clamav-milter-0.103.7-1.el7$>]$^o!g٫>KB?2d  K !(/    (  (Hh$ ( ) * + , - 8 9:8`=>%?-@5B=DSG\H|IXYZ[\] ^b;defl t$uDvdwxy Cclamav-milter0.103.71.el7Milter module for the Clam Antivirus scannerThis package contains files which are needed to run the clamav-milter.bbuildvm-x86-22.iad2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2Fedora ProjectUnspecified group clamilt >/dev/null || groupadd -r clamilt getent passwd clamilt >/dev/null || \ useradd -r -g clamilt -d /run/clamav-milter -s /sbin/nologin \ -c "Clamav Milter user" clamilt usermod clamilt -a -G virusgroup exit 0 if [ $1 -eq 1 ] ; then # Initial installation systemctl preset clamav-milter.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi if [ $1 -eq 1 ] && [ -x /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then # Initial installation /bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/clamav-milter.conf || : fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then # Package removal, not upgrade systemctl --no-reload disable clamav-milter.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || : systemctl stop clamav-milter.service > /dev/null 2>&1 || : fi systemctl daemon-reload >/dev/null 2>&1 || : if [ $1 -ge 1 ] ; then # Package upgrade, not uninstall systemctl try-restart clamav-milter.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || : fi$&!* rA큤A큤bbbbbbbbbf6d5c7942433edabc46b29c06b9fb92aaa3c414489dad4de79d8df923cd6d765019540a4d439981523adc874ca29588c23e74c15a9cf15b5c62a365eafbeffd68f473b2f0dc3f06ed38a80247725bf289cee9ebf56e399386128021bea232556860e9bd50cb0c62516f399e38715c47bfcf6ee74b94d71a6f9414f8558c8264f4b0eefd0d2653a6f0b2b638cee300a21a50e659d61d0f1b70493215ce7c5da212fa2b9143d07c3993e8973f25e3bd8ee4fa4cfca15dc8740db418e63ea0f2ecrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootclamav-0.103.7-1.el7.src.rpmclamav-milterclamav-milter(x86-64)clamav-milter-systemdconfig(clamav-milter) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @ /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shclamav-filesystemconfig(clamav-milter) Add the milteruser to the scanuser group; this is required when # milter and clamd communicate through local sockets /usr/sbin/groupmems -g clamscan -a clamilt &>/dev/null || :clamav-scannerbz@b@bs@b a@a@aaY@aXIaKa@a'@a@` @```D`m`D@`>(`-@`U`@_cO__^ϧ^2^`^^l@^@^^oj@^ZR@^AE^?@^?@^9\^0"@^.^-@^*@^!]@]@]@]҇]҇]^]J@]8H@]@\@\R@\73\-@\-@\I[[[^[]@[GB[E@[:[@[ @ZI@ZkZ - 0.103.7-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.103.6-2Sérgio Basto - 0.103.6-1Sérgio Basto - 0.103.5-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.103.5-2Sérgio Basto - 0.103.5-1Sérgio Basto - 0.103.4-1Sérgio Basto - 0.103.3-9Sérgio Basto - 0.103.3-8Sérgio Basto - 0.103.3-7Sahana Prasad - 0.103.3-6Sérgio Basto - 0.103.3-5Sérgio Basto - 0.103.3-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.103.3-3Björn Esser - 0.103.3-2Sérgio Basto - 0.103.3-1Sérgio Basto - 0.103.2-2Sérgio Basto - 0.103.2-1Sérgio Basto - 0.103.1-3Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 0.103.1-2Sérgio Basto - 0.103.1-1Sérgio Basto - 0.103.0-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.103.0-2Orion Poplawski - 0.103.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.102.4-2Orion Poplawski - 0.102.4-1Orion Poplawski - 0.102.3-2Orion Poplawski - 0.102.3-1Orion Poplawski - 0.102.2-9Orion Poplawski - 0.102.2-8Orion Poplawski - 0.102.2-7Björn Esser - 0.102.2-6Orion Poplawski - 0.102.2-5Orion Poplawski - 0.102.2-4Orion Poplawski - 0.102.2-3Orion Poplawski - 0.102.2-2Orion Poplawski - 0.102.2-1Orion Poplawski - 0.101.5-10Sérgio Basto - 0.101.5-9Fedora Release Engineering - 0.101.5-8Sérgio Basto - 0.101.5-7Sérgio Basto - 0.101.5-6Sérgio Basto - 0.101.5-5Sérgio Basto - 0.101.5-4Sérgio Basto - 0.101.5-3Orion Poplawski - 0.101.5-2Orion Poplawski - 0.101.5-1Orion Poplawski - 0.101.4-3Orion Poplawski - 0.101.4-2Orion Poplawski - 0.101.4-1Orion Poplawski - 0.101.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.101.2-3Sérgio Basto - 0.101.2-2Sérgio Basto - 0.101.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.101.1-2Sérgio Basto - 0.101.1-1Orion Poplawski - 0.101.0-3Orion Poplawski - 0.101.0-2Orion Poplawski - 0.101.0-1Sérgio Basto - 0.100.2-2Sérgio Basto - 0.100.2-1Sérgio Basto - 0.100.1-4Sérgio Basto - 0.100.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.100.1-2Sérgio Basto - 0.100.1-1Sérgio Basto - 0.100.0-3Sérgio Basto - 0.100.0-2Robert Scheck - 0.100.0-1Sérgio Basto - 0.99.4-3Sérgio Basto - 0.99.4-2Orion Poplawski - 0.99.4-1Sérgio Basto - 0.99.3-7Igor Gnatenko - 0.99.3-6Fedora Release Engineering - 0.99.3-5Sérgio Basto - 0.99.3-4Sérgio Basto - 0.99.3-3Sérgio Basto Orion Poplawski - 0.99.3-1Sérgio Basto - 0.99.2-18Sérgio Basto - 0.99.2-17Sérgio Basto - 0.99.2-16Sérgio Basto - 0.99.2-15Sérgio Basto - 0.99.2-14Robert Scheck - 0.99.2-13Sérgio Basto - 0.99.2-12Fedora Release Engineering - 0.99.2-11Fedora Release Engineering - 0.99.2-10Sérgio Basto - 0.99.2-9Orion Poplawski - 0.99.2-8Orion Poplawski - 0.99.2-7Orion Poplawski - 0.99.2-6Orion Poplawski - 0.99.2-5Fedora Release Engineering - 0.99.2-4Richard W.M. Jones - 0.99.2-3Orion Poplawski - 0.99.2-2Orion Poplawski - 0.99.2-1Robert Scheck - 0.99.1-1Robert Scheck - 0.99-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.99-3Robert Scheck - 0.99-2Robert Scheck - 0.99-1Robert Scheck - 0.98.7-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.98.7-2Robert Scheck - 0.98.7-1Adam Jackson 0.98.6-2Robert Scheck - 0.98.6-1Robert Scheck - 0.98.5-2Robert Scheck - 0.98.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.98.4-2Robert Scheck - 0.98.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.98.3-2Robert Scheck - 0.98.3-1Robert Scheck - 0.98.1-1Dan Horák - 0.98-2Robert Scheck - 0.98-1Pierre-Yves Chibon - 0.97.8-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.97.8-3Nick Bebout - 0.97.8-1Jon Ciesla - 0.97.7-2Nick Bebout - 0.97.7-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.97.6-1901Enrico Scholz - 0.97.6-1900Enrico Scholz - 0.97.5-1900Fedora Release Engineering - 0.97.5-1801Enrico Scholz - 0.97.5-1800Enrico Scholz - 0.97.4-1801Enrico Scholz - 0.97.4-1800Enrico Scholz - 0.97.3-1703Enrico Scholz - 0.97.3-1703Enrico Scholz - 0.97.3-1702Nick Bebout - 0.97.3-1700Enrico Scholz - 0.97.2-1700Enrico Scholz - 0.97.2-1600Enrico Scholz - 0.97.1-1600Enrico Scholz - 0.97-1601Enrico Scholz - 0.97-1600Fedora Release Engineering - 0.96.5-1503Enrico Scholz - 0.96.5-1502Enrico Scholz - 0.96.5-1501Enrico Scholz - 0.96.5-1500Enrico Scholz - 0.96.4-1500Enrico Scholz - 0.96.3-1501Enrico Scholz - 0.96.3-1500Enrico Scholz - 0.96.2-1500Enrico Scholz Dan Horák - 0.96.1-1401Enrico Scholz - 0.96.1-1400Rakesh Pandit - 0.96.1403Enrico Scholz - 0.96-1402Enrico Scholz - 0.96-0.1401.rc1Enrico Scholz - 0.96-1400.rc1Enrico Scholz - 0.95.3-1301Enrico Scholz Enrico Scholz - 0.95.3-1300Enrico Scholz Enrico Scholz - 0.95.2-5Enrico Scholz - 0.95.2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.95.2-2Enrico Scholz - 0.95.2-1Enrico Scholz - 0.95.1-3Enrico Scholz - 0.95.1-2Robert Scheck - 0.95.1-1Enrico Scholz - 0.95-1Enrico Scholz - 0.95-0.1.rc1Enrico Scholz - 0.94.2-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.94.2-2Robert Scheck - 0.94.2-1Robert Scheck - 0.94.1-1Robert Scheck - 0.94-1Enrico Scholz - 0.93.3-1Enrico Scholz - 0.93.1-1Enrico Scholz - 0.93-1Enrico Scholz - 0.93-0.1.rc1Enrico Scholz - 0.93-0.0.rc1Enrico Scholz - 0.92.1-1Enrico Scholz - 0.92-6Enrico Scholz - 0.92-5Enrico Scholz - 0.92-4Tom "spot" Callaway - 0.92-3Tom "spot" Callaway - 0.91.2-3Jesse Keating - 0.91.2-2Enrico Scholz - 0.91.2-1Enrico Scholz - 0.91.1-0Enrico Scholz - 0.91-1Enrico Scholz - 0.90.3-1Enrico Scholz - 0.90.2-1Enrico Scholz - 0.90.1-2Enrico Scholz - 0.90.1-1Enrico Scholz - 0.90-1Enrico Scholz - 0.90-0.3.rc3Enrico Scholz - 0.90-0.2.rc3- Update to 0.103.7- Rebuilt for Update to 0.103.6- Fix for dnf update clamav-update (#2059618)- Rebuilt for Update to 0.103.5- Update to 0.103.4- Get rid of pkgdatadir variable %{_datadir}/%{name} is more informative - Get rid og milterlog variable %{_var}/log/clamav-milter.log is more readable - we can remove %{_var}/log/clamav-milter.log because journalctl -u clamav-milter supersede it - Fix substitution of /var/run/clamd/clamd.socket on file clamav-milter.conf - Get rid of scanstatedir and milterstatedir variables - smartsubst deleted since we notice does not replace anything - more cleanups - $RPM_BUILD_ROOT + /builddir/build/BUILDROOT/clamav-0.103.7-1.el7.x86_64 - all variavels with {} - BR _chmod and chown only in oldfreshclam - clean rpath clean- (#2006490) second try to fix epel7, revert previous commit and add on initial installation (not in updates) run /bin/systemd-tmpfiles --create (...)- (#2006490) follow the Fedora Packaging Guidelines by adding %dir %attr(0710,%scanuser,virusgroup) to %files section, it is needed on epel7 on initial installation without reboot.- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0- Update clamav-data (#1998252)- Rearrange tmpfiles following packaging guidelines not running systemd-tmpfiles on post - Drop build without tmpfiles because we don't have Systemd without tmpfiles - not ghost .socket files they are tmptifles - Rearrange some files of milter package - Move to old_freshclam files /etc/logrotate.d/* and /var/log/freshclam.log - Drop ConditionPathExists doesn't work as we expect- Rebuilt for Rebuild for versioned symbols in json-c- Update to 0.103.3 (#1974601)- Fix for rhbz #1969240, epel7 only, location of old freshclam update file is /etc/cron.d/clamav-update, not /etc/cron.d/clamav-freshclam- Update to 0.103.2- clamav-freshclam.service: Standard output type syslog is obsolete (#1933977) - Quiet proxy on stdout (#1814698)- Rebuilt for updated systemd-rpm-macros See Update to 0.103.1- Add upstream patch clamonacc: Fix stack buffer overflow with old curl- Rebuilt for Update to 0.103.0- Rebuilt for Update to 0.102.4 (bz#1857867,1858262,1858263,1858265,1858266) - Security fixes CVE-2020-3327 CVE-2020-3350 CVE-2020-3481- Update clamd README file (bz#1798369)- Update to 0.102.3 (bz#1834910) - Security fixes CVE-2020-3327 CVE-2020-3341- Add upstream patch to fix "Attempt to allocate 0 bytes" errors while scanning certain PDFs- Enable prelude support (bz#1829726)- Move /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf to clamav-filesystem - Add patch to build with EL7 libcurl - re-enable on-access scanning (bz#1820395) - Add clamonacc.service- Rebuild (json-c)- Do not log freshclam output to syslog by default - creates double entries in the journal (bz#1822012) - (#1820069) add try-restart clamav-freshclam.service on logrotate- Quiet freshclam-sleep when used with proxy- Add missingok to clamav-update.logrotate (bz#1807701)- Keep /var/log/freshclam.log handling - can still be used - Restore clamav-server provides (bz#1801329) - Fix old_freshclam cron conditional (bz#1801199)- Update to 0.102.2 - Drop supporting deprecated options for F32+ and EL8+ - Drop old umask patch- Re-add clamav-update.cron (bz#1800226) - Add conditional old_freshclam- Add a message warning that We now provide clamav-freshclam.service systemd unit instead old scripts- Rebuilt for More cleanups - Remove llvm-glibc.patch (upstream already fixed it) - Comment "Example" in scan.conf to make clamd@scan.service works without editing - Improve description of clamav-update- Fix clamd scriplets on update and add scriplets for clamav-freshclam.service- Improve upgrade path - Get rid of pkgdatadir variable - Use upstream freshclam systemd unit file, remove freshclam-sleep - Get rid of /var/log/freshclam.log variable - Get rid of smartsubst function- Fix scriplets (#1788338)- Remove old init scripts and use systemd- Allow building --with unrar again (bz#1782638)- Update to 0.101.5 (CVE-2019-15961) (bz#1775550)- Drop clamd@scan.service file (bz#1725810) - Change /var/run to /run- Add TimeoutStartSec=420 to clamd@.service to match upstream (bz#1764835)- Update to 0.101.4- Update to 0.101.3 - Fix permissions on freshclam.conf (bugz#1733112)- Rebuilt for One year later we may remove pakages workaround of clamav-milter-systemd, clamav-scanner-systemd and clamav-server-systemd, before I forget it was one workaround to allow migration of service without stop it and disable it (#1583599).- Update to 0.101.2- Rebuilt for Update to 0.101.1- Actually apply patch- Explicitly list sonames to catch soname bumps - Backport header fix (bug #1663011)- Update to 0.101.0 - Add %license - pdf docs replaced with html- Revert unwanted committed parts of commit "clean whitespace"- Update to 0.100.2 - Fix logrotate example (#1610735) - Improve clamd@.service (enter in commit "clean whitespace" by mistake sorry)- Change the default location of configuration files in clamconf, binaries and man pages, replacing with our default packaging (#859339).- Modify group of /var/run/clamd.scan to virusgroup - Add some SELinux notes from (#787434) - Drop pointless clamav-0.99.1-setsebool.patch - Drop conditionalized build of noarch- Rebuilt for Update to 0.100.1- Remove sub-package clamav-data-empty - Also remove conflicts between clamav-data and clamav-data-empty- Try to mitigate bug #1583599 - Move comments one line (to read before starting the scriptlet) - clamav-milter could work without clamd and without sendmail (#1583599) - Get rid of provides/requires with updateuser, virusgroup, scanuser and milteruser and just simply require clamav-filesystem- Upgrade to 0.100.0 (#1565381)- Fix data-empty sub-package (ghost the correct files) - Add Obsoletes systemd sub-packages- Revert fix for llvm, build using -std=gnu++98 (#1307378) - Revert CFLAG assignment in commmit a4a6d252 (made in 2006) - BR systemd-devel to fix detection in configure. - Disable llvm in ppc64 (#1534071) - "Disable llvm will use the internal bytecode interpreter rather than the llvm jit", so drop bytecode build condition and use condional on enable or disable llvm.- Update to 0.99.4 - Security fixes CVE-2012-6706 CVE-2017-6419 CVE-2017-11423 CVE-2018-1000085 CVE-2018-0202- Remove sub-packages sysvinit, upstart and systemd to be more compatible with el6 . - Remove provides/obsoletes for very old sub-packges clamav-milter-core, clamav-milter-sendmail and clamav-milter-core - Call server and scanner sub-packages as clamd (el6 compatible and as uppstream call it) - clamav-data provides clamav-db (el6 compatible) - Explicitly enable-id-check and enable-dns in configure (as in el6). - Add missing build-time requirement pcre2-devel (it misses in el6 at least)- Escape macros in %changelog- Rebuilt for Last Epel 7 macro already have systemctl daemon-reload, reverting 0.99.3-3 release - Remove BR _includedir/tcpd.h due: Use systemctl daemon-reload because we change services and epel7 seems not reload services and break conditional restart.- Fix and organize systemd scriptlets, clamd@.service missed systemd_preun macro and had a wrong systemd_postun_with_restart - Remove triggerin macros that aren't need it anymore - Fix scriplet - Organize startup scriptlets - Exclude one file listed twice- Update to 0.99.3 - Security fixes CVE-2017-12374 CVE-2017-12375 CVE-2017-12376 CVE-2017-12377 CVE-2017-12378 CVE-2017-12379 CVE-2017-12380 (bug #1539030) - Drop clamav-notify-servers and it's dependency on ncat (bug #1530678)- Fix type of clamd@ service - Fix packages name of Obsoletes directives - Also fix type of clamav-milter.service- Security fixes CVE-2017-6420 (#1483910), CVE-2017-6418 (#1483908)- Make sure that Obsoletes sysv and upstart for Epel upgrade and update- Fix rundir path (#1126595) - Update main.cvd, daily.cvd and bytecode.cvd - Fixes for rhbz 1464269 and rhbz 1126625 - Move Sources and BuildRequires to the beginning - Build systemd for F22+ and el7+ - Build sysv and upstart for el6 else build only sysv - Only enable tmpfiles with systemd enabled - Move descritions to near the package macro and remove his build conditionals, this also fix the generation of src.rpm - Remove hack from 2010 (git show e1a9be60) - Use autoreconf without --force- Use 4 spaces instead tabs - Fix rhbz #1530678 - Fix rhbz #1518016 - Simplify conditional builds reference: /usr/lib/rpm/macros - use make_build and make install macros- Backported upstream patch to unbreak e2guardian vs. temp files- Try fix rhbz #1473642- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Add patch for openssl-1.1- Create virusgroup group and add the various clam* users to it- Fix clamav-milter startup under selinux (bug #1434176) - Move /etc/clam.d to clamav-filesystem (bug #1275630) - Make clamav-milter own /etc/mail (bug #1175473)- Start clamav-milter after clamd@scan (bug #1356507))- Allow freshclam to run automatically on install (bug #1408649)- Rebuilt for Rebuild for OCaml 4.04.0.- Also send logrotate script stdout to /dev/null (bug #1376815)- Update to 0.99.2 - Drop cliopts patch fixed upstream, use upstream's "--forground" option name - Fix main.cvd (fedora #1325482, epel #1325717) - Own bytecode.cld (#1176252) and mirrors.dat, ship bytecode.cvd - Update daily.cvd - Fixup Requires(pre) usage (#1319151)- Upgrade to 0.99.1 and updated main.cvd and daily.cvd (#1314115) - Complain about antivirus_use_jit rather clamd_use_jit (#1295473)- Link using %{?__global_ldflags} for hardened builds (#1321173) - Build using -std=gnu++98 (#1307378, thanks to Yaakov Selkowitz)- Rebuilt for Require openssl-devel for clamav-devel - Change clamav-milter unit for upstream changes (#1287795)- Upgrade to 0.99 and updated daily.cvd (#1287327)- Move /etc/tmpfiles.d/ to /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/ (#1126595)- Rebuilt for Upgrade to 0.98.7 and updated daily.cvd (#1217014)- Drop sysvinit subpackages in F23+- Upgrade to 0.98.6 and updated daily.cvd (#1187050)- Corrected summary of clamav-server-systemd package (#1165672)- Upgrade to 0.98.5 and updated daily.cvd (#1138101)- Rebuilt for Upgrade to 0.98.4 and updated daily.cvd (#1111811) - Add build requirement to libxml2 for DMG, OpenIOC and XAR- Rebuilt for Upgrade to 0.98.3 and updated daily.cvd (#1095614) - Avoid automatic path detection breakage regarding curl - Added build requirement to openssl-devel for hasing code - Added clamsubmit to main package- Upgrade to 0.98.1 and updated daily.cvd (#1053400)- Use fanotify from glibc instead of the limited hand-crafted version- Upgrade to 0.98 and updated main.cvd and daily.cvd (#1010168)- Add a missing requirement on crontabs to spec file - Fix RHBZ#988605- Rebuilt for Update to 0.97.8- Migrate from fedora-usermgmt to guideline scriptlets.- Update to 0.97.7- Rebuilt for updated to 0.97.6 - use %systemd macros- disabled upstart support- Rebuilt for updated to 0.97.5 - CVE-2012-1457: allows to bypass malware detection via a TAR archive entry with a length field that exceeds the total TAR file size - CVE-2012-1458: allows to bypass malware detection via a crafted reset interval in the LZXC header of a CHM file - CVE-2012-1459: allows to bypass malware detection via a TAR archive entry with a length field corresponding to that entire entry, plus part of the header of the next entry - ship local copy of virus database; it was removed by accident from 0.97.5 tarball - removed sysv compat stuff- build with -fPIE- updated to 0.97.4- fixed SELinux restorecon invocation - added trigger to fix SELinux contexts of logfiles created by old packages - fixed build with recent gcc/glibc toolchain- rewrote clamav-notify-servers to be init system neutral - set PrivateTmp systemd option (#782488)- set correct SELinux context for logfiles generated in %post (#754555) - create systemd tmpfiles in %post - created -server-systemd subpackage providing a clamd@.service template - made script in -scanner-systemd an instance of clamd@.service- updated to 0.97.3 - CVE-2011-3627 clamav: Recursion level crash fixed in v0.97.3- moved sysv wrapper script into -sysv subpackage - start systemd services after and updated to 0.97.2 - CVE-2011-2721 Off-by-one error by scanning message hashes (#725694) - fixed systemd scripts and their installation- updated to 0.97.1 - fixed Requires(preun) vs. Requires(postun) inconsistency- fixed tmpfiles.d syntax (#696812)- updated to 0.97 - rediffed some patches- Rebuilt for fixed signal specifier in clamd-wrapper (#668131, James Ralston)- added systemd init scripts which obsolete to old sysvinit ones - added tmpfiles.d/ descriptions- updated to 0.96.5 - CVE-2010-4260 Multiple errors within the processing of PDF files can be exploited to e.g. cause a crash. - CVE-2010-4261 An off-by-one error within the "icon_cb()" function can be exploited to cause a memory corruption.- updated to 0.96.4 - execute 'make check' (#640347) but ignore errors for now because four checks are failing on f13- lowered stop priority of sysv initscripts (#629435)- updated to 0.96.3 - fixes CVE-2010-0405 in shipped bzlib.c copy- updated to 0.96.2 - rediffed patches - removed the -jit-disable patch which is replaced upstream by a more detailed configuration option.- removed old %trigger which renamed the 'clamav' user- and groupnames to 'clamupdate' - use 'groupmems', not 'usermod' to add a user to a group because 'usermod' does not work when user does not exist in local /etc/passwd- ocaml not available (at least) on s390(x)- updated to 0.96.1 - rediffed patches- CVE-2010-1639 Clam AntiVirus: Heap-based overflow, when processing malicious PDF file(s)- updated to final 0.96 - applied upstream patch which allows to disable JIT compiler (#573191) - build JIT compiler again - disabled JIT compiler by default - removed explicit 'pkgconfig' requirements in -devel (#533956)- do not build the bytecode JIT compiler for now until it can be disabled at runtime (#573191)- updated to 0.96rc1 - added some BRs- updated -upstart to upstart 0.6.3- adjusted chkconfig positions for clamav-milter (#530101) - use %apply instead of %patch- updated to 0.95.3- conditionalized build of noarch subpackages to ease packaging under RHEL5- modified freshclam configuration to log by syslog by default - disabled LocalSocket option in sample configuration - fixed clamav-milter sysv initscript to use bash interpreter and to be disabled by default- renamed 'clamav' user/group to 'clamupdate' - add the '%milteruser' user to the '%scanuser' group when the -scanner subpackage is installed- Rebuilt for updated to 0.95.2- fixed '--without upstart' operation- added '%bcond_without upstart' conditional to ease skipping of -upstart subpackage creation e.g. on EL5 systems - fixed Provides/Obsoletes: typo in -milter-sysvinit subpackage which broke update path- Upgrade to 0.95.1 (#495039)- updated to final 0.95 - added ncurses-devel (-> clamdtop) BR - enforced IPv6 support- updated to 0.95rc1 - added -upstart subpackages - renamed -sysv to -sysvinit to make -upstart win the default dep resolving - reworked complete milter stuff - added -scanner subpackage which contains a preconfigured daemon (e.g. for use by -milter) - moved %changelog entries from 2006 and before into ChangeLog-rpm.old- made some subpackages noarch - fixed typo in SysV initscript which removes 'touch' file (#473513)- Rebuilt for Upgrade to 0.94.2 (#474002)- Upgrade to 0.94.1- Upgrade to 0.94 (SECURITY), fixes #461461: - CVE-2008-1389 Invalid memory access in the CHM unpacker - CVE-2008-3912 Out-of-memory NULL pointer dereference in mbox/msg - CVE-2008-3913 Memory leak in code path in freshclam's manager.c - CVE-2008-3914 Multiple file descriptor leaks on the code paths- updated to 0.93.3; another fix for CVE-2008-2713 (out-of-bounds read on petite files) - put pid instead of pgrp into pidfile of clamav-milter (bz #452359) - rediffed patches- updated to 0.93.1 - rediffed -path patch - CVE-2008-2713 Invalid Memory Access Denial Of Service Vulnerability- updated to final 0.93 - removed + directories; they are now replaced by *.cld containers - trimmed down MAILTO list of cronjob to 'root' again; every well configured system has an alias for this recipient- moved -milter scriptlets into -milter-core subpackage - added a requirement on the milteruser to the -milter-sendmail subpackage (reported by Bruce Jerrick)- updated to 0.93rc1 - fixed rpath issues- updated to 0.92.1- redisabled unrar stuff completely by using clean sources - splitted -milter subpackage into pieces to allow use without sendmail (#239037)- use a better way to disable RPATH-generation (needed for '--with unrar' builds)- added a README.fedora to the milter package (#240610) - ship original sources again; unrar is now licensed correctly (no more stolen code put under GPL). Nevertheless, this license is not GPL compatible, and to allow libclamav to be used by GPL applications, unrar is disabled by a ./configure switch. - use pkg-config in clamav-config to emulate --cflags and --libs operations (fixes partly multilib issues) - registered some more auto-updated files and marked them as %ghost- updated to 0.92 (SECURITY): - CVE-2007-6335 MEW PE File Integer Overflow Vulnerability- remove RAR decompression code from source tarball because of legal problems (resolves 334371) - correct license tag- Bump release for upgrade path.- updated to 0.91.2 (SECURITY): - CVE-2007-4510 DOS in RTF parser - DOS in html normalizer - arbitrary command execution by special crafted recipients in clamav-milter's black-hole mode - fixed an open(2) issue- updated to 0.91.1- updated to 0.91- updated to 0.90.3 - BR tcpd.h instead of tcp_wrappers(-devel) to make it build both in FC6- and F7+- [SECURITY] updated to 0.90.2; fixes CVE-2007-1745, CVE-2007-1997- BR 'tcp_wrappers-devel' instead of plain 'tcp_wrappers'- updated to 0.90.1 - updated %doc list- updated to final 0.90 - removed -visibility patch since fixed upstream- build with -Wl,-as-needed and cleaned up pkgconfig file - removed old hack which forced installation of freshclam.conf; related check was removed upstream - removed static library - removed %changelog entries from before 2004- updated to 0.90rc3 - splitted mandatory parts from the data-file into a separate -filesystem subpackage - added a -data-empty subpackage to allow a setup where database is updated per cron-job and user does not want to download the large -data package with outdated virus definitations (#214949) - %ghost'ed the files downloaded by freshclam/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shclamav-milter-systemd/bin/sh0.103.7-1.el70.103.7-1.el70.103.7-1.el70.103.7-1.el70.103.7-1.el7mailclamav-milter.confclamav-milter.serviceclamav-milter.confclamav-milterclamav-milter-0.103.7README.fedoraclamav-milter.8.gz/etc//etc/mail//usr/lib/systemd/system//usr/lib/tmpfiles.d//usr/sbin//usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/clamav-milter-0.103.7//usr/share/man/man8/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=722e7ae72a5fd0f678ee3d4c060af027ac4fedb7, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, from Unix, max compression)RRRRR R R RR R RRRRR !#,˴]"k%{A(δ*<Ra}z^|^DOR\KL'e|ʪl=59Q!&!2k 07H'rCHeZS8[3+-{/HKgVdOWVDI֩tsjR-ٽ(Oؼ%|۰mM7eTaR٘ d<3ߞdii`~S {l¹Jeog]lK:~"f\"ċ_l)21(zcyG"/|eF,[A9s88{oW%JMt)xy?J JH(]G9~Alʿ(ou9 dR!2oqp]QG4Tq]!#D:G\h3P)^5o͹էGu]}ɖr i"Qŕňj{؀H}8QN+`^=O .Nz$e%\SDnAvk8JZs{+k!XDsP6[n p:k6`ѭ˘b"G#}Am jbYJ?T7)8-3&Nn~K cĻ?}=ZC;c""e7Zg.ďEQo9χ*mL},k^JhʎqS_Pq`.2*|Z~HҫE,qB|BĄ jRRh荋"NA&LPpzi6o ؕ]ׯfC<ػZ)w/N:ihY`LwH*(n"< w_ "U 1zC;Lqq}6GkPq]ٜB@$*>M|aw mW&j]MK»P-o2T LRpkc27@;zx̞P9\"!]BZ@U ;(Yإ"ϸ/4{]Dwnq-Ok(Dʕ6Yi}.S@;z;{-Ö*sǺ}BJ]ޒ|j%W[~/\(YVr$&/=*WV:B9IqM;>/g7%nYV46#:E2J! ]! 2w-Eg?9HFK7\n;#-oby78Bك_[3ᵄmzP<1Ixwͧ~$D}y|ⶡB@ryGQ<Ɇt?E9L+1+ɥJk( rr .9 Dwί52!%`f,q@ٰ|T6 l=ͶLZTCTXѦ=>xԡ`ۚ]t9wV[v \9`Eh/n[5V4ɘrGH E'ESck9dOډX瓠?~v/GIc蝩+DjƥJY^M[ ӛٱU@fQv~MtF/bv\v!HkGNJ:(.u((JB$TNFc64:  a<yKɸ9d_+XR,xu40mx,K}%&,"\FwgP9o]QH-^A2ekRJZe#5yt~k]Xތe.+^a0I[j?/awY<=r+7\P4+<32F)m /*m9jm m:qP}_/2S|52"Yo/)N+d oal;e0kIOmlË\=~%2*¸_37W\ ()i 9(aϡP*)/+~lXdno)Blͨ̀Ds #' QW(Rj/(ƞw [)kqXu4Io9UH٣*mPr֣@;z:|ˬWe`\U~# &[lex%΅agKTog8Շ8Y0S)0ք>)a8?ڔopM 3Ρ-oUY`@ɴfj[L䇭02'{2|+ú^8.r'0B 8šq!#jQ&&9Ut;ܢmE֔"02j\'«l]suyPn[8 b@Vb RVHB+ؾLǭubtieI=Px#=Iҽv?2= uxgΒלp-O [Z#m#tQXZ;gPڟR!2d,Z ޕAH? b'#0i 66R9tyC2#cn >V`V<ԣe˄aOIe-c:S UZr]/(ZTUB/ Dpu "x H.6}gІK=15[$yN> ξVjJO )`s6]} X?<]y~t ܄-.-J#0CY@v3ET_w tϣ`q "Fg {_^;׸3.Ȋ)Va?37P8A0ȡePF0dD΃YzGov#āeX 8weRszLu@ =֧6 Xam*^@an¹"{qEu.eAv,(۠'j&_b(.3 ;ǔ VA}(/pB?(]DL4ęOpuOF4K)].||7"uS[6g?1Yj ͒%yk8Ѯ?#cDluj/vS^7 YoʃZwܛtҗu|jả1i?aI-{?ҁxuMOKЁ?K1ߑ-@=?*)\X֤9* cr&zcOMW`w"*~lT$7D Qѣ`")sI;@0Bl LUwG0^G8΋@ƞ:VdY {:DҬ::O:.!Fr= ,C6 彄bHY#CBHlϹ GZln-R7_1mB*BLە:^}tJıh." b4e+_Z1T'mx9::rΝ٣ej_JJ /k`-+dUoE@{R$,Y$dK,7&?ǴL|Ӻ?91!js)NϣQTibSV%sOWz3G&t ֵL^k2Rwk6͜&DJz-A@ \8fF˙'VsGh NX:s3A|sZ5uIVe h@'a\Eɣl'|[J}Ih$4Ȍ/P|>,65(UWSTnk? ͟ EO/a:Ci< p-gDwυSkơEF5JR_^cizЇ‴ePLWT VEn3@+ZΩN%_6Cw %DqCӖm%klwÛ YkNxtĴm2w='qNK $\}siZI2vZ`TsBidq;ͬk#U 5;oo2?gwzL02@T cҩ:"?tqmR RtqQJ׷qMѪG$&aS Hl?gLG/J~~0$C}JRqS ixxpw4kY|,쩧Cqg@o2 Ⱥ1)lĥٓ >4SҚ)rn y+%tE4W8F0%elW հ7]YHBBZv8aN,WsOd6.ZH6VGR&j!%VAjwr"tt%& RLha5q/T%Xl'J雯lxZg- 2M'X/L+ѿ X$v$dbQث|uɧEQJ.ػFuNTjVTQ|pH#띄W]G6j!Φ_Shڼv!]k]tBJp>Tq@n'T«SesJO,.囪XVw;rNT>j W\9oAOn,_]spV4ܖvAJxCu qZ(, ۫5mVdB@I؉"`s@"= z&Te$f]&g\%AcaJ")cŇud{&⽧+Dg`z|ڭUt#MdmV*XJ{#BA)Oƀ! 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