mod_proxy_uwsgi-2.0.18-4.el8 >  H ^ vD)=!v[\ja3'V 2eAȪ ڒ|RYA`Gq4Rq"EwSM[0ܡG UnrُItYwt?q+o1 CJh3e'nۏ:rURDwT$טI JGns &cHfѱ l#l>10hL4P{1i4 ,Y]ARb,%K820bda21b40fbe4374def67a9af88396a2f120c0e0a052d22fe198a00a378967ed367654e03baf23abaa134fbe2f8d98bc8f0ce5s\^ vD)E<| 7X9p %_}*?`v vo3K"D恼+XABȻ_sU?M,)\MCY8M9P͕ɦFA-!ʆ9Y,5C) }g #Yy2tR_E s7NIdtWA"4 |ьT:2GsQ F!g!س I{MSsM2؉GM|qXJ_3X.$B5b8qxaQ>p9S?Sd  <dh     0 t < l p (8y9y:yGPXHPhIPxXP|YP\P]P^PbQFdReRfRlRtRuRvRSpStSzSCmod_proxy_uwsgi2.0.184.el8uWSGI - Apache2 proxy moduleFully Apache API compliant proxy module^.tc1bd.rdu2.centos.orgNCentOSCentOSGPLv2 with exceptions and MITCBS Unspecified^.l^.l^.l^.T96cd188b985911cbec7340e3c89895968c2cf92251cc5477b7f46b591d09be77../../../../usr/lib64/httpd/modules/mod_proxy_uwsgi.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootuwsgi-2.0.18-4.el8.src.rpmmod_proxy_uwsgimod_proxy_uwsgi(x86-64)@@@@@^"@]Z@]<<] #\@\@\@\@\V\E@\@W@W9WW@W;W @VVT@V<@VS@VVVjVd#@VMVLh@VKVA@V<@UM@U@UU4@U'UJ@U@UrUY@U8U6;U0U-@U@UU.@T\@T@T@T @T HSSSP@SS_@R@RcRbt@RUE@RM\@RL QB@QvwQfQZ@QM@Q#@QP8@P@P@PYPTmPLPP @Ov@O@O@@O/ONNNNP@NGN, @N"Mk@Mamoru TASAKA - 2.0.18-4Miro Hrončok - 2.0.18-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.18-2Carl George - 2.0.18-1Jitka Plesnikova - George - George - Collet - Release Engineering - TASAKA -örn Esser - George - George - Janež - George - George - Pisar - 2.0.16-7Jitka Plesnikova - 2.0.16-6Tadej Janež - 2.0.16-5Tadej Janež - 2.0.16-4Miro Hrončok - 2.0.16-3Till Maas - 2.0.16-2Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.16-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.15-9Björn Esser - 2.0.15-8Remi Collet - 2.0.15-7Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.15-6Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.15-5Kalev Lember - 2.0.15-4Igor Gnatenko - 2.0.15-3Jitka Plesnikova - 2.0.15-2Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.15-1Carl George - 2.0.14-11Igor Gnatenko - 2.0.14-10Carl George - 2.0.14-9Kalev Lember - 2.0.14-8Mamoru TASAKA - 2.0.14-7Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.14-6Mamoru TASAKA - 2.0.14-5Miro Hrončok - 2.0.14-4Carl George - 2.0.14-3Carl George - 2.0.14-2Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.14-1Carl George - A Gallegos - Release Engineering - 2.0.12-9Jitka Plesnikova - 2.0.12-8Peter Robinson 2.0.12-7Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.12-6Jonathan Wakely - 2.0.12-5Vít Ondruch - 2.0.12-4Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.12-3Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.12-2Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.12-1Ville Skyttä - Robinson A Gallegos - A Gallegos - A Gallegos - Release Engineering - A Gallegos - Wakely - Release Engineering - Tardon - A Gallegos - A Gallegos - 2.0.11-1Thomas Spura - 2.0.9-11Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.9-10Jitka Plesnikova - 2.0.9-9Peter Robinson 2.0.9-8Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.9-7Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.9-6Dan Horák - 2.0.9-5Vít Ondruch - 2.0.9-4Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.9-3Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.9-2Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.9-1Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.9-0Mamoru TASAKA - 2.0.7-3Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.7-2Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.7-1Jorge A Gallegos - 2.0.6-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.9.19-6Remi Collet - 1.9.19-5Fedora Release Engineering - 1.9.19-4Kalev Lember - 1.9.19-3Vít Ondruch - 1.9.19-2Jorge A Gallegos - 1.9.19-1Jorge A Gallegos - A Gallegos - A Gallegos - 1.9.17-2Jorge A Gallegos - 1.9.17-1Jorge A Gallegos - 1.9.17-0Fedora Release Engineering - 1.9.8-1Jorge A Gallegos - 1.9.8-0Jorge A Gallegos - 1.9.5-0Vít Ondruch - 1.2.6-10Remi Collet - 1.2.6-9Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.6-8Jorge A Gallegos - 1.2.6-7Jorge A Gallegos - 1.2.6-6Remi Collet - 1.2.6-5Remi Collet - 1.2.6-4Jorge A Gallegos - 1.2.6-3Jorge A Gallegos - 1.2.6-2Jorge A Gallegos - 1.2.6-1David Malcolm - 1.2.4-4Fedora Release Engineering - 1.2.4-2Jorge A Gallegos - 1.2.4-1Jorge A Gallegos - 1.2.3-1Jorge A Gallegos - 1.0.4-1Jorge A Gallegos - A Gallegos - A Gallegos - A Gallegos - A Gallegos - A Gallegos - Gallegos - Gallegos - Gallegos - Saarenmaa - F-32: rebuild against ruby27- Rebuilt for Python 3.8- Rebuilt for Latest upstream - Use openssl everywhere, instead of compat-openssl10 on F26+ - Disable python2 subpackages on F31+- Perl 5.30 rebuild- Re-enable mono plugins on ppc64le- Disable jvm plugin on Fedora and EL6 due to javapackages-tools retirement (apache-ivy orphanage) - Disable v8 plugin on Fedora due to v8-314 retirement - Disable mongo plugins on Fedora due to mongo-cxx-driver-legacy being broken in rawhide - Disable mono plugins on ppc64le because mono-4.8.0-17 dropped that arch rhbz#1686983- rebuild for libargon2 new soname- Rebuilt for F-30: rebuild against ruby26- Rebuilt for (#1666033)- Don't build python2-uwsgidecorators on F30+ - BuildRequire mongo-cxx-driver-legacy-devel on F30+- Drop mod_proxy_uwsgi subpackage on Fedora, as this module now provided by httpd rhbz#1574335- Re-enable greenlet plugin on EL7: - Python 3 version is always built - Python 2 version is only built on x86_64- Make python2-uwsgidecorators own the right files (rhbz#1600721) - Be more explicit with uwsgidecorators files- Latest upstream (rhbz#1549354) - Enable uwsgi-plugin-coroae on EL7 - Use systemd tmpfiles to create /run/uwsgi with group write permissions (rhbz#1427303) - Use /var/run/uwsgi when not using systemd - Build with versioned python command - Remove %config from systemd unit file - Disable greenlet plugin on EL7- Perl 5.28 rebuild- Perl 5.28 rebuild- Build Python 3 version(s) of gevent plugin on Fedora and EPEL7 - Build Python 3 version of greenlet plugin on Fedora and EPEL7 - Build Python 2 version of greenlet plugin on EPEL7 - Always build Python 3 version of tornado plugin when building with Python 3 (drop python3_tornado build conditional)- Modernize and generalize building of Python subpackages: - replace python with python2 - use appropriate macros for when refering to Python 3 - prefix Python-dependent plugins with the version of Python they are built with - Also build Python 3 subpackages for the other Python 3 version in EPEL7- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- Fix building in Rawhide (#1556525) (Jakub Jelen) - Disable tcp_wrappers for Fedora 28 and newer (Jakub Jelen)- Conditionally disable router-access for tcp_wrappers deprecation (Jorge Gallegos) - Updated to 2.0.16 which includes fix for CVE-2018-6758 (Jorge Gallegos)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- rebuild for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Boost 1.64- Rebuild due to bug in RPM (RHBZ #1468476)- Perl 5.26 rebuild- Bumping release to 2.0.15 (Jorge Gallegos) - Updating sources to 2.0.15 (Jorge Gallegos)- Add patch7 to add glib-2.0 pkg-config flags to mono build - Filter uwgi plugins from automatic provides rhbz#1352089- Rebuild for brp-python-bytecompile- Rebuild for boost soname bump- Rebuilt for libgo soname bump- Workaround for build issue on arm(32): explicitly write java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless as BR not to use java-1.8.0-openjdk-aarch32 which does not provide server/ Adding the cheaper_busyness plugin (Jorge Gallegos) - Got tired of this giant string (Jorge Gallegos)- F-26: rebuild for ruby24- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Enable plugin-psgi on EL7- uwsgi is not yet OpenSSL 1.1 compatible, build against compat-openssl10 on F26+ (Carl George) - php plugin requires krb5 headers to build (Carl George)- Updated to latest upstream stable (Jorge Gallegos) - Make subpackage interdependencies versioned for bz #1368488 (Jorge Gallegos) - chmod uwsgi sock file for bz #1338038 (Jorge Gallegos) - greenlet and gevent depend on python bz #1325524 (Jorge Gallegos) - config(noreplace) for uwsgi.ini bz #1339558 (Jorge Gallegos)- Build against v8-314 on F25+ rhbz#1339293 - Own /usr/src/uwsgi rhbz#1351796- Bumped to latest stable- Perl 5.24 rebuild- Mongodb doesn't depend on v8 anymore so is now supported on all LE arches- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Boost 1.60- Rebuilt for Really fixing stats_pusher_mongodb (Jorge Gallegos)- Trying again with GCC- Adding the build profile to -devel subpackage (Jorge Gallegos) - Fixing stats-pusher-mongo for gnu++11 (Jorge Gallegos) - Using _mono macros instead of hardcoded paths (Jorge Gallegos) - Modifying an old changelog entry for rpmlint (Jorge Gallegos) - Making -devel not pull unnecessary deps (Jorge Gallegos) - Adjusting rpath patch for new release (Jorge Gallegos) - Updating to latest stable version 2.0.12 (Jorge Gallegos)- Don't build tornado3 for EL7 (no python3-tornado available yet) - Fix EL7 ppc64le build- Fixing glusterfs for non x86_64 on el7- Fixing manual brp-compiling in el6- Fixing glusterfs for ppc64- Fixing bz #1247395 - python3 plugin for epel7 - Fixing bz #1261942 - daemonize properly in SystemV - Fixing bz #1258388 - package uwsgidecorators - Fixing bz #1242155 - glusterfs plugin for epel7 - Fixing bz #1240236 - add source to -devel subpackage- Rebuilt for With latest stable- Rebuilt for Boost 1.59- Rebuilt for rebuild for Boost 1.58- New emergency security release- Adding the dummy and notfound plugins (Jorge Gallegos) - License is license (Jorge Gallegos) - Mark config files as config (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding sources for new version (Jorge Gallegos) - uwsgi_fix_glibc_compatibility merged upstream (Jorge Gallegos)- rebuilt for new zeromq 4.1.2- Rebuilt for Perl 5.22 rebuild- Rebuild (mono4)- Disabled java related plugins (jvm, jwsgi, ring) in el6 ppc64- Reworked the conditionals in the spec file - Updated documentation - Disabled PSGI for epel, builds fine but requirement is missing - Reenabled systemd for epel7, dunno how I missed that one- conditionalize various subpackages depending on architectures (patch by Jakub Cajka) - #1211616- Fix glibc and MongoDB compatibility.- Adding missing dist tag, have no clue at what point this got dropped :(- Making it arch specific due to missing dependencies in PPC (as per EPEL 6 and EPEL 7 compatible - Plugins not compatible with epel 6 are systemd, go, python3 based, ruby19 based, gridfs and tuntap - Plugins not compatible with epel 7 are python3 based, zeromq, greenlet, coroae, glusterfs and gridfs- New version- Rebuild for -plugin-http doesn't exist, is in -plugin-common (Jorge Gallegos)- I am just done now, and there's a new version out already. Go figure.- Adding -stats-pusher-zabbix (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-xslt (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-webdav (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-v8 (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -router-tuntap (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding http transformation plugins (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-tornado and -plugin-tornado3 (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding all -stats-pusher-* plugins (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-ssi (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-ldap (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-sqlite3 (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-spooler (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-jwsgi (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-ring (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-rbthreads (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-pty (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -log-encoder-msgpack (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-mono (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-mongrel2 (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-gridfs (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -logger-graylog2 (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-glusterfs (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-gevent (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-geoip (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-gccgo (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-fiber (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-dumbloop (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-curl-cron (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-cplusplus (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -plugin-coroae (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -alarm-xmpp (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -alarm-curl (Jorge Gallegos) - Packaging -plugin-airbrake (Jorge Gallegos) - Broke up -routers into its individual -router-* (Jorge Gallegos) - Renaming -plugin-sslrouter to -router-ssl (Jorge Gallegos) - Renaming -plugin-rawrouter to -router-raw (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off the documentation to its subpackage (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off some non-essential embedded plugins: (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off -logger-syslog (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off -logger-rsyslog (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off -logger-redis (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off -logger-mongodb (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off -logger-socket (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off -logger-file (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off -logger-pipe (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting off -logger-crypto instead (Jorge Gallegos) - Break out the major/minor/release numbers properly (Jorge Gallegos) - Reorganized spec, alphabetical and type (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting -router-fastrouter out of -common (Jorge Gallegos) - Splitting out the README, I will be putting more stuff in here (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -logger-systemd plugin (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding -logger-zeromq plugin (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding new sources for newest stable (Jorge Gallegos)- Rebuilt for rebuild for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Updating to latest stable, uploading new sources (Jorge Gallegos) - Forgot to delete the jvm arm patch file (Jorge Gallegos)- The changelog entry must match major + minor (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding more ignore entries (Jorge Gallegos) - The jvm arm patch has been merged upstream (Jorge Gallegos) - Updated license to 'GPLv2 with exceptions' (Jorge Gallegos) - Ugh messed up the doc sha (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding new sources, bumping up spec to (Jorge Gallegos)- Breaking up full version in 3 parts (Jorge Gallegos) - Update to latest stable (Jorge Gallegos) - Forgot to disable debug mode (Jorge Gallegos)- Uploaded new sources per spec rework (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding more router plugins (Jorge Gallegos) - Adding mod_proxy_uwsgi apache module (Jorge Gallegos) - Complying with the guidelines for source urls (Jorge Gallegos) - The settings in the service file were right before (Jorge Gallegos) - Enabling stats log socket, and capabilities (Jorge Gallegos)- Copying the version changelog to top-level doc - Compile with POSIX capabilities - Embed the loggers into the binary itself, no need for an extra package - Patching jvm plugin to support arm- Rebuilt for version 1.9.17 - Pulling in new documentation from Rebuilt for Rebuilt with latest stable version from upstream- Rebuilt with latest stable version from upstream - Added Erlang, PAM and JVM plugins - Added router-related plugins - Added logger plugins- Rebuild for rebuild for Rebuilt for Tyrant mode shouldn't be used here, tyrant mode is root-only- Systemd now supports an exit status directive, fixing bugz 873382- rebuild against new php embedded library soname (5.4)- rebuild for new PHP 5.4.8- Dropped requirement on PHP for the PHP plugin- Rebuilt with new systemd macros- Updated to latest stable from upstream- rebuild for Rebuilt for Updated to latest stable from upstream- Updated to latest stable upstream - Building the pytho3 plugin is a bit trickier now, but still possible - Added PHP plugin - Added Carbon plugin - Added RRDTool plugin - Added rsyslog plugin - Added syslog plugin- Addressing issues from package review feedback - s/python-devel/python2-devel - Make the libdir subdir owned by -plugins-common - Upgraded to latest stable upstream version- Fixing 'unstripped-binary-or-object'- New upstream version- New upstream version- Don't download the wiki page at build time- Updated to latest stable version - Correctly linking plugin_dir - Patches 1 and 2 were addressed upstream- Got rid of BuildRoot - Got rid of defattr()- Added uwsgi_fix_rpath.patch - Backported json_loads patch to work with jansson 1.x and 2.x - Deleted clean steps since they are not needed in fedora- rebuilt - Upgraded to latest stable version - Split packages- Heavily modified based on Oskari's work- -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=dd37bd128e3cf893d063f4a93ead41c45bc6b0d7, strippedutf-8c39488c24e5386cfc68e24c04bfb4a359bfdcdf4d82bd8c7021cbe4cde421185?p7zXZ !#,Q] b2u jӫ`(xyS- ؓ%{h&]'u~\!gZqGdHy]/d)۴^Y*[tBZ~i_ mU%ML|[}xOj , 6wE핇=Dv9ZE#x^_=X;&^lc$R4Hw.%V_"j V? p&:\"*:* ZPHBxpAD,lN B@ Fei!.Gc ]<0$ʢ*V`j?t7?wq1W2wyC]n3_$hv"mX!uCˇT†%SLpubr<af%jwΓ禤AnsR8)!q%F级u EEotRM6gE0n4۪BG@avoaK ske9/QR>U!IPAl. }w]!lsY9 5!QCwgtm {ķ0)< g`cӕ :9zgOX-ow+أ{YwWy5¶[P\idsAI)j((L SL9ᗍ "- D:8U\w֯;{VSp2\NȢrۄ?wUZ E׶+22՞=uq  (:uT?a㷊:(J*JKMϓtsk(DZt=g3Y}*m֬EK `N J Γj"0JUJ >zIOT0еU;9?jlxԺkTl:}S 1f$?6rmom>_=B}԰_f٤kA.i07֍PG4 22q? ;)Q3&NNO,:L3U-\ۓ7Qڗa?fɲ]&m9z xfiS4ؤ᮸xB"ĕSFn.&D$_BOBhF†]nese|Ά=? 2U u&eAX&NĂ`׮'Q (ETƜl͉:lś{;A jOHO0a|obfq&F~d PdfBSv‚[h!4֩ҜNj^,!P@y3n_nreP΁jy)a۠<'WycrIu)yCtdBHCR'D8F8诎QLl6zأ =ޝvQ ڏ6kamcOs\^>Fh__4ԝ)q9vn;1 yTi6KJhx_Fz(h! 8W6Q{vY^]xPǗ(r0b3]ieAKLf\祭wt`Oq.\|y]RcẰ&wv 4g``2V!riC`?Jżz3", 7Zc,9x^ժ>t{c xJʺ8oOւ'=9;eZ%'b c'˜;\kCuywj)==ZhڰV77\Ŧx.ʼni7I; aϤ0pBYt|]*|uTKa9;{Nh.7y~Y咡`>P=\=)*?*HR)9^5 (5X(^ ؚnp؝8#O7# /ϤRMόnqiɭ"LY8.'&uu=DIB/Uq(xWr=n=@XZ(#MN\T]8? 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