java-latest-openjdk-debug-1:$>p>ƢJNkPv7I>Da?ad'8 < ~(,;J 4MSZ   ,  ;^D!! !( #8 ,T9 |T:!%T>Y@YGYHZIZ,XZ4YZL\Z][ ^[b\id]e]f]l] t]$u]@v]\w_x`y`0$`a aaaKazaCjava-latest-openjdk-debug18. 18 Runtime Environment unoptimised with full debugging onThe OpenJDK 18 runtime environment. This package is unoptimised with full debugging. Install only as needed and remove Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectASL 1.1 and ASL 2.0 and BSD and BSD with advertising and GPL+ and GPLv2 and GPLv2 with exceptions and IJG and LGPLv2+ and MIT and MPLv2.0 and Public Domain and W3C and zlib and ISC and FTL and RSAFedora ProjectDevelopment/Languages update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications &> /dev/null || : /bin/touch --no-create /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : exit 0 update-desktop-database /usr/share/applications &> /dev/null || : if [ $1 -eq 0 ] ; then /bin/touch --no-create /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || : fi exit 0 #8` #[ǁ큤bbbbَdbَdbَdbَdee0db3bd1609772e8d797875b71d960c1125f0b8519f50c7bd5a89a3a927362f87f62b4164fb98554273b80d15280ac75bc46fc6a06f11ad7206fa06d53094ae90358a53837e2cf6b7438cba8570ef234b46878e090881c5d5d7b9229e0df0d6fc8a191aa0c78850194758c77937966cc5bd0fbd2b604188b466571ebcdae570c9079bc3676873b39967861c24036074bf6d224442994b4c4ce79e888602fcd58b2491d0b5cbc67075dcae4d29c8a92b9ab813d9eca05a2f16ee3b3efb970e65e15912c341217081f40f73a89203c765e501470ef3a01099c1995139214ff4d6rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootjava-latest-openjdk- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@   @ /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shfontconfig(x86-64)java-latest-openjdk-headless-slowdebug(x86-64)ڑ@b|bk@bk@bk@bL/@b; b; aaawaqV@apad'@a@a,@a``````@`9@``Y`Gc@`/@`/@`@` @`__@_@_H@_м@_0@_@_h_t@_P_h_`_L@__*@_^2^@^@^^y@^x^ku^j$@^W@^W@^9\^1s^!]]]@]@]@]@]?]@]S]:@]9]$\@\f\C@\\\ac\T4\\\l@\Andrew Hughes - 1: Alice Mikova - Vanek - 1: Hughes - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Vanek - 1: Hughes - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Hughes - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Vanek - 1: Hughes - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Hughes - 1: Hughes - 1: Vanek - 1: Hughes - 1: Hughes - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Hughes - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Vanek - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Vanek - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Vanek - 1: Hughes - 1: Bergmann - 1: Release Engineering - 1: Hughes - 1: Hughes - 1: Vanek - 1: Vanek - 1: Vanek - 1: Hughes - 1: Vanek - 1: Vanek - 1: Vanek - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Vanek - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Hughes - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Vanek - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Alice Mikova> - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Release Engineering - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Hughes - 1: John Hughes - 1: Hughes - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Release Engineering - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Alice Mikova - 1: Mikova - 1: Mikova - 1: Mikova - 1: Mikova - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Release Engineering - 1: Vanek - 1: Vanek - 1: Gehwolf - 1: Mikova - 1: Update to jdk-18.0.2 release - Update release notes to 18.0.2- removed accidental whitespace after a slave, causing the devel installation to fail - Resolves: rhbz#2084524- updated to CPU jdk-18.0.1+10 sources- Update to RC version of OpenJDK 18 - Support JVM variant zero following JDK-8273494 no longer installing Zero's in the server directory - Disable HotSpot-only pre-build which is incompatible with the boot JDK being a different major version to that being built - Rebase FIPS patches from fips-18u branch and simplify by using a single patch from that repository - Detect NSS at runtime for FIPS detection - Turn off build-time NSS linking and go back to an explicit Requires on NSS - Enable AlgorithmParameters and AlgorithmParameterGenerator services in FIPS mode - Rebase RH1648249 nss.cfg patch so it applies after the FIPS patch- update to ea version of jdk18 - add new slave jwebserver and corresponding manpage - adjust rh1684077-openjdk_should_depend_on_pcsc-lite-libs_instead_of_pcsc-lite-devel.patch- %{sdkdir -- %{?1}} style is no go in epel7, replaced by: - %{sdkdir %%1} in conf.rpmmoved security.rpmmoved - Note, that such error is visible by warning of: error: Too many levels of recursion in macro expansion. - Note, that such error do nto fail the build, - but as result, an empty package (in this case headless where thsoe files belongs) is created- Restore missing FIPS patches from other branches - Fix FIPS issues in native code and with initialisation of - Separate crypto policy initialisation from FIPS initialisation, now they are no longer interdependent- Use 'sql:' prefix in nss.fips.cfg as F35+ no longer ship the legacy - secmod.db file as part of nss- January 2022 security update to jdk 17.0.2+8 - Extend LTS check to exclude EPEL. - Rename to following JDK-8276025 - Remove libsyslookup opt-out now JDK-8276572 patch is upstream.- Set LTS designator.- Minor cosmetic improvements to make spec more comparable between variants- Update tapsets from IcedTea 6.x repository with fix for JDK-8015774 changes (_heap->_heaps) and @JAVA_SPEC_VER@ - Update with a VCS mode that retrieves sources from a Mercurial repository- October CPU update to jdk 17.0.1+12 - dropped commented-out source line - bumped buildjdkver to 17- Update release notes to document the major changes between OpenJDK 11 & 17.- Update to jdk-17+35, also known as jdk-17-ga. - Switch to GA mode. - lower buildjdkver to 16, as 17 was not released yet for epel- alternatives creation moved to posttrans - Thus fixing the old reisntall issue: - - Update to jdk-17+33, including JDWP fix and July 2021 CPU - Resolves: rhbz#1972529- Use the "reverse" build loop (debug first) as the main and only build loop to get more diagnostics. - Remove restriction on disabling product build, as debug packages no longer have javadoc packages.- Re-enable TestSecurityProperties after inclusion of PR3695- Add PR3695 to allow the system crypto policy to be turned off- Update buildjdkver to 17 so as to build with itself- update sources to jdk 17.0.0+26 - set is_ga to 0, as this is early access build - change vendor_version_string - change path to the version-numbers.conf - removed rmid binary from files and from slaves - removed JAVAC_FLAGS=-g from make command, as it breaks the build since JDK-8258407 - add lib/ to files - renamed lib/security/blacklisted.certs to lib/security/blocked.certs - add lib/ for intel - skip debuginfo check for on s390x- bumped to security update of 16.0.2-ga- fix patch rh1648249-add_commented_out_nss_cfg_provider_to_java_security.patch which made the SunPKCS provider show up again - Resolves: rhbz#1971120- adapted to debug handling in newer cjc - The rest of the "rpm 4.17" patch must NOT be backported, as on rpm 4.16 and down, it would casue double execution - Disable copy-jdk-configs for Flatpak builds- update to 16.0.1+9 april cpu tag - dropped jdk8259949-allow_cf-protection_on_x86.patch- fixed suggests of wrong pcsc-lite-devel(x86-64) to correct pcsc-lite-libs(x86-64) - bumped buildjdkver to build by itself - 16- Update to jdk- - Update tarball generation script to use git following OpenJDK's move to github - Update tarball generation script to use PR3823 which handles JDK-8235710 changes - Use upstream default for version-pre rather than setting it to "ea" or "" - Drop which is no longer generated, thanks to JDK-8235710 - Drop unnecessary compiler flags, dating back to work on GCC 6 & 10 - Adapt RH1750419 alt-java patch to still apply after some variable re-naming in the makefiles - Update filever to remove any trailing zeros, as in the OpenJDK build, and use for source filename - Use system harfbuzz now this is supported. - Pass SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH to build for reproducible builds- Hardcode /usr/sbin/alternatives for Flatpak builds- Rebuilt for Update to jdk- - Add release notes for & - Use JEP-322 Time-Based Versioning so we can handle a future release correctly. - Still use 15.0.x rather than 15.0.x.0 for file naming, as the trailing zero is omitted from tags. - Cleanup debug package descriptions and version number placement. - Remove unused patch files.- Use -march=i686 for x86 builds if -fcf-protection is detected (needs CMOV)- fixed missing condition for fastdebug packages being counted as debug ones- removed lib-style provides for fastdebug_suffix_unquoted- many cosmetic changes taken from more maintained jdk11 - introduced debug_arches, bootstrap_arches, systemtap_arches, fastdebug_arches, sa_arches, share_arches, shenandoah_arches, zgc_arches instead of various hardcoded ifarches - updated systemtap - added requires excludes for debug pkgs - removed redundant logic around jsa files - added runtime requires of lksctp-tools and libXcomposite% - added and used Source15, but is made always positive as jdk15 now does not honor system policies - s390x excluded form fastdebug build- introduced nm based check to verify alt-java on x86_64 is patched, and no other alt-java or java is patched - patch600 rh1750419-redhat_alt_java.patch amended to die, if it is used wrongly - introduced ssbd_arches with currently only valid arch of x86_64 to separate real alt-java architectures- moved wrongly placed licenses to accompany other ones - this bad placement was killng parallel-installability and thus having bad impact to leapp if used- added patch600, rh1750419-redhat_alt_java.patch, suprassing removed patch - no longer copying of java->alt-java as it is created by patch600- Create a copy of java as alt-java with alternatives and man pages - java-11-openjdk doesn't have a JRE tree, so don't try and copy alt-java there...- updated to October CPU 2020 sources- Fix directory ownership of -static-libs sub-package.- Build static-libs-image and add resulting files via -static-libs sub-package. - Disable stripping of debug symbols for static libraries part of the -static-libs sub-package. - JDK-8245832 increases the set of static libraries, so try and include them all with a wildcard. - Update static-libs packaging to new layout- Add support for fastdebug builds on 64 bit architectures- Remove EA designation - Re-generate sources with PR3803 patch- Update to jdk tag - Modify rh1648249-add_commented_out_nss_cfg_provider_to_java_security.patch - Update vendor version string to 20.9 - jjs removed from packaging after JEP 372: Nashorn removal - rmic removed from packaging after JDK-8225319 - moved to build by devtoolset-8 scl, as gcc in epel7 is to old: Disable LTO so as to pass debuginfo check- update to jdk CPU version - remove upstreamed patch jdk8237879-make_4_3_build_fixes.patch - remove upstreamed patch jdk8235833-posixplatform_cpp_should_not_include_sysctl_h.patch - remove upstreamed patch jdk8243059-build_fails_when_with_vendor_contains_comma.patch- Re-introduce java-openjdk-src & java-openjdk-demo for system_jdk builds. - Fix accidental renaming of java-openjdk-devel to java-devel-openjdk.- introduce patch jdk8235833-posixplatform_cpp_should_not_include_sysctl_h to fix build issues in rawhide - rename and reorganize patch sections- Fix vendor version to 20.3 (from 19.9)- April security update - uploaded new src tarball- set vendor property and vendor urls - made urls to be preconfigured by os- Remove s390x workaround flags for GCC 10 - bump buildjdkver to 14 - uploaded new src tarball- removed backslashes at the end of alternatives command- update to jdk 14+36 ga build - remove JDK-8224851 patch, as OpenJDK 14 already contains it - removed pack200 and unpack200 binaries, slaves, manpages and library - added listings for jpackage binary, manpages and added slave records to alternatives- add patch for build issues with make 4.3- add workaround for issues with build with GCC10 on s390x (see RHBZ#1799531) - fix issues with build with GCC10: JDK-8224851, -fcommon switch- Add JDK-8224851 patch to resolve aarch64 issues- fix Release, as it was broken by last rpmdev-bumpspec- Rebuilt for removed patch jdk8231405_guarantee_d_nonequals_null_failed_null_dominator_info.patch - removed patch jdk8231583_fix_register_clash_in_sbsa_resolve_forwarding_pointer_borrowing.patch - updated sources to the 13.0.2+8 tag- Fixed hardcoded major version in jdk13u to macro - added jdk8231405_guarantee_d_nonequals_null_failed_null_dominator_info.patch - added jdk8231583_fix_register_clash_in_sbsa_resolve_forwarding_pointer_borrowing.patch- Updated to October 2019 CPU sources- synced up generate tarball script with other OpenJDK packages - dropped pr2126-synchronise_elliptic_curves_in_sun_security_ec_namedcurve_with_those_listed_by_nss.patch from the sources - regenerated sources with the updated script- Switch to in-tree SunEC code, dropping NSS runtime dependencies and patches to link against it.- Drop unnecessary build requirement on gtk3-devel, as OpenJDK searches for Gtk+ at runtime. - Add missing build requirement for libXrender-devel, previously masked by Gtk3+ dependency - Add missing build requirement for libXrandr-devel, previously masked by Gtk3+ dependency - fontconfig build requirement should be fontconfig-devel, previously masked by Gtk3+ dependency- Obsolete javadoc-slowdebug and javadoc-slowdebug-zip packages via javadoc and javadoc-zip respectively.- Don't produce javadoc/javadoc-zip sub packages for the debug variant build. - Don't perform a bootcycle build for the debug variant build.- Fix vendor version as JDK 13 has been GA'ed September 2019: 19.3 => 19.9- updated to 13+33 sources - added two manpages to file listings (jfr, jaotc) - set is_ga to 1 to match build from Fix bootjdkver macro. It attempted to build with jdk 12, which is no longer available in rawhide (it's 13 instead). - Fix Release as rpmdev-bumpspec doesn't do it correctly.- Rebuilt for updated to jdk 13 - adapted pr2126-synchronise_elliptic_curves_in_sun_security_ec_namedcurve_with_those_listed_by_nss.patch - adapted rh1648242-accessible_toolkit_crash_do_not_break_jvm.patch - fixed file listings - included - Include 'ea' designator in Release when appropriate - Handle milestone as variables so we can alter it easily and set the docs zip filename appropriately- fixed requires/provides for the non-system JDK case (backport of RHBZ#1702324)- updated sources to current CPU release- added missing slave for jfr - removed duplicated dependency on lksctp-tools- Replaced pcsc-lite-devel (which is in optional channel) with pcsc-lite-libs. - added rh1684077-openjdk_should_depend_on_pcsc-lite-libs_instead_of_pcsc-lite-devel.patch to make jdk work with pcsc - removed LTS string from LTS designator, because epel builds get identified as rhel and JDK 12 is not LTS- bumped sources to jdk12+33- Only build 'bootcycle-images docs' target and 'images docs' targets, respectively.- Rebuilt for bumped sources to jdk12. Crypto list synced. - adapted patches to usptream (removed are upstreamed) - removed fixed upstreamed patch6, jdk8211105-aarch64-disable_cos_sin_and_log_intrinsics.patch: - renamed patch5, pr1983-rh1565658-..._sunec_provider_jdk11.patch to pr1983-rh1565658-..._sunec_provider_jdk12.patch - adapted patch5, pr1983-rh1565658 to jdk12 (libraries.m4 and / - removed patch8, jdk8210416-rh1632174-compile_fdlibm_with_o2_ffp_contract_off_on_gcc_clang_arches.patch - removed patch9, jdk8210425-rh1632174-sharedRuntimeTrig_sharedRuntimeTrans_compiled_without_optimization.patch - removed patch10, jdk8210647-rh1632174. Is rummored to be in upstream - removed patch11, jdk8210761-rh1632174-libjsig_is_being_compiled_without_optimization.patch - removed patch12, jdk8210703-rh1632174-vmStructs_cpp_no_longer_compiled_with_o0 - removed patch584, jdk8209639-rh1640127-02-coalesce_attempted_spill_non_spillable.patch - removed patch585, jdk8209639-rh1640127-02-coalesce_attempted_spill_non_spillable.patch - set build jdk to jdk11; buildjdkver set to 11 - todo, revisit _privatelibs and slaves, discuse patch10, more? - now building with --no-print-directory to workaround JDK8215213 - renamed original of docs zip to jdk-major+build - check shenandaoh with -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions - libjli moved from lib/libjli to lib - added lib/jspawnhelper and bin/jfr and conf/sdp/sdp.conf.template - added explanation to the --no-print-directory - re-added lts_designator_zip macro - added patch6 for rh1673833-remove_removal_of_wformat_during_test_compilation.patch- for non debug supackages, ghosted all masters and slaves (rhbz1649776) - for tech-preview packages, if-outed versionless provides. Aligned versions to be %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release} instead of chaotic - Removed all slowdebug provides (rhbz1655938); for tech-preview packages also removed all internal provides- Added %global _find_debuginfo_opts -g - Resolves: RHBZ#1520879 (Detailed NMT issue)- initial import of sources/bin/sh/bin/sh1: -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=14b6df5b64ae0dad7346f4c94bde54b6fa0281b3, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=78f0834fe24c55e16a50ef74d7d12eb00bdfd3f1, not strippedELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f9be31d9b659c1009a35c8a030b6f4a6e3a828b5, not strippedPNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 24 x 23, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 32 x 32, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedPNG image data, 48 x 48, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlacedRRRR RR RRRR RR RRR RR R RRRRR RR RRRRRRRRRR R /usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :/bin/sh !#,K G]"k%FǠ&=&8^C0->:H @vcHPaϮ)aI0Q8w L%hEe"JIpMɑVEj zBKy}M!s)b]_ojRM ]׉gcO7%Ua1|nl(@ʉ NE!ԕe$3`*"Gп5g{=c.>(̊_;fu7 ˣC'-[elkv\7%c.ڸ,|Ņ%/h)_5eʸc ՐI7fXSGbB0b\i>t 9%&{0]mf۽-\5G!Pô]@0}˗!JšU4דCL6'-t:#dX jʨBlמN X& %bJ7LVJK8ȬWհBYIY;=pM !EKc?# !BRIT- [~}? =z^ȶ$nЭ֒𒻃B uI0r2T`^ :Sj~ROiƍ0Qcrsv(!ZZs /Kڥg\څc6 O8H4v iPW~5Hs1{Qkz4UVRg+a2'ڦŭLe(V Mʫ|e$ qNJ;edX':6&oR:@3AyzG9XUخ*rapB/{:TG܂Z6-0'IG^iޝ_\8qI77Vq0dr^̤]0tU&nxeӆ׌8'UQ Ȟ㌘M]1iHka9p]7z 24;n\s1QM]Cw㡠f['Osp)H0a2IhZ" A12!P[tvjob0 TA4&h.>Ap*OV1"GM>J25fIéf izCǣԤ+蔙:8)c VHh%VnlL s(~ۓ!DL4 cx2nxQ 9O}uԪ ^":x381`asS^^‹6y~q#$1{DGWz #evWaAB`sK:^^u/G B1 u&LwTXR tt٦ B0HMn $P^'O ӜVkuLͨkH| CtWxʪ"vz^,|%G8s˄z H -d[U-2,,^߫ݗwph?aPҞp$qiKBYH@gyYt<}@ni'5w+㔥GΧ.VpwL}mmS Q?ryPXkf~l+7Y4R;'=)@ZbBʑ+514f:} 5g^٤b s6q,;L9!]X y!Dw$!P00E8c ObqSvv l~ל[nXA{3h:")T_ɰU,ݶ0h$8$إ^>AE$9;"5PR"#SRω#!Iz:3ux bkR["#^=SP_=ږҫ0vFF p<-& f_” m|T 1~ĢJJǠMMWY2d%i:V}t_GeWn. 6dҵ :BhqxU&>ZFgVLa I!\*ʠa`K*8P0DߢM[}N+jq@0>>SC>*rfOQA$j&%M pl S޲0FANVrIid2͒xZ'蠏OO`Zm?|C|^Io@o7EGop\Y91қg&דm a!S_V2]+])tv!QM;[Q/Q^ -y7 M)6P8$!7\>YT>:A&j.{t/r#~cr63Κ n_.]ص<6 evlZ@˜y _\v0W1Le ?xpjEҿpy,T<(6kywjG F s{\h1CS >_"|u|p,r%oGvP~K:렌*ƒYdLaa;K&ң%VTԈ[k 6xb}<$y6v )%Q5;\lKzuoH]%{s-z>i:>5p-zf uMih MZ'('/cvG5ȗ.6zt!P {w=9qx8ҹ$62t'վS)Z+G TA[4WZ'a N,I1:S"rI 0Žf71e,n-L،{FȄ8YF`v82Q4{{ę)\!38enuE!Am׀-s܂sw><Q cgۄs{kWtOR^{|FEEF)ŠcN > tt 'Z7!ZD9^AJv^u2Q=~d_Le6lQe]_A t}Gwږa.CX")=1if7xJڄco`C94gɢ? 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