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cleanup- 5.12.5- 5.12.4- 5.12.3- 5.12.2- 5.12.1- Rebuilt for 5.12.0- 5.11.95- 5.11.5- 5.11.4- 5.11.3- 5.11.2- 5.11.1- 5.11.0- 5.10.5- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for 5.10.4- 5.10.3- 5.10.2- 5.10.1- 5.10.0- 5.9.5- Set auto-negotiate to true for new wired connections Resolves: bz#1440583- 5.9.4- rebuild- 5.9.3- 5.8.6- Rebuilt for filter plugin provides- 5.8.5- 5.8.4- 5.8.3- 5.8.2- 5.8.1- 5.8.0- 5.7.95- 5.7.5- BR: mobile-broadband-provider-info (to make optional dep cmake report happy)- 5.7.4- Add more choices to --comp-lzo option- 5.7.3- 5.7.2- 5.7.1- 5.7.0- 5.6.95- backport some master/ branch fixes, including plasma crasher (kde#346118,#1259472)- 5.6.5- 5.6.4- Filter out tun connections (changed by NM 1.2.0)- 5.6.3- 5.6.2- 5.6.1- Plasma 5.5.5- Rebuilt for Plasma 5.5.4- Plasma 5.5.3- 5.5.2- Plasma 5.5.1- Fix openconnect dialog layout (kdebz#356587, kdebz#356622)- Plasma 5.5.0- Fix openconnect failure when accepting certificate Resolves: bz#1285482- Plasma 5.4.95- drop updates script, it's (probably) no longer needed, and doesn't work where it is anyway- Plasma 5.4.3- backport 'make bluez calls async' patch- 5.4.2- 5.4.1- Plasma 5.4.0- Plasma 5.3.95- Plasma 5.3.2- OpenVPN: Do not overwrite file dialog modes set by default- OpenVPN: Do not insert translated value for remote-cert-tls- Plasma 5.3.1- Plasma 5.3.0- Plasma 5.2.95- Rebuild (kf5-modemmanager-qt)- Plasma 5.2.2- Rebuild (GCC 5)- Plasma 5.2.1- BR kf5-modemmanger-qt instead of kf5-libmm-qt- fix dependencies on rawhide (with NM >= 1.0.0)- Plasma 5.2.0- Plasma 5.1.95 Beta- Plasma 5.1.2- Plasma 5.1.1- Plasma Plasma 5.1.0- Plasma 5.0.2- Plasma 5.0.1- Plasma 5.0.0-1- fork into kde5-plasma-nmkde-plasma-networkmanagement-mobilekde-plasma-nm-mobile 5.24.7-1.el85.24.7-1.el85.24.7-1.el81: .build-id3d0dd5fdd5d00e15edf90fee5d73e1da1cbfdb6db70f6fe57a56a1fb6275afc3d4ba51f915d5b504kcm_mobile_hotspot.sokcm_mobile_wifi.somain.qmlmetadata.desktopmetadata.jsonConnectDialog.qmlConnectionItemDelegate.qmlNetworkSettings.qmlPasswordField.qmlmain.qmlmetadata.desktopmetadata.jsonhotspotsettings.desktopwifisettings.desktop/usr/lib//usr/lib/.build-id//usr/lib/.build-id/3d//usr/lib/.build-id/b7//usr/lib64/qt5/plugins/kcms//usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_mobile_hotspot/contents/ui//usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_mobile_hotspot//usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_mobile_hotspot//usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_mobile_wifi/contents/ui//usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_mobile_wifi//usr/share/kpackage/kcms/kcm_mobile_wifi//usr/share/kservices5/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectiondrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=b70f6fe57a56a1fb6275afc3d4ba51f915d5b504, strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=3d0dd5fdd5d00e15edf90fee5d73e1da1cbfdb6d, strippedASCII textUTF-8 Unicode text!RRR R RR!R RRRRRRRRR RRRRR'RRRRR!R R R RRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRR R RRRRR' !#,)]"k%wS Dn)r|*A,V0e~Zsp>*,dCb-L7 '%8Xe9̱W#o)s;h Wy)IvF3`ujF TCG00m %b4Z3G:pwcEЈYM[)y8xT\XӃ 8U2n&Wµm^*a=igL_ M RPtgw`:0Hkk wLtr kئ)gW!1~w܅ڄqWIв %uɮƻuf_\O,pd"@y a+lF2^n:(M!ib#)'{6V݂zͣmqzxiBA=q]9z6iGA3q`WO,7l Hҗc mLTl%0[`]{^lۙOK,+8Ս@:)"#7ų Wx C&(ϽT{?|"ѥz<hf~k-Zl(;bv; _m+U<) GE:BۏN38‡uyvC5{T1^jC ~Ւ|4i1hX rC#G=X]~'b E8Ǥ 4^0% zHw@0EbTFP%uX&a{ᏩH|_ڇ֏bdZ- 5( oRuߢ{C y7z_A !j. rƱj!1ռ|x}t hS^H `e&۞eEԴ;Y pKS7ԥ1GnI; Voi1j^UHa \$/ߨN?PF\'BcD/Aɇžu:a6)W(V|GspdUޠ}u@JF #m>DMl5 SJ9y2gKE74QNTLu@]v-f<,R  (k9B&CiHDԧiʗ(4:~^~##u_,|vȼ eD_l1QLӫReH~8KSG8yG P-tGkV.= $WSz91>`ˮ90.).T CbJ Q?F  VZ%1q|p&g9(Ĺ,7ܹGi -e7ɏ|^T8AވnOAH ӐxGf^4t>l[&wbI޹Kq S8(7\ŘJ&&j_A=X7 `{J#Vk)o&/]2K57w"^Þ8vY7(0kb@Ρ?`Z1Wߩ{᷉ 6:;at^KB)r]NNUlR,c{r5;7ꝗY@Sk`LN>$MM7G#(>=9e@UR=^xCjc4PD_LI S08ZGAv4%Tp5X5IמlTj6Cs@H=SP7}t(S?p 9?'ՐI ^}9ER*~żKd:`aar >d$}" ˾ M,A<҉5TT۔J$&u76K|DfRˇ $41 .gh2LzZ6;CP3^G ٨ ] (7_1^oZz[{{.(%#6D:[4oKR`LFb-1.DЄ*&T{_CRcU#BUpP<ӕ]wgI` '* 1KYZrR`u;z2cE1~^Q V@*)d_$ 5#Lr-T;+Qe2,ַC;dWGd `6EH "ʩ+)ۣze%jҭGJR+`\W gl<;`Sj^sܠ`kԡL߉ _o1aLv%">q$0=l^,NKi( AEb`? mw,I~2i`m6oC/m@qnU"op$~)wjI!S`P/yA!b={yCVm <&dzij8!Eh*׭+sP ֟GX3O K(ʔ @y}m'ǃ?]u/x4ZDB_ʪ[;,WgIV( !5ÝgL 05~8=F7Ym/2{Il\$ {f0صjeE.=@iFP(ohpTْH F߲ߥ8Z#P76QQ9$ˈ|t_*,2\E0'j@~SG(s-sP!Iy \ٹ8奔d.X l:oz.2.nkR_6,.(k9m?9צ`&vi-6z2^8 u S^ɟn2ࡪgcSI0 SRΤ8+BYy^D?!`ѰZ8G/4'?_Ѧ,ЖEfۓ@Z/;;cȓ~)-*Zރt$kHs˨kTaxlm=5AEAc!2yXCF˿MAnt%\b/lb2̈h^O݁U"Cyfp5~ں&^ qiDk)Cd4|ʊqN-r QzE:[f'(H~rGDJR A+]M0 k{w`R7,KTq[RC5[A/6N&^[Msr8@I=+]TY7ZeqiH5`%C޽NJk(55svֻ;#K,>(!jҀFMۺj[/P4yo݊}:RNM$Q{ɺi!!ݡ.?|@7pʪYƕ"o0GbB *U3ﶫLÏYAItt2+s? 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