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   rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.14.3aW@a@a0`@`\{@`7@`7@`U_@_@_@_@_[fDavid Cantrell - 1.8-1David Cantrell - 1.7-1David Cantrell - 1.6-1David Cantrell - 1.5-1David Cantrell - 1.4-1David Cantrell - 1.3.1-1David Cantrell - 1.3-2Fedora Release Engineering David Cantrell - 1.2-1David Cantrell - 1.2-1David Cantrell - 1.2-1David Cantrell - 1.2-1David Cantrell - 1.1-1- Upgrade to rpminspect-1.8- Upgrade to rpminspect-1.7- Upgrade to rpminspect-1.6- Begin work on version 1.5 - Use llabs() instead of labs() in the filesize inspection - Improve has invalid execstack flags reporting - Use long unsigned int to report size changes in patches - Fix some errors in the changedfiles inspection - Update the changedfiles test cases - Check DT_SONAME in is_elf_shared_library() - Skip debuginfo and debugsource files in abidiff - Make sure abidiff test cases add a DT_SONAME to the test lib - Report INFO level for patches findings by default - Python black fixes in test/test_abidiff.py - Update the test/test_patches.py cases for patches changes - Generate regular changelog in utils/srpm.h - Skip branches without targets in submit-koji-builds.sh - Fedora and CentOS systems in ci need diffstat - opensuse-leap CI job requires diffstat - Fix the Debian CI jobs in GitHub Actions - Fix and enable the Ubuntu extra-ci job in GitHub Actions - Use pip instead of pip3 for the Ubuntu command - Use apt-get -y install in - Enable the opensuse-tumbleweed GHA job again - Make sure the Gentoo GHA job has diffstat - Get the Arch Linux GHA job working again - Use ubuntu:latest for the ubuntu GHA image - Simplify the utils/determine-os.sh script - Update license table in README.md - Allow any number of builds specified for fetch only mode - Handle old or broken versions of libmagic in changedfiles - Update GitHub Action status badges in README.md - Fix $(OS) check in the Makefile - Fix the ubuntu GitHub Actions extra-ci job - Make sure the centos8 job has git available before cloning - Change strappend() to work as a variadic function - Use json_tokener_parse_ex() to get better error reporting - Fix reading of the javabytecode block in the config file - Catch missing/losing -fPIC correctly on .a ELF objects (#352) - Refactor elf_archive_tests() and its helper functions - Followup fix for find_no_pic, find_pic, and find_all - Install cpp-coveralls using pacman on Arch Linux - Install cpp-coveralls using pip on Arch Linux - Install cpp-coveralls in pre.sh on Arch Linux - Install required Python modules in pre.sh on Arch Linux - Do not upgrade pip on Arch Linux, go back to using pip.txt - Drop DEBUG_PRINT from source generated by pic_bits.sh - Do not run apt-get update as a second time on Debians systems - The lost PIC tests need to invoke gcc with -fno-PIC - Update the OpenSUSE Tumbleweed files, but disable it anyway - Define inspection_ignores in struct rpminspect - Clean up the config file section reading code - Add add_ignore() to init.c - Fix fetch only mode download directory - Stub out libcurl download progress callback function - Perform symbolic owner and group matching in ownership (#364) - Restrict download_progress() to systems with CURLOPT_XFERINFOFUNCTION - Read per-inspection ignore lists from the config file. - Add commented out per-inspection ignore blocks - Implement per-inspection path ignore support (#351) - Report annocheck failures correctly in librpminspect. - Note all regular expression settings use regex(7) syntax - Allow size_threshold: info in the config file (#261) - Check ignore list in files for path prefixes to ignore (#360) - Support a list of expected empty RPMs in the config file (#355) - Call mparse_reset() before mparse_readfd() - Do not crash with the -c option specifies a non-existent file - Update TODO list - Make sure brp-compress is disabled in test_manpage.py - Require/Recommend /usr/bin/annocheck - Note size_threshold can be the keyword info - Ensure ctxt->lastError.message is not NULL before strdup (#382) - Handle corrupt compressed files in changedfiles (#382) - Disable debugging output for the ignore lists in init.c - Drop debugging output in the xml inspection - Remove what working directories we can - Correctly find icons for desktop files in subpackages (#367) - Followup to the Icon= check in the desktop inspection (#367) - BuildRequires libmandoc-devel >= 1.14.5 - Manually install mandoc on centos7 for now- Start work on the 1.4 release - Trim git commit summary prefix from changelog lines - Report the program version number in the results (#309) - Handle compressed but otherwise empty man pages (#308) - Flake8 fixes for test_manpage.py - s/self.rpm/self.after_rpm/ in two test_manpage.py tests - Disable broken ELF heurisitic and size limit in libclamav - Modify dump_cfg() to write valid YAML to stdout (#306) - Migrate more code off hsearch and to uthash - Replace hsearch() with uthash in the kmod inspection - Update TEST_METADATA status in TODO and MISSING - Restrict style checks to specific directories - Replace hsearch() with uthash in the abidiff inspection - Change tsearch/twalk use to uthash - Correct misuse of entry with hentry variables (#321) - Normalize copyright boilerplates in source files - Use hentry->key over hentry->value in pathmigration - Adjust lib/meson.build for Fedora rawhide - Drop gate.yml and begin non-x86_64 arches in ci.yml - Add armv7, aarch64, and s390x to the other_arches job - Change init.c error reporting over to err/warn functions - Modify file triggers and matrix use in ci.yml - Split 32-bit osdeps out to post.sh scripts in osdeps/ - Split style.yml in to shellcheck.yml and python.yml - Rewrite extra-ci.yml to use the matrix strategy method for GHA - Move the emulated CI jobs to extra-ci.yml - s/pkg/pki/ for the centos jobs - Debian and Ubuntu fixes for CI - Python pip on Debian is called pip - Try to fix just debian:stable - Enable debian:testing in extra-ci.yml - Enable centos8 in extra-ci.yml again - Enable centos7 in extra-ci.yml again - Enable opensuse-leap and gentoo in extra-ci.yml again - Run each test script individually on emulated targets - Try a different syntax for the emulated matrix jobs - Install s390 glibc headers on s390x fedora systems - Detect 32-bit and musl presence in test_elf.py - Skip lost -fPIC tests if gcc lacks -m32 support - Add stretch and buster to the emulated targets list - Drop Debian buster from the emulated targets - Install gcc-multilib only on Debian x86_64 and s390x systems - libc-dev:i386 -> libc6-dev:i386 - Disable Debian targets in extra-ci temporarily - s/AUR/git/g in osdeps/arch/post.sh - In read_cfgfile(), keep track of block depth correctly (#329) - A few more yaml parsing fixes for block vs group - Recommend or Require libabigail >= 1.8.2 - Finish normalizing all the error reporting statements - Advertise of rpminspect-report in the contrib README. - Report libclamav version and CVD versions (#258) - Ensure first argument of warn(3) is a format string. - Enable werror=true and warning_level=3 in default_options - Update the translation template file - Get rid of invalid free() in get_product_release() - Add inspection_id() to librpminspect - Update the po/rpminspect.pot template - Improve mkannounce.sh to handle stable and devel releases- Remove duplicate elf_end() call in init_elf_data() (#303) - Update translation template- Small change to the way Koji builds are submitted - Move the master branch to version 1.3 - Drop DEBUG_PRINT in process_table() - Add doc/git.md to explain source control conventions - Change Suggests to Recommends in the spec file - Add kmidiff and politics to the inspections section of generic.yaml - Update TODO list - Use warn() for non-fatal errors in mkdirp() - Require libabigail >= 1.8 in rpminspect.spec.in - Enable multiple --headers-dir1 and --headers-dir2 args in abidiff - Swap out some more fprintf()/fflush() reporting with warn() - #include in peers.c and rmtree.c - On fedora-rawhide CI jobs, install gcc-c++ and gcc-plugin-devel - Disable fedora-rawhide GitHub Action for now - Correctly handle the -w option on rpminspect(1) (#256) - Drop the relative path handling for the -w option - Build and install rc from source on opensuse-leap - Update doc/git.md on how to track upstream - Add .github/ and osdeps/ directories to extra-ci.yml - Build and install rc from source on opensuse-tumbleweed - Adjust curl(1) command line used for rc in opensuse CI jobs - Trying to figure out why the opensuse jobs produce curl errors - Another slight change to post.sh for the opensuse-leap CI job - s/PowerTools/powertools/g in the centos8 PKG_CMD definition - The output of html2text on opensuse systems is different - Rename HEADER_MAN to HEADER_MANPAGE (#264) - Add inspection_header_to_desc() to librpminspect (#264) - Add xunit output format support (#264) - Support the new output function call syntax (#264) - Move init_elf_data() to readelf.c, move data to struct rpminspect - Update inspect_elf.c unit tests for librpminspect changes - Remove check_ipv6() from inspect_elf.c - Create the badfuncs inspection - Update po/ translation files. - Add badfuncs test cases - Forgot to commit test_badfuncs.py. - Fix flake8 and black errors with test_badfuncs.py - Skip debug packages in filesize, display changes correctly - Fix spurious execstack failure - Fix YAML config file reading for BLOCK_INSPECTIONS - Expand dump_config() to cover all config file settings - Minor spelling fixes in strfuncs.c and making code explicit - Simplify list_to_string() so it handles 1-elements lists right - Add abspath() to canonicalize path strings - In the doc inspection, only show diff(1) output for text files (#254) - Add strxmlescape() to strfuncs.c in librpminspect (#264) - Output the system-out xunit portion as CDATA (#264) - Slightly change how strxmlescape() works - Add the runpath inspection to librpminspect - Rename test/data/lto.c to test/data/mathlib.c - Handle the empty string case in abspath() - Expand dump_cfg() to show runpath settings - Fix block handling problems in the YAML config reader - Note single builds cannot be rebases in is_rebase() - Hook up the driver for the runpath inspection - Install patchelf for tests on fedora and centos - Update TODO and README.md files - Pass -D to rpminspect in the test suite - Add integration tests for the runpath inspection - Python flake8 and black fixes in test_runpath.py - Fixes for GitHub Actions on Debian and Ubuntu - Disable Rust support in pip modules, more extra-ci fixes - Update pip and setuptools on debian and ubuntu CI jobs - Make sure pip is updated on debian, centos7, and centos8 - Fixes for extra-ci on arch, centos7, centos8, and debian - Adjust docker image names for opensuse and arch - Add Gentoo Linux to the Extra CI set - extra-ci.yml typo fix for the gentoo job - Use gentoo/stage3 as the container for the gentoo CI job - Disable opensuse-tumbleweed and archlinux CI jobs - Make sure util/determine-os.sh picks up Gentoo Linux - In the runpath inspection, fail if DT_RPATH and DT_RUNPATH exist - Use pip install for PIP_CMD on gentoo - Set PIP_CMD to pip install -user for gentoo - Handle a NULL from list_to_string() in abspath() - Do not match path prefixes in the runpath inspection - Python black fixes for test_runpath.py - Stop doing an emerge --sync on the gentoo CI job - Replace emerge --sync with a manual portage sync - Use emerge-webrsync to update portage on gentoo - Add uthash and move the file matching code to it. - Typo fix in README.md - Fix some memory leaks found by valgrind - Create mkannounce.sh to help make release announcements easier - shellcheck fixes for mkannounce.sh- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_34_Mass_Rebuild- For BUILDTYPE=release, generate the correct type of changelog - Minor logic error in submit-koji-builds.sh - Fix reading existing spec file in submit-koji-builds.sh - Bump development build version to 1.2 - Use is_rebase() in the 'upstream' inspection - Use rpmtdSetIndex() and rpmtdGetString() in get_header_value() - Add get_rpmtag_fileflags() to files.c and call from extract_rpm() - Use correct Version and Release values in download_build() - #include -> #include - Add the 'config' inspection to librpminspect - Rephrase reporting messages in the 'config' inspection - Add the 'doc' inspection to librpminspect - Update TODO list - Minor updates to try and make gate.sh more reliable - Add config and doc to the inspections list in generic.yaml - Rename the '%files' inspection to 'files' (#194) - Modify baseclass.py to allow 'before' and 'after' NVR tuples - Use the after tuple to override the NVR in test_abidiff.py - Use the after tuple to override the NVR in test_upstream.py - Write rpminspect output to a file in the test suite - Add 28 test cases for the 'config' inspection - Fix the errors in the 'config' inspection found by the test suite - Fix Python problems in the test suite reported by black and flake8 - Add Makefile targets for black and flake8 - One more formatting issue reporting by Python black in test_config.py - More 'python black' formatting errors reported for test_config.py - https://mandoc.bsd.lv -> http://mandoc.bsd.lv - Add a -D/--dump-config option to rpminspect(1) - Use global reported variable in 'config' inspection - Fix reporting errors in the 'doc' inspection - Add test_doc.py with 'doc' inspection test cases - Ignore flake8 W291 in test_doc.py where we explicitly want whitepsace. - Add init_rebaseable() to librpminspect - Check the rebaseable list in is_rebase() in librpminspect - Update TODO list - Define a new GitHub Action using utils/gate.sh - Update the README.md file - shellcheck fixes for utils/gate.sh - Use utils/find-ninja.sh to determine what ninja-build command to use - Install fedora-packager for the gate.yml GitHub Action - Remove before and after variables from gate.sh; unused - Remove unnecessary basename() calls in inspect_upstream.c - Do not assume an or bn contain strings in is_rebase() (#196) - Adjust what things run during with GitHub Actions - Add get_rpm_header_string_array() to librpminspect - Replace init_source() with get_rpm_header_string_array() in inspect_upstream.c - free() allocated output string in inspect_changelog.c on errors - s/10240/16384/ in archive_read_open_filename() call in unpack.c - Add the 'patches' inspection to librpminspect - Add uncompress_file() to librpminspect - Add filecmp() and use that in place of zcmp/bzcmp/xzcmp - README.md updates - Restrict some GitHub Actions to source code and test suite changes. - Only enable lz4 compression if ARCHIVE_FILTER_LZ4 is defined - Go ahead and wrap the rest of the libarchive compression filters - s/class Test/class /g - Make sure uncompress_file() supports xz compression - Handle more compressed file MIME types. - Add test_changedfiles.py to the test suite. - Add test_patches.py with test cases for the 'patches' inspection - flake8 fixes in the test suite - Python format fixes for test_changedfiles.py - Python format fixes in test_patches.py - More Python format fixes for test_patches.py - Remove unnecessary 'a' in DESC_PATCHES - Better explanation as to why the EmptyLicenseTag tests are skipped. - Test suite cleanup; add rebase= and same= to TestCompareSRPM - Black formatting fixes for the test suite. - Remove unused imports in test_upstream.py - Revert black fixes for test_config.py - Fix my email address in test suite source files. - Support single package URLs for before and after builds (#190) - Handle invalid/missing RPMs in get_product_release() - Use warnx(), errx(), and err() in src/rpminspect.c - Modify submit-koji-builds.sh to pick up all pkg-git branches. - Update the rpminspect.1 man page to reflect current status. - Update translation template files in po/ - Support relative directory paths for the -w option (#188) - Implement the 'virus' inspection and add test cases for it. - Update po/ template files - Python formatting fixes for test_virus.py - Update the osdeps/*/reqs.txt files. - More osdeps updates for the clamav needs - Install 'xz' for the 'style' GitHub Action - Fix a variety of small memory leaks in librpminspect - Stop the freshclam service for the Ubuntu gate job - Support slightly older versions of libclamav in inspect_virus.c - Add the 'politics' inspection to librpminspect. - In tearDown() in the test suite, call rpmfluff clean() methods - Add test_politics.py with 'politics' inspection test cases - Python black format fixes for test_politics.py - 'it should added' -> 'it should be added' - Increase the runtime timeout for test_virus.py - Install the timeout decorator on all OSes in our GitHub Actions - Install timeout-decorator with pip, not timeout - Expand librpminspect with support for SHA-224, SHA-384, and SHA-512 - Define DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DIGEST in constants.h and use that. - Replace some fprintf()/fflush() calls with warn()/warnx() calls - Rename the 'DT_NEEDED' inspection to 'dsodeps' - Rename 'LTO' inspection to 'lto' - Update translation template and fix two incorrect error strings. - Note all valid message digests in data/politics/GENERIC - Improve reporting in the patches inspection - Only fail 'changedfiles' for VERIFY and higher results - If 'removedfiles' only reports INFO messages, pass the inspection - If 'addedfiles' only reports INFO results, pass the inspection - If 'patches' only reports INFO results, pass the inspection - No need to check value of allowed in permissions_driver() - Do not let INFO results fail the 'doc' inspection. - Do not let all INFO results in 'upstream' fail the inspection - Fix RPMFILE_FLAGS handling for %config files (#221) - Still report file changes in the 'config' inspection for rebases - Correctly check RPMFILE_DOC flags in the 'doc' inspection - Include rpm/rpmfi.h insted of rpm/rpmfiles.h - Only check regular files and symlinks in the 'doc' inspection - Remove unnecessary assert() statements in filecmp() - Remove incorrect warnx() reportings based on filecmp() return value - Exclude man pages from the 'doc' inspection - Honor the -a command line option for downloads as well as runtime (#233) - Allow optional 'commands' block in the config file - Fix assorted non-critical memory leaks - Remove unnecessary warn() after a failed stat() - Additional memory fixes for the abidiff inspection (#244) - Free ELF symbol names list in find_lto_symbols() before return - Followup to the memory fixes for read_abi() and free_abi() - Prevent invalid pointer dereferencing in invalid result in 'patches' (#245) - Avoid reusing the same abi_pkg_entry_t struct in read_abi() - Allow a set of excluded path prefixes in 'pathmigration' - Fix the YAML parsing for the pathmigration block - Document the BRANCHES variable for 'make koji' - Include the .asc file when submitting new Koji builds (#191) - Include the .asc file in the spec file- For BUILDTYPE=release, generate the correct type of changelog - Minor logic error in submit-koji-builds.sh - Fix reading existing spec file in submit-koji-builds.sh - Bump development build version to 1.2 - Use is_rebase() in the 'upstream' inspection - Use rpmtdSetIndex() and rpmtdGetString() in get_header_value() - Add get_rpmtag_fileflags() to files.c and call from extract_rpm() - Use correct Version and Release values in download_build() - #include -> #include - Add the 'config' inspection to librpminspect - Rephrase reporting messages in the 'config' inspection - Add the 'doc' inspection to librpminspect - Update TODO list - Minor updates to try and make gate.sh more reliable - Add config and doc to the inspections list in generic.yaml - Rename the '%files' inspection to 'files' (#194) - Modify baseclass.py to allow 'before' and 'after' NVR tuples - Use the after tuple to override the NVR in test_abidiff.py - Use the after tuple to override the NVR in test_upstream.py - Write rpminspect output to a file in the test suite - Add 28 test cases for the 'config' inspection - Fix the errors in the 'config' inspection found by the test suite - Fix Python problems in the test suite reported by black and flake8 - Add Makefile targets for black and flake8 - One more formatting issue reporting by Python black in test_config.py - More 'python black' formatting errors reported for test_config.py - https://mandoc.bsd.lv -> http://mandoc.bsd.lv - Add a -D/--dump-config option to rpminspect(1) - Use global reported variable in 'config' inspection - Fix reporting errors in the 'doc' inspection - Add test_doc.py with 'doc' inspection test cases - Ignore flake8 W291 in test_doc.py where we explicitly want whitepsace. - Add init_rebaseable() to librpminspect - Check the rebaseable list in is_rebase() in librpminspect - Update TODO list - Define a new GitHub Action using utils/gate.sh - Update the README.md file - shellcheck fixes for utils/gate.sh - Use utils/find-ninja.sh to determine what ninja-build command to use - Install fedora-packager for the gate.yml GitHub Action - Remove before and after variables from gate.sh; unused - Remove unnecessary basename() calls in inspect_upstream.c - Do not assume an or bn contain strings in is_rebase() (#196) - Adjust what things run during with GitHub Actions - Add get_rpm_header_string_array() to librpminspect - Replace init_source() with get_rpm_header_string_array() in inspect_upstream.c - free() allocated output string in inspect_changelog.c on errors - s/10240/16384/ in archive_read_open_filename() call in unpack.c - Add the 'patches' inspection to librpminspect - Add uncompress_file() to librpminspect - Add filecmp() and use that in place of zcmp/bzcmp/xzcmp - README.md updates - Restrict some GitHub Actions to source code and test suite changes. - Only enable lz4 compression if ARCHIVE_FILTER_LZ4 is defined - Go ahead and wrap the rest of the libarchive compression filters - s/class Test/class /g - Make sure uncompress_file() supports xz compression - Handle more compressed file MIME types. - Add test_changedfiles.py to the test suite. - Add test_patches.py with test cases for the 'patches' inspection - flake8 fixes in the test suite - Python format fixes for test_changedfiles.py - Python format fixes in test_patches.py - More Python format fixes for test_patches.py - Remove unnecessary 'a' in DESC_PATCHES - Better explanation as to why the EmptyLicenseTag tests are skipped. - Test suite cleanup; add rebase= and same= to TestCompareSRPM - Black formatting fixes for the test suite. - Remove unused imports in test_upstream.py - Revert black fixes for test_config.py - Fix my email address in test suite source files. - Support single package URLs for before and after builds (#190) - Handle invalid/missing RPMs in get_product_release() - Use warnx(), errx(), and err() in src/rpminspect.c - Modify submit-koji-builds.sh to pick up all pkg-git branches. - Update the rpminspect.1 man page to reflect current status. - Update translation template files in po/ - Support relative directory paths for the -w option (#188) - Implement the 'virus' inspection and add test cases for it. - Update po/ template files - Python formatting fixes for test_virus.py - Update the osdeps/*/reqs.txt files. - More osdeps updates for the clamav needs - Install 'xz' for the 'style' GitHub Action - Fix a variety of small memory leaks in librpminspect - Stop the freshclam service for the Ubuntu gate job - Support slightly older versions of libclamav in inspect_virus.c - Add the 'politics' inspection to librpminspect. - In tearDown() in the test suite, call rpmfluff clean() methods - Add test_politics.py with 'politics' inspection test cases - Python black format fixes for test_politics.py - 'it should added' -> 'it should be added' - Increase the runtime timeout for test_virus.py - Install the timeout decorator on all OSes in our GitHub Actions - Install timeout-decorator with pip, not timeout - Expand librpminspect with support for SHA-224, SHA-384, and SHA-512 - Define DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DIGEST in constants.h and use that. - Replace some fprintf()/fflush() calls with warn()/warnx() calls - Rename the 'DT_NEEDED' inspection to 'dsodeps' - Rename 'LTO' inspection to 'lto' - Update translation template and fix two incorrect error strings. - Note all valid message digests in data/politics/GENERIC - Improve reporting in the patches inspection - Only fail 'changedfiles' for VERIFY and higher results - If 'removedfiles' only reports INFO messages, pass the inspection - If 'addedfiles' only reports INFO results, pass the inspection - If 'patches' only reports INFO results, pass the inspection - No need to check value of allowed in permissions_driver() - Do not let INFO results fail the 'doc' inspection. - Do not let all INFO results in 'upstream' fail the inspection - Fix RPMFILE_FLAGS handling for %config files (#221) - Still report file changes in the 'config' inspection for rebases - Correctly check RPMFILE_DOC flags in the 'doc' inspection - Include rpm/rpmfi.h insted of rpm/rpmfiles.h - Only check regular files and symlinks in the 'doc' inspection - Remove unnecessary assert() statements in filecmp() - Remove incorrect warnx() reportings based on filecmp() return value - Exclude man pages from the 'doc' inspection - Honor the -a command line option for downloads as well as runtime (#233) - Allow optional 'commands' block in the config file - Fix assorted non-critical memory leaks - Remove unnecessary warn() after a failed stat() - Additional memory fixes for the abidiff inspection (#244) - Free ELF symbol names list in find_lto_symbols() before return - Followup to the memory fixes for read_abi() and free_abi() - Prevent invalid pointer dereferencing in invalid result in 'patches' (#245) - Avoid reusing the same abi_pkg_entry_t struct in read_abi() - Allow a set of excluded path prefixes in 'pathmigration' - Fix the YAML parsing for the pathmigration block - Document the BRANCHES variable for 'make koji' - Include the .asc file when submitting new Koji builds (#191) - Include the .asc file in the spec file- For BUILDTYPE=release, generate the correct type of changelog - Minor logic error in submit-koji-builds.sh - Fix reading existing spec file in submit-koji-builds.sh - Bump development build version to 1.2 - Use is_rebase() in the 'upstream' inspection - Use rpmtdSetIndex() and rpmtdGetString() in get_header_value() - Add get_rpmtag_fileflags() to files.c and call from extract_rpm() - Use correct Version and Release values in download_build() - #include -> #include - Add the 'config' inspection to librpminspect - Rephrase reporting messages in the 'config' inspection - Add the 'doc' inspection to librpminspect - Update TODO list - Minor updates to try and make gate.sh more reliable - Add config and doc to the inspections list in generic.yaml - Rename the '%files' inspection to 'files' (#194) - Modify baseclass.py to allow 'before' and 'after' NVR tuples - Use the after tuple to override the NVR in test_abidiff.py - Use the after tuple to override the NVR in test_upstream.py - Write rpminspect output to a file in the test suite - Add 28 test cases for the 'config' inspection - Fix the errors in the 'config' inspection found by the test suite - Fix Python problems in the test suite reported by black and flake8 - Add Makefile targets for black and flake8 - One more formatting issue reporting by Python black in test_config.py - More 'python black' formatting errors reported for test_config.py - https://mandoc.bsd.lv -> http://mandoc.bsd.lv - Add a -D/--dump-config option to rpminspect(1) - Use global reported variable in 'config' inspection - Fix reporting errors in the 'doc' inspection - Add test_doc.py with 'doc' inspection test cases - Ignore flake8 W291 in test_doc.py where we explicitly want whitepsace. - Add init_rebaseable() to librpminspect - Check the rebaseable list in is_rebase() in librpminspect - Update TODO list - Define a new GitHub Action using utils/gate.sh - Update the README.md file - shellcheck fixes for utils/gate.sh - Use utils/find-ninja.sh to determine what ninja-build command to use - Install fedora-packager for the gate.yml GitHub Action - Remove before and after variables from gate.sh; unused - Remove unnecessary basename() calls in inspect_upstream.c - Do not assume an or bn contain strings in is_rebase() (#196) - Adjust what things run during with GitHub Actions - Add get_rpm_header_string_array() to librpminspect - Replace init_source() with get_rpm_header_string_array() in inspect_upstream.c - free() allocated output string in inspect_changelog.c on errors - s/10240/16384/ in archive_read_open_filename() call in unpack.c - Add the 'patches' inspection to librpminspect - Add uncompress_file() to librpminspect - Add filecmp() and use that in place of zcmp/bzcmp/xzcmp - README.md updates - Restrict some GitHub Actions to source code and test suite changes. - Only enable lz4 compression if ARCHIVE_FILTER_LZ4 is defined - Go ahead and wrap the rest of the libarchive compression filters - s/class Test/class /g - Make sure uncompress_file() supports xz compression - Handle more compressed file MIME types. - Add test_changedfiles.py to the test suite. - Add test_patches.py with test cases for the 'patches' inspection - flake8 fixes in the test suite - Python format fixes for test_changedfiles.py - Python format fixes in test_patches.py - More Python format fixes for test_patches.py - Remove unnecessary 'a' in DESC_PATCHES - Better explanation as to why the EmptyLicenseTag tests are skipped. - Test suite cleanup; add rebase= and same= to TestCompareSRPM - Black formatting fixes for the test suite. - Remove unused imports in test_upstream.py - Revert black fixes for test_config.py - Fix my email address in test suite source files. - Support single package URLs for before and after builds (#190) - Handle invalid/missing RPMs in get_product_release() - Use warnx(), errx(), and err() in src/rpminspect.c - Modify submit-koji-builds.sh to pick up all pkg-git branches. - Update the rpminspect.1 man page to reflect current status. - Update translation template files in po/ - Support relative directory paths for the -w option (#188) - Implement the 'virus' inspection and add test cases for it. - Update po/ template files - Python formatting fixes for test_virus.py - Update the osdeps/*/reqs.txt files. - More osdeps updates for the clamav needs - Install 'xz' for the 'style' GitHub Action - Fix a variety of small memory leaks in librpminspect - Stop the freshclam service for the Ubuntu gate job - Support slightly older versions of libclamav in inspect_virus.c - Add the 'politics' inspection to librpminspect. - In tearDown() in the test suite, call rpmfluff clean() methods - Add test_politics.py with 'politics' inspection test cases - Python black format fixes for test_politics.py - 'it should added' -> 'it should be added' - Increase the runtime timeout for test_virus.py - Install the timeout decorator on all OSes in our GitHub Actions - Install timeout-decorator with pip, not timeout - Expand librpminspect with support for SHA-224, SHA-384, and SHA-512 - Define DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DIGEST in constants.h and use that. - Replace some fprintf()/fflush() calls with warn()/warnx() calls - Rename the 'DT_NEEDED' inspection to 'dsodeps' - Rename 'LTO' inspection to 'lto' - Update translation template and fix two incorrect error strings. - Note all valid message digests in data/politics/GENERIC - Improve reporting in the patches inspection - Only fail 'changedfiles' for VERIFY and higher results - If 'removedfiles' only reports INFO messages, pass the inspection - If 'addedfiles' only reports INFO results, pass the inspection - If 'patches' only reports INFO results, pass the inspection - No need to check value of allowed in permissions_driver() - Do not let INFO results fail the 'doc' inspection. - Do not let all INFO results in 'upstream' fail the inspection - Fix RPMFILE_FLAGS handling for %config files (#221) - Still report file changes in the 'config' inspection for rebases - Correctly check RPMFILE_DOC flags in the 'doc' inspection - Include rpm/rpmfi.h insted of rpm/rpmfiles.h - Only check regular files and symlinks in the 'doc' inspection - Remove unnecessary assert() statements in filecmp() - Remove incorrect warnx() reportings based on filecmp() return value - Exclude man pages from the 'doc' inspection - Honor the -a command line option for downloads as well as runtime (#233) - Allow optional 'commands' block in the config file - Fix assorted non-critical memory leaks - Remove unnecessary warn() after a failed stat() - Additional memory fixes for the abidiff inspection (#244) - Free ELF symbol names list in find_lto_symbols() before return - Followup to the memory fixes for read_abi() and free_abi() - Prevent invalid pointer dereferencing in invalid result in 'patches' (#245) - Avoid reusing the same abi_pkg_entry_t struct in read_abi() - Allow a set of excluded path prefixes in 'pathmigration' - Fix the YAML parsing for the pathmigration block - Document the BRANCHES variable for 'make koji' - Include the .asc file when submitting new Koji builds (#191) - Include the .asc file in the spec file- For BUILDTYPE=release, generate the correct type of changelog - Minor logic error in submit-koji-builds.sh - Fix reading existing spec file in submit-koji-builds.sh - Bump development build version to 1.2 - Use is_rebase() in the 'upstream' inspection - Use rpmtdSetIndex() and rpmtdGetString() in get_header_value() - Add get_rpmtag_fileflags() to files.c and call from extract_rpm() - Use correct Version and Release values in download_build() - #include -> #include - Add the 'config' inspection to librpminspect - Rephrase reporting messages in the 'config' inspection - Add the 'doc' inspection to librpminspect - Update TODO list - Minor updates to try and make gate.sh more reliable - Add config and doc to the inspections list in generic.yaml - Rename the '%files' inspection to 'files' (#194) - Modify baseclass.py to allow 'before' and 'after' NVR tuples - Use the after tuple to override the NVR in test_abidiff.py - Use the after tuple to override the NVR in test_upstream.py - Write rpminspect output to a file in the test suite - Add 28 test cases for the 'config' inspection - Fix the errors in the 'config' inspection found by the test suite - Fix Python problems in the test suite reported by black and flake8 - Add Makefile targets for black and flake8 - One more formatting issue reporting by Python black in test_config.py - More 'python black' formatting errors reported for test_config.py - https://mandoc.bsd.lv -> http://mandoc.bsd.lv - Add a -D/--dump-config option to rpminspect(1) - Use global reported variable in 'config' inspection - Fix reporting errors in the 'doc' inspection - Add test_doc.py with 'doc' inspection test cases - Ignore flake8 W291 in test_doc.py where we explicitly want whitepsace. - Add init_rebaseable() to librpminspect - Check the rebaseable list in is_rebase() in librpminspect - Update TODO list - Define a new GitHub Action using utils/gate.sh - Update the README.md file - shellcheck fixes for utils/gate.sh - Use utils/find-ninja.sh to determine what ninja-build command to use - Install fedora-packager for the gate.yml GitHub Action - Remove before and after variables from gate.sh; unused - Remove unnecessary basename() calls in inspect_upstream.c - Do not assume an or bn contain strings in is_rebase() (#196) - Adjust what things run during with GitHub Actions - Add get_rpm_header_string_array() to librpminspect - Replace init_source() with get_rpm_header_string_array() in inspect_upstream.c - free() allocated output string in inspect_changelog.c on errors - s/10240/16384/ in archive_read_open_filename() call in unpack.c - Add the 'patches' inspection to librpminspect - Add uncompress_file() to librpminspect - Add filecmp() and use that in place of zcmp/bzcmp/xzcmp - README.md updates - Restrict some GitHub Actions to source code and test suite changes. - Only enable lz4 compression if ARCHIVE_FILTER_LZ4 is defined - Go ahead and wrap the rest of the libarchive compression filters - s/class Test/class /g - Make sure uncompress_file() supports xz compression - Handle more compressed file MIME types. - Add test_changedfiles.py to the test suite. - Add test_patches.py with test cases for the 'patches' inspection - flake8 fixes in the test suite - Python format fixes for test_changedfiles.py - Python format fixes in test_patches.py - More Python format fixes for test_patches.py - Remove unnecessary 'a' in DESC_PATCHES - Better explanation as to why the EmptyLicenseTag tests are skipped. - Test suite cleanup; add rebase= and same= to TestCompareSRPM - Black formatting fixes for the test suite. - Remove unused imports in test_upstream.py - Revert black fixes for test_config.py - Fix my email address in test suite source files. - Support single package URLs for before and after builds (#190) - Handle invalid/missing RPMs in get_product_release() - Use warnx(), errx(), and err() in src/rpminspect.c - Modify submit-koji-builds.sh to pick up all pkg-git branches. - Update the rpminspect.1 man page to reflect current status. - Update translation template files in po/ - Support relative directory paths for the -w option (#188) - Implement the 'virus' inspection and add test cases for it. - Update po/ template files - Python formatting fixes for test_virus.py - Update the osdeps/*/reqs.txt files. - More osdeps updates for the clamav needs - Install 'xz' for the 'style' GitHub Action - Fix a variety of small memory leaks in librpminspect - Stop the freshclam service for the Ubuntu gate job - Support slightly older versions of libclamav in inspect_virus.c - Add the 'politics' inspection to librpminspect. - In tearDown() in the test suite, call rpmfluff clean() methods - Add test_politics.py with 'politics' inspection test cases - Python black format fixes for test_politics.py - 'it should added' -> 'it should be added' - Increase the runtime timeout for test_virus.py - Install the timeout decorator on all OSes in our GitHub Actions - Install timeout-decorator with pip, not timeout - Expand librpminspect with support for SHA-224, SHA-384, and SHA-512 - Define DEFAULT_MESSAGE_DIGEST in constants.h and use that. - Replace some fprintf()/fflush() calls with warn()/warnx() calls - Rename the 'DT_NEEDED' inspection to 'dsodeps' - Rename 'LTO' inspection to 'lto' - Update translation template and fix two incorrect error strings. - Note all valid message digests in data/politics/GENERIC - Improve reporting in the patches inspection - Only fail 'changedfiles' for VERIFY and higher results - If 'removedfiles' only reports INFO messages, pass the inspection - If 'addedfiles' only reports INFO results, pass the inspection - If 'patches' only reports INFO results, pass the inspection - No need to check value of allowed in permissions_driver() - Do not let INFO results fail the 'doc' inspection. - Do not let all INFO results in 'upstream' fail the inspection - Fix RPMFILE_FLAGS handling for %config files (#221) - Still report file changes in the 'config' inspection for rebases - Correctly check RPMFILE_DOC flags in the 'doc' inspection - Include rpm/rpmfi.h insted of rpm/rpmfiles.h - Only check regular files and symlinks in the 'doc' inspection - Remove unnecessary assert() statements in filecmp() - Remove incorrect warnx() reportings based on filecmp() return value - Exclude man pages from the 'doc' inspection - Honor the -a command line option for downloads as well as runtime (#233) - Allow optional 'commands' block in the config file - Fix assorted non-critical memory leaks - Remove unnecessary warn() after a failed stat() - Additional memory fixes for the abidiff inspection (#244) - Free ELF symbol names list in find_lto_symbols() before return - Followup to the memory fixes for read_abi() and free_abi() - Prevent invalid pointer dereferencing in invalid result in 'patches' (#245) - Avoid reusing the same abi_pkg_entry_t struct in read_abi() - Allow a set of excluded path prefixes in 'pathmigration' - Fix the YAML parsing for the pathmigration block - Document the BRANCHES variable for 'make koji' - Include the .asc file when submitting new Koji builds (#191) - Include the .asc file in the spec file- Formatting fixes in Makefile help output - Begin config file restructuring starting with rpminspect-data-generic - Support multiple configuration files. - Docs work in progress. - Only fail the annocheck inspection for RESULT_VERIFY. - Read debuginfo if available when running the 'annocheck' inspection. - Add the '%files' inspection to librpminspect - Add __attribute__((__sentinel__)) to the run_cmd() prototype - Add test suite cases for the '%files' inspection. - Added the 'types' inspection to compare MIME types between builds. - Update TODO file - Update the MISSING file - s/rpminspect.yaml/generic.yaml/ in the Makefile and README - Skip debuginfo and debugsource packages in the 'types' inspection - Add test_types.py to the test suite - Note the 'types' inspection generic.yaml - Modify add_entry() in init.c to skip duplicate entries - Start GitHub Action workflow files for rpminspect. - Install meson in ci-ubuntu.yml - Change 'nls' option in meson_options.txt to a boolean - Install gettext for ci-ubuntu - Add more build dependencies to ci-ubuntu.yml - Drop the 'method' parameter from dependency() lines in meson.build - Split xmlrpc libs to separate dependency() lines in meson.build - More xmlrpc updates for meson.build and lib/meson.build - Try to support systems with xmlrpc-c without the pkgconfig file. - Changes to build on Ubuntu, specifically the GitHub Actions system - Syntax error in ci-ubuntu.yml - Add ci-fedora.yml for GitHub Action CI on Fedora - Fix errors in ci-fedora.yml - Put all of the ci-ubuntu.yml steps in ci-ubuntu.yml - Remove install-libmandoc.sh and ubuntu-pkgs.sh helper scripts. - Install python3-setuptools in ci-ubuntu.yml - Install rpm-build in ci-fedora.yml - Install libxmlrpc-core-c3-dev in ci-ubuntu.yml - Disable ci-ubuntu.yml for now, enable code coverage in ci-fedora.yml - Remove Travis-CI files. - coverage fixes for ci-fedora.yml - Install git in ci-fedora.yml - Enable manual dispatching of the CI on Fedora tests - Remove actionspanel thing for GitHub Actions, drop Coveralls block - Comment the ci-fedora-yaml file - Fix the 'elf' inspection and test_elf.py on Ubuntu - Enable the ci-ubuntu GitHub Action again - Check all return values of getcwd() - Ignore installed Python modules with pip3 in ci-ubuntu.yml - Build 'execstack' test program with -Wl,-z,lazy - Add ci-centos8.yml to enable CI on CentOS 8 as a GitHub Action - s/centos8:latest/centos8/g - Trying 'container: centos:centos8' - Drop 'sudo' from ci-centos8.yml - Rename README to README.md - Enable GitHub Action for CI on CentOS 7 - Drop -I from the pip install line in ci-centos7.yml - Use the 'make instreqs' target for install test suite deps. - Add back 'dnf -y install 'dnf-command(builddep)'' to ci-fedora.yml - Nope, that doesn't do it. Just install make in ci-fedora.yml first - More 'make instreqs' fixes. - s/scripts/utils/g in the Makefile - s/TOPDIR/topdir/g in the Makefile - Install make in ci-centos7.yml - Move REQS and PIP lists out of the Makefile to files in osdep/ - '^$$' -> '^$' - Slightly different sourcing of the osdep/ files - Set OS using := in the Makefile - Make the reqs.txt files in osdep/ contain all deps - linux-headers -> linux-headers-$(uname -r) for Ubuntu - Remove html401-dtds from osdep/centos8/reqs.txt - Use `` instead of $() since this list goes through make(1) - Does $(shell uname -r) work in this case? - More osdep/ work and simplification. - Rename 'osdep' to 'osdeps' - meson patches for opensuse - Move mandoc installation to post.sh in osdep/ubuntu - Add GitHub Action for CI on OpenSUSE - opensuse:latest -> opensuse/leap:latest - Install tar in ci-opensuse.yml - Install gzip in ci-opensuse.yml - More fixes for ci-opensuse.yml - Small fixes to determine-os.sh - ci: Add Python linting jobs - ShellCheck fixes for the regress/ scripts - ci: Add ShellCheck to lint shell scripts - Adjust how the Makefile reports unknown operating system. - Just check $ID in determine-os.sh for opensuse - Use pip for PIP_CMD on opensuse-leap - Update the centos images before doing anything else. - Install curl in opensuse-leap - Get 'rc' from Fedora on opensuse and copy it to /usr/local - Install kernel-default-devel for opensuse CI - Move the 'uses' part of the centos CI jobs to the first step - ShellCheck fixes for the utils/ scripts. - Some flake8 fixes in test/, using yapf - Combine all of the GitHub Actions CI runs in to ci.yml - Manually install rpmfluff on CentOS 7; pip is failing here - Use rpmfluff-0.5.7 explicitly for centos7 - Use rpmfluff-0.5.6 on centos7 - OK, let's try rpmfluff-0.5 for centos7 - Last try, rpmfluff- for centos7 - Back to trying to manually install rpmfluff for centos7 - Style the Python code with Black - Add the Black formatting commit to blame revision ignore list - OK, just copy rpmfluff.py in place - Make sure to manually install rpmfluff- for centos7 - Don't assume we have a header or even a list of files (#161) - python: flake8: drop * imports - python: flake8: wrap long lines to less than 100 characters - python: flake8: drop unused imports - python: flake8: remove unused local variables - python: flake8: add PEP8 whitespace - python: flake8: mark in-line bash scripts as raw strings - python: rename several duplicate test cases - ci: merge style workflows - Adjust rpminspect.spec.in for file moves and default changes. - Return the reallybadword to the metadata tests - Adjust test_metadata.LosingVendorCompareKojiBuild to expect VERIFY - The shared libmandoc check should not look for a static libmandoc - Update the AUTHORS file - Rename ipv6_blacklist to forbidden_ipv6_functions - Rename stat-whitelist to fileinfo - Rename 'caps_whitelist' to 'caps' and drop the use of 'whitelist' - Rename abi-checking-whitelist/ to abi/ in /usr/share/rpminspect - Rename 'version-whitelist/' to 'rebaseable/' in /usr/share/rpminspect - Rename "political-whitelist/" to "politics/" in /usr/share/rpminspect - Drop unnecessary method re-definitions in base test classes - Use super() rather than explicitly calling the parent class - Call configFile() on object instance rather than using the parent class - Upload coverage report to codecov - Improve the error reporting for test result checking - Convert to AUTHORS.md file, add Makefile target to generate it. - Introduce the 'movedfiles' inspection and a lot of other fixes (#155) - AUTHORS -> AUTHORS.md in rpminspect.spec.in - Add basic tests for the filesize inspection - Multiply the file size difference before dividing - Update README.md - Update README.md (more Markdown changes) - Update POTFILES and rpminspect.pot - chmod 0755 test_filesize.py - tests: optionally check the result message - tests: add further filesize tests for shrinking files - inspect_filesize: drop extra - from the message about file shrinkage - Enable 'permissions' inspect for single build analysis. - Add 24 new test cases to cover the 'permissions' inspection. - chmod 0755 test_permissions.py - Make sure all RESULT_INFO results are set to NOT_WAIVABLE - Fix some specific problems with the 'permissions' inspection. - Pass "-r GENERIC" to rpminspect in the TestCompareKoji class - Add 12 more permissions test cases for setuid file checks - Update TODO list - Update test_symlink.py tests for new waiver_auth values - Add a fedora-rawhide job and renamed 'fedora' to fedora-stable - Update the rpminspect.pot translation template - Relicense librpminspect (lib/ and include/) as LGPL-3.0-or-later - Ignore .tox/ subdirectory - License the rpminspect-data-generic subpackage as CC-BY-4.0 - Add a copy of the Apache 2.0 license for the 5 files in librpminspect - Update the License tag in the spec file and the %license lines - Add debian-testing as a CI workflow; add missing osdeps files. - Update determine-os.sh to handle Fedora stable and rawhide - Drop the use of 'sudo' in ci.yml - sudo required for Ubuntu CI job, install make for debian-testing - See what $ID is set to in determine-os.sh - Workaround a bug in meson 0.55.0 for Fedora CI jobs - Add 'debian' catch to utils/determine-os.sh - Rename 'osdeps/debian-testing/' to 'osdeps/debian/' - Add opensuse-tumbleweed to the CI job list - Add libmagic-dev to osdeps/debian/reqs.txt - Fix memory corruption in init_rpminspect - Add comment clarifying the License tag in the spec file. - If check_results() raises AssertionError, dump the JSON output - Fix test_changelog.py test cases that are failing. - Fix UnbalancedChangeLogEditCompareKoji - Handle rpm versions with x.y.z.w version numbers in test_symlinks.py - Fix mandoc build problems in opensuse-tumbleweed CI job - Install gcovr using pip on opensuse-tumbleweed - Handle systems that lack pkg-config files for libelf and libcap - Add archlinux CI job in GitHub Actions - Forgot --noconfirm on the 'pacman -Syu' line. - Add missing DESC_MOVEDFILES block to inspection_desc() - More minor fixes to the Arch Linux CI job. - Install gcovr with pip for the Arch Linux CI job. - Support building on systems that lack - Add detection for to meson.build - Ensure an int is used for snprintf() in inspect_manpage_path() - WIP: 'abidiff' inspection - Only report permissions change if there is a mode_diff (#181) - Fix -Werror failures in inspect_abidiff.c - Add sl_run_cmd() to librpminspect. - Add get_arches() to librpminspect - WIP: abidiff inspection - Some minor edits to the README.md file - More minor updates to the README.md file - Replace get_arches() with init_arches() - Add test_addedfiles.py to the integration test suite - Expand find_one_peer() to soft match versioned ELF shared libraries - Add the beginnings of the 'abidiff' inspection code. - Report out findings in the abidiff inspection. - Update the test suite to cover rpmfluff 0.6 - libmandoc configure workaround needed on Debian too - shellcheck fixes for the scripts in utils/ - Add abi.c, the code that reads in the ABI compat level files (#144) - Be sure to close the open file before exiting init_fileinfo() - Python formatting cleanups - Add --diff to the Python format checker - Add new setting to abidiff section of the config file - Add -n/--no-rebase command line option to disable rebase detection - Store size_threshold as a long int rather than a char * - Check abidiff(1) results against the ABI compat level definitions (#144) - Add 'apt-get -y install libgcc-s1:i386' to pre.sh for Debian - Add integration test cases for the abidiff inspection (#144) - Add 'dpkg --configure -a' to pre.sh for debian - Install libterm-readline-perl-perl for debian CI - Install libabigail for Fedora and CentOS CI jobs - libgcc-s1:i386 -> lib32gcc-s1 for debian CI - Install libabigail for opensuse-leap, opensuse-tumbleweed, and arch CI - Install libabigail for debian and ubuntu CI - Install libabigail-dev for debian and ubuntu, not libabigail - Install libabigail-tools on opensuse-leap and opensuse-tumbleweed - Install libabigail-git for arch linux CI - Move free_argv_table() to runcmd.c - Install 'abigail-tools' for debian-testing and ubuntu CI - Install libabigail using the Arch User Repo on arch CI - Explain the osdeps/ subdirectory. - No, just clone libabigail from git and build it manually on arch - Add beginning of kmidiff inspection, put ABI functions in abi.c - Read list of possible kernel executable filenames from the config file. - Drop abidiff_ and kmidiff_ from extra_args; add kernel_filenames - Just call the abidiff and kmidiff extra args settings "extra_args" - Define 'kmi_ignore_pattern' in the config file. - Handle builds that lack all debuginfo packages (#186) - Do not assume peer->after_hdr exists (#187) - Store copy of original pointer in strsplit() to free at the end. - Use mmap() and strsplit() in read_file() rather than a getline() loop - Fix memory leaks in abi.c functions - open() failure in readfile() is not fatal, just return NULL - Add utils/gate.sh - Have check_abi() pass back the ABI compat level found - Update descriptions for abidiff and kmidiff inspections - Hook up the kmidiff inspection. - Use read_file() in init_fileinfo() and init_caps() - Use read_file() in validate_desktop_contents() - Use read_file() in disttag_driver() - Adjust how init_fileinfo() and init_caps() iterate over file contents - Fix 'tox -e format' style problems found. - Avoid comparing elf files that are not shared libraries - Support --kmi-whitelist in the kmidiff inspection - Trim worksubdir from paths in reported abidiff and kmidiff commands - Remove the kmi_ignore_pattern setting for the config file. - Create include/queue.h to replace the _COMPAT_QUEUE blocks everywhere - Update AUTHORS.md - Report metadata changes for rebased packages as INFO - Do not fail the specname inspection when given a non-SRPM - For passing upstream inspections, do not report a remedy string. - Do not fail the lostpayload inspections if it only gives INFO messages - Clarify unapproved license message in the license inspection - Use FOPEN_MAX for nopenfd parameter in nftw() calls - Make sure to close open file descriptors from get_elf() calls. - Include 'src' architecture in the rpminspect runs in gate.sh - Make sure kmidiff is listed in the spec file - TODO updates - Update rpminspect.pot and POTFILES for translations  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcd1.8-1.el81.8-1.el8rpminspect-1.8-1.el8.x86_64includeinspect.hreadelf.hrpminspect.htypes.huthash.hlibabi.cabspath.carches.cbadwords.cbuilds.cbytes.cchecksums.ccopyfile.cdebug.cdiags.cfilecmp.cfileinfo.cfiles.cflags.cfree.cinit.cinspect.cinspect_abidiff.cinspect_addedfiles.cinspect_annocheck.cinspect_arch.cinspect_badfuncs.cinspect_capabilities.cinspect_changedfiles.cinspect_changelog.cinspect_config.cinspect_desktop.cinspect_disttag.cinspect_doc.cinspect_dsodeps.cinspect_elf.cinspect_emptyrpm.cinspect_files.cinspect_filesize.cinspect_javabytecode.cinspect_kmidiff.cinspect_kmod.cinspect_license.cinspect_lostpayload.cinspect_lto.cinspect_manpage.cinspect_metadata.cinspect_modularity.cinspect_movedfiles.cinspect_ownership.cinspect_patches.cinspect_pathmigration.cinspect_permissions.cinspect_politics.cinspect_removedfiles.cinspect_runpath.cinspect_shellsyntax.cinspect_specname.cinspect_subpackages.cinspect_symlinks.cinspect_types.cinspect_unicode.cinspect_upstream.cinspect_virus.cinspect_xml.ckmods.ckoji.clistfuncs.clocal.cmacros.cmagic.cmkdirp.coutput.coutput_json.coutput_text.coutput_xunit.cpairfuncs.cpaths.cpeers.creadelf.creadfile.crebase.crelease.cresults.crmtree.crpm.cruncmd.csecrule.cstrfuncs.ctty.cuncompress.cunpack.csrcrpminspect.cx86_64-redhat-linux-gnulibinspect_elf_bits.c/usr/src/debug//usr/src/debug/rpminspect-1.8-1.el8.x86_64//usr/src/debug/rpminspect-1.8-1.el8.x86_64/include//usr/src/debug/rpminspect-1.8-1.el8.x86_64/lib//usr/src/debug/rpminspect-1.8-1.el8.x86_64/src//usr/src/debug/rpminspect-1.8-1.el8.x86_64/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu//usr/src/debug/rpminspect-1.8-1.el8.x86_64/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu/lib/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectioncpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryC source, UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesC source, UTF-8 Unicode textC source, ASCII texthttps://bugz.fedoraproject.org/rpminspectutf-8e4c9b372ef195853900b223b7bd2adaeec71b7f35949440b1abd96fd46e7a834?`7zXZ !#,z] b2u jӫ`(y-$t=-1nnJx'r6^N qi Ωآ$p+\$!{a9WOӧ1_:Ӹhk}㒼.‡~Q)صW=~*O**4ʔ)%p Q,;a{CJ"n0hc %$|I(x1L!Q1:߹ȜS0pۦ{PʇЊa3 hTjbxHyew}K eyv$.ؗml፯kprQQ"\?j(C4ےDG<[_F1Bh->hٿqCg=m*LGǝȪR0׊vb$HGon%zkttMawk*m:A"(?` 蓒 <gέ|}2Kzqfʚ?Ksd1rM;^=9?~V"ҡ#Z`,ߞT/[[h/rX6_ h6\˱n@޶w;|ah]P ׹!Q~yMul{o+D})V+t' Y +-̘'U샫ϙI(rpRQ-KpÜ*eY6-J15'Ś]C)bb "5FiV5 _c>4BEb,,(g)0K v3QQ :}KWb>: BKrda^e{kȓ5U@?Zlzgj袾JOPxBF<<JK*'TZ.e"RLyc O<&!t9şuHyhX(b 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