python3-mrack-aws-1.23.1-1.el8> 5 5^ ܉2!y덏%!E/֡gs4 !E/֡_¶8i7^oF~6Q +&]QOqL.<dZծGWs6&;5 C~ \AOaPRbjmB!-BMwӭ.K[O {'[q2c@+h{iEeisXd7&-ęIJ|tq)hM%\"VPLYctxК]Vͺ{ٽOr!qJgYޠp{÷_Yk~ 0 L5l'C@`6ƫr0s  Rp5(̑Lj|cGk1<`f0JW7GtaWkQ>MwO esYA{YauLϧR1ƒZ'fq6;[ѝ c)ʥ*w.En @gPa43f2c2887cc03e5b5fd1f91dc4fae07eca86f07ccf749c369c40be7fb04731141edbabecfb2004d4423d6178db7f216aec30a85ov3KBCQP}8>=>x?>hd ! ?  ,2<T ` l    (Fd   (8595:5G:H:0I:HX:PY:T\:d]:|^:b;d=e=f= l="t=<u=Tv=lw=x=y===>>#>dCpython3-mrack-aws1.23.11.el8AWS provider plugin for mrackmrack-aws is an additional plugin with AWS provisioning library extending mrack packagegsڀbuildvm-x86-09.iad2.fedoraproject.orgOFedora ProjectFedora ProjectApache-2.0Fedora ProjectUnspecified  Qgs{gs{g`(gs{gs{g`(3f3f7dea105457ade758c18d27b731becb1c599b0de1522d9611d05c5e34e3623f3f7dea105457ade758c18d27b731becb1c599b0de1522d9611d05c5e34e362b80aea0c27826d2954c72f8ffa42e971096d26bbe19140ddfe5f94da889ccda2abebe6b307652c1c2de92b82abf181b8828bd60c70e468ab53fc2f598919a9eeabebe6b307652c1c2de92b82abf181b8828bd60c70e468ab53fc2f598919a9ee005873ba9bae03eaff3ee94302777d48d8f54a1fc816c20ffe890954b97dedccrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootmrack-1.23.1-1.el8.src.rpmpython3-mrack-aws@     python(abi)python3-boto3python3-botocorepython3-mracklibrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PartialHardlinkSets)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)`@g*g@f@f`fXj@edeDe6`@e#@e @dZ@d>@ddxc>@c>@c@cl@ci@ci@ci@ci@cc\cr-cc@cY!@cQ8@cF@cD @cD @c)@b(b@blbs@bL/@bF@aazaa2@`ݮ@`[``+`@`}p`x*`Y@`X`David Pascual Hernandez - 1.23.1-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.23.0-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.22.0-1Kaleemullah Siddiqui - 1.21.0-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.20.0-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.19.0-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.18.0-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.17.1-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.17.0-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.16.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.16.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.15.1-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.15.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.14.1-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.14.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.13.3-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.13.2-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.13.1-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.13.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.12.3-4Tibor Dudlák - 1.12.3-3Tibor Dudlák - 1.12.3-2Packit - 1.12.3-1Packit - 1.12.2-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.12.1-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.12.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.11.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.10.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.9.1-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.9.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.8.1-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.8.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.7.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.6.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.5.0-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.4.1-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.4.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.3.1-1David Pascual Hernandez - 1.3.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.2.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.1.1-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.1.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 1.0.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 0.14.0-1Francisco Triviño - 0.13.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 0.12.0-1Tibor Dudlák - 0.11.0-1Bhavik Bhavsar - 0.10.0-1Armando Neto - 0.9.0-1Armando Neto - 0.8.0-1Armando Neto - 0.7.1-1Tibor Dudlák - 0.7.0-1Armando Neto - 0.6.0-1- 0cabc75 fix: Translate job-group properly (David Pascual) - 70e07c1 fix: Return empty list when there is no content in res_ks_list (David Pascual)- 64a84db feat: Add support for translanting job-owner of kickstart (David Pascual) - 868523c feat: Add translantion for kernel_options and kernel_options_post (David Pascual)- f43d20f style: Reformat by black (David Pascual) - 768bba5 fix: podman: set podman connection information for ansible (David Pascual) - 4d0b63c chore: setup: package seccomp filter (David Pascual) - 9b2d980 docs: Update seccomp configuration example (David Pascual) - f3deca1 feat: podman: handle custom network configuration (David Pascual)- b3e0f7d feat: update pytest-mh output to work with latest version (Kaleemullah Siddiqui)- feeae04 feat: Add support for translanting %pre and main body part of kickstart (David Pascual) - 236393c chore: Update deprecated actions (David Pascual)- 6f81e37 test: speed-up tests by mocking gethostbyaddr (Petr Vobornik) - 587a9c7 fix(beaker): supress 10_avc_check restraint plugin (Petr Vobornik) - 2c0c2bb test: Add add_dict_to_node test (Petr Vobornik) - f4324bf feat: handle list value for add_dict_to_node function (Petr Vobornik) - f1e7590 fix: make delete_host function more robust (Petr Vobornik) - 784d24b chore: bump black in pre-commit (David Pascual) - f6f9131 chore(deps): bump black from 22.3.0 to 24.3.0 (David Pascual) - a7db867 test: Add test for _get_recipe_info function (Petr Vobornik) - aa25ff3 feat: Provide beaker log links (Petr Vobornik)- c158474 feat: Add async_timeout dependency (David Pascual)- 583193a fix: curate_auth func changed to non-async (Kaleemullah Siddiqui)- 5251d90 chore(ci): Temporarely remove packit tests (David Pascual) - 3a59761 feat(openstack): Append API version to auth_url in credentials (David Pascual) - 97a5355 chore(release): Update semantic release action name and version (David Pascual) - 6d6cdc6 chore(release): Upload distribution package to release assets (David Pascual)- e8e20f1 chore(ci): Fix release workflow build step checking out wrong commit (David Pascual) - 97a7cd0 chore: Bump asyncopenstackclient dependency version (David Pascual) - 41b12e7 chore: Release version 1.16.0 (github-actions) - 278d1b1 chore(release): Add PyPI action & extract copr step (Tibor Dudlák) - 9bbd987 chore: Bump python-semantic-release to v7.34.4 (Tibor Dudlák) - d6b7298 feat: Add new dependecies to mrack.spec file (David Pascual) - 7bbda34 feat(OpenStack): Add clouds.yaml as an authentication method (David Pascual) - a5b32e3 feat(OpenStack): Import publick key on provision (David Pascual) - 1a29d86 test: fix pylint issues and use isinstance (Tibor Dudlák) - db74ae0 fix(Beaker): Exception has been thrown as raise missed argument (Tibor Dudlák) - de027fa docs(Beaker): Add hostRequires documentation section to guides (David Pascual)- 278d1b1 chore(release): Add PyPI action & extract copr step (Tibor Dudlák) - 9bbd987 chore: Bump python-semantic-release to v7.34.4 (Tibor Dudlák) - d6b7298 feat: Add new dependecies to mrack.spec file (David Pascual) - 7bbda34 feat(OpenStack): Add clouds.yaml as an authentication method (David Pascual) - a5b32e3 feat(OpenStack): Import publick key on provision (David Pascual) - 1a29d86 test: fix pylint issues and use isinstance (Tibor Dudlák) - db74ae0 fix(Beaker): Exception has been thrown as raise missed argument (Tibor Dudlák) - de027fa docs(Beaker): Add hostRequires documentation section to guides (David Pascual)- 608c763 chore(Packit): Use yaml magic to run same internal tests for PRs and commits to main (Tibor Dudlák) - 8062a20 refactor: more verbose output when (re)provisioning (Tibor Dudlák) - 19b52f8 test(OpenStack): Add reprovision with dynamic result tests (Tibor Dudlák) - fd111f5 fix: Do not reprovision all hosts when server error is detected (Tibor Dudlák) - 6e499f6 fix: Use lower cooldown time to not be too slow in re-provisioning (Tibor Dudlák) - e03793c chore(Packit): Add internalt tests per pull request (Tibor Dudlák) - 44023eb chore(Packit): add missing build job(s) to Packit config (Tibor Dudlák)- f9f0e33 test: Add missing strategy_retry test (Tibor Dudlák) - 121c5db refactor(provider): take max_utilization out to method to ease mocking (Tibor Dudlák) - dc74ced test: Add missing tests for fixed code from (Tibor Dudlák) - 86393ab feat(outputs): preset username and password for windows host in pytest-mh (Tibor Dudlák) - 4c26b5f feat(outputs): merge nested dictionary instead of overriding it (Tibor Dudlák) - 4dde2e5 feat(utils): add merge_dict (Tibor Dudlák) - 5440be1 refactor: fixes _openstack_gather_responses test warnings and exec time (David Pascual) - e29031b fix: Handle 403 AuthError (out of quota) in openstack provisioning (David Pascual) - a4e5075 feat: configurable ssh options (Petr Vobornik) - e9d716e chore: fix docs dependencies in tox run (Petr Vobornik) - 6f1943b chore: add Markdown support to docs and add design section (Petr Vobornik) - 88458e1 docs: SSH options design (Petr Vobornik)- a9c4e62 fix: mrack not re-provisioning hosts which were destroyed (Tibor Dudlák) - 17b45e4 fix: Replace coroutines with tasks to avoid RuntimeError (David Pascual)- e319b73 refactor(AWS): change variable name typo in get_ip_addresses (Tibor Dudlák) - d95e65f fix(OpenStack): Add missing await for self._load_limits() method call (Tibor Dudlák) - d0c2d8f refactor: Update supported providers (Tibor Dudlák) - 13ad3df fix(outputs): remove config section from pytest-multihost (Tibor Dudlák) - d3da251 feat(outputs): allow to overwrite ansible layout (Tibor Dudlák) - d3ac20d feat(outputs): allow to choose which outputs should be generated (Tibor Dudlák) - 66f2877 feat(outputs): add support for pytest-mh (Tibor Dudlák) - db633b7 feat(utils): relax condition in get_fqdn (Tibor Dudlák) - 0735e36 fix(outputs): add host to correct group in layout (Tibor Dudlák) - b1f5318 feat(utils): add get_os_type (Tibor Dudlák) - 0ab88e6 refactor(black): reformat code (Tibor Dudlák)- 0f62237 fix(OpenStack): await loading limits to not break provisioning (Tibor Dudlák)- 06f18d1 fix: Use get method when host error object is a dictionary (Tibor Dudlák) - fd33d68 fix(Beaker): rerurn common dictionary when validation fails (Tibor Dudlák) - b6c5ef4 fix(OpenStack): Add exception parameter when validation fails (Tibor Dudlák) - fa2c779 fix(OpenStack): load limits properly by one method (Tibor Dudlák) - 61e515f chore: change back mrack dist release to 1 (Tibor Dudlák)- 1421b37 fix(MrackConfig): Fix MrackConfig class properties (Tibor Dudlák)- 72cc2f3 test: add extra dnf options when dealing with rhel/epel 8 (Tibor Dudlák) - 32a754b chore: set packit to sync changelog as well (Tibor Dudlák) - b0512b4 chore: sync fedora spec to upstream to maintain changelog history for fedora (Tibor Dudlák) - be7b50a chore: Generate proper changelog from commit history when releasing (Tibor Dudlák) - 98f4035 chore: Bump python-semantic-release to latest (Tibor Dudlák) - a0e76dd test(OpenStack): Fixup the network spread tests (Tibor Dudlák) - 88b9332 test(OpenStack): rewrite network alloaction tests (Tibor Dudlák) - 777862f feat(OpenStack): Provide a way to disable network spreading (Tibor Dudlák) - ff7331d fix(OpenStack): fix condition for network to get in interval (Tibor Dudlák) - 943316d fix: fqdn in name is ignored and mrack guesses the name instead #237 (Tibor Dudlák) - 46141dc feat(AWS): Add utilization check method (Tibor Dudlák) - bb80060 feat(OpenStack): Add utilization check method (Tibor Dudlák) - 55f9c2c feat: Do not use same sleep for every mrack run (Tibor Dudlák) - 6ce3927 test(AnsibleInventory): global level output values override (Tibor Dudlák) - a7a896a feat(AnsibleInventory): Allow additional global level values (Tibor Dudlák) - 91c562c feat(AnsibleInventory): Allow additional domain level ansible inventory values (Tibor Dudlák) - 109b03c test(OpenStack): Update calls in openststack tests (Tibor Dudlák) - 4467cc2 refactor(OpenStack): make private openstack methods truly private (Tibor Dudlák) - 72b9b9c chore: use custom release_suffix for PR testing via packit (Petr Vobornik) - f3f734a chore: disable pylint pre-commit hook (Petr Vobornik) - 4aa9b0a chore(Packit): Add synchronization of tmt plans and tests (Tibor Dudlák) - 02c3e01 chore(Packit): Configure users on whose actions packit is allowed to be run (Tibor Dudlák) - cf14ed9 chore(Packit): Add missing ci.fmf to synced files (Tibor Dudlák)- chore: Add add tmt tests and plans and add them to sync (Tibor Dudlák)- chore: Add fmf/version and allowed users to run packit (Tibor Dudlák)- chore: Add ci.fmf to the repo (Tibor Dudlák)- chore: Release version 1.12.3 (github-actions) - chore(Packit): Enable copr build for commit to main only. (Tibor Dudlák) - chore(Packit): Enable TF tests job to run on pull request. (Tibor Dudlák) - chore(Packit): Add fedora gating.yaml to synced files. (Tibor Dudlák) - chore(TestingFarm): Add gating for fedora workflow (Tibor Dudlák) - fix: Add cache decorator for older python versions. (Tibor Dudlák) - fix(mrack.spec): Missing dependency in c8s for beaker-client (Tibor Dudlák) - chore(Packit): enable epel-8 and epel-9 updates and tests (Tibor Dudlák) - fix(AWS): refactor sources to be py3.6 compatible (Tibor Dudlák)- chore: Release version 1.12.2 (github-actions) - chore: Use python 3.10 in GH actions (Tibor Dudlák) - refactor: pylint fixes related to Python 3.10 (Tibor Dudlák) - test: Fix to be included in pytest run (Tibor Dudlák) - chore(pytest): add missing python_path when using pytest >=7.0.0 (Tibor Dudlák) - test: Add test for value_to_bool util function (Tibor Dudlák) - fix: Owner requirement boolean parsing from string (Tibor Dudlák) - chore(Packit): Add upstream_tag_template to .packit.yaml (Tibor Dudlák)- Released upstream version 1.12.1- Released upstream version 1.12.0- Released upstream version 1.11.0- Released upstream version 1.10.0- Released upstream version 1.9.1- Released upstream version 1.9.0- Released upstream version 1.8.1- Released upstream version 1.8.0- Released upstream version 1.7.0- Released upstream version 1.6.0- Released upstream version 1.5.0- Released upstream version 1.4.1- Released upstream version 1.4.0- Released upstream version 1.3.1- Released upstream version 1.3.0- Released upstream version 1.2.0- Released upstream version 1.1.1- Released upstream version 1.1.0- Released upstream version 1.0.0- Released upstream version 0.14.0- Released upstream version 0.13.0- Released upstream version 0.12.0- Released upstream version 0.11.0- Released upstream version 0.10.0- Released upstream version 0.9.0- Released upstream version 0.8.0- Released upstream version 0.7.1- Released upstream version 0.7.0- Initial -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnupython 3.6 byte-compiledPython script, ASCII text executableRRRRRR !#,7,] b2q l Nze8Ya}M<E%9 )|vlf+-:-ɖL:MyY2[bΉ@5cqjr=V$,&6͕Jܡ|mN DDnn 錫zqz3Ð=)?-*!  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