myproxy-doc-6.2.14-1.el7$>S#B,"*j)K;=^>9G?Gd  hPT| T z    `  <    ( #8 ,^9 ^:^GAHBHIBXBYB\B]C^DkbDdEeEfElEtEuF0vF|wFxGDGGCmyproxy-doc6.2.141.el7Documentation for X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentialsMyProxy is open source software for managing X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) security credentials (certificates and private keys). MyProxy combines an online credential repository with an online certificate authority to allow users to securely obtain credentials when and where needed. Users run myproxy-logon to authenticate and obtain credentials, including trusted CA certificates and Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). Package myproxy-doc contains the MyProxy>Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectNCSA and BSD and ASL 2.0Fedora ProjectUnspecified{;+ 8 tnfEAA큤A큤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-6.2.14-1.el7.src.rpmmyproxy-doc    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.3b@bs@brjbq@bZbRb,@aNaa@a'@a`]`>(`@_@_ @^1s]i]9\v{\T4[Q@[@[@[H@[4ZZ|;Y@Yx@YNT@XX@Xv@WiW,@V@V=@Vii@V'~@U@UUUa@U%@TTTl@Tl@Tl@S@SR@R@QQQQPѬ@P @P H@O OE@OTOLOF*@O*zONN_sN^"@M@MMlMk@Mh@MfH@Mc@MQ0@M5L!@LvKK8@KJJ@JkJkJkĴJęJjJ@J?r@Mattias Ellert - 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5.3-4Steve Traylen - 5.3-3Fedora Release Engineering - 5.3-2Steve Traylen - 5.3-1Steve Traylen - 5.2-1Steve Traylen - 5.1-3Steve Traylen - 5.1-2Steve Traylen - 5.1-1Steve Traylen - 5.0-1Steve Traylen - 4.9-6Steve Traylen - 4.9-3Steve Traylen - 4.9-1Steve Traylen - 4.8-5Steve Traylen - 4.8-4Steve Traylen - 4.8-3Steve Traylen - 4.8-2Steve Traylen - 4.8-1Steve Traylen - 4.7-1- New GCT release v6.2.20220524 - Drop patches included in the release- Fix a double free- Support both SHA1 (backward compatibility) and SHA256 (compatible with openssl 3.0.2)- Partially revert the sha256 patch to restore backward compatibility- Fix wrong name in myproxy-store -V output - Use write+rename when changing passphrase - Improve detection of an encrypted private key- Fix IPv6 glitch in the trust root retrieval in the client - Drop the patch reverting the use of the -l flag in myproxy-test (issue fixed by the new trust root patch)- Use sha256 when signing request - Fix some compiler warnings- Rebuilt for OpenSSL 3.0 compatibility- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0- Use -l (--listen) flag when starting myproxy-server in test scripts (reverted - breaks tests in koji, even though local mock build works) - Typo fixes- Exit with error if voms-proxy-init fails (6.2.7) - Update default run directory from /var/run to /run (6.2.8)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for updated systemd-rpm-macros See Rebuilt for Add BuildRequires perl-interpreter - Add additional perl dependencies for tests - Specfile updates - Replace /var/run with /run in systemd unit file - Drop ancient Obsoletes tags- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Clean up old GPT references (6.2.5) - Install myproxy-get-trustroots man page (6.2.5) - Remove LICENSE.globus file - usage statistics collection (6.2.6)- Rebuilt for Remove usage statistics collection support- Rebuilt for Switch upstream to Grid Community Toolkit - First Grid Community Toolkit release (6.2.0) - Disable usage statistics reporting by default - Fix option parsing bug - Merge GT6 update 6.1.29 into GCT (6.2.1) - Use 2048 bit CA key for myproxy tests (6.2.2) - Merge GT6 update 6.1.30 into GCT (6.2.3)- GT6 update: Use 2048 bit keys to support openssl 1.1.1 - Drop patch myproxy-2048-bits.patch (accepted upstream)- Use 2048 bit CA key for myproxy tests- Rebuilt for Update to 6.1.30: Remove macro overquoting- Update to 6.1.29: Fix -Werror=format-security errors- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Update to 6.1.28 - Fix error check (6.1.26) - Remove legacy SSLv3 support (6.1.27)- EPEL 5 End-Of-Life specfile clean-up - Remove Group and BuildRoot tags - Remove _pkgdocdir and _initddir macro definitions - Drop redundant Requires corresponding to autogenerated pkgconfig Requires - Don't clear the buildroot in the install section - Remove the clean section - Drop the myproxy-openssl098.patch- Rebuilt for Update to 6.1.25 (Fixes for OpenSSL 1.1.0)- Update to 6.1.19 (update myproxy debug/error msgs for accepted_peer_names type change)- Update to 6.1.18 (spelling)- Update to 6.1.17 (handle error returns from OCSP_parse_url)- Rebuilt for Update to 6.1.16 (handle invalid proxy_req type)- Generate temporary directory in post install scriptlet- Update to 6.1.15 - GT-616: Myproxy uses resolved IP address when importing names- Update to 6.1.14 (RFC2818 name handling)- Rebuilt for Update to 6.1.13 (underallocation of memory)- Update to 6.1.12 - Implement updated license packaging guidelines- Update to 6.1.10 - Drop patches myproxy-tls.patch and myproxy-liblink.patch (fixed upstream)- Update to 6.1.6 - Drop patch myproxy-deps.patch (fixed upstream) - Upstream source moved from sourceforge to the Globus Toolkit github repo - Use source tarball published by Globus - Use upstream's init scripts and systemd unit files - New binary package myproxy-voms (voms support split out as a plugin)- Use larger patch instead of running autoreconf (fixes EPEL5)- Update to 6.0, adapt to Globus Toolkit 6 - Drop GPT build system and GPT packaging metadata - Activate hardening flags- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Fix broken postun scriptlet- Depend on GT5.2+ versions of globus packages - Use _pkgdocdir when defined - Use non-ISA build dependencies - Make license files part of the -libs package - Make documentaion package noarch - Use better Group tags- rhbz926187 - Build on aarch64 also.- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- Rebuilt for rpm .spec file parsing oddness.- Update to 5.9, update TeX build requirements. - remove myproxy-server-setup script, rhbz#671561. - Switch to systemd scriptlet macros rhbz#850221. - Use reserved uid:gid for myproxy user rhbz#733671- Rebuilt for Update to 5.8, source tar ball name change, drop myproxy-ssl1-tls.patch and myproxy-ssl1-2048bits.patch since upstream now.- Add myproxy-ssl1-tls.patch and myproxy-ssl1-2048bits.patch.- tmpfile.d configuration does not support comments and must be 0644- Include Sources: for sysv and systemd always. - Silly mistakes.- Update myproxy to 5.6, remove addition ColocateLibraries="no" since added upstream. - Support systemd for epel7 and fedora17 and up: - Switch from RPM_BUILD_ROOT to %buildroot.- Drop EPEL4 packaging since EOL. - Adapt to Globus toolkit 5.2- Rebuilt for Update to version 5.5, drop myproxy-globus-7129.patch, pII, pIII, fixed upstream. - No longer hard code /var/lib/myproxy since the default anyway now.- Add myproxy-globus-7129-PartII.patch patch and myproxy-globus-7129-PartIII.patch patch.- Add myproxy-globus-7129.patch patch.- Rebuild for new voms api.- Drop myproxy-vomsc-vomsapi.patch since upstream. - Drop myproxy-test-non-inter.patch since not needed. - Drop myproxy-double-free-globus-7135.patch since upstream. - Drop myproxy-test-home2tmp.patch since upstream. - Update to 5.4- Add myproxy-test-home2tmp.patch to avoid %script writing in home.- Remove myproxy-test-disables-globus-7135.patch since checks now run with a clean CA/grid-security directory and work. - Add myproxy-double-free-globus-7135.patch to remove double free in globus bug #7135.- Globus bug #7135 only applies to myproxy-test in .spec files so patch private copy in RPM rather than eventual deployed myproxy-test.- Remove useless gpt filelists check from %check. - Add useful check myproxy-test to %check.- myproxy-vomsc-vomsapi.patch to build against vomsapi rather than vomscapi. - Add _isa rpm macros to build requires on -devel packages.- Rebuilt for New upstream 5.3.- New upstream 5.2. - Drop blocked-signals-with-pthr.patch patch.- Add blocked-signals-with-pthr.patch patch, rhbz#602594 - Updated init.d script rhbz#603157 - Add myproxy as requires to myproxy-admin to install clients.- rhbz#585189 rearrange packaging. clients moved from now obsoleted -client package to main package. libs moved from main package to new libs package.- New upstream 5.1 - Remove globus-globus-usage-location.patch, now incoperated upstream.- Add globus-globus-usage-location.patch - Addition of globus-usage-devel to BR. - New upstream 5.0 - Upstream source hosting changed from globus to sourceforge.- Add requires globus-gsi-cert-utils-progs for grid-proxy-info to myproxy-admin package rhbz#536927 - Release bump to F13 so as to be newer than F12.- Glob on .so.* files to future proof for upgrades.- New upstream 4.9.- Disable openldap support for el4 only since openldap to old.- Add ASL 2.0 license as well. - Explicitly add /etc/grid-security to files list - For .el4/5 build only add globus-gss-assist-devel as requirment to myproxy-devel package.- Set _initddir for .el4 and .el5 building.- Require version of voms with fixed ABI.- Increase version to upstream 4.8 - Remove voms-header-location.patch since fixed upstream now. - Include directory /etc/grid-security/myproxy- Initial version. 6.2.14-1.el7myproxy-6.2.14extraslogin.htmlmyproxy-accepted-credentials-mapappmyproxy-cert-checkermyproxy-certificate-mapappmyproxy-certreq-checkermyproxy-crl.cronmyproxy-get-delegation.cgimyproxy-get-trustroots.cronmyproxy-passphrase-policymyproxy-revokemyproxy.cronmyproxy-doc-6.2.14LICENSELICENSE.netbsdLICENSE.pidfileLICENSE.safefileLICENSE.sasl/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/myproxy-6.2.14//usr/share/doc/myproxy-6.2.14/extras//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/myproxy-doc-6.2.14/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -m64 -mtune=genericdrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryHTML document, ASCII textPOSIX shell script, ASCII text executablePerl script, ASCII text executableASCII text !#,_]"k%nܒkا!GDjAf=rҁMŠKsG`f&0[wz(t:6BZMr8ebG4qOv:_foy%\^XT1Y%%1P![ i1l2P6à L1R@b Q3ca^%}"@tw+(F1Ihg'mſ1?gK/}SӼ<: tN&jɭkϘ_%EߧTcܱz\?#AywŅSHk|0R78DZ~ua?QogwթЬX'ʞ> >fEBcf5 iP"kF=ʍw95hQ'~DTxsCѯeSi h=aG?g#d?T>HJSmP632jWqSўR'7ҸY3:E 8θjY8-io#Zt ׅX`R3: Or99}$Dx~jC)&Q6bi/v5i ]{볗`X2ğM:sYKH8ȧ4BN|A}/? i."ҙA5jqB x_s-SÎ?htFH`mZ2r'}w-ly29^Ilj\u' !bVe=g|$Jui D/}CZZ Ӛ')v8&.#ĥVETL9G^=4B<-5P9y (a.JTKOw7uIy~ݙLE7!¬&ʜh :