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alternatives --display java | head function nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster() { LANG=en_US.UTF-8 alternatives --display "$MASTER" } function headOfAbove() { nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster | head -n $1 } MASTER="javadoczip" LOCAL_LINK="/usr/share/javadoc/" FAMILY="java-latest-openjdk" rm -f /var/lib/rpm-state/"$MASTER"_$FAMILY > /dev/null if nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster > /dev/null ; then if headOfAbove 1 | grep -q manual ; then if headOfAbove 2 | tail -n 1 | grep -q java-21-openjdk ; then headOfAbove 2 > /var/lib/rpm-state/"$MASTER"_"$FAMILY" fi fi fi fi alternatives --remove "javadoczip" "/usr/share/javadoc/" if [ "x$debug" == "xtrue" ] ; then set -x fi upgrade1_uninstal0=$post_state if [ "0$upgrade1_uninstal0" -gt 0 ] ; then # removal of this condition will cause persistence between uninstall # warning! alternatives are localised! # LANG=cs_CZ.UTF-8 alternatives --display java | head # LANG=en_US.UTF-8 alternatives --display java | head function nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster() { LANG=en_US.UTF-8 alternatives --display "$MASTER" } function headOfAbove() { nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster | head -n $1 } MASTER="javadoczip_openjdk" LOCAL_LINK="/usr/share/javadoc/" FAMILY="java-latest-openjdk" rm -f /var/lib/rpm-state/"$MASTER"_$FAMILY > /dev/null if nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster > /dev/null ; then if headOfAbove 1 | grep -q manual ; then if headOfAbove 2 | tail -n 1 | grep -q java-21-openjdk ; then headOfAbove 2 > /var/lib/rpm-state/"$MASTER"_"$FAMILY" fi fi fi fi alternatives --remove "javadoczip_openjdk" "/usr/share/javadoc/" if [ "x$debug" == "xtrue" ] ; then set -x fi upgrade1_uninstal0=$post_state if [ "0$upgrade1_uninstal0" -gt 0 ] ; then # removal of this condition will cause persistence between uninstall # warning! alternatives are localised! # LANG=cs_CZ.UTF-8 alternatives --display java | head # LANG=en_US.UTF-8 alternatives --display java | head function nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster() { LANG=en_US.UTF-8 alternatives --display "$MASTER" } function headOfAbove() { nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster | head -n $1 } MASTER="javadoczip_21" LOCAL_LINK="/usr/share/javadoc/" FAMILY="java-latest-openjdk" rm -f /var/lib/rpm-state/"$MASTER"_$FAMILY > /dev/null if nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster > /dev/null ; then if headOfAbove 1 | grep -q manual ; then if headOfAbove 2 | tail -n 1 | grep -q java-21-openjdk ; then headOfAbove 2 > /var/lib/rpm-state/"$MASTER"_"$FAMILY" fi fi fi fi alternatives --remove "javadoczip_21" "/usr/share/javadoc/" if [ "x$debug" == "xtrue" ] ; then set -x fi upgrade1_uninstal0=$post_state if [ "0$upgrade1_uninstal0" -gt 0 ] ; then # removal of this condition will cause persistence between uninstall # warning! alternatives are localised! # LANG=cs_CZ.UTF-8 alternatives --display java | head # LANG=en_US.UTF-8 alternatives --display java | head function nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster() { LANG=en_US.UTF-8 alternatives --display "$MASTER" } function headOfAbove() { nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster | head -n $1 } MASTER="javadoczip_21_openjdk" LOCAL_LINK="/usr/share/javadoc/" FAMILY="java-latest-openjdk" rm -f /var/lib/rpm-state/"$MASTER"_$FAMILY > /dev/null if nonLocalisedAlternativesDisplayOfMaster > /dev/null ; then if headOfAbove 1 | grep -q manual ; then if headOfAbove 2 | tail -n 1 | grep -q java-21-openjdk ; then headOfAbove 2 > /var/lib/rpm-state/"$MASTER"_"$FAMILY" fi fi fi fi alternatives --remove "javadoczip_21_openjdk" "/usr/share/javadoc/" exit 0BKJ.%uEw#v$$$v FdD$$$$$$$$$$$$$k$$$$,$+4.H$$$$$SS$$$$$$$$$9$b$$$$$ 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still missing probably generated during the build, and thus not existing in prep, when the sources subpkg is created after patching- added setup and thus enabled debuginfo strip - note, that debugsources are now empty. Symlink from full sourcess to build/ or build/vcstag is needed- updated to OpenJDK 21.0.1 (2023-10-17)- Fix flatpak build by handling different installation prefixes of package dependencies- adapted to new path in sources - repacked alt-java from misc subpkg - adapted alt-java to grep correctly prctl - removed no longer prepared nss.cfg- updated to jdk 21- updated to July security update portables- Rebuilt for Following JDK-8005165, class data sharing can be enabled on all JIT architectures- Fix packaging of CDS archives- faking build-id in returned news- now expecting the exact version in portbale filename- updated to underlying portables- using icons from source package - providing full sources via src package - requiring exact version.reelase of portables - returned bumed to jdk20 - removed no loger existing - commented out usage if Source15 test, as honoring of -- system crypto policies comes from fips aptch which is not yet adapted- Using icons whcih are now part of the portble tarball- repacked bits are now requested in exact version- return binary to resolve requires problems - remove BuildRequires: java-latest-openjdk- repacked portables - todo icons - disabled tzdata tests - todo, resolve - left some duplicated "final tunings" - todo, lost alt java manpage.. probably already in portables - TODO conslut this clean up - javdoc, freetype and NEWS - todo, debuginfo- Update to jdk-19.0.2 release - Update release notes to 19.0.2 - Drop JDK-8293834 (CLDR update for Kyiv) which is now upstream - Drop JDK-8294357 (tzdata2022d), JDK-8295173 (tzdata2022e) & JDK-8296108 (tzdata2022f) local patches which are now upstream - Drop JDK-8296715 (CLDR update for 2022f) which is now upstream - Add local patch JDK-8295447 (javac NPE) which was accepted into 19u upstream but not in the GA tag - Add local patches for JDK-8296239 & JDK-8299439 (Croatia Euro update) which are present in 8u, 11u & 17u releases- Rebuilt for Update in-tree tzdata & CLDR to 2022g with JDK-8296108, JDK-8296715 & JDK-8297804 - Update to test the new America/Ciudad_Juarez zone- Fix flatpak builds by disabling TestTranslations test due to missing tzdb.dat- Update in-tree tzdata to 2022e with JDK-8294357 & JDK-8295173 - Update CLDR data with Europe/Kyiv (JDK-8293834) - Drop JDK-8292223 patch which we found to be unnecessary - Update to use public API based on TimeZoneNamesTest upstream- Update to jdk-19.0.1 release - Update release notes to 19.0.1- The stdc++lib, zlib & freetype options should always be set from the global, so they are not altered for staticlibs builds - Remove freetype sources along with zlib sources- Switch buildjdkver back to being featurever, now java-19-openjdk is available in the buildroot- Switch to static builds, reducing system dependencies and making build more portable- Update to RC version of OpenJDK 19 - Update release notes to 19.0.0 - Rebase FIPS patches from fips-19u branch - Need to include the '.S' suffix in debuginfo checks after JDK-8284661 - Add patch to provide translations for Europe/Kyiv added in tzdata2022b - Add test to ensure timezones can be translated - Remove references to sample directory removed by JDK-8284999- Update to jdk-18.0.2 release - Update release notes to 18.0.2 - Drop JDK-8282004 patch which is now upstreamed under JDK-8282231 - Exclude x86 where java_arches is undefined, in order to unbreak build- moved to build only on %{java_arches} -- - reverted : -- Rebuilt for (always mess up release) -- Try to build on x86 again by creating a husk of a JDK which does not depend on itself -- Exclude x86 from builds as the bootstrap JDK is now completely broken and unusable -- Replaced binaries and .so files with bash-stubs on i686 - added ExclusiveArch: %{java_arches} -- this now excludes i686 -- this is safely backport-able to older fedoras, as the macro was backported properly (with i686 included) - Rebuilt for Try to build on x86 again by creating a husk of a JDK which does not depend on itself- Exclude x86 from builds as the bootstrap JDK is now completely broken and unusable- Explicitly require crypto-policies during build and runtime for system security properties- Replaced binaries and .so files with bash-stubs on i686 in preparation of the removal on that architecture: - Make use of the vendor version string to store our version & release rather than an upstream release date- Add javaver- and origin-specific javadoc and javadoczip alternatives.- Update to jdk- interim release - Update release notes to actually reflect OpenJDK 18 and subsequent releases 18.0.1 & - Print release file during build, which should now include a correct SOURCE value from .src-rev - Update tarball script with IcedTea GitHub URL and .src-rev generation - Include script to generate bug list for release notes - Update tzdata requirement to 2022a to match JDK-8283350- Fix issue where test erroneously passes when it should fail. - Add proper quoting so '&' is not treated as a special character by the shell.- Include a test in the RPM to check the build has the correct vendor information.- Fix whitespace in spec file- Sequence spec file sections as they are run by rpmbuild (build, install then test)- Turn on system security properties as part of the build's install section - Move cacerts replacement to install section and retain original of this and tzdb.dat - Run tests on the installed image, rather than the build image - Introduce variables to refer to the static library installation directories - Use relative symlinks so they work within the image - Run debug symbols check during build stage, before the install strips them- Fix flatpak builds by exempting them from bootstrap- RH2007331: SecretKey generate/import operations don't add the CKA_SIGN attribute in FIPS mode- Fix flatpak builds (catering for their uncompressed manual pages)- Update FIPS support to bring in latest changes - * RH2023467: Enable FIPS keys export - * RH2094027: SunEC runtime permission for FIPS - * RH2036462: breakage - * RH2090378: Revert to disabling system security properties and FIPS mode support together - Rebase RH1648249 nss.cfg patch so it applies after the FIPS patch - Enable system security properties in the RPM (now disabled by default in the FIPS repo) - Improve security properties test to check both enabled and disabled behaviour - Run security properties test with property debugging on - Minor sync-ups with java-17-openjdk spec file- Exclude s390x from the gdb test on RHEL 7 where we see failures with the portable build- updated to CPU jdk-18.0.1+10 sources- Remove hardcoded /usr/lib/jvm by %{_jvmdir} to make rpmlint happy- Automatically turn off building a fresh HotSpot first, if the bootstrap JDK is not the same major version as that being built- replaced tabs by sets of spaces to make rpmlint happy - set build jdk to 18 - as ga is 1, set vendor_version_string to 22.3- Update to RC version of OpenJDK 18 - Support JVM variant zero following JDK-8273494 no longer installing Zero's in the server directory - Disable HotSpot-only pre-build which is incompatible with the boot JDK being a different major version to that being built - Rebase FIPS patches from fips-18u branch and simplify by using a single patch from that repository - Detect NSS at runtime for FIPS detection - Turn off build-time NSS linking and go back to an explicit Requires on NSS - Enable AlgorithmParameters and AlgorithmParameterGenerator services in FIPS mode - Rebase RH1648249 nss.cfg patch so it applies after the FIPS patch- update to ea version of jdk18 - add new slave jwebserver and corresponding manpage - adjust rh1684077-openjdk_should_depend_on_pcsc-lite-libs_instead_of_pcsc-lite-devel.patch- Reinstate JIT builds on x86_32. - Add JDK-8282004 to fix missing CALL effects on x86_32.- Re-enable gdb backtrace check. - Resolves RHBZ#2041970- Temporarily move x86 to use Zero in order to get a working build - Replace -mstackrealign with -mincoming-stack-boundary=2 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=4 on x86_32 for stack alignment - Support a HotSpot-only build so a freshly built can then be used in the bootstrap JDK. - Explicitly list JIT architectures rather than relying on those with slowdebug builds - Disable the serviceability agent on Zero architectures even when the architecture itself is supported- Introduce stapinstall variable to set SystemTap arch directory correctly (e.g. arm64 on aarch64) - Need to support noarch for creating source RPMs for non-scratch builds.- January 2022 security update to jdk 17.0.2+8 - Extend LTS check to exclude EPEL. - Rename to following JDK-8276025 - Remove JDK-8276572 patch which is now upstream. - Rebase RH1995150 & RH1996182 patches following JDK-8275863 addition to Set LTS designator.- Separate crypto policy initialisation from FIPS initialisation, now they are no longer interdependent- Rebuilt for Sync gdb test with java-1.8.0-openjdk and improve architecture restrictions. - Disable on x86, x86_64, ppc64le & s390x while these are broken in rawhide.- Fix FIPS issues in native code and with initialisation of Storing and restoring alterntives during update manually - Fixing Bug 2001567 - update of JDK/JRE is removing its manually selected alterantives and select (as auto) system JDK/JRE -- The move of alternatives creation to posttrans to fix: -- Bug 1200302 - dnf reinstall breaks alternatives -- Had caused the alternatives to be removed, and then created again, -- instead of being added, and then removing the old, and thus persisting -- the selection in family -- Thus this fix, is storing the family of manually selected master, and if -- stored, then it is restoring the family of the master- Family extracted to globals- javadoc-zip got its own provides next to plain javadoc ones- replaced tabs by sets of spaces to make rpmlint happy- Handle Fedora in distro conditionals that currently only pertain to RHEL.- Patch syslookup.c so it actually has some code to be compiled into libsyslookup - Related: rhbz#2013846- Use 'sql:' prefix in nss.fips.cfg as F35+ no longer ship the legacy secmod.db file as part of nss- Turn off bootstrapping for slow debug builds, which are particularly slow on ppc64le.- Sync desktop files with upstream IcedTea release 3.15.0 using new script- Restructure the build so a minimal initial build is then used for the final build (with docs) - This reduces pressure on the system JDK and ensures the JDK being built can do a full build- Minor cosmetic improvements to make spec more comparable between variants- Update tapsets from IcedTea 6.x repository with fix for JDK-8015774 changes (_heap->_heaps) and @JAVA_SPEC_VER@ - Update with a VCS mode that retrieves sources from a Mercurial repository- October CPU update to jdk 17.0.1+12 - dropped commented-out source line- Allow plain key import to be disabled with -Dcom.redhat.fips.plainKeySupport=false- Add patch to allow plain key import.- Fix unused function compiler warning found in systemconf.c - Extend the default security policy to accomodate PKCS11 accessing jdk.internal.access.- Add patch to login to the NSS software token when in FIPS mode.- Update release notes to document the major changes between OpenJDK 11 & 17.- Add patch to disable non-FIPS crypto in the SUN and SunEC security providers.- Update to jdk-17+35, also known as jdk-17-ga. - Switch to GA mode.- Minor code cleanups on FIPS detection patch and check for SECMOD_GetSystemFIPSEnabled in configure. - Remove unneeded Requires on NSS as it will now be dynamically linked and detected by RPM.- Detect FIPS using SECMOD_GetSystemFIPSEnabled in the new libsystemconf JDK library.- Update RH1655466 FIPS patch with changes in OpenJDK 8 version. - SunPKCS11 runtime provider name is a concatenation of "SunPKCS11-" and the name in the config file. - Change nss.fips.cfg config name to "NSS-FIPS" to avoid confusion with nss.cfg. - No need to substitute path to nss.fips.cfg as file supports a java.home variable. - Disable FIPS mode support unless com.redhat.fips is set to "true". - Enable alignment with FIPS crypto policy by default (-Dcom.redhat.fips=false to disable). - Add explicit runtime dependency on NSS for the PKCS11 provider in FIPS mode - Move setup of JavaSecuritySystemConfiguratorAccess to Security class so it always occurs (RH1915071)- Support the FIPS mode crypto policy (RH1655466) - Use appropriate keystore types when in FIPS mode (RH1818909) - Disable TLSv1.3 when the FIPS crypto policy and the NSS-FIPS provider are in use (RH1860986)- alternatives creation moved to posttrans - Thus fixing the old reisntall issue: - - Update to jdk-17+33, including JDWP fix and July 2021 CPU - Resolves: rhbz#1972529- Rebuilt for Use the "reverse" build loop (debug first) as the main and only build loop to get more diagnostics. - Remove restriction on disabling product build, as debug packages no longer have javadoc packages.- fix patch rh1648249-add_commented_out_nss_cfg_provider_to_java_security.patch which made the SunPKCS provider show up again - Resolves: rhbz#1971120- Re-enable TestSecurityProperties after inclusion of PR3695- Add PR3695 to allow the system crypto policy to be turned off- Update buildjdkver to 17 so as to build with itself- update sources to jdk 17.0.0+26 - set is_ga to 0, as this is early access build - change vendor_version_string - change path to the version-numbers.conf - removed rmid binary from files and from slaves - removed JAVAC_FLAGS=-g from make command, as it breaks the build since JDK-8258407 - add lib/ to files - renamed lib/security/blacklisted.certs to lib/security/blocked.certs - add lib/ for intel - skip debuginfo check for on s390x- removed cjc backward comaptiblity, to fix when both rpm 4.16 and 4.17 are in transaction- adapted to newst cjc to fix issue with rpm 4.17 - Disable copy-jdk-configs for Flatpak builds- update to 16.0.1+9 april cpu tag - dropped jdk8259949-allow_cf-protection_on_x86.patch- Perform static library build on a separate source tree with bundled image libraries - Make static library build optional - Based on initial work by Severin Gehwolf- fixed suggests of wrong pcsc-lite-devel(x86-64) to correct pcsc-lite-libs(x86-64) - bumped buildjdkver to build by itself - 16- Update to jdk- - Update tarball generation script to use git following OpenJDK's move to github - Update tarball generation script to use PR3823 which handles JDK-8235710 changes - Use upstream default for version-pre rather than setting it to "ea" or "" - Drop which is no longer generated, thanks to JDK-8235710 - Drop unnecessary compiler flags, dating back to work on GCC 6 & 10 - Adapt RH1750419 alt-java patch to still apply after some variable re-naming in the makefiles - Update filever to remove any trailing zeros, as in the OpenJDK build, and use for source filename - Use system harfbuzz now this is supported. - Pass SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to build for reproducible builds- Hardcode /usr/sbin/alternatives for Flatpak builds- Rebuilt for Update to jdk- - Add release notes for & - Use JEP-322 Time-Based Versioning so we can handle a future release correctly. - Still use 15.0.x rather than 15.0.x.0 for file naming, as the trailing zero is omitted from tags. - Cleanup debug package descriptions and version number placement. - Remove unused patch files.- Use -march=i686 for x86 builds if -fcf-protection is detected (needs CMOV)- fixed missing condition for fastdebug packages being counted as debug ones- removed lib-style provides for fastdebug_suffix_unquoted- many cosmetic changes taken from more maintained jdk11 - introduced debug_arches, bootstrap_arches, systemtap_arches, fastdebug_arches, sa_arches, share_arches, shenandoah_arches, zgc_arches instead of various hardcoded ifarches - updated systemtap - added requires excludes for debug pkgs - removed redundant logic around jsa files - added runtime requires of lksctp-tools and libXcomposite% - added and used Source15, but is made always positive as jdk15 now does not honor system policies - s390x excluded form fastdebug build- introduced nm based check to verify alt-java on x86_64 is patched, and no other alt-java or java is patched - patch600 rh1750419-redhat_alt_java.patch amended to die, if it is used wrongly - introduced ssbd_arches with currently only valid arch of x86_64 to separate real alt-java architectures- moved wrongly placed licenses to accompany other ones - this bad placement was killng parallel-installability and thus having bad impact to leapp if used- added patch600, rh1750419-redhat_alt_java.patch, suprassing removed patch - no longer copying of java->alt-java as it is created by patch600- Create a copy of java as alt-java with alternatives and man pages - java-11-openjdk doesn't have a JRE tree, so don't try and copy alt-java there...- updated to October CPU 2020 sources- Fix directory ownership of -static-libs sub-package.- Build static-libs-image and add resulting files via -static-libs sub-package. - Disable stripping of debug symbols for static libraries part of the -static-libs sub-package. - JDK-8245832 increases the set of static libraries, so try and include them all with a wildcard. - Update static-libs packaging to new layout- Add support for fastdebug builds on 64 bit architectures- Remove EA designation - Re-generate sources with PR3803 patch- Update to jdk tag - Modify rh1648249-add_commented_out_nss_cfg_provider_to_java_security.patch - Update vendor version string to 20.9 - jjs removed from packaging after JEP 372: Nashorn removal - rmic removed from packaging after JDK-8225319- Disable LTO so as to pass debuginfo check- update to jdk CPU version - remove upstreamed patch jdk8237879-make_4_3_build_fixes.patch - remove upstreamed patch jdk8235833-posixplatform_cpp_should_not_include_sysctl_h.patch - remove upstreamed patch jdk8243059-build_fails_when_with_vendor_contains_comma.patch- Re-introduce java-openjdk-src & java-openjdk-demo for system_jdk builds. - Fix accidental renaming of java-openjdk-devel to java-devel-openjdk.- introduce patch jdk8235833-posixplatform_cpp_should_not_include_sysctl_h to fix build issues in rawhide - rename and reorganize patch sections- Fix vendor version to 20.3 (from 19.9)- April security update - uploaded new src tarball- set vendor property and vendor urls - made urls to be preconfigured by os- Remove s390x workaround flags for GCC 10 - bump buildjdkver to 14 - uploaded new src tarball- removed a whitespace causing fail of postinstall script - removed backslashes at the end of alternatives command- update to jdk 14+36 ga build - remove JDK-8224851 patch, as OpenJDK 14 already contains it - removed pack200 and unpack200 binaries, slaves, manpages and library - added listings for jpackage binary, manpages and added slave records to alternatives- add patch for build issues with make 4.3- add workaround for issues with build with GCC10 on s390x (see RHBZ#1799531) - fix issues with build with GCC10: JDK-8224851, -fcommon switch- Add JDK-8224851 patch to resolve aarch64 issues- fix Release, as it was broken by last rpmdev-bumpspec- Rebuilt for removed patch jdk8231405_guarantee_d_nonequals_null_failed_null_dominator_info.patch - removed patch jdk8231583_fix_register_clash_in_sbsa_resolve_forwarding_pointer_borrowing.patch - updated sources to the 13.0.2+8 tag- Fixed hardcoded major version in jdk13u to macro - added jdk8231405_guarantee_d_nonequals_null_failed_null_dominator_info.patch - added jdk8231583_fix_register_clash_in_sbsa_resolve_forwarding_pointer_borrowing.patch- Updated to October 2019 CPU sources- synced up generate tarball script with other OpenJDK packages - dropped pr2126-synchronise_elliptic_curves_in_sun_security_ec_namedcurve_with_those_listed_by_nss.patch from the sources - regenerated sources with the updated script- Switch to in-tree SunEC code, dropping NSS runtime dependencies and patches to link against it.- Drop unnecessary build requirement on gtk3-devel, as OpenJDK searches for Gtk+ at runtime. - Add missing build requirement for libXrender-devel, previously masked by Gtk3+ dependency - Add missing build requirement for libXrandr-devel, previously masked by Gtk3+ dependency - fontconfig build requirement should be fontconfig-devel, previously masked by Gtk3+ dependency- Obsolete javadoc-slowdebug and javadoc-slowdebug-zip packages via javadoc and javadoc-zip respectively.- Don't produce javadoc/javadoc-zip sub packages for the debug variant build. - Don't perform a bootcycle build for the debug variant build.- Fix vendor version as JDK 13 has been GA'ed September 2019: 19.3 => 19.9- updated to 13+33 sources - added two manpages to file listings (jfr, jaotc) - set is_ga to 1 to match build from Fix bootjdkver macro. It attempted to build with jdk 12, which is no longer available in rawhide (it's 13 instead). - Fix Release as rpmdev-bumpspec doesn't do it correctly.- Rebuilt for updated to jdk 13 - adapted pr2126-synchronise_elliptic_curves_in_sun_security_ec_namedcurve_with_those_listed_by_nss.patch - adapted rh1648242-accessible_toolkit_crash_do_not_break_jvm.patch - fixed file listings - included - Include 'ea' designator in Release when appropriate - Handle milestone as variables so we can alter it easily and set the docs zip filename appropriately- fixed requires/provides for the non-system JDK case (backport of RHBZ#1702324)- updated sources to current CPU release- added slave for jfr binary in devel package- Replaced pcsc-lite-devel (which is in optional channel) with pcsc-lite-libs. - added rh1684077-openjdk_should_depend_on_pcsc-lite-libs_instead_of_pcsc-lite-devel.patch to make jdk work with pcsc - removed LTS string from LTS designator, because epel builds get identified as rhel and JDK 12 is not LTS - removed duplicated dependency on lksctp-tools- Drop chkconfig dep, 1.7 shipped in f24- bumped sources to jdk12+33- Only build 'bootcycle-images docs' target and 'images docs' targets, respectively.- Rebuilt for bumped sources to jdk12. Crypto list synced. - adapted patches to usptream (removed are upstreamed) - removed fixed upstreamed patch6, jdk8211105-aarch64-disable_cos_sin_and_log_intrinsics.patch: - renamed patch5, pr1983-rh1565658-..._sunec_provider_jdk11.patch to pr1983-rh1565658-..._sunec_provider_jdk12.patch - adapted patch5, pr1983-rh1565658 to jdk12 (libraries.m4 and / - removed patch8, jdk8210416-rh1632174-compile_fdlibm_with_o2_ffp_contract_off_on_gcc_clang_arches.patch - removed patch9, jdk8210425-rh1632174-sharedRuntimeTrig_sharedRuntimeTrans_compiled_without_optimization.patch - removed patch10, jdk8210647-rh1632174. Is rummored to be in upstream - removed patch11, jdk8210761-rh1632174-libjsig_is_being_compiled_without_optimization.patch - removed patch12, jdk8210703-rh1632174-vmStructs_cpp_no_longer_compiled_with_o0 - removed patch584, jdk8209639-rh1640127-02-coalesce_attempted_spill_non_spillable.patch - removed patch585, jdk8209639-rh1640127-02-coalesce_attempted_spill_non_spillable.patch - set build jdk to jdk11; buildjdkver set to 11 - todo, revisit _privatelibs and slaves, discuse patch10, more? - now building with --no-print-directory to workaround JDK8215213 - renamed original of docs zip to jdk-major+build - check shenandaoh with -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions - libjli moved from lib/libjli to lib - added lib/jspawnhelper and bin/jfr and conf/sdp/sdp.conf.template - added explanation to the --no-print-directory - re-added lts_designator_zip macro - added patch6 for rh1673833-remove_removal_of_wformat_during_test_compilation.patch- for non debug supackages, ghosted all masters and slaves (rhbz1649776) - for tech-preview packages, if-outed versionless provides. Aligned versions to be %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} instead of chaotic - Removed all slowdebug provides (rhbz1655938); for tech-preview packages also removed all internal provides- Added %global _find_debuginfo_opts -g - Resolves: RHBZ#1520879 (Detailed NMT issue)- added rolling suffix to release (before dist) to prevent conflict with java-11-openjdk which now have same major version- fixed tck failures of arraycopy and process exec with shenandoah on - added patch585 rh1648995-shenandoah_array_copy_broken_by_not_always_copy_forward_for_disjoint_arrays.patch- headless' suggests of cups, replaced by Requires of cups-libs- added Patch584 jdk8209639-rh1640127-02-coalesce_attempted_spill_non_spillable.patch- Use upstream's version of Aarch64 intrinsics disable patch: - Removed: RHBZ-1628612-JDK-8210461-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic.patch RHBZ-1630996-JDK-8210858-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic-log.patch - Superceded by: jdk8211105-aarch64-disable_cos_sin_and_log_intrinsics.patch- Use LTS designator in version output for RHEL.- Update to October 2018 CPU release, 11.0.1+13.- Use --with-vendor-version-string=18.9 so as to show original GA date for the JDK.- Identify as GA version and no longer as early access (EA). - JDK 11 has been released for GA on 2018-09-25.- Rework changes from 1:11.0.ea.22-6. RHBZ#1632174 supercedes RHBZ-1624122. - Add patch, jdk8210416-rh1632174-compile_fdlibm_with_o2_ffp_contract_off_on_gcc_clang_arches.patch, so as to optimize compilation of fdlibm library. - Add patch, jdk8210425-rh1632174-sharedRuntimeTrig_sharedRuntimeTrans_compiled_without_optimization.patch, so as to optimize compilation of sharedRuntime{Trig,Trans}.cpp - Add patch, jdk8210647-rh1632174-libsaproc_is_being_compiled_without_optimization.patch, so as to optimize compilation of libsaproc (extra c flags won't override optimization). - Add patch, jdk8210761-rh1632174-libjsig_is_being_compiled_without_optimization.patch, so as to optimize compilation of libjsig. - Add patch, jdk8210703-rh1632174-vmStructs_cpp_no_longer_compiled_with_o0, so as to optimize compilation of vmStructs.cpp (part of - Reinstate filtering of opt flags coming from redhat-rpm-config.- removed version less provides - javadocdir moved to arched dir as it is no longer noarch- Add patch, RHBZ-1630996-JDK-8210858-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic-log.patch, so as to disable log math intrinsic on aarch64. Work-around for JDK-8210858- Add patch, RHBZ-1628612-JDK-8210461-workaround-disable-aarch64-intrinsic.patch, so as to disable dsin/dcos math intrinsics on aarch64. Work-around for JDK-8210461.- Add patch, JDK-8210416-RHBZ-1624122-fdlibm-opt-fix.patch, so as to optimize compilation of fdlibm library. - Add patch, JDK-8210425-RHBZ-1624122-sharedRuntimeTrig-opt-fix.patch, so as to optimize compilation of sharedRuntime{Trig,Trans}.cpp - Add patch, JDK-8210647-RHBZ-1624122-libsaproc-opt-fix.patch, so as to optimize compilation of libsaproc (extra c flags won't override optimization). - Add patch, JDK-8210703-RHBZ-1624122-vmStructs-opt-fix.patch, so as to optimize compilation of vmStructs.cpp (part of - No longer filter -O flags from C flags coming from redhat-rpm-config.- link to jhsdb followed its file to ifarch jit_arches ifnarch s390x- Enable ZGC on x86_64.- jfr/*jfc files listed for all arches - lib/classlist do not exists s390, ifarch-ed via jit_arches out- Update to latest upstream build jdk11+28, the first release candidate.- Adjust system NSS patch, pr1983-rh1565658-support_using_the_system_installation_of_nss_with_the_sunec_provider_jdk11.patch, so as to filter -Wl,--as-needed from linker flags. Fixes FTBFS issue.- dissabled accessibility, fixed provides for main package's debug variant- now buildrequires javapackages-filesystem as the issue with macros should be fixed- changed to build by itself instead of by jdk10- added Recommends gtk3 for main package - changed BuildRequires from gtk2-devel to gtk3-devel (it can be more likely dropped) - added Suggests lksctp-tools, pcsc-lite-devel, cups for headless package - see RHBZ1598152 - added trick to catch hs_err files (sgehwolf) - updated to shenandaoh-jdk-11+22- removed patch6 JDK-8205616-systemLcmsAndJpgFixFor-rev_f0aeede1b855.patch - improved a bit to serve also for systemtap - thus deleted - simplified and cleared - moved to single source jdk - from shenandoah/jdk11 - bumped to latest jdk11+20 - adapted PR2126 to jdk11+20 - adapted handling of systemtap sources to new style - (no (misleading) version inside (full version is in name), thus different sed on tapsets and different directory) - shortened summaries and descriptions to around 80 chars - Hunspell spell checked - license fixed to correct jdk11 (sgehwolf) - more correct handling of internal libraries (sgehwolf) - added lib/security/public_suffix_list.dat as +20 have added it (JDK-8201815) - added test for shenandaoh GC presence where expected - Removed workaround for broken aarch64 slowdebug build - Removed all defattrs - Removed no longer necessary cleanup of diz and debuginfo files- updated sources to jdk-11+19 - added patch6 systemLcmsAndJpgFixFor-f0aeede1b855.patch to fix regression of system libraries after f0aeede1b855 commit - adapted pr1983-rh1565658-support_using_the_system_installation_of_nss_with_the_sunec_provider_jdk11.patch to accommodate changes after f0aeede1b855 commit- Revert rename: java-11-openjdk => java-openjdk.- Add aarch64 to aot_arches.- Rename to package java-11-openjdk.- Disable Aarch64 slowdebug build (see JDK-8204331). - s390x doesn't have the SA even though it's a JIT arch.- Initial version of JDK 11 ea based on tag jdk-11+16. - Removed patches no longer needed or upstream: sorted-diff.patch (see JDK-8198844) JDK-8201788-bootcycle-images-jobs.patch JDK-8201509-s390-atomic_store.patch (never was an issue on 11) JDK-8193802-npe-jar-getVersionMap.patch - Updated and renamed patches: java-openjdk-s390-size_t.patch => JDK-8203030-s390-size_t.patch - Updated patches for JDK 11: pr1983-rh1565658-support_using_the_system_installation_of_nss_with_the_sunec_provider_jdk11.patch- Use proper private_libs expression for filtering requires/provides.- Bump release and rebuild for fixed gdb. See RHBZ#1589118.- quoted sed expressions, changed possibly confusing # by @ - added vendor(origin) into icons - removed last trace of relative symlinks - added BuildRequires of javapackages-tools to fix build failure after Requires change to javapackages-filesystem- Move to javapackages-filesystem for directory ownership. Resolves RHBZ#1500288- Add JDK-8193802-npe-jar-getVersionMap.patch so as to fix RHBZ#1557375.- Inject build flags properly. See RHBZ#1571359 - Added patch since doesn't get linker flags injected properly.- Removed unneeded patches: PStack-808293.patch multiple-pkcs11-library-init.patch ppc_stack_overflow_fix.patch - Added patches for s390 Zero builds: JDK-8201495-s390-java-opts.patch JDK-8201509-s390-atomic_store.patch - Renamed patches for clarity: aarch64BuildFailure.patch => JDK-8200556-aarch64-slowdebug-crash.patch systemCryptoPolicyPR3183.patch => pr3183-rh1340845-support_fedora_rhel_system_crypto_policy.patch bootcycle_jobs.patch => JDK-8201788-bootcycle-images-jobs.patch system-nss-ec-rh1565658.patch => pr1983-rh1565658-support_using_the_system_installation_of_nss_with_the_sunec_provider_jdk11.patch- updated to security update 1 - jexec unlinked from path - used java-openjdk as boot jdk - aligned provides/requires - renamed zip javadoc- Enable basic EC ciphers test in %check.- Port Martin Balao's JDK 9 patch for system NSS support to JDK 10. - Resolves RHBZ#1565658- jexec linked to path- subpackage(s) replaced by sub-package(s) and other cosmetic changes- removed accessibility sub-packages - kept applied patch and properties files - debug sub-packages renamed to slowdebug- initial load/bin/shjavadoc-zip-slowdebug  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456781:      !!!"""###$$$%%%%&&&&'''((()))***+++++,,,---...///00011122233344455566677777888999:::;;;<<<===>>>???@@@AAABBBCCCDDDEEEFFFGlegaljava.baseADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFOASSEMBLY_EXCEPTIONLICENSEaes.mdasm.mdc-libutl.mdcldr.mdicu.mdpublic_suffix.mdunicode.mdzlib.mdjava.compilerADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFOASSEMBLY_EXCEPTIONLICENSEjava.datatransferADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFOASSEMBLY_EXCEPTIONLICENSEjava.desktopADDITIONAL_LICENSE_INFOASSEMB -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectiondrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textUTF-8 Unicode textUTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesAlgol 68 source, ASCII textgzip ERROR: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored (Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract) if [ "x$debug" == "xtrue" ] ; then set -x fi PRIORITY=00000001 if [ "" == "-slowdebug" ]; then let PRIORITY=PRIORITY-1 fi for X in openjdk 21 ; do key=javadoczip_"$X" alternatives --install /usr/share/javadoc/java-"$X".zip $key /usr/share/javadoc/ $PRIORITY --family java-latest-openjdk MASTER="$key" FAMILY="java-latest-openjdk" ALTERNATIVES_FILE="/var/lib/rpm-state/$MASTER"_"$FAMILY" if [ -e "$ALTERNATIVES_FILE" ] ; then rm "$ALTERNATIVES_FILE" alternatives --set $MASTER $FAMILY fi done key=javadoczip_21_openjdk alternatives --install /usr/share/javadoc/ $key /usr/share/javadoc/ $PRIORITY --family java-latest-openjdk MASTER="$key" FAMILY="java-latest-openjdk" ALTERNATIVES_FILE="/var/lib/rpm-state/$MASTER"_"$FAMILY" if [ -e "$ALTERNATIVES_FILE" ] ; then rm "$ALTERNATIVES_FILE" alternatives --set $MASTER $FAMILY fi # Weird legacy filename for backwards-compatibility key=javadoczip alternatives --install /usr/share/javadoc/java-zip $key /usr/share/javadoc/ $PRIORITY --family java-latest-openjdk MASTER="$key" FAMILY="java-latest-openjdk" ALTERNATIVES_FILE="/var/lib/rpm-state/$MASTER"_"$FAMILY" if [ -e "$ALTERNATIVES_FILE" ] ; then rm "$ALTERNATIVES_FILE" alternatives --set $MASTER $FAMILY fi exit 0/bin/sh !#,v]"k&Ǡ&=&8^C0-4}]H'P30< ԠVͷι .x4MŹ'!"c_ vlihw;Hꇊ¸7fFo^yoO 2'^a6Y,f5kpUlc8aLɂ\GS{T׭`` ^뱍\P.ڧ$ždC:6_:lx%C0Rn<(0DҢp_ .DJld[m̒{|Ŧ\s_C"Bk,Mb,hpJw%4tE3k'a\K?T|9KBk ǟ'HW"iƘ@j&}2ǣ ?VruȊhiŠԛн*Q>@`(V# 5'я\%Q9'ܱu4gΝ:L3J[NkR`kD{'ցH^/mEϦSZ?'W]WuMMzdztlst"y ?Uhk0ͼ[ڥp?T ^(SFibO"h'´ܺNZe*ÎKxa$ebGA&8|ۋb%4n|ZE}o` 3?n_OΨ^QfTXSDBzTA/@RI7VaQ{Xɗw< YS5vw2)S-!=hxQ-1 ev3}5BCY2_#Q ʼR3ui'gZNy UZ/ƿ7VPL7zFwxZ(u[HzȈ? 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