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use RPM autodeps instead- Update dependencies to enable brotli compression (RHBZ#2125520)- Update to 9.1.3, resolves CVE-2022-25763, CVE-2022-31779, CVE-2021-37150, CVE-2022-28129, CVE-2022-31780 - Resolve glibc 2.36 (f37) header incompatibility that caused FTBFS RHBZ#2112282- Don't try to use Crypto Policies on RHEL 7- Cherry-pick OpenSSL 3 compatibility required for RHEL 9 - Switch to OpenSSL 3 on f36+ - Include automake in BuildRequires- Exclude s390x architecture -- not supported upstream- Further changes based on package review; perl dependencies, paths- Changes based on spec review; change "RedHat" capitalization, and add link to upstream file layout discussion- Changes based on spec review- Allow self:process setsched, requested on EL8- Set SELinux policy to be more restrictive on privileged UDP ports- Initial revision - Adapt to modern rpm conventions - Add draft SELinux policy - Don't run as root, just claim CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE for privileged ports - Merge and cleanup of upstream .spec file along with Copr version maintained by Hiroaki Nakamura , based on long-ophaned package. ChangeLog included below for reference.- Update to 9.1.1- Update to 9.1.0 - Disable mime-sanity-check which is usable only in debug build- Update to 9.0.2 - Use yaml-cpp vendored in lib/yamlcpp- Update to 8.1.2- Update to 8.0.5 LTS release- Update to 7.1.8 LTS release- Update to 7.1.6 LTS release - Return stale cache with s-maxage only if cache_required_headers is 99- Update to 7.1.3 LTS release- Update to 7.1.2 LTS release- Update to 7.1.1 LTS release- Update to 7.1.0 LTS release- Remove expat-devel from build dependencies- Update to 7.0.0 LTS release- Return stale cache even if the origin server response has "Cache-Control: s-maxage" header.- Update to 6.2.0 LTS release- Add patch to add new value to proxy.config.http.cache.required_headers to require s-maxage for contents to be cached. - Remove patch to concatenate multiple header values of the same name in TSLua.- Fix bug in patch to concatenate multiple header values of the same name in TSLua.- Concatenate multiple header values of the same name in TSLua.- Remove patch to add proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_expires and proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_server_cc_max_age.- Apply patch to add proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_expires and proxy.config.http.cache.ignore_server_cc_max_age.- Disable patch to enable unix domain socket.- Apply patch to enable unix domain socket.- Enable luajit- Set prefix to /opt/trafficserver and use relative directories- Update to 6.1.1 LTS release- Update to 6.1.0 LTS release- Build experimental plugins- Just use configure --disable-luajit without a patch or deleting files- Update to 6.0.0 LTS release- Add patch to cache_insepector to split multiline URLs correctly- Update to 5.3.0 LTS release - Build on aarch64 and power64 - Split perl bindings to sub package - Cleanup and modernise spec- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- Rebuild for boost 1.57.0- Rebuilt for Fix CVE-2014-3525- New major version.- Rebuilt for Rebuild for boost 1.55.0- Rebuilt for Bump release tag. RC1 became final.- Update to 4.2.1-RC1- Update to 4.2.0- Bump to final. No change from rc0. - What's new: Update to 4.1.2-rc0.- Buildrequire hwloc-devel, since it supposedly gives tremendous positive performance impact to use hwlock to optimize scaling and number of threads and alignment for actual hardware we're running on.- Rebuild for picking up ECC/ECDHE/EC/ECDSA/elliptic curves which are now enabled in OpenSSL.- Add BR: systemd for systemd.macros (RHBZ #1018080).- Update to 4.0.2, which fixes the following bugs: [TS-2144] - traffic_server crashes when clearing cache [TS-2173] - cache total hit/miss stats broken in version 4.0.1 [TS-2174] - traffic_shell/traffic_line miss some stats value [TS-2191] - when http_info enabled, the http_sm may be deleted but a event associated it not cancelled. [TS-2207] - Centos5 out of tree perl build fails [TS-2217] - remove the option to turn off body factory - setting it to 0 will result in empty responses - Automatically verify GPG signature during RPM prep. - Build requires boost-devel.- Update to 4.0.1. What's new in v4.0.0: - Upgrade instructions from earlier versions: Important notes: proxy.config.remap.use_remap_processor has been removed, use the proxy.config.remap.num_remap_threads instead. Default proxy.config.cache.ram_cache.size has been increased by a magnitude. Support for pre v3.2 port configuration directives has been removed. The following records.config parameters should be removed: CONFIG proxy.config.bandwidth_mgmt.filename STRING "" CONFIG proxy.config.admin.autoconf.wpad_filename STRING "" CONFIG proxy.config.username.cache.enabled INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.username.cache.filename STRING "" CONFIG proxy.config.username.cache.size INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.username.cache.storage_path STRING "" CONFIG proxy.config.username.cache.storage_size INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.http.wuts_enabled INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.http.log_spider_codes INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.http.accept_encoding_filter_enabled INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.http.accept_encoding_filter.filename STRING "" CONFIG INT 0 CONFIG INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.cluster.num_of_cluster_connections INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.cache.url_hash_method INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.plugin.extensions_dir STRING "" CONFIG proxy.local.http.parent_proxy.disable_connect_tunneling INT 0 CONFIG proxy.config.remap.use_remap_processor INT 0- bz#994224 Use rpm configure macro, instead of calling configure directly.- bz#994224 Pass RPM_OPT_FLAGS as environment variables to configure, instead of overriding on make commandline. Thanks Dimitry Andric!- Update to v3.2.5 which fixes the following bugs: [TS-1923] Fix memory issue caused by resolve_logfield_string() [TS-1918] SSL hangs after origin handshake. [TS-1483] Manager uses hardcoded FD limit causing restarts forever on traffic_server. [TS-1784] Fix FreeBSD block calculation (both RAW and directory) [TS-1905] TS hangs (dead lock) on HTTPS POST/PROPFIND requests. [TS-1785, TS-1904] Fixes to make it build with gcc-4.8.x. [TS-1903] Remove JEMALLOC_P use, it seems to have been deprecated. [TS-1902] Remove iconv as dependency. [TS-1900] Detect and link libhwloc on Ubuntu. [TS-1470] Fix cache sizes > 16TB (part 2 - Don't reset the cache after restart)- Harden build with PIE flags, ref bz#955127.- Update to 3.2.4 release candiate- Update to v3.2.3. Remove patches no longer needed.- Scriptlets replaced with new systemd macros (#851462)- Add patch for TS-1392, to fix problem with SNI fallback.- Rebuilt for Remove duplicate man-pages.- Update to v3.2.0- Remove trafficserver-gcc47.patch since it's fixed upstream, TS-1116. - Join trafficserver-condrestart.patch into trafficserver-init_scripts.patch, and clean out not needed junk.- Add hardened build.- Add patch for gcc-4.7 build issues.- switch to ExclusiveArch- Create /var/run/trafficserver using tmpfiles.d on f15+.- Update to new upstream release, v3.0.4. - remove trafficserver-cluster_interface_linux.patch since this was fixed upstream, TS-845.- Remove pidfile from systemd service file. This is a type=simple service, so pidfile shouldn't be needed.- Add systemd support. - Drop init.d-script on systemd-systems.- change default proxy.config.proxy_name to instead of the name of the buildhost - configure proxy.config.ssl.server.cert.path and proxy.config.ssl.server.private_key.path to point to the standard /etc/pki/ locations.- exclude ppc/ppc64 since build there fails, TS-1131.- Removed mixed use of spaces and tabs in specfile.- Update to v3.0.3- Update to v3.0.2 - Fix conderestart in initscript, TS-885.- Update to v3.0.1 - Remove uninstall-hook from trafficserver_make_install.patch, removed in v3.0.1.- Note FIXME's on top. - Remove .la and static libs. - mktemp'd buildroot. - include license- Rename patches to start with trafficserver-. - Remove odd version macro. - Clean up mixed-use-of-spaces-and-tabs.- Use dedicated user/group ats/ats. - Restart on upgrades.- update man pages, sugest from Jan-Frode Myklebust - patch records.config to fix the crashing with cluster iface is noexist - cleanup spec file- bump to version 3.0.0 stable release - cleanup the spec file and patches- fix tcl linking- bump to 2.1.8 - comment out wccp- enable wccp and fixed compile warning - never depends on sqlite and db4, add libz and xz-libs - fix libary permission, do post ldconfig updates- patch traffic_shell fix- bump to v2.1.7 - fix centos5 building - drop duplicated patches- fix gcc 4.6 building - split into -devel package for devel libs - fix init scripts for rpmlint requirement - fix install scripts to build in mock, without root privileges- bump to 2.1.6 unstable - replace config layout name as Fedora- initial release for public - original spec file is from -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpioxz2aarch64-redhat-linux-gnutroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)directoryPerl5 module source text RRPRRRR R RRPRRRRRR R RPRRRRRR R PRRRRR R !#,D] b2u ^}Bgn :::Y h⎮gR>-=So]w?V<[p^dX2W%9r4Rā̝u 6GPCvV`LvWM$Zg~|Iˏ7efks ߀bArܸп*zr13ܦ'?&z ϼ萃w1݈ͣՋn1`뾀 l0oOQaAy4 M"HN+8@cgmVLU7?8_0Ir&~@@ Ƞ.pVQ:!Y%9\җH=ς^iI./a$q%:3rP//GeGJA mV% 66wJ(!␫QsLuvܓBp53QF%JE\Q[GBE$`"MshJ $dUh3tYRD.Z.#{Ĭ @˕M{V!CI~ g O93+{TOCf;\D%UrO0c.Wb>o^* 6bihaRQ*һI<Ȟ4؂~eOY6,mu$Fvl~PF{IuAtDV 2x \3)fV3W'+& ŝS2`bmz[RpG^_N0%m%+O=-_L yGOnAmÛzu(ɴN {!`K9^ J"qeR\j,d<Z=:[\:hU 3^3+%%"G ӱxi\q!z7qt$AT[{ /wmoةg!}QM;T˷ԾNpz+pk$_ā+9Fo=ǙT`1i&EoOyT~c` d4",1$!GԹXW$t1(ig[OE_A?g bX_~q]:932NcgOUNu"h '[NgVmIj {w`x77Z"!.T[)Wo ,s#WAhn"QTN[oJh { {҈W4$eQİs]ZcSnBI@5# )ct¡KX@(EC}-DN7e> |7  3O~悀 z U!#Y8t/^觀4jqt*Cm`)U10W8ofK|5#Vily.[1 - s{hը'JL6]O-~ irƬ߰3Q1֣%c0Y'\k6`~@㇇gˑ,,ye=NK6R §rRدj[APȿowPj ҃c&{Lc%ԛ_a𸞔Wܪ,KKɬyőR~BEÒ捈H!+-9k}HO$;ip>|EU(C7ݰ-XI`؅\n{k|O wn 5m/@&ņ vo%K¢66rCĦ{tk) 4LWlp3//-4 ”A}C+7_WS2k(HǪrhe&aZ݀吇-DI[ ]Is^SRca_-2-:U(9[QcEɂ1k (5֜4aigE$w` [`@PP.c"rL9J"[HM?%OD*]!A160qoې+ q^qyi0VtP/TJ4jCbp\5A[^,lRWyݑҽҧk ųˇ7 *6&eQژg93Rp?~AM`A9xϧ[LKtBQut?Z($/` @E7Oz'&++2[*k5 7 9Q[KGT 2bOeN1(Q׫nF&տq5mNbLZSyݗeȜbe1 tn7R!'1`F~DŽu K Q8`źe@ptd 81oA+!+ 'k]c8E`|pE@ƺ{s3P5]fX\.%̷`I^*E7DsBjstRLqh,n$mYx/ƌIl$̯Vi] K"`zYl\#ٕ/z%2X=yi)˺8;6 ץ!FN"ŠtJy 8|*(F63m&Fu,z 𡅏 f}(`cH`c&~Kl@! 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