debootstrap-1.0.137-2.el8$>oY3*3ZF>Cd?dd  :  9?Hoo o o |o +o ooo<o 0  (8Y9PY:,YGPoHRoIT@oXTYT\To]Vo^Z bZd\e\f\!l\#t\<ou]ov_w`oxb@oycddd/dJdLdTd{ddddCdebootstrap1.0.1372.el8Debian GNU/Linux bootstrapperdebootstrap is used to create a Debian base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of dpkg or apt. It does this by downloading .deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory which can eventually be chrooted into. This might be often useful coupled with virtualization techniques to run Debian GNU/Linux guest ProjectFedora ProjectMITFedora ProjectUnspecified; &-G#, N %G` +A큤A큤A큤A큤gsgsgsgsbDmfffdGfbDmfdGffqbDmffqfqfdGbDmfffbDmbDmfffbDmfbDmbDmfbDmfffffffbDmbDmfffffqbDmbDmbDmbDmbDmfffqfffffffbDmbDmffffkfbDmffffbDmbDmbDmfbDmffqbDmfqfbDmffqfbDmffbDmbDmfqfbDmbDmfffffgsffΓgsffe6cc93ca26660e2a855811afd70afec55e4eb7e4b95dc569ec32f4677dde58ab1e39f504c28d4ca8939c20fb3673e043bd083895e50b52d2bace1403442eb41ee56b056157c174050f7c423c134abea01489502402719d21c5988b253924359767143a6d4c91fd0eb9ac51a6f74632943c8c347e757eed7cb0e3ab7092282a96f05b51461fbed549659f7443a641bfc35b15129143d871c41a0ad7f6274b0c09b238fa7c5bb790b4940550da1c0bb3d85eab7e724f0d4b0dc396bcfe6e81d4d75787ab4e3591f98c2409112a30b569e95855bc716627f945c7353ee55b31adbc9af04cdfa5745fadc9bc41b75b6821e7fc91c04c713be5ce994ba07861afbcf022a2d64b195a7b6a5cb069ce2d2164aa0df52148ba7f828d74308daeef4c4de7a21380ccf441d307b61f2c6965be4bbe8f1038d2522094ed8c12305c267b1af9995fa2eb929c168bd3c6fe8daae96a43abfb743cbe6b3f02eb4558e4893b12280fe6324b555e36dc36cf4870e8a8df6e79ffecf2d62f7f854f588a43523abefbf8805a80e0d950ad127268fd5c37f647061a751a18e71e1cb8bf53ec23b120e004fa7be9b8f2d6acd0909a7933f4e7a4767eaa8c35788ccf94a731a7d0160ad7f6cfea2744c0270a089f1d3ae00995063e3ae49518f86e64cf47fa9c111f3dd506e8f51b06272497472ec1863edbb07fdc2efdf1f879b901db238d3218e445e5ad35fb90597ba8a130cb9cc6057b9551610237b4fb86d14f9b5630c4534bbd43c29002abbe2323360dcf8ca2cc68c82dd9348e3588aade302af7eb1fe5acf04668ec9e9d0bddc4fc85cfdcc2277bc81d1ec968dedc3ffff98530f549de9026ddfeea86abe1748c8efad7ee0c0aabb58e1d01f5b5e5b30703ee7d2f034fa45be6578da6cee38e4d0558f11f37876273c9b22f2b583457377f86c54a7e9c76b11e66fe1d6ec42377aba7ed82f920bba0be7a4a3f50d323ccb30a7a5304d841e2842aa4b49f09bdce0a149158e5ed3fa0864a782c5dc0b43b79380d0aafc761dd7e2dff3663af3efe17b907a4a66b4531af223ffa42978926178d509030fda5b5a732ce85276f3d4dd0372338f3f4973411e8a6d8df8ac5438b4d4d91ae9a6353e9b647ee061ae9d2fa03a95c4935633baa1ebe9747e05967dfc31a6b871638d143adeadb2f39e0aae1e6abfa20d34d387f1f041fec36685d7a0763f5d6daaa1561c571036fd20c881f599a94b9b429ac45047d9d6fb3d6088e1a03fa46b4b2f76faa156ab59ccf16015da9805959749fecb167f1920331834e1d5ede01fc88abacroburgutsysidroburaequorearobursidgutsysidrobursidsidambersidaequoreagutsyamberroburaequoreagutsyroburgutsyetchroburroburgutsysidgutsygutsygroovygutsygutsygutsygutsysidsidkalikalikaligutsygutsyetchgutsygutsygutsygutsyroburgutsygutsysidsidpardusgutsypardusgutsygutsygutsygutsygutsyroburetchsidsidrobursidrobursidgutsysidgutsygutsysidgutsygutsygutsyparduspardusgutsyrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootdebootstrap-1.0.137-2.el8.src.rpmdebootstrap@    /bin/shdpkggzipperl-interpreterrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)tarwgetxz3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3gf'@f@fr@e}@eed@d@ccAba`@^Ǿ^ZR@^O@^O@]z@]z@\w[@[@["X[WZ؄ZH@Z@Z*~Y@Yx@YX0>X @WWm V@V͛@U@Up=U>$Tto@TG@TwSS_@S_@R@Rb@RmR$}QQm@Q^QX%@Q@PPPM@P@P@O@O!O`@ON@NS@NRDM6@ML@MWMv@MRMQ0@L[@Lq@K @K@JH@JH@Ji@I@H|@HU@G@G@)@G>G<4GaGaFedora Release Engineering - 1.0.137-2Packit - 1.0.137-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.136-2Packit - 1.0.136-1Sérgio M. Basto - 1.0.134-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.132-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.132-2Fedora Release Monitoring - 1.0.132-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.127-3Sérgio Basto - 1.0.127-2Sérgio Basto - 1.0.127-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.126-1.nmu1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.124-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.123-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.119-1Fedora Release Monitoring - 1.0.118-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.117-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.116-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.114-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.109-3Sérgio Basto - 1.0.109-2Sérgio Basto - 1.0.109-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.102-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.100-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.97-1Lubomir Rintel - 1.0.93-3Lubomir Rintel - 1.0.93-2Fedora Release Monitoring - 1.0.93-1Fedora Release Monitoring - 1.0.92-1Fedora Release Monitoring - 1.0.91-1Sérgio Basto - 1.0.90-1Jan Vcelak - 1.0.87-1Jan Vcelak - 1.0.85-1Jan Vcelak - 1.0.83-1Jan Vcelak - 1.0.81-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.80-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.79-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.72-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.70-1Lubomir Rintel 1.0.67-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.66-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.64-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.62-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.60-1Lubomir Rintel 1.0.59-1.2Lubomir Rintel 1.0.59-1.1Jan Vcelak 1.0.59-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.58-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.57-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.53-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.50-2Jan Vcelak 1.0.50-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.48-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.47-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.46-2Jan Vcelak 1.0.46-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.44-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.43-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.42-2Jan Vcelak 1.0.42-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.41-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.40-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.39-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.38-2Jan Vcelak 1.0.38-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.37-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.36-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.32-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.31-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.30-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.28-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.27-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.26-2Jan Vcelak 1.0.26-1Jan Vcelak 1.0.25-1Jan Zeleny - 1.0.23-1Jan Zeleny - 1.0.22-1Adam Goode - 1.0.19-2Adam Goode - 1.0.19-1Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.10-3Fedora Release Engineering - 1.0.10-2Lubomir Rintel - 1.0.10-1Adam Goode - 1.0.9-1Lubomir Kundrak - 1.0.8-1Patrice Dumas 1.0.7-2Lubomir Kundrak 1.0.7-1Lubomir Kundrak 1.0.3-2Lubomir Kundrak 1.0.3-1Lubomir Kundrak Rebuilt for Update to version 1.0.137 - Resolves: rhbz#2292500- Rebuilt for New release 1.0.136- New release 1.0.134- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to 1.0.132 (#2129922)- Rebuilt for (#2119009) reading debian/rules seems that gettext is not required- Update debootstrap to 1.0.127 (#2110568)- Update to 1.0.126+nmu1- Update debootstrap to 1.0.124 (#1953760)- Update to 1.0.123 - Undefine mangle_shebangs (#1654765) - Remove old scriplets, %{_datadir} and /usr/share is the same and %{_sbindir} and /usr/sbin is also the same- Update to 1.0.119 (#1807970)- Update to 1.0.118 (#1805812)- Update to 1.0.117- Update to 1.0.116 (#1727618)- Update to 1.0.114 (#1708159)- Don't mangling shebang in /usr/sbin/debootstrap from /bin/sh to /usr/bin/sh (#1654765), thanks to Laurent Vivier- dpkg was fixed in el6 and el7 we may use dpkg again.- Update to 1.0.109 (#1594470)- Update to 1.0.102 (#1585520)- New upstream release (#1578167) - Do not use dpkg on el, dpkg cause broken deps with man-pages-it in el6 and el7- Update to 1.0.97 (#1557586) - Require perl-interpreter (#1566045) - From the mentioned bug report, 2 patches was applied upstream cleaned, the other 2 don't but I assume the bug is fixed.- Fix boostrapping libvirt LXC containers - Don't let host PATH leak into the target commands- Require dpkg instead of ar as the unpacker- Update to 1.0.93 (#1523424)- Update to 1.0.92 (#1508179)- Update to 1.0.91 (#1475301)- Update debootstrap to 1.0.90- new upstream release: + rework split_inline_sig with shell built-ins for Debian Installer (Debian #842591) + default to split /usr again, as merged-/usr breaks dpkg-shlibdeps (Debian #844221) * remove scratchbox2 support (Debian #796189)- new upstream release: + add support for xz-compressed Package indicies (Debian #837649) + add support for downloading and validating InRelease files + switch default mirror to + add Ubuntu zesty as a symlink to gutsy + enable merged /usr by default (Debian #839046) + blacklist merged /usr for jessie-kfreebsd + error out when seeing short options (Debian #548880) + add oldoldstable, buster, bullseye as symlinks to sid (Debian #792734) + fix failure when installing just minbase (Debian #825034) + do not use `tar -k` for older releases which might have file conflicts between the packages to be installed (Debian #838388) + man page: use stretch instead of wheezy in examples- new upstream release: + validate installed suite against Release file (Debian #837075) + support for merged /usr with --merged-usr option (Debian #810301) + fix installation with tar from busybox (Debian #837185) + remove devices.tar.gz code (Debian #830869)- new upstream release (RHBZ #1332736) + add Ubuntu yakkety as a symlink to gutsy - add missing dependency on xz (RHBZ #1347734)- new upstream release + support kfreebsd & hurd arches on Ubuntu targets - recommend installation of debian-keyring and ubu-keyring- new upstream release + generate deburis files + add Ubuntu xenial as a symlink to gutsy + stop cleaning KEEP_DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR twice + add Tanglu distribution support + use HTTPS for VCS URLs- new upstream release + add Ubuntu wily as a symlink to gutsy + fix resolve_deps and setup_available in --foreign case- new upstream release: + support for jessie-kfreebsd + deduplicate package list when counting downloaded packages + add support for '--force-check-gpg' + switch default FTP to official redirector + make it possible to override the MAKEDEV variable + use tr instead of xargs- new upstream release - Fix upstream URL - Depend on Ubuntu keyring- new upstream release: + add support for 'stretch' + specify gzip for deboostrap, xz for debootstrap-udeb + better portability on non-Debian platforms- new upstream release: + Ubuntu vivid as a symlink to gutsy + move set -e out of shebang line (Debian: #762713)- new upstream release: + fix warnings caused by change in output of dpkg 1.17.2 + fix reporting of package versions with epoch- new upstream release: + Ubuntu utopic as a symlink to gutsy + Compression support in fallback method for deb archives extraction- Fix chrooting - Fix architecture detection - Drop unneded MAKEDEV patch, as we don't use it anymore- RHEL 7 does not ship MAKEDEV anymore- new upstream release: + install ca-certificates as well as apt-transport-https for https installations- new upstream release: + install apt-transport-https when installing over HTTPS- new upstream release: + Ubuntu trusty as a symlink to gutsy + when debian-archive-keyring is not available, use the main mirror with https + separate installation of base-passwd and base-files + pkgdetails_perl: fix percentage sign interpretation- new upstream release: + add saucy (Ubuntu) as a symlink to gutsy + clarify location of pkgdetails.c in error message + resolve mount points symlinks relative to target chroot before unmounting them + gutsy: detect if running under Upstart + sid, gutsy: add policy-rc.d + set Debian source format to '3.0 (native)' + bump debhelper compat level to 9 + set Vcs-* to canonical format + update Standards to 3.9.4- Rebuilt for new upstream release: + add support for 'jessie' release + print version and revision information when retrieving the packages- new upstream release: + Disable InRelease support. gpgv won't give us back the signed data, and full gpg is not available inside d-i (Debian: #703889). + Move extract_release_components to after signature verification.- new upstream release: + properly decrypt InRelease file if available + add dependency on gnupg- Rebuilt for new upstream release: + better support use on Android + use which to locate sh if /bin/sh not found- new upstream release: + remove double quotes to fix for loop on GNU/kFreeBSD- new upstream release: + add (Ubuntu) raring as a symlink to gutsy.- Rebuilt for new upstream release: + downgrade missing InRelease file warning to info message- new upstream release: + support for InRelease repository files- new upstream release: + better error reporting when installation or configuration fails + add quantal as a symlink to gutsy- new upstream release: + retry corrupted downloads rather than carrying on almost regardless + stop at the end of the retrieval phase if any packages failed to download- Rebuilt for new upstream release: + a few bugfixes, no new features- new upstream release: + add Ubuntu 'precise' as a symlink to 'gutsy'- new upstream release: + use md5sum for 'sarge' + improve error message when decompressing command is not available + add more information regarding the version and architecture in case a download fails + do not use --arch when we specifically care about the host architecture + guess host OS based on uname for non-Debian systems + clarify "target" in usage message + search PATH for programs, rather than checking hardcoded locations + various fixes for installing kFreeBSD- new upstream release: + use md5sums for 'woody' and 'potato'- bootstrapping Ubuntu systems: + recommend ubuntu-keyring instead of debian-archive-keyring + check signatures when ubuntu-keyring package is installed- new upstream release: + support bootstraping Debian oldstable + Ubuntu Oneiric symlink to Gutsy + removed --boot-floppies switch and mode + various fixes in package GPG signatures checking- new upstream release: + fix: bug in the ar extractor for non-gz data.tar in .debs (Debian #598729) + remove 5 second sleeps when debootstrap finds additional required dependencies + use SHA checksums instead of MD5 + avoid new warning from dpkg about missing Maintainer field- new upstream release (typo in --private-key, improve Hurd support)- Rebuilt for new upstream release (fix typos and remove old workaround for md5sum)- new upstream release (support for HTTPS, added Ubuntu Nanty, added Debian Wheezy)- rebased to 1.0.23 (Add ${misc:Depends}, Add (Ubuntu) maverick as symlink to gutsy)- rebased to 1.0.22- Make sure to create /dev/console in devices.tar.gz- New upstream release + Many bugfixes + Support for new distributions - Arch patch no longer needed - Rebase other patches- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for New upstream version- 1.0.9- 1.0.8- keep timestamps - use rpm macros instead of hardcoded paths- Version bump- Some more fixes, thanks to Patrice Dumas (#329291)- Incorporating advises from Patrice Dumas (#329291) in account- Initial package  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmno1.0.137-2.el8debootstrapdebootstrapfunctionsscriptsaequoreaamberaramoartfulasciiawenbartholomeabelenosbeowulfbionicbookwormbreezybrigantiabullseyebusterbyzantiumcereschromodoriscosmiccrimsondagdadapperdasyatisdebian-commondiscodwynedgyeoanetchetch-m68ketionafeistyflidasfocalforkygroovygutsyhardyhirsutehoaryhoary.builddimpishintrepidjammyjauntyjessiejessie-kfreebsdkalikali-devkali-last-snapshotkali-rollingkarmickineticlennylucidlunarmanticmavericknabianattynobleoldoldstableoldstableondokuzoneiriconyedioracularparduspotatoprecisequantalraringrobursargesarge.builddsarge.fakechrootsaucysidslainesqueezestablestretchtaranistestingtoutatistrixietrustyunstableutopicvividwartywarty.builddwheezywilywoodywoody.builddxenialyakketyyirmibiryirmiuczestydebootstrapREADMEchangelogdebootstrapcopyrightdebootstrap.8.gz/usr/sbin//usr/share//usr/share/debootstrap//usr/share/debootstrap/scripts//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/debootstrap//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/debootstrap//usr/share/man/man8/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -march=z13 -mtune=z14 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectiondrpmxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnuPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executabledirectoryASCII textASCII text, with very long linesUTF-8 Unicode texttroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)R !#,]"k%rA&BC(Pdpc-i@%Cw|P &!1~p -3D"Y`:ⶅmx#]?_m<{fʫBL<{oXn%@Pg%oZ|uzj=76tZ] UM.LnRKKJ=`eD84)7^5/> +ICٛ{0Eҹ[&Bj9=4WǹSסm2%bL`3DBtO\}5y_. 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