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Symlink from full sourcess to build/ or build/vcstag is needed- Minor cosmetic changes- updated to OpenJDK 21.0.1 (2023-10-17)- Fix flatpak build- Removed no longer used {1} in misc subpkg- adapted ssbd alt-java test to run on all arches- repacked alt-java from misc subpkg- adapted to new path in sources- updated jdk 21- updated to July security update portables- Remove excessive .1 string in release- Rebuilt for excluding classes_nocoops.jsa on i686 and arm32- Following JDK-8005165, class data sharing can be enabled on all JIT architectures- Enable CDS on power64- Fix packaging of CDS archives- lib/ now have fake build id only on svml arches- faking build-id in returned news- added unzip- now expecting the exact version in portbale filename- updated to underlying portables- enabled system crypto tests- Added comment about nss-devel dep- Removed trailing spaces- Fixed typo- Added missing url- removed empty line- returned repacking full sources tarball and using icons from it- Now requiring full version.release portables- bumed to jdk20 - removed no loger existing - commented out usage if Source15 test, as honoring of - - system crypto policies comes from fips aptch which is not yet adapted- Using proepr icons from repacked portables- Added changelog and bumped release for versioned requires- Repacked portable now requires CPU patched portbales- Removed unnecessary comments- Return to resoluve requires during install- inital repacking- Update to jdk-19.0.2 release- Revert "Revert "Rebuilt for""- Revert "Rebuilt for"- Rebuilt for Update in-tree tzdata & CLDR to 2022g with JDK-8296108, JDK-8296715 & JDK-8297804- Fix flatpak builds after "Update to jdk-" added the "test to ensure timezones can be translated": Similar to the previous "Fix flatpak builds", during a flatpak build of java-11-openjdk its .../images/jdk/lib/tzdb.dat is a dangling symlink to /app/share/javazi-1.8/tzdb.dat (but which will be a working symlink in at least the assembled LibreOffice flatpak). That causes execution of during the build to fail due to a when trying to access that tzdb.dat. The easiest fix appears to be to just not run that specific test for a flatpak build.- Bumped release to rebuild- Update in-tree tzdata to 2022e with JDK-8294357 & JDK-8295173- Update to jdk-19.0.1 release- The stdc++lib, zlib & freetype options should always be set from the global, so they are not altered for staticlibs builds- Switch buildjdkver back to being featurever, now java-19-openjdk is available in the buildroot- Switch to static builds, reducing system dependencies and making build more portable- Update to RC version of OpenJDK 19- Update to jdk-18.0.2 release- moved to build only on %%{java_arches} - - - reverted : - - Rebuilt for (always mess up release) - - Try to build on x86 again by creating a husk of a JDK which does not depend on itself - - Exclude x86 from builds as the bootstrap JDK is now completely broken and unusable - - Replaced binaries and .so files with bash-stubs on i686 - added ExclusiveArch: %%{java_arches} - - this now excludes i686 - - this is safely backport-able to older fedoras, as the macro was backported proeprly (with i686 included) - Rebuilt for Try to build on x86 again by creating a husk of a JDK which does not depend on itself- Exclude x86 from builds as the bootstrap JDK is now completely broken and unusable- Explicitly require crypto-policies during build and runtime for system security properties- Replaced binaries and .so files with bash-stubs on i686- Make use of the vendor version string to store our version & release rather than an upstream release date- Add additional javadoc & javadoczip alternatives- Update to jdk- interim release- Include a test in the RPM to check the build has the correct vendor information.- Fix whitespace in spec file- Sequence spec file sections as they are run by rpmbuild (build, install then test)- Turn on system security properties as part of the build's install section- Fix flatpak builds after 19065a8b01585a1aa5f22e38e99fc0c47c597074 "Temporarily move x86 to use Zero in order to get a working build":- RH2007331: SecretKey generate/import operations don't add the CKA_SIGN attribute in FIPS mode- Fix flatpak builds (catering for their uncompressed manual pages) see for details- Update FIPS support to bring in latest changes- Exclude s390x from the gdb test on RHEL 7 where we see failures with the portable build- updated to CPU jdk-18.0.1+10 sources- updated to CPU jdk-18.0.1 sources- Add missing ChangeLog entry for previous commit- removed hardcoded /usr/lib/jvm by %{_jvmdir} to make rpmlint happy- Automatically turn off building a fresh HotSpot first, if the bootstrap JDK is not the same major version as that being built- Updated to match current sources- Removed ages unused set build jdk to 18- replaced tabs by sets of spaces to make rpmlint happy- Update to RC version of OpenJDK 18- Reinstate JIT builds on x86_32.- Re-enable gdb backtrace check on formerly disabled arches.- Temporarily move x86 to use Zero in order to get a working build- Introduce stapinstall variable to set SystemTap arch directory correctly (e.g. arm64 on aarch64)- January 2022 security update to jdk 17.0.2+8- Separate crypto policy initialisation from FIPS initialisation, now they are no longer interdependent- Rebuilt for Sync gdb test with java-1.8.0-openjdk and improve architecture restrictions.- Fix FIPS issues in native code and with initialisation of Storing and restoring alterntives during update manually- family extracted to globals- Providing proper provides for javadoc-zip subpk- Removing tabs in whitespaced specfile for rpmlint- Handle Fedora in distro conditionals that currently only pertain to RHEL.- Patch syslookup.c so it actually has some code to be compiled into libsyslookup- Use 'sql:' prefix in nss.fips.cfg- Turn off bootstrapping for slow debug builds, which are particularly slow on ppc64le.- Sync desktop files with upstream IcedTea release 3.15.0 using new script- Restructure the build so a minimal initial build is then used for the final build (with docs)- Minor cosmetic improvements to make spec more comparable between variants- Update tapsets from IcedTea 6.x repository with fix for JDK-8015774 changes (_heap->_heaps) and @JAVA_SPEC_VER@- October CPU 2021 update- Add FIPS patch to allow plain key import.- Add patch to login to the NSS software token when in FIPS mode.- Update release notes to document the major changes between OpenJDK 11 & 17.- Add patch to disable non-FIPS crypto in the SUN and SunEC security providers.- Update to jdk-17+35, also known as jdk-17-ga.- Detect FIPS using SECMOD_GetSystemFIPSEnabled in the new libsystemconf JDK library.- Support the FIPS mode crypto policy (RH1655466)- alternatives creation moved to posttrans - Thus fixing the old reisntall issue: - - Update to jdk-17+33, including JDWP fix and July 2021 CPU- Rebuilt for Use the "reverse" build loop (debug first) as the main and only build loop to get more diagnostics.- Fix patch rh1648249-add_commented_out_nss_cfg_provider_to_java_security.patch- Add PR3695 to allow the system crypto policy to be turned off. - Adds patch from java-11-openjdk so as to be able to properly toggle the system crypto policy - Fixes test which was failing- Update buildjdkver to 17- Fix bogus date in changelog to get rid of the warning- Update to JDK 17- removed cjc backward comaptiblity, to fix when both rpm 4.16 and 4.17 are in transaction- Disable copy-jdk-configs for Flatpak builds- Adapted to rpm 4.17 and cjc 4.0- Add forgotten changelog- April CPU update- Perform static library build on a separate source tree with bundled image libraries- bumped buildjdkver to build by itself - 16- fixed suggests of wrong pcsc-lite-devel%{?_isa} to correct pcsc-lite- libs%{?_isa}- Update to jdk- Hardcode /usr/sbin/alternatives for Flatpak builds- Rebuilt for Update to jdk- Use -march=i686 for x86 builds if -fcf-protection is detected (needs CMOV)- Add BuildRequires: make- Fixed typo in variable- fixed missing condition for fastdebug packages being counted as debug ones- removed lib-style provides for fastdebug_suffix_unquoted- Added few missing majorver into descriptions- many cosmetic changes taken from more maintained jdk11 - introduced debug_arches, bootstrap_arches, systemtap_arches, fastdebug_arches, sa_arches, share_arches, shenandoah_arches, zgc_arches instead of various hardcoded ifarches - updated systemtap - added requires excludes for debug pkgs - removed redundant logic around jsa files - added runtime requires of lksctp-tools and libXcomposite% - added and used Source15, but is made always positive as jdk15 now does not honor system policies - s390x excluded form fastdebug build- Added checks and restrictions around alt-java- Fixed not-including fastdebugbuild in case of --without fastdebug- moved wrongly placed icenses to acompany other ones- Redeffined linux -> __linux__ and __x86_64 -> __x86_64__; should be backported to jdk11 and jdk8- Fixes comment for speculative store bypass patch- Replaced alt-java palceholder by real pathced alt-java - added patch600, rh1750419-redhat_alt_java.patch, suprassing removed patch - no longer copying of java->alt-java as it is created by patch600- Create a copy of java as alt-java with alternatives and man pages - java-11-openjdk doesn't have a JRE tree, so don't try and copy alt-java there...- October CPU 2020 update- Fix directory ownership of static-libs sub-package- Build static-libs-image and add resulting files via -static-libs sub- package.- Add support for fastdebug builds on 64 bit architectures- Update for JDK 15 GA- Update to OpenJDK 15 - Update to jdk tag - Modify rh1648249-add_commented_out_nss_cfg_provider_to_java_security.patch - Update vendor version string to 20.9 - Remove jjs binaries from files after JEP 372: Nashorn removal - Remove rmic binaries from files after JDK-8225319- Disable LTO for passing debuginfo check- July 2020 CPU- Fix changes in Provides from system_jdk support.- Update generate_source_tarball script to new icedtea patch- Add patch for jdk8235833 to fix build issues in rawhide- Moved vendor_version_string to better place- Fix vendor version string- CPU update to OpenJDK 14.0.1+7- Fxing build failure caused by "," in value of vendor property- Added --with-vendor id and url family of switches- Uploaded new src tarball- Bump buildjdkver to 14- Remove s390x workaround- Fix devel postinstall script- Update to OpenJDK 14 - update to jdk 14+36 ea build - remove JDK-8224851 patch, as OpenJDK 14 already contains it - removed pack200 and unpack200 binaries, slaves, manpages and library - added listings for jpackage binary, manpages and added slave records to alternatives- Fix make 4.3 build issues- Fix build issues with GCC10- Fix release broken by last rpmdev-specbump- Rebuilt for CPU sources update to 13.0.2+8 tag- Renamed patches according to the convention- Create new section for the patches that will be upstreamed in 13.0.2- Add shenandoah patches that did not make it to Updated to October 2019 CPU sources- Changed rpmrelease to 3, replaced previously missed occurences of PR3681 with PR3755- Synced up patches and generate tarball script- Switch to in-tree SunEC code, dropping NSS runtime dependencies and patches to link against it.- Drop unnecessary build requirement on gtk3-devel, as OpenJDK searches for Gtk+ at runtime.- Obsolete javadoc-slowdebug and javadoc-slowdebug-zip packages via javadoc and javadoc-zip respectively.- Don't produce unnecessary things for the debug variant- Fix vendor version for JDK 13- Updated to 13+33 sources- Fix bootjdkver macro- Rebuilt for Removed jhsdb manpage for s390x arch- Update to 13+28 sources- Backported patch related to ea designator from ojdk11- Update of the package to OpenJDK 13- Fixed requires/provides for non-system jdk (backport of RHBZ#1702324)- Updated sources to the latest CPU- Added comments to explain removal of chkconfig- Deleted unused patch jdk8210416-rh1632174- compile_fdlibm_with_o2_ffp_contract_off_on_gcc_clang_arches.patch- Added slave for jfr in devel- Added patches that I did not somehow pack to srpm- Initial commit/bin/sh/bin/sh .build-id15bf20ef68bd433c0af5e7a752635059cdf2683c20af748f92eb6a1e29fb117c1b35fad34ff47fcd957430b241c685f132da8aaccbaf92537debfad9libawt_xawt.solibjawt.solibsplashscreen.sojava-23-openjdk.pngjava-23-openjdk.pngjava-23-openjdk.pngjava-23-openjdk.png/usr/lib//usr/lib/.build-id//usr/lib/.build-id/15//usr/lib/.build-id/20//usr/lib/.build-id/95//usr/lib/jvm/java-23-openjdk- -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectiondrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=15bf20ef68bd433c0af5e7a752635059cdf2683c, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=20af748f92eb6a1e29fb117c1b35fad34ff47fcd, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=957430b241c685f132da8aaccbaf92537debfad9, not strippedPNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 24 x 23, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedRRRR RRR RRRRRRRR R RR RRR RRRRR R RRRRRRRRR R /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :/bin/sh`7zXZ !#,9]"k% Ǡ&=&8^C0-UǁDI/[-mСB'TOEU!2]/5 {}R,578pV2TDdj[7M5qs\&B>EK6SĜcP$6<@%hMH!/Z/CLc7Z :ı3Uo,:Bށɯkqj7"kWB㞇XxLЌ?4Q%M7 uN,Dդ[-pAW؜$0G}ca5t&J0BUu|(z s R:m咢mZ82:&ezclʄR>\kV9 \Z@7 CQj N}qOjvէ5WmsљW%w(d\v;3WCQbU!ыww^T:Ά@lD~%{dZY0ZW`N#L-5 5Χ%6@z :Yc8qWvX(_icc (>蕶 YZ