by rct ( - 850920: --servicelevel and --no-auto are mutually exclusive. ( - Explicitly set GMT when doing entitlement date math ( - adding --unset option to service-level and release cmds ( - updated images for bz840599; changed rhsmcertd intervals, bz853571 ( - 853233: Do not allow 68.pem and 71.pem to coexist after migration. ( - 852706: Fix server side certs not being deleted client side ( - editing manpages and gnome help per UXD feedback; updating manpages for new command arguments; bz852323, bz850881, bz854357 ( - 845349: Support setting unknown values in the yum repo file ( - Add a count of content sets to entitlement certificates ( - 830988: Stacking is showing an odd parent in the My Subscriptions Tab ( Fix gettext_lint issue with concat string in rhn-migrate ( - 851124: Fix GUI unsubscribe. ( - fix po version for ta_IN.po ( - latest strings ( 853187: Verbiage change in install-num-migrate-to-rhsm. ( - 852894: Abort migration if multiple JBEAP channels are detected. ( - 850715: Fix malloc for Config ( - 852001: output the orgs key as part of the identity command. ( - fix "make gettext", wrong var name for the find root ( - 850715: Fixes based on coverity scans ( - 846316: Use the full name of Subscrition Manager during first boot ( - 851346: Remove special case channel certs before subscribing. ( - 847354: When printing, translate None type into an empty string ( Replace 16x16 icon with a new version that has no background ( - 852107: Update verbiage in migration script. ( - 847060: Push dependency higher up in the chain ( - 848534: Change the about dialog icon to be a PNG to ensure accurate representation. ( - 841396: Select first item in My Subscriptions table by default. ( - 849483: Prompt user for org name if necessary. ( - 849644: Calls made with --no-auto were not actually registering the system. ( - 849494: Fix variable name collision. ( - 846834: Use Subscription instead of entitlement certificate ( - 847859: Expiration highlighting was being set incorrectly. ( - 847750: Handle bad proxy values in migration script. ( - 841961: Ignore case when specifying the service level in migration ( - 842020: Remove an extraneous option group for rhsmcertd ( - Refactored some of the shared CLI code in 'rct' ( 849171: Remove an extraneous print statement ( - 849105: Fixed a typo in the error message ( - 772161: Notifiy virt who, if running, when the identity changes ( - Reduce reads/parses of certificates ( - remove unused function 'getInstalledProductHashMap' ( - 843191: handle network errors better for 'version' command ( - 826739, 827553: Combine Service Level and Service Type and move up in display order. ( - 847316: Remove the menu path for Subscription Manager from the manual registration screen. ( - 848409,848195,848190,848184: Do not print the exception when attempting to do the server version check ( - 847795: String and terminology clean up ( - 847380: Update the verbiage to prefer the term Subscription Management ( - 846834: Updated verbiage to focus on subsriptions and not on entitlements ( - 846105: Verbiage changes to empasize subscriptions over entitlements ( - 836933: Handle empty spaces for servce levels ( - 836932,835050: Fix the service level lifecycle ( - 836932: Reduce extra loggging when setting the service level ( - About dialog was not working due to key errors from python ( - 833319: Updated the help text for registration and service levels ( - 847060: Add missing requires on pygobject2 ( - 828954: Fix ta_IN.po file error with options ( - 842898: re-implement string fix for it.po ( - 828958: Fix the accidental translation of an option ( - fix up make stylish ( - No longer require root to run rct ( - Remove, it's class moved to ( - Bumping the required python-rhsm version ( - Renamed rt command to rct. ( - Fix test case failure on 5.9 (Exception.message) ( - Refactor ManuallySubscribeScreen to use new Screen api ( - Check passed args as None to allow empty args ( - Exception.message is deprecated, just let _str_ do it ( - use MockStdout intead of nosetests sys.stdout.getvalue() ( Fix "Project-Id-Version" for ta_IN.po ( - latest strings from zanata ( - Remove the 'repos' unittests until they are more mockable ( - Created CLI tool for viewing certificate data. ( - add versionlint to "make stylish" ( - add versionlint, requires pyqver ( - Remove unused mock return values ( - Remove enable_grid_lines from contract details glade file ( - more test cases for ConfigCommand ( - 837897: Terminology Change: Service Level Agreement -> Service Level ( - add test cases for ConfigCommand ( - Better error when rm'ing config item from missing section ( - unittest coverage for managercli.CLI ( - Adding unit tests for migration script regexes. ( - 812903: Autosubscribe not working for newly added product cert after Register ( - 845827: Update command that do not require a candlepin connection ( - 845827: Split server version checkout out to avoid errors ( - Hack to address double mapping for 180.pem and 17{6|8}.pem ( - fix pep8 ( - don't show url after registering to Katello ( - remove the explicit url search from error handling. ( - Make gettext_lint also check for _(foo) usage ( - Remove unneeded _(somevar) ( - Fix NameError in migration script. ( - bogus newline in glade file ( - 826874: Reenable grid lines on newer gtk ( - 826874: Remove enable_grid_lines from treeviews in glade ( - 826874: Removing more properties that don't exist on gtk2.10 ( - 826874: Change gtk target version to gtk 2.10 for all glade files ( - 826874: Clean of gtk properties not in gtk2.10 in our glade files ( - Add support for migrating to Katello. ( - 843191: 'version' command showed wrong info with no network ( - 843915: Multiple-specifications of --enable and --disable repos ( - fix Package-Id-Version in ta_IN.po ( - Fix es_ES.po (missing newline) ( - 842898: fix missing --password in it.po ( - 843113: latest strings from zanata ( - 837280: Show users that we strip out any scheme given with a proxy. ( - new strings ( - Refactor of SubDetailsWidget and GladeWidget ( - 826729: Move Cert Status up to top of Product's Subscription Details ( remove test cases that use si_LK locale ( - 842845: Show better error if serverurl port is non numeric ( - 838113: 'unregister' was not cleaning up repos ( - 842170: replace None service level/type with "" not None ( - 844069: Allow register --force even if ID cert is totally invalid. ( - 826874: Remove use of deprecated Gtk.Notebook.set_page ( - 818355: Terminology Change: Contract Number -> Contract ( - 844368: productid plugin was failing on ProductCert.product ( - Ignore warning about use of dbus.dbus_bindings ( - 844178: Fix error message when importing a non-entitlement cert bundle. ( - remove deprecated use of DateRange.hasNow() ( - remove use of DateRange.hasDate() ( Remove deprecated use of hasDate. ( - Fix missed use of renamed method. ( - make stylish clean ( - use isoformat() here instead of strftime format string ( - create warn and expire colors once, fix test failure ( - make stylish cleanups ( - Additional tests for date logic. ( - Update for some minor changes in python-rhsm. ( - add rhsm_display module ( - Add module to set DISPLAY if RHSM_DISPLAY is set ( - 837132: fix typo ( - Add "ctrl-X" as accelerator for proxy config ( - Make "Usage" consistent across rhel5/6 ( - Add __str__ for our fake exception. ( - class ClassName(): is not legal syntax on python2.4 ( - Exception by default doesn't pass 'args' ( - Linkify() doesn't work on rhel5, so disble the tests there ( - hashlib doesn't exist on 2.4, md5 is deprecated on 2.6 ( - use simplejson since 'json' isnt part of python 2.4 ( - Use ISO8601 date format in allsubs tab ( - Fix syntax for RHEL5. ( - Fix awkward stretching in Subscription column. ( - 804144: Fix awkward stretching of Product column. ( - 814731: Change the name of the menu item to Preferences from Settings, and change the accelerator keys ( - 837132: Clean up the error message in the yum plugin ( - 837038: Fix a grammatical error in the yum plugin ( - Fix certificate parsing error reporting. ( - Removing unnecessary assignments. ( - F15 builds can't be submitted in Fedora anymore. ( - updating options for rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm per bz840152; rewriting rhsmcertd for different options and usage examples ( - Account/contract number field rename. ( - Stylish fixes. ( - Fix a certv2 error. ( - 829825: Alter highlighting used in My Subscriptions tab ( - 772040: Have no overlap filter properly handles subscription dates. ( - Update order support level/type to service. ( - Remove explicit use of certificate2 module. ( - Fix issues introduced in certv2 refactor. ( - Change entitlement_version fact to certificate_version. ( - Update to use new certificate2 module and classes. ( - Send entitlement version fact. ( 828903: Pull in the latest translation for error messages with no options translated ( - 841011: Fix double words in the korean translations ( - 828958: Untranslate the word password when it it used as an option in the pt_BR translations ( - Fixes for translations from zanata ( - Latest translations from zanata ( - 839887: Make error message text more clear when network is disconnected ( - 839760: Fix the screen text for preferences based on UXD feedback ( - 818355: Rename the use of 'Contract Number' to contract in the gui ( - 840169: The service level was incorrectly being set after auto-subscription. ( - 840637: Fixed missing reference to parent window. ( - Import and translate error strings for 'envirovment' cmd ( - Removed --wait arg, delay 2 min in rhsmcertd ( - Interval CLI args for rhsmcertd now specified as minutes. ( - Update rhsmcertd.init.d to use new CLI args ( - Bad url format test and a refactor of parse_url ( - Print message when rhsmcertd is shutting down ( - Fixed spelling and newline issues in rhsmcertd ( - Handle a few new bad url formats (http//foo or http:sdf) ( - Add wait and now args to rhsmcertd ( - 839683: Add some strings from older optparse to our i18n version ( - 838146: Subscription-manager cli does not allow unsubscribe when consumer not registered. ( - rhsmcertd: add format specifier checking to r_log ( - Improve rhsmcertd logging ( - Fix bug where filter options were not persisted when the dialog was reopened. ( - 838242: proxy password from the cli wasn't getting used ( - Adding options parsing support (work-in-progress). ( - Added initial check delay to rhsmcertd ( On invalid credentials in register, return to the login screen ( - 821065: Make SLA/subscription asyncronous ( - 838942: make gui and cli use the same releaseVer check ( - fixes for translations from zanata ( - latest strings from zanata ( - Remove check for date parsing not failing when we expect it to ( - Remove glade orientation properties. ( - Moving the filter counting mechanism into the Filters class. ( - Adjust expand and fill properties for the filter dialog. ( - add za_CN.utf to list of known busted locales ( - 824424: Fixing AttributeError thrown when accessing online help in RHEL 5. ( - Add icon to update progress window. ( - 806986: Display SKU for available and consumed subscriptions ( - Increase the default size of the subscriptions viewport. ( - Add no overlapping to the default filters. ( - Tweaks to filter options dialog. ( - 801187: print Provides: for all subs, even with no provides ( - The filter dialog now updates results in real time. ( - 837106: Add a11y property for register button ( - 813336: Break filter options out into a separate dialog box. ( - 837036: Do not refer to options as commands ( - 829495: Delete a mis-translated string to force re-translation ( - 828966: Delete a mis-translated string to force trasnlations ( - 767133: Remove english to english translations from bn_IN to force a new translation ( - 829491: Remove english trnaslations for italian translations ( Add rpmlint config for tmpfiles.d ( - Use the i18n_optparse.OptionParser instead of optparse ( - Use our i18n_optparse for the migration scripts ( - Look for rhn-migrate* in bin for generating string catalogs ( - 826874: add gladelint support for 'orientation' prop ( - 826874: Remove unneeded property 'orientation' from glade ( - 796782: add systemd tmpfiles configuration ( Revamp choose server screen. ( rhsmcertd no longer exits when not registered. ( - po file cleanups ( - latest strings from zanata ( - Free config resources in one place ( - rhsmcertd: free GKeyFile when done ( - rhsmcertd: remove studlyCaps ( - "make stylish" should failed on "swapped" in glade files ( - Remove 'swapped=on' from glade signal markup. ( - add 'fix-glade-swapped' target to de-'swapped' glade files ( - make stylish fixups ( - Fix at-spi label for "offline_radio" widget ( - shorter messages for cases where registered to RHN Classic ( - Tighten up the gettext_lint regex ( - Fix string that was breaking xgettext ( - 810998: Add a button to test a proxy connection. ( - new messages, and remove checking of rhn serverURL ( - remove unused es.po file ( - 829486: Removed untranslated words to force a re-translation ( - Remove unused bn.po file ( - 826856: Add check for service-level command that --org can only be used with --list option ( - 829483: Remove english to english translation to force a re-translations ( - Remove unused de po file ( - 819665: on 'version' display if we are registered to RHN Classic ( 804109: Give a specific message when providing invalid credentials. ( - 810360: update wording in gnome help file ( - use new bin location of files for $STYLEFILES ( - add 'debuglint' for checking for leftover debugger imports ( - Update make clean target ( - Move py executables to bin/ ( - Put no results text inside the scrolled window ( - 817901: Show text when there are no subscriptions to show. ( - Move initd file to etc-conf ( - Move plugins to their own src dir ( - More test cases for utils.parse_url ( - 829482: Delete unstranslated strings in order force a retranslation ( - 811602: Fix the help output based on UXD feedback ( - 828867: Removed the extra %s string from the te translation ( - 829479: Remove unstranslated strings to force a re-translation ( - Delete the unused pt.po file ( - 829476: Remove untranslated strings. ( - 811553: Improve the text for auto subscribe during registration ( - 829471: Fix the translation for usage, and remove a translation for %org id to force a retranslation ( - Remove an outdated ta.po file ( - 828810: Remove extra %s in translation ( - Test to ensure that pool id is in the output for list --available ( - Close registration window even if it failed. ( - 825923: Subscription-manager service-level set should say "Service level set to:" ( - 811594: Default behavior for ReposCommand is --list ( - 832400: service-level --unset should display proper message for unregistered client. ( 818978: Use systemd instead of sysv when installing on F17+ and RHEL7+. ( - 827035: update identity certificate ( - registergui: make screens without guis more generic ( - Incorrect field value removed on previous change ( - 829812: Add an unset command for the release command ( - 823659: Update SLA text in Settings to Service Level ( - Use a temp file for finding used widgets ( - clean up some unused import warnings ( - default to running style checks on tests ( - Make test cases stylish as well... ( - Fix "make stylish" ( - 829803: Added an unset command to service level. ( - Remove reference to InstalledProductsTab.product_id_text ( - Add a "find-missing-widgets" target to makefile ( - 830949: add accessibility locators for registration widgets ( - 824979: No message for subscription-manager release --list with no subscriptions. ( - Added UnRegisterCommand and UnSubscribeCommand nosetests ( - registergui: get firstboot working with new new code ( - registergui: Create a PreformRegisterScreen class ( - registergui: add a post method for setting data on the parent ( - registergui: create a 'pre' hook for screens ( ( - 819665: print msg if user is registered to RHN Classic on "identity" command ( ( - Add F17 yum repo release target. ( - fix make stylish ( - 810352: Disable the expansion of the system name selection in the register dialog ( - 824530: add test case for setting proxy cli for release ( - rhsm-icon codestyle cleanups ( - 829900: Use the term 'Subscription Management Service' to refer to SAM, CFSE, etc (root@bkearney.(none)) - 829898: Make the no service level option a bit clearer as to its meaning ( - Improve the logging so that the user only sees the approved output by default ( - 830193: Modify the output of the yum plugin to be consistent with RHN ( - 824530: "release" command ignoring cli proxy options ( - 828042,828068: Make ja_JP's Confirm Subscription unique for firstboot. ( - Updating strings from zanata ( - 825309: Remove the archiecture field from the table. ( - 823608: Rename the software pane to product ( - 810369: Prefer the term Subscription to Entitlement ( - Add a warning comment about firstboot module titles ( - Clean up an option ( - 827208: Fix the xmltag bugs in the or po file ( - 827214: Clean up the XML tags in ta po file. ( - Slight change in the path for the ta po file ( - Slight change in the path for the ta po file ( - Slight change in the path for the ml po file ( - 828583: Add some spacing at the end of the file paths in the ko.po file ( - 828816: the %prog variable should not be translated ( - 828821: Fix the addition of a new variable in the hi po file ( - 828903: Fix translation of options in the bn po file. ( - Fix part of the mis translated options ( - 828965: Fix a translated option which should not have been translated ( - 828954: fix the --pool option in the translated string ( - 828958: --available should not be translated ( - Add --password as an option, not a string. This cause several strings to be retranslated ( - 828969: Fix the options in the translated string ( - 828985: Fix the url in the translated string ( - 828989: Fix the access url ( - 818205: Release --set command should only accept values from --list. ( - registergui: extract out a screen superclass ( - registergui: get button label from screen class ( - registergui: keep screens in a list ( - registergui: pull out environment screen into its own class ( - registergui: sensitivity refactor and method move ( - registergui: extract out credentials_entered method ( - registergui: move organization screen to its own class ( - registergui: move credentials screen to its own class ( - registergui: move choose server screen to its own class ( - registergui: switch from GladeWrapper to GladeWidget ( - registergui: Remove some unused globals ( 817938: Add sorting to the contract selection table. ( - 822706: gtk widget visibility toggle compat for el5 ( - 822706: Display Register button on Installed Product tab if not registered. ( - 825286: Handle unset service levels in a manner similar to unset release versions. ( - 826735: Merge start/end date sub details into one row. ( - fix make stylish ( - 811593: Feedback when not providing command options is not consistent. ( - 806986: Subscription-Manager should refer to subscription name and product name. ( - 825737: Service-level --set should configure proper value for GUI ( - 817901: Disable the match installed products filter. ( - Remove unecessary use of lambda. ( - 818282: Sort virtual subscriptions to the top of contract selector. ( - 818383: display better messages for yum plugin usage ( - Fix logging of deleted expired certs ( - Remove the constants module ( - Remove useless format specifier ( - 801187: condense list --consumed output ( - Don't use kwargs for cli subclasses; it makes things shorter ( - Remove desc cli argument, no module used it ( - Use super for cli module init ( - Clean up rpmlint messages ( - Autogenerate the cli usage message ( - Remove obsolete nose tests ( - 812410: Show product name on CLI subscribe to pool. ( - 824680: make init script status return proper exit code ( - fix nosetests for progress gui ( - Rework urlparse calls to work with RHEL 5. ( - 818238: Set a better progress title for sub search ( - 771756: Drop "rhsm icon" from the rhsm-icon usage message ( - 820294: Let candlepin handle org/env/key validation ( - 818397: Rename subscription-manager-gnome to -gui ( - Reduce wordiness of version command. ( - 824333: use rhel5-friendly urlparse options ( - Log the program versions when starting the GUI or making a CLI call. ( - Fix the About dialog to work in RHEL 5.8 ( - 821544: Remove the stacking id attribute from my susbcriptions since it is not being used currently. ( - add checkcommits exception for 824100 ( - 824100: update zanata.xml to grab latest pt_BR.po ( - 822057: do not hard-code cdn to port 443 ( - Display sane error on CLI if missing CA certificate. ( - Display sane error in GUI if missing CA certificate. ( - 812373: Terminology change for list --installed and --consumed ( - zanata client will push any po/*.pot files it finds. Stop. ( - 789182: Fix UnicodeEncodeError when logging. ( - README for github and people who like to read ( - checkcommits exception for xgettext patch fixed in master ( - 820743: Fix these strings so xgettext finds extracts them ( - refine the regex for "make gettext_lint" ( - Upload el6 yum packages to another dir for compatability. ( Updating strings from zanata ( - Add new server setup GUI screen. ( - Add new server setup CLI options. ( - 813296: Remove check for candlepin_version ( - Allow importing multiple subscriptions at once ( - 820170: Subscription Manager release --list should display "not supported" message for older candlepin. ( - 817938: Make columns in subscription-manager tables sortable. ( - 812153: Release command should have a --show command which is the default. ( - 820080: Fix "Configuration" spelling on firstboot page ( - Set the parent window for the about dialog ( - removing a sentence from the manpage about working on RHEL 5.8 and later, bz820765 ( - 821024: Properly handle ESC on preferences dialog ( - Replaced toolbar with menubar. ( - 820040,820037,820030: don't break multibyte help blurbs ( - 817036: Add a version command to subscription-manager. ( - The unbindAll command now returns JSON. ( - Explain the conditional imports more accurately. ( - Print different message when subscribing to no service level. ( - remove deprecated use of "md5" module ( - Enable and disable available repos on client machine from Subscription Manager CLI ( - 790939: Add SLA to rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm. ( - 812388: Show the number of entitlements unsubscribed from. ( - 818298: release --list should not display rhel-5 when only rhel-6 product is installed ( - 810236: Update facts after registering with --consumerid. ( - 818461: invalid date format error when using or_IN.UTF-8 ( - Store date of migration in migration facts for rhn-migrate-classic-to-rhsm. ( - Unify our el5 and el6 firstboot modules ( - add a gconf setting for users who do not want to use the icon ( - do not use the gui by default when migrating ( - Allow service level change for consumer via CLI independent of other calls. ( - 815479: Incorrect owner should be relayed on service level list call. ( - 817390: add completion support for servicelevel ( - 817117: fix completion of environment command ( - 816377: handle cert migration data being missing ( - Store date of migration and installation number in migration facts. ( - Fixing registration error when loading SlaWizard ( latest strings from zanata ( - add test cases for ( - pep8 and pyflakes cleanups ( - 815563: Remove incorrect at-spi locators. ( - 795541: Environment command should omit the Library from katello ( - 806993: Tolerate the provision of a scheme with the proxy string. ( - remove remnants of ( - 811952: Don't try to unsubscribe old ents if we register ( - 811952: Handle errors on unsubscribing ent certs ( - 812929: Fix issue with selected sla not being in suitable_slas ( - 812897: Use consistent casing for the word "Error" ( - Improve preferences dialog error message. ( - 811863: Handle unforseen errors in preferences dialog. ( - 811340: Select the first product in My Installed Software table by default. ( - 811594: The config, repos, and facts commands should default to --list if no options are provided. ( - 812104: add "release" and "service-level" to completion ( - 801434: Add at-spi accessibility name to calendar widget. ( - updates to man pages ( - 811591: Use consistent messages for not being registered ( - Updated the --servicelevel option description ( - Use numeric index to access value returned by urlparse. ( - 790579: Show translations for errors thrown by installation number parsing. ( - adding --servicelevel option to list command ( - 810306: Improved messaging in firstboot ( - 811337: unregister any time we return to rhsm_login ( - 807153: Allow more aggressive deletion of product certs. ( - 810399: require the latest rhn-setup-gnome for firstboot ( - 810290: use correct calculation for "Next update" time in sm-gui ( - 810363: handle socket errors for bad proxy host in firstboot ( - Latest man page and documentation ( - 809989: Add the shortened password url to the strings files. ( - 809989: Add a shorter URL to the registration screen ( - rev the zanata version to 1.0.X ( - Incrementing version number after 6.3 branch. ( latest strings into keys.pot and updated from zanata ( - 809611: Fix undefined variable in installedtab for expired ( - pep8/pyflakes cleanups ( - Repolib now requires a UEP connection. ( - Use numeric index to access portion of URL. ( - 807785: use a better title on the autobind wizard ( - latest strings from zanata ( - Add release selection to preferences dialog ( - 805415: handle entitlements for socket count of 0 ( - 804201: Fix sla select in firstboot after back button ( - 807477: Delay attempt to connect to RHN until after basic error checks. ( - 803374: Change the 'Subscribe' button to read 'Auto-subscribe.' ( - 808217: Add a header to the release list ( - 807153: Provide a more informative error message when encountering repodata errors. ( - 807822: Allow setting release to '' ( - 807036: Instruct users to go to All Subscriptions for all SLA failures ( - 807407: Subscripton Manager substitutes "" for $releasever when releaseVer not set on consumer ( - 803756: Trap RemoteServerException as well as RestLibException (404) for service-level command ( - 806941: Removed unknown swapped attribute from ( - 807360: Allow the repos command to work without being registered ( - 806457: Fix deletion of productids with yum localinstall ( Don't skip past firstboot login page on invalid user/pass ( - 805690: Turn repo gpgcheck off if no gpgkey specified. ( - 795552: Put safe int conversions around certain fact checks. ( - 804100: display an error when candlepin doesn't support release ( - 804227: expect a Release object instead of a bare string ( - Latest string files from zanata ( - 805450: display better error message when autosubscribing ( - 805594: Give each "Subscribe" button in the GUI a unique at-spi name. ( - 803374: Provide unambiguous at-spi names for widgets. ( - 805353: subscription-manager list --help should use consistent wording for servicelevel option. ( 805906: fix missing imports for firstboot ( - Fix RHEL6 firstboot attribute error ( - 772218: throw an error if unparsed command line options exist ( - Add missing imports to rhsm_login for error dialogs ( - 803386: Display product ID in GUI and CLI. ( - Fix specfile for el5 firstboot ( - 804227,804076,804228: Handle 404's from old candlepin servers without /release ( - 803778: Updated the --servicelevel not supported messages for subscribe command ( - 803778: Updated the --servicelevel not supported messages for register command ( - 803756,803762: Updated error message for service-level command ( - fixups for strings from zanata ( - latest strings from zanata ( - 789007: Migration should fail early when attempted with non org admin user. ( - 805024: Hide extra separator along with redeem button. ( - 800999: Added --servicelevel arg to CLI list command ( - 804227: Fix issues with repos --list ( - Add proper back/forward logic for firstboot sla subscribe ( - 800933: Display service level and type in CLI list commands. ( - 789008: Print a more specific error message when Candlepin calls fail. ( - hook up sla firstboot to more registration cases ( - Define globals at module scope. ( - Remove firstboot subscriptions module ( - Fix broken tests for DST. Stop using time.time() ( - Add error cases for firstboot autobind ( - Perform the actual entitlement bind on confirm subs screen ( - Set up shared state for AutobindController in firstboot ( - Extract a controller class for sla select logic ( - Break apart autobind first boot module ( - Add some autobind wizard button spacing. ( - Always update the icon and notification details on status change. ( - Only add icon click listeners once. ( - Adding notification nag icon support for Registration Required ( - add firstboot rhsm_autobind to spec file ( - Autobind cancel during registration will now unregister you. ( - Update CLI to handle server that doesn't support service levels. ( - Move back/forward/cancel buttons in sla selection to parent ( - Revert "Update CLI to handle server that doesn't support service levels." ( - Update GUI to handle server that does not support service levels. ( - Update CLI to handle server that doesn't support service levels. ( - Add autobind screen to firstboot ( - Fix firstboot unregister import error. ( - Add missing spacers to main window toolbar. ( - Fix an error handling bug. ( - Get register screen working in el6 firstboot ( - Center wizard's error dialog on main window ( - Removing commented out code in register dialog ( - Add skip option instead of autobind in register dialog. ( - Fix preferences dialog error when not registered. ( - Improved error handling for autobind wizard. ( - Fix message window warnings. ( - Fix alignment on select SLA screen. ( - Display the service level selected when confirming autobind subs (dgoodwin - Implement Cancel button on autobind wizard screens. ( - Allow setting service level from preferences dialog. ( - First cut at a preferences dialog. ( - Pack SLA's into a scrolled window. ( - Handle any exception that happens when the autobind wizard is loaded. ( - Setting parent window on AutobindDialog and add titles to screens. ( - Integrating autobind wizard with register gui. ( - Fix autobind wizard disappearing on window switch. ( - Do not set SLA until user hit's subscribe button. ( - Polish autobind glade UI ( - Set and use the system's service level. ( - Cleaning up Select SLA screen ( - Added framework for back button support ( - Handle no SLAs cover all installed products. ( - Handle launching autobind when no entitlements needed. ( - Set detected prod list in Select SLA screen ( - Close autobind wizard once complete. ( - Hookup actual bind in autobind wizard. ( - SelectSLA now keeps track of selected SLA and pass to confirm dialog. ( - Load the autobind glade file on wizard creation. ( - Switch to more explicit screen switching. ( - Set screen title when screen is changed. ( - Allow screens to pass custum data during wizard screen change. ( - Hooking up button signals for selectsla ( - Add callback to allow screen change in wizard ( - Fixing broken tests due to leap year. ( - Attempt to keep button bar right aligned. ( - Removed the button bar form the wizard. ( - Created AutobindWizardScreen to provide contract for AutobindWizard ( - Display appropriate screen in SLA wizard. ( - Fixed GtkWarning: IA__gtk_widget_reparent error when launchig dialog ( - First cut at adding the Select SLA screen. ( - Check if dry-run results cover required products. ( - Check dry run autobind results for each service level. ( - Sketch out an autobind wizard class. ( - Start sketching out the confirm subscriptions screen. ( latest strings from zanata ( - 801434: Add at-spi accessibility name to calendar selection widget. ( - 800917: Display service level and type in All Subs tab ( - Add support for "release" command ( - 801517: Missed translating a label during the registration process ( - 801513: One translation had a copy/paste error ( - The migration script should write default proxy auth settings. ( - Revert "801513: A replacement variable was used in a translation file where it was not needed" ( - 801545: Break apart the string to make them easier for the translators ( - 801513: A replacement variable was used in a translation file where it was not needed ( - 798015: Migration script should play nicely with proxies. ( - 742033: Unsubscribe button is not greyed out when nothing is selected ( - 783990: Handle network errors when migrating. ( Updating required version of python-rhsm ( - fixes for po files ( - latest translations from zanata ( - 799394: Do not attempt to remove redhat.repo if it does not exist. ( - 800121: do not attempt to call UEP when system is unregistered ( - 799271: The usage string for service-levels contained the incorrect command name ( - 799271: The usage string for service-levels contained the incorrect command name ( - 704408: date field patch fixes per jbowes ( - 797243: make unregister finish updating repos ( - 704408: allow users to clear the date box for contract searches ( - 799316: Re-add librsvg2 dependency ( - 797996: Add manage_repos setting to default rhsm.conf ( - 795564: Add a newline at the end of the options error ( - 752756: Cache the facts, and refresh the validity facts whenever they change. ( - Return a consistent scope for public IPv6 addresses across EL5 and EL6. ( - 737773: Do not show the forgotten password url as a link. ( - Fixing broken tests due to leap year. ( - Explicitly define el5 macro in spec file. ( - 796730: Improve the clarity of the usage statement ( - 767790: Improve the messaging when a system is not registered. ( - 797294: Typo in commit caused execution error. ( - 796756: use only the basename for the usage string ( - 796756: The usage string should be less verbose to be more consistent with the other executable files ( - CLI service-levels touchups. ( - 656896: remove attribute 'swapped' ( - Release to Fedora 17 branch as well. ( 790205: do not lay down install-num-migrate-to-rhsm on rhel6 systems ( - latest translations from zanata ( - 795541: Change the environment filtering which is being done on the client side ( - Add consumer deleted on server detection. ( - Fix spec for both Fedora 15+ and RHEL 7+. ( - Fix Makefile for both Fedora 15+ and RHEL 7+. ( - Add service level to register and subscribe CLI commands. ( - Add service-level CLI command. ( - delete consumer on rhsmcertd checkin ( - pull out rhsmcertd python worker to its own file ( - clean up some compiler warnings in rhsmcertd ( - String cleanups ( - 790217: install-num-migrate-to-rhsm shouldn't copy both Desktop and Workstation product certs. ( Improve relevancy of details on my installed products tab. ( - 719743: Added better punctuation to one status message ( - Have client check sockets on non-stacked entitlements as well. ( - New date compare implemetation for determining start/end dates ( - Add "zanata-pull" and "zanata-push" makefile targets ( - as_IN seems busted on RHEL6, so skip it ( - pep8/make stylish cleanups ( - 741155: Fixed start/end date calculations for My Installed Software tab ( - fixes for po files from zanata ( - new po files from zanata ( - 767620: Add manage_repos config option. ( - 784031: remove katello plugin ( - Make return code from import consistent with subscribe. ( - Add Fedora release target. ( 783542: Return code for bad input to install-num-migrate-to-rhsm should be 1. ( - 773707: remove hard coded reference to /etc/pki/product ( - 783278: do not alter system facts on dry run ( - IPv4 and IPv6 facts that are undefined should return 'Unknown' instead of 'None'. ( Updated releasers.conf for rhel-6.3 ( - Making return code from subscribe --pool consistent with subscribe --auto ( - 785018: Corrected help text for --no-auto. ( - 656944: List IPv6 information in facts. ( - 689608: Subscription failure should result in a return code of 1. ( - 772921: Do not show message dialog when multiple sub-man launches detected. ( - 772921: Clicking notification icon shuts down subscription manager. ( - 734533: Failure to import should result in a return code of 1. ( - 782549: Subscription manager throws exception when an expired cert exists. ( - 772338: Subscription-manager-gui help documentation review ( - 772338: subscription-manager-gui Help documentation needs a review ( - latest strings from zanata ( - 781510: 'subscription-manager clean' should delete redhat.repo ( - 771726: Man page for rhsm-compliance-icon should be re-authored to rhsm-icon ( 766778: Improvements on quantity spinner max value entry. ( - 736465: "Product's Subscription Details" in the gui is neglecting stack subscriptions ( - 772209: install-num-migrate-to-rhsm does not work on x86 arch ( - 761140: enable the help button in firstboot ( - 771726: Rename man manpage for rhsm-compliance-icon to rhsm-icon. ( - 758038: Guest's system facts displays "virt.uuid: Unknown" ( - 767265: Always send up the list of packages on registration. ( - 768983: show future subs in list --consumed ( 768983: don't purge future dated entitlements ( - 769642: confusing output from rhn-migrate-to-rhsm when autosubscribe fails ( - 769433: make rhel5 firstboot modules use bound gettext ( - Custom facts should be loaded after hardware facts. ( - 745973: Fixed missing product icons for partially stacked future entitlement. ( - 769433: Tag the module names as gettext ( - 761478: Facts viewed in the GUI were getting out of date when system entitlement status changed. ( - 761133: Support fixing yellow state in compliance assistant. ( - 766577: use unicode strings for possible server errors ( - 768415: remove hardcoded reference to x86_64 for extra channel enablement ( Initial Fedora build. ( - 754425: Remove grace period logic ( - 766577: Fix error on "redeem" with multibyte lang ( - Add README.Fedora to Fedora builds ( - 757697: report xen dom0 as host, not guest ( - 747014: Help icon was not working in RHEL 5. ( - 767754: Invalid certificate status when stacked entitlements have overlapping dates ( - 745995: Ensure default quantity calc does not include future entitlements. ( - 760017: Display a friendly message when an invalid installation number is encountered. ( - 758162: allow --force to override missing mappings ( - 759069: catch exception when enabling invalid repositories ( 755861: Fixed quantity selection issue due to older version of pygtk on 5.8. ( - 765905: add man pages for subscription-manager-migration ( mismatch newlines in strings ( 755031: Update to Subscription Assistant quantity check in unlimited pool case. ( 755031: Unregister before attempting to run a second registration ( 740788: Getting error with quantity subscribe using subscription-assitance page. ( - 755130: add extra whitespace to classic warning ( - 759199: rhsmcertd is logging the wrong value for certFrequency ( - 758471: install-num-migrate-to-rhsm threw traceback when no instnum was found. ( - 752572: add interval logging statements back in on rhsmcertd startup ( - 756507: do not use output from "getlocale" as input for "setlocale" ( - 746259: Don't allow the user to pass in an empty string as an activation key ( - 705883: Fix error dialog modal issues. ( - 756173: Unexpected behavoir change in subscription-manager unregister ( - 746732: Only use fallback locales for dates we need to parse ( - 753093: The available subscriptions count does not show correctly in Subscription Manager GUI ( - 749636: Client should not support users entering activation keys and existing consumer ids ( - 719743: Improved text output for successful pool subscription ( - 755541: Enhanced the message in the katello plugin to debug when the backend system does not support environments. ( - 755035: Migration script should work on RHEL 5.7 and up. 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