gfal2-plugin-gridftp-2.21.2-1.el8$>]Lži_3fsR(>=A?Atd $ K+:B Q]     .Lh'' '( a8 hc9 c: :cG<H<I<X<Y<\=]=^=b>d?Re?Wf?Zl?\t?tu?v?w@Hx@`y@x"AAA)A/ApCgfal2-plugin-gridftp2.21.21.el8Provides the gridftp support for gfal2Provides the gridftp support (gsiftp://) for gfal2. The gridftp plugin provides the POSIX operations and the third party transfer support on the GSIFTP!Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectASL 2.0Fedora ProjectUnspecified큤cxcccccx98d204eb55d92ecbfc30feab0c441d9c85c8ae180e7a2c418f083fc6166d8dac85105997454092954598f24ae29a24343dc07397783bd951840c2bcabd47d74149b01d52f180a97334c7d5c881c502c0c772aba3a6663170ad49c9b62d744486../../../../usr/lib64/gfal2-plugins/libgfal_plugin_gridftp.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootgfal2-2.21.2-1.el8.src.rpmconfig(gfal2-plugin-gridftp)gfal2-plugin-gridftpgfal2-plugin-gridftp(x86-64)    @config(gfal2-plugin-gridftp)gfal2(x86-64) @b5@b?bʿ@b@b!@b aNa.a.`]``@_إ@_@_%Y@_^@^@^@^U @^0"@]}@]@]m@]9]@\R@[[H@[?YZZ2@ZkZZZz@Zs@Z-!YY}@YyYx@Y, @X9@X@X@XX)@X$a@WWVm@VVhV<@Uy@Ua@U/@TPT@T@T}Ti@T`T\@T @TT@SGS@SS;@SS!S @RjRv@R{Rg@QQ@Q~`Qzl@Qu&@QeT@QP<@QIQ']Q@P@P7@PP H@OO#OONMihai Patrascoiu - 2.21.2-1Mihai Patrascoiu - 2.21.1-1Mihai Patrascoiu - 2.21.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.20.5-4Mamoru TASAKA - 2.20.5-3Benjamin A. Beasley - 2.20.5-2Mihai Patrascoiu - 2.20.5-1Mihai Patrascoiu - 2.20.4-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.19.2-4Michal Simon - 2.19.2-2Michal Simon - 2.19.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.18.2-10Björn Esser - 2.18.2-9Fedora Release Engineering - 2.18.2-8Michal Simon - 2.18.2-1Richard Shaw - 2.18.1-7Fedora Release Engineering - 2.18.1-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.18.1-2Michal Simon - 2.18.0-1Michal Simon - 2.17.3-1Björn Esser - 2.17.2-2Michal Simon - 2.17.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.17.1-2Georgios Bitzes - 2.17.1-1Andrea Manzi - 2.17.0-1Andrea Manzi - 2.16.3-3Fedora Release Engineering - 2.16.3-2Andrea Manzi - 2.16.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.16.1-2Andrea Manzi - 2.16.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.15.5-3Andrea Manzi - 2.15.5-2Andrea Manzi - 2.15.4-1Björn Esser - 2.15.3-2Andrea Manzi - 2.15.3-1Björn Esser - 2.15.2-2Andrea Manzi - 2.15.2-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.15.1-2Andrea Manzi - 2.15.1-1Björn Esser - 2.14.2-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2.14.2-3Florian Weimer - 2.14.2-2Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.14.2-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.14.1-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.13.4-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.13.3-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.13.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.12.3-4Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.12.3-3Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.12.3-2Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.12.3-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.12.2-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.11.1-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.11.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.10.3-2Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.10.3-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.10.2-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.9.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.9.1-2Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.9.1-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.8.4-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.8.1-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.7.8-3Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.7.8-2Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.7.8-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.7.7-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.7.6-1Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.6.8-6Orion Poplawski - 2.6.8-5Fedora Release Engineering - 2.6.8-4Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.6.8-3Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.6.8-2Alejandro Alvarez Ayllon - 2.6.8-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.5.5-3Alejandro Alvarez - 2.5.5-2Adrien Devresse - 2.5.5-1Alejandro Alvarez - 2.4.8-1Alejandro Alvarez - 2.4.7-1Alejandro Alvarez - 2.4.6-1Alejandro Alvarez - 2.4.5-3Adrien Devresse - 2.3.0-0Adrien Devresse - 2.2.1-0Michail Salichos - 2.2.0-5Michail Salichos - 2.2.0-4Michail Salichos - 2.2.0-3Michail Salichos - 2.2.0-2Michail Salichos - 2.2.0-1Adrien Devresse - 2.2.0-0Adrien Devresse - 2.1.6-0Adrien Devresse - 2.1.5-0Adrien Devresse - 2.1.1-0Adrien Devresse - 2.1.0-2Adrien Devresse - 2.1.0-0Adrien Devresse - 2.0.0-1Adrien Devresse - 2.0.0-0.10.2012062323snapAdrien Devresse - 2.0.0-0.9.2012061511snapAdrien Devresse - 2.0.0-0.8.2012052812snapAdrien Devresse - 2.0.0-0.7.2012050413snapAdrien Devresse - 2.0.0-0.6.2012041515snap- Upgrade to upstream release 2.21.2- Upgrade to upstream release 2.21.1- Upgrade to upstream release 2.21.0- Rebuilt for Rebuild for new gtest- Rebuilt for gtest 1.12.0 (close RHBZ#2101746)- Upgrade to upstream release 2.20.5- Upgrade to upstream release 2.20.4- Rebuilt for Do not build SRM plug-in on Fedora platforms- Upgrade to upstream release 2.19.2- Rebuilt for Rebuild for versioned symbols in json-c- Rebuilt for Upgrade to upstream release 2.18.2- Rebuild for pugixml 1.11.- Second attempt - Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Upgrade to upstream release 2.18.0- Upgrade to upstream release 2.17.3- Rebuild (json-c)- Upgrade to upstream release 2.17.2- Rebuilt for Upgraded to upstream release 2.17.1- Upgraded to upstream release 2.17.0- stop builing LFC and RFIO plugins in Rawhide and F31- Rebuilt for Upgraded to upstream release 2.16.3- Rebuilt for Upgraded to upstream release 2.16.1- Rebuilt for Upgraded to upstream release 2.15.5-2- Upgraded to upstream release 2.15.4- Rebuilt for (json-c v0.13.1) on fc28- Upgraded to upstream release 2.15.3- Rebuilt for (json-c v0.13.1)- Upgraded to upstream release 2.15.2- Rebuilt for Upgraded to upstream release 2.15.1- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Rebuild with binutils fix for ppc64le (#1475636)- Upgraded to upstream release 2.14.2- Upgraded to upstream release 2.14.1- Upgraded to upstream release 2.13.4 - Fix Fedora rpm checks- Upgraded to upstream release 2.13.3- Upgraded to upstream release 2.13.1- Rebuilt for Remove trailing whitespaces on pkgconfig file- Enable build of mock plugin- Upgraded to upstream release 2.12.3- Upgraded to upstream release 2.12.2- Upgraded to upstream release 2.11.1- Upgraded to upstream release 2.11.0- Rebuilt for Upgraded to upstream release 2.10.3- Upgraded to upstream release 2.10.2- Upgraded to upstream release 2.9.3- Rebuilt for Upgraded to upstream release 2.9.1- Upgraded to upstream release 2.8.4- Upgraded to upstream release 2.8.1- Applied patch moving buffer to heap to avoid SIGSEGV when the stack size is limited- Patched a bug in a call to gfal2_set_error- Upstream backported fix for protocol honoring on SRM GET and PUT- Upgraded to upstream release 2.7.7- New upstream release- Patch to use lseek64 instead of lseek in the http plugin- Rebuild for pugixml 1.4- Rebuilt for Disable GridFTP session reuse by default (see LCGUTIL-448)- Patch for symbol that dissapeared in Davix- Release 2.6.8 of GFAL2- Rebuilt for Backported patch that fixes segfault on the SRM plugin when listing empty directories- Release 2.5.5 of GFAL2- Release 2.4.8 of GFAL2- Release 2.4.7 of GFAL2- Release 2.4.6 of GFAL 2- Release 2.4.5 of GFAL 2- Release 2.3.0 of GFAL 2.0- export transfer plugin API ( needed for xrootd plugin )- make all gridftp ops async to avoid stalling processes- replace gass stat with gridftp stat- change gridftp error string pattern to satisfy Griffin- display turls in verbose mode, needed by fts3- fix memory leaks in bringonline SRM op- fix thread safety issue with gsiftp plugin - add the bring online API - support for the http plugin by default - remove executable stack need - remove openMP dependency - add synchronous cancellation API - add gsiftp performance marker timeout - support for srm session reuse - reduce memory footprint- FTS 3.0 EMI 3 update - minor fix on the cancel logic - change the performance marker auto-cancel threading model - change the performance marker default timeout value- FTS 3.0 EMI 3 release sync - include event hooks support - include cancel logic support - include performance marker auto-cancel for gsiftp - include checksum timeout support for gsiftp - include srm session re-use support- fix a minor memory issue with the gfal_transfer stack - fix a wrong error report problem with srm third party copy- fix an issue this surl to turl resolution for SRM third party copy- One-globus session system for gsiftp plugin ( FTS 3.0 need ) - correct a major issue with the gass attribute system in gsiftp plugin - change the lfc set/get env var for a one compatible with set/get opt - add set/nb streams option for gsiftp - add the mkdir rec function for SRM transfer - correct an issue with opendir and srm_ls ( ENOTDIR error silent ) - correct a memory leak in the cache system - correct timeout support for gsiftp transfer - implement tcp buffer size support for gsiftp layer - apply a correction on the SRM over-write logic, related to a BeStMan errcode problem on File Not Found with srmRm ( EOS ) - apply a fix on the transfer gsiftp timeout ( protection against multiple cancel ) - fix for SRM filesize problem ( defined to 0, workaround ) related to globus 426 error bad filesize - secure the callback system for globus gass timeout - base implementation of the http plugin - improve reliability of the bdii resolution - add a fallback mechanism in case of bdii bad resolution - correct several race conditions in the bdii layer - add thread safe support for set/get variables in liblfc - correct a deadlock problem with globus and gisftp plugin - implement the mkdir_rec logic for general purpose - implement the parent folder creation logic with gridftp - add support for lfc://host/path URL style for the lfc plugin - switch off_t to 64bits size by default ( _FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64) - provide a "nobdii" like option - provide the choice of turl protocol resolution for srm plugin- Official initial release candidate of gfal 2.0 - Transfer API is official - gridftp support for performance marker, checksum - gridftp support for gridftpv2, dcau param - SRM support for spacetoken in transfer - SRM abort auto-management - parallel operations in transfers - file protocol dedicated in a plugin - configuration file support - srm timeout support - general purpose checksum operation support - POSIX operation support for gridftp - cleaner plugin API - new documentation - I hope that you will enjoy gfal 2.0 :)- Snapshot of the 0.10 version for testing- Snapshot of the 0.9 version for testing- Snapshot of the 0.8 version for testing.- Improve gridftp plugin with severals other calls - Correct dcap/rfio/srm bugs related to error report - big work on the documentation- Initial gfal 2.0 preview -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectiondrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=de782cfbc43450191dda7a9071fc0972341d85bd, stripped"PR RRRRRRRRR!RR RR RRRR RRR RRRRRRR RRRRR% !#,']"k%2푝7Y? +%;AzO8fW{@o'Br΄;=]n$s٣IQiENxc_x2SPE z:|ZͰǗW'pA 25>'Ѹ;$viie1V.ڢ=doy}xAۚ /,Edf<nc&bcnlSM`4jmϫ0 y)h 1T{ȭqO0{W-So}D3MD`f6=8FcgY"+|\W)U'܁0 k0$s]!?Ωa)3a}c°ꠔ-Xi$M?Kk2!ȴwҺEVb|iPaE|窪MZYGٵa5Z J5D^}dfv2ӹq0}PELcax$2b 0a&Z :H&X6GmNIanOWRFM C y. >j/C7[/b{b ņ2zBƋΙ4tU} wi1jIGٵy~zDSH(| .4_pﰓ?ZtL͖ĺsBH*1"fOmuvw2hS1Ш"Zs.o3@&O>:0Ɓ6m" \#6t^KhO o|[3$gyc42Δj[xMΩiwbjZ5]df]nTɳnxJePDM!N 2.؊ɏk(tdsʛ1v],sڇ}[-[(XSpip.hbv} +!!@P4J} u2#o&x=5 B43:V~5?CDӳx&XGIơm?IJB6kC9I#rҹDܺ'Exތ<﷦#[pꄫ=+75*GhL O:]c4=IMS}d~p XZ#ͳkF^D峏G2aDZ"o|kϫ%B7:MPL ʾ+[FI4*ab3?[ޚ\k֖ XPAQMiMV)ZBy!kA0ˀCIg[Կi(R/ۮuaYQPOgFT,,qӫҲkAS Y)+Oj]Ai,~>\QC:b)4!޶" gwT>Jl !yя{CY!wU]c6jZk{\iMo6F4q~fpWJ rGg>֙|lN`\⡳%Z2|=P"$EWRwWZ5qaj594LRn"w"Pɵ`%$h%]w$=R<ͺcn. 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