cppad-debugsource-20210000.7-1.el8 > 6 6_6 3!y덏%!E/֡ay !E/֡cZ% uO gt}{>蚖Lf7,Duތt˖gK9QI`s'N 2}oyN!*Z2xvux#̉ލSD$uxXe [-fh͢8mFV B[U'8Fdd}L-`VQh&r]*B16h(wNLK^Hرǁ.>dl% m>fT5ō{CjªEW]/m|w)6+jUܩ."1W 6k8ܺ 9:8PjofT+J`h#]f@Eas-fv'&k d/ c4 ٲ"EzOf63fe57ba57d7146345d2ccd65e2dfc266312535e4e40f44424663a164c9fa6a6ce603c52e8e5d5ac695644274911bbbc9aeda293!y덏%!E/֡ay !E/֡aכoj88)kYS_Z`IB;;o>AuSze A+?g4Xl$ OʑPV[}r1=8ax2G{"z^UA7iтkC[ĉ -F]nYInMVm)jįst^6t+'VruJ\lVUtC-c+|{zV] sIT>h@HZNl>FbAB) @ڻgZIRHV#pϚ\,5Ao-9o5`: Cn#T[ZUSLg@HFO & sH>p:c?cd % E'6H Wi  F   Q pu  (    ;( W8 `[9 [: :[GZHZIZX[Y[ \[D][^]L b`daebfblbtb ubvccLcPcuc{cCcppad-debugsource20210000.71.el8Debug sources for package cppadThis package provides debug sources for package cppad. Debug sources are useful when developing applications that use this package or when debugging this package.am%buildvm-x86-07.iad2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectEPL-2.0 or GPLv2+Fedora ProjectDevelopment/Debughttp://coin-or.github.io/CppADlinuxx86_64"\12%1. g)4%+KU-/7AAA큤AAAA큤AA큤A큤A큤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-20210000.7-1.el8.src.rpmcppad-debugsourcecppad-debugsource(x86-64)    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3a@` @`D@`;`.V`>`@`@_w@_%Y@_%Y@_^0"@^)^ @]@]Ik]8H@\t@\T4\T4\R@[GBZz@ZKt@ZJ"Z YYx@X9@XX@X@XVVj@Ua@U) TPTء@T@TSGSRa@RR@QQ/FQ@Q@P @PP@P@PP@O@NMQ0@M6@M5M4/@M)@M(QL5K9@KrK=Ji@J<@J*Z@Iд@IbI@HG@GGGGZ@GG@G@Gv6GsGpGkGjY@GjY@GZ@GSBrad Bell - 20210000.7-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20210000.5-3Brad Bell - 20210000.5-2Brad Bell - 20210000.5-1Brad Bell - 20210000.3-3Brad Bell - 20210000.3-2Brad Bell - 20210000.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20200000.0-8Brad Bell - 20200000.0-7Brad Bell - 20200000.0-6Fedora Release Engineering - 20200000.0-5Fedora Release Engineering - 20200000.0-4Fedora Release Engineering - 20200000.0-3Brad Bell - 20200000.0-2Brad Bell - 20200000.0-1Brad Bell - 20190200.4-2Brad Bell - 20190200.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20190200.0-4Brad Bell - 20190200.0-3Brad Bell - 20190200.0-2Brad Bell - 20190200.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20180000.0-4Fedora Release Engineering - 20180000.0-3Fedora Release Engineering - 20180000.0-2Brad Bell - 20180000.0-1Brad Bell - 20180000.0-1Brad Bell - 20170000.4-3Fedora Release Engineering - 20170000.4-3Fedora Release Engineering - 20170000.4-2Brad Bell - 20170000.4-1Brad Bell - 20170000.3-1Brad Bell - 20170000.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 20170000.1-2Brad Bell - 20170000.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20160000.0-2Brad Bell - 20160000.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20150000.9-3Brad Bell - 20150000.9-2Brad Bell - 20150000.9-1Brad Bell - 20150000.4-3Brad Bell - 20150000.4-2Brad Bell - 20150000.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20140000.2-3Fedora Release Engineering - 20140000.2-2Brad Bell - 20140000.2-1Brad Bell - 20130000.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20130000.2-2Brad Bell - 20130000.2-1Brad Bell - 20130000.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 20130000.1-2Brad Bell - 20130000.1-1Brad Bell - 20130000.0-3Brad Bell - 20130000.0-2Brad Bell - 20130000.0-1Ralf Corsépius - 20120101.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 20120101.1-2Brad Bell - 20120101.1-1 Brad Bell - 20110101.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20110101.2-4Brad Bell - 20110101.2-3Brad Bell - 20110101.2-2Brad Bell - 20110101.2-1 Brad Bell - 20110101.0-2Brad Bell - 20110101.0-1Brad Bell - 20100101.4-1Brad Bell - 20100101.2-1Brad Bell - 20100101.0-2Brad Bell - 20100101.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20090303.0-5Brad Bell 20090303-4Brad Bell 20090303-3Brad Bell 20090303-2Brad Bell 20090303-1Fedora Release Engineering - 20080826.0-2Brad Bell 20080826-1Brad Bell 20080403-3Brad Bell 20080403-2Brad Bell 20080403-1Brad Bell 20071229-6Brad Bell 20071229-5Brad Bell 20071229-4Brad Bell 20071229-3Brad Bell 20071229-2Brad Bell 20071229-1Brad Bell 20071225-2Brad Bell 20071225-1Brad Bell 20071221-1Brad Bell 20071208-2Brad Bell 20071208-1Brad Bell 20071208-1Brad Bell 20071203-1- Advance to upstream source 20210000.7- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_35_Mass_Rebuild- Remove %debug_package (not necessary to create debug info). - Use %setup to unpack tarballs (sets premissions properly). - Add comments about using %clean to check BUILDROOT.- Advance to upstream source 20210000.5 - Remove patches that are no longer necessary. - Change: Source1, Source2 -> Source0, Source1. - Change: make %{?_smp_mflags} -> %make_build - Change: make install DESTDIR=%{buildroot} -> %make_install.- Patch corresponding to bug fix in upstream source 20210000.5- Patch corresponding to bug fix in upstream source 20210000.4- Advance to upstream source 20210000.3 - Remove patches that are no longer necessary. - Update cmake command line to new version of upstream source.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild- Add _smp_mflags to the make check command (parallel make) - Build Debuginfo version of the cppad_lib library.- define __cmake_in_source_build see: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/packaging-guidelines/CMake/ - Change soversion edit so modified soversion displayed during cmake command- Second attempt - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_33_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_32_Mass_Rebuild- Remove comment about object library becasue install libcppadlib.so - Patch to not install empty include (in 20200000.1 upstream) - Patch to not use GreaterThanZero during reverse mode (in 2020000.2) - Remove PowTestSeven which tested the GreaterThanZeor in reverse mode- Advance to version 2020 of cppad - This is a major change because it we need to install the binary cppad_lib. - No longer have lint error because must build library before installing. - Remove patch for upstream source < 20190200.5. - No debug_package, so need to ensure CPPAD_DEBUG_AND_RELEASE always defined. - cppad_deprecatred is no longer in cmake command line. - cppad_debug_which is set to debug_all and overridden for cppad_lib directory.- fedpkg lint now reconizes EPL-2.0 license so remove comment about its error - Use sed edit of 20190200.4 to obtain bug fix that is in 20190200.5- Bug fix by advancing to upstream source 20190200.4- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_31_Mass_Rebuild- Bug fix corresponding to upstream source 20190200.3. - Fix license field and add comment at top about fedpkg lint license mistake.- Test with corrected version of source2; i.e., 20190200.doc.tar.gz- Advance to version 2019 of cppad (actually 2019-02). - Home page and sources have moved to github. - Documentation is now a separate source tarball. - Copyright changed from GPL3 -> EPL2 with GPL2 or later option. - Change tabs to spaces and add 'vim: setexpandtab' command at top. - Install pkgconfig files in both data and lib directories.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_30_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_29_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Mass_Rebuild- fedpkg lint no longer generates spelling error for use of 'devel'. - Comment out %clean because only the normal build area is used. - Change minumum cmake version to 2.8 (needed for epel7 branch). - Use comments to better group to sections of the spec file.- Advance to version 2018 of cppad.- Use sed to add bug fix corresponding to cppad-20170000.8.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Binutils_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_27_Mass_Rebuild- Advance to 20170000.4 to take advantage of some upstrean bug fixes.- Advance to 20170000.3 to take advantage of some upstrean bug fixes. - The results of cmake comman depend on the architecture, so remove 'noarch' - see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1427391- patch source to fix bug in ForSparseHes.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_26_Mass_Rebuild- Advance to version 2017 of cppad. - New link for discussion of fedpkg lint warning rpm-builroot-usage - (old link seems to have disappeared). - Change CMakeLists.txtbak -> CMakeLists.txt.bak. - Use find to create list of CMakeLists.txt files and check that edit - of these files goes as expected. - Include explicit setting of all possible cmake command options - (empty prefix setting correspond to packages not included). - cppad_sparse_list=YES removed (YES is now always chosen by upstream source) - Change some comparisons to properly scale to machine epsilon.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_24_Mass_Rebuild- Advance to version 2016 of cppad. - Remove patch for static testing library (fixed upstream). - Remove patch to avoid install of cppad_colpack.cpp (fixed upstream). - Change cmake_install_prefix -> cppad_prefix (changed upstream). - Change c++98 to c++11 so installed version can support both (new capability). - Remove setting cppad_implicit_ctor_from_any type (no longer in upstream). - Add setting cppad_deprecated (new upstream flag). - Change original copy of files from *.stamp to *.bak - Patch CMakeLists.txt files to remove building and use of cppad_lib object.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_23_Mass_Rebuild- Move Provides coin-or-cppad below %package-devel; - see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1197488- 1: Advance to newer version of upstream source to fix some bugs. - 2: Remove patch of test_more/optimize.cpp which is no longer necessary. - 3: Add Provides coin-or-cppad.- 1: Change std=c++11 to std=c++98 so works with rel6 (also so works - in f20 and f21 when std=c++11 is not specified). - 2: Change speed/src/libspeed_src to be a static library because it is only - used for testing (shared library was not being found on epl6). - 3: Cleanup %{buildroot} at start so it can be used for debugging on failure. - 4: Fix an exact equal check that should have been a near equal check.- Fix rmplint warning about macro-in-comment. - Edit comments at top of about warnings that won't be fixed.- Advance to version 2015 of cppad. - Ensure cmake >= 2.8; see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=896116 - Remove patch for location of docdir (fixed upstream). - Patch CMakeLists.txt to remove install of cppad_colpack.cpp (it is not used). - List all cmake options (including defaults) that are used by this install.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_22_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_21_Mass_Rebuild- Advance to version 2014 of cppad. - Add link to web discussion about rpm-buildroot-usage warning. - Fix rpmlint warning about mixing tabs and spaces in spec file.- 1. Use new upstream source to fix warnings generated by g++ 4.8.1. - 2. As per https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/UnversionedDocdirs - move xml documentation from /usr/share/doc/%{name}-%{version} to - /usr/share/doc/%{name}- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_20_Mass_Rebuild- Fix bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=913929 - in the upstream soruce and use the corresponding upstream release. - Note, the previous commit, 20130000.1-3, could have been avoided using - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Using_the_Koji_build_system#Scratch_Builds- Attempt to reproduce failure reported in bug id=913929 - (The build logs were deleted because I did not get to this soon enough)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild- Use a new upstream source. - Remove the patches that were fixed in the upstream source. - Convert tabs to spaces (avoid rpmlint warning). - Fix rpmlint warning for cppad-doc group warning. - Add comment for rpmlint warning about using buildroot.- The patch.sed script in this file is for a final test of a solution on the - remote machine. Expect to modify upstream source so it is not necessary.- Debugging build to try to understand failure of test_more/epsilon.cpp - on a remote machine that I do not have access to.- Advance to version 2013 of cppad. - Remove old patches that are no longer necessary. - Convert from auto-tools to cmake build system. - Add new patches (using sed in setup section) that are now necessary. - Fix some bogus dates in change log by changing day of the week. - Getting folloing incorrect warning from g++ during rpmbuild: - .../cppad/thread_alloc.hpp:203:44: ... subsrcipt is above array bounds ...- Switch to arch'ed BuildArch.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- Advance to version 2012 of cppad. - Remove old patches that are no longer necessary. - Add new patches (using sed in setup section) that are now necessary. - Change comments about rpmlint output (using more recent version).- Advance to next 2011 release to fix warnings generated by g++ 4.6.1. - Fix comment as to when certain sed patching will no longer be necessary. - Make sed patching of permissions in doc destination directory more specific.- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- Remove duplicate test results from build.log - Improve comments before patching top level makefile.in. - Fix rpmlint warnings about %{_docdir}, %{name}, and %{version} in comments. - Fix rpmlint warning by changing tabs to spaces. - Fix rpmlint wrning by removing dot at end of Summary. - Change RPM_BUILD_ROOT to _builddir. - Improve comments (at top) about know rpmlint warnings.- Fix rpmlint error, libdir-macro-in-noarch-package by moving the pkg-config - file cppad.pc from %_libdir to %_datadir. - Improve the %Summary and %description entries. - Fix some rpmlint spelling warnings including xml -> XML, html -> HTML. - Document (at top of spec file) reason for other warnings that are not fixed.- The fedora source 20110101.0 has the worng check sum, get new upstream source. - Remove sed patches for problems that were fixed in upstream source. - Change makefile.in so tests include from install (not distribute) directory - (see comments above `find . -name 'makefile.in` above).- Remove include/cppad_ipopt_nlp.hpp from distribution. - Remove lib/libspeed.a from distribution. - Add lib/pkgconfig/cppad.pc to files section (because it is installed). - Use a single sed script file with comments to do all the makefile.in edits. - Remove edits of makefile.am (not used so not reason to patch it).- Use new major version for 2011. - abs_top_builddir is missing from definitions in makefile.in - (should be fixed in future versions of cppad). - The single command "make test" now builds and runs all the tests.- Use new upstream source which has bug fix at revision - https://projects.coin-or.org/CppAD/changeset/1698- Use new upstream source with bug fixes at revision - https://projects.coin-or.org/CppAD/changeset/1664 - and remove patch from Wed Feb 10 2010.- Patch sources for bug fix between 20100101.0 and 20100101.1. - This should no longer be necessary once a new upstream source is loaded.- Use new upstream source. - Remove out of date comment about where this spec file is maintained. - Remove patches that are no longer necessary in prep section. - Change calling sequence for correctness of speed tests (we do not run speed - tests, that requires a computer with no other processes running).- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- Patch cppad/local/fun_construct.hpp to give a more useful error message - (so we can figure out why the Fedora 11 build is failing).- Patch file test_more/jacobian.cpp (required for versions below 20090606). - Patch file cppad/local/default.hpp (required for versions below 20090606). - Fix version (change 20080303 to 20090303) in previous two log entries.- Change tabs to spaces in spec file to avoid an rpmlint warning. - The base package in previous release had no files, hence did not exist. - Use Provides: in cppad-devel to indicate that it provides cppad.- Change to newer version of cppad. - Create a base package that requres both devel and doc sub-packages- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- Change to newer version of cppad. - Change download directory to standard coin-or location. - Remove editing of speed/main.cpp (no longer necessary). - Add retape argument to check programs in speed directory.- Patch speed/main.cpp work with newer version of gcc - (speed/main.cpp had not been tested with new version of gcc.)- Upload new source with the command - make new-sources FILES="cppad-20080403.gpl.tgz"- New upstream version- Remove speed estimation correctness test because we are not in control of - which other jobs are on the machine that is doing the rpmbuild.- Remove introduction/exp_apx/exp_apx from the set of tests - (which should have been done in 20071229-4). - From now on test building rpm locally before making tags.- Add code to print out DBL_EPSILON at the beginning of the example tests. - Remove --with-Introduction (it only checks by hand calculations that are in - AD Introduction section of the documentation). - Remove extra --with-Documentation- I mistakenly tried to make tag 20071229-2 in devel before committing local - changes. It appears tag was partially created, but not sure it is correct. - So I am bumping the version number.- Cygwin's version of md5sum puts a between the check sum - and the file name. Fedora build tools expect two spaces, so the star has - was changed to a space in the devel, F-7, and F-8 sources file.- Fix gpl_license.sh in upstream source (missed some special cases).- Fix spelling errors in this file and day of the week errors in %changelog. - Add ChangeLog, AUTHORS, uw_copy_040507.html to devel %doc files.- %Source points to newly created directory for archived versions cppad - modify makefile.in so does not set permissions for documentation files- Added introduction/exp_apx/exp_apx to the list of correctness tests. - Use % to avoid macro expansion in %changelog. - Remove tabs from this spec file. - Remove period from end of base package summary. - Change upstream makefile.am so that it copies directories instead of files.- Increment release number each time a new spec file is uploaded. - Use the commands %configure, %check. - Remove the %doc command. - Use more macros, including %{?_smp_mflags}, %{_includedir}, %{_docdir}.- Remove comments, except for those that are useful to a fedora reviewer. - Use different Summary and description for each sub-package. - Use %{?dist} in Release entry. - Use %(%{__id_u} -n) in BuildRoot entry. - Use noarch in BuildArch entry. - Move -rf RPM_BUILD_ROOT from prep entry to install entry. - Use macros where possible.- Fix all but one rpmlint warning (see Notes at beginning of this file).- first version of cppad that included RPM spec file. 20210000.7-1.el820210000.7-1.el8   cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64CppAD-20210000.7cppad_libcpp_graph_op.cppcppad_colpack.cppjson_lexer.cppjson_parser.cppjson_writer.cppincludecppadcoregraphcpp_graph.hppgraph_op_enum.hpplocalgraphcpp_graph_itr.hppcpp_graph_op.hppjson_lexer.hpppod_vector.hppset_get_in_parallel.hpputilitycppad_vector_itr.hpputilityerror_handler.hppthread_alloc.hppto_string.hppvector.hppcppad_lib/usr/src/debug//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7/cppad_lib//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7/include//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7/include/cppad//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7/include/cppad/core//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7/include/cppad/core/graph//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7/include/cppad/local//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7/include/cppad/local/graph//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7/include/cppad/local/utility//usr/src/debug/cppad-20210000.7-1.el8.x86_64/CppAD-20210000.7/include/cppad/utility/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryC++ source, ASCII textC source, ASCII textASCII texthttps://bugz.fedoraproject.org/cppadutf-894ae2d50dfc6732d9ca80c6c457edd8d7585e78f38cce866c266128fe7e84127?`7zXZ !#,G] b2u jӫ`(y-n{5~_2|%Sug XǀP#L0׏jt+iw R:]4LAo(nenlv5&Y+sin*hUN5(8o1{[RFں雊jL0P**BWJɚ>$ĴvݾrN]" `\?RJIB:LLDl 2Ҫ_eɢ/gXnE6@VJOA_;;S<5ϢFu1PBe{Z"g6<4<5-d 5 Z0g5G7=$KZtjy^@qRM|@S}Le[A1@չ*ʷ[,!Da5j}|Ka5Iô H\W|-z/쨎"*V\œF{dՒ4ԥyߙSsW"*_@H’6]r%;!So@ ҐNBWVq~r>&JiX=ߜ*ni!\EVsKn-'[Z8@c5O`NEG?Cc :9)$*ͰK_*9},1%8ǍDT<ΐE/+T qQxMEokOy䵳5| pg ZX[ (3'x4Orm@(]NJo¾ +jͽ._xAl ov 1erv@ A A;y[L.*VizxP^Z~P|`ôuYY.6xNvc3^>&x|2%9狄!\n A&&"S{D9Ke$4gKx_ҕ?NI'6&2Dgᒺþ?`C!zs׺$0`x# ؕ6AmiehL%sx6ʾwb!p$MvMᰜ,'T7 jp r;r{I#32o]aSQJy8+|݀ P6s:sDG @:SB`Тu׻ 9Xh7f $@1'+I8S7O86,hf;5;FDbWZ,IJިKRٻ#eh}墢nv_A}Ya3s+={Z].)YPc kˋhҘDt$ x#0I..X*kթ3_ %vDV1Ax:^%Ol)IvCAa\!<X)޿uɳa ϒBmLQ[`@G{|)#W7-E7!V'ҿ(mrB$ \NT#Hr,zN|(~4hOQ\FY:&&u@u v)ݷ3LÔg5|'Rg z={NZolUô|H siFbܢs1,W^n%`J&&3i❉O#B*ME/`  F.ePd;V)Bl,"g[m}bcRqݼWdnD@֚eú~Scji%{[T_j |*X& B|Gޡ7`O"D^[n9" *š?+%EXXP{UE6d`Y{`泑W3lGB4:_9X_woo4G#a3z}_J":)xsͨ.4)ەq pS\ #s:3kMkY wK h1e鍈$[fDƬhBqj:Fg65K+c$.􁊐oc5R'a' ?25ŧn:|'*^_NM=piYIn`H>Ecq8YPQf}JQv,ؐ"_bY:@k#ZroRj\ӌZT,Pc^ʩC$PT'?|}yp#Lp[$lx1K[3MTD B|fW$?@wC腿 A `RJ8՛ FZ`S;ƭt`>g]e ; fF9lod 'jgy%TUL(! 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