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6.08.06-2Mattias Ellert - 6.08.06-1Mattias Ellert - 6.08.04-3Fedora Release Engineering - 6.08.04-2Mattias Ellert - 6.08.04-1Igor Gnatenko - 6.08.02-4Orion Poplawski - 6.08.02-3Miro Hrončok - 6.08.02-2Mattias Ellert - 6.08.02-1Mattias Ellert - 6.06.08-2Mattias Ellert - 6.06.08-1Mattias Ellert - 6.06.06-4Fedora Release Engineering - 6.06.06-3Mattias Ellert - 6.06.06-2Mattias Ellert - 6.06.06-1Mattias Ellert - 6.06.04-4Mattias Ellert - 6.06.04-3Mattias Ellert - 6.06.04-2Mattias Ellert - 6.06.04-1Mattias Ellert - 6.06.02-2Mattias Ellert - 6.06.02-1Mattias Ellert - 5.34.36-1Fedora Release Engineering - 5.34.32-9Mamoru TASAKA - 5.34.32-8Adam Jackson - 5.34.32-7Vít Ondruch - 5.34.32-6Mattias Ellert - 5.34.32-5Fedora Release Engineering - 5.34.32-4Mattias Ellert - 5.34.32-3David Abdurachmanov - 5.34.32-2Mattias Ellert - 5.34.32-1Fedora Release Engineering - 5.34.30-2Mattias Ellert - 5.34.30-1Mattias Ellert - 5.34.28-1Mattias Ellert - 5.34.26-1Mattias Ellert - 5.34.24-3Mamoru TASAKA - 5.34.24-2Mattias Ellert - 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5.32.01-1Fedora Release Engineering - 5.32.00-3Mattias Ellert - 5.32.00-2Mattias Ellert - 5.32.00-1Petr Pisar - 5.30.04-3Fedora Release Engineering - 5.30.04-2Mattias Ellert - 5.30.04-1Mattias Ellert - 5.30.03-1Mattias Ellert - 5.30.02-1Mattias Ellert - 5.30.01-1Mattias Ellert - 5.30.00-3Mattias Ellert - 5.30.00-2Mattias Ellert - 5.30.00-1Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00e-2Mattias Ellert - - 5.28.00d-2Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00d-1Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00c-1.1Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00c-1Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00b-2Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00b-1Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00a-1Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00-4Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00-3Fedora Release Engineering - 5.28.00-2Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00-1.1Mattias Ellert - 5.28.00-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00e-3Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00e-2Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00e-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00d-3Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00d-2Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00d-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00c-4Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00c-3Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00c-2Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00c-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00b-3Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00b-2Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00b-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00a-1Mattias Ellert - 5.26.00-1Mattias Ellert - 5.24.00b-1- Update to 6.28.06 - Drop patches root-testRooAbsL-test-compares-two-doubles-and-fails.patch and root-strlcpy.patch (fixed upstream)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Fix build on Fedora 39+ where glibc has strlcpy and strlcat - Enable build of root-gui-qt6webdisplay sub-package if Qt6 is available- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- Update to 6.28.04 - Drop patch root-RF-Rewrite-RooProdPdf.TestGetPartIntList-unit-test.patch (previously backported) - Enable Apache Arrow support (64 bit architectures only)- R-maint-sig mass rebuild- Disable uring in EPEL 9 (liburing is available, but uring not supported by kernel)- Update to 6.28.02 - Dropped patches: 13 - New patches: 1- Update to 6.28.00 - ROOT now uses llvm/clang version 13 (updated from version 9) - Clean up specfile by removing EPEL 7 conditionals - Drop dataframe, roofit and tmva-sofieparser on EPEL 8 ppc64le due to "pure virtual method called" errors - Split the root-geom sub-package into three separate sub-packages: root-geom, root-geom-builder and root-geom-painter - Enable uring support in EPEL 9 (liburing now available) - New sub-packages: root-geom-webviewer, root-roofit-jsoninterface, root-testsupport, root-tree-ntuple-utils, root-tree-webviewer, root-xroofit - Dropped patches: 31 - New patches: 17 - Updated patches: 4- Rebuilt to change Python shebangs to /usr/bin/python3.6 on EPEL 8- Adapt to numpy 1.24- Add missing #include - Rebuilt for Rebuild for cfitsio 4.2- Update to 6.26.10 - Drop patches root-Fixes-for-garbage-collection-in-Python-3.11.patch and root-Guard-gInterpreterMutex-in-TClingClassInfo-IsEnum.patch (fixed upstream) - Use different filenames in io/loopdir tests - Update root-test-timeout.patch to address one more issue- Avoid race condition between C++ and Python version of a roofit test- Update to 6.26.08 - Drop patch root-move-private-decl.patch (fixed upstream) - Drop some previously backported patches - Rename patch root-blas-linking-and-ignore-prefix.patch (partially fixed) - Backport locking of gInterpreterMutex in TClingClassInfo::IsEnum- Use upstream's proposed change for the Python garbage collection issue- Rebuild for gsl-2.7.1- Use the json 3.11 fix upstream settled on- Compatibility with nlohmann json 3.11+ - Enable gfal support in EPEL 9 (gfal2 now available)- Update to 6.26.06- Rebuilt for Don't use yuicompressor on Fedora (Java no longer available on ix86)- Backport python 3.11 fixes from upstream - Backport additional python 3.11 fixes from CPyCppyy upstream - Exclude some failing tests on Fedora 37+ (segfaults during Python garbage collection with Python 3.11) - Adjust some test timeouts- Rebuilt for Python 3.11- Update to 6.26.04 - Drop patch root-missing-include.patch (accepted upstream)- Rebuild for gcc 12.1 (Fedora 36) - Update the root-tmva-threads patch- Rebuild for gcc 11.3 (Fedora 35) - Use upstream's version of the dataframe-snapshot on 32 bit patch- Update to 6.26.02 - Drop patch root-roofit-overflow.patch (previously backported)- Update to 6.26.00 - New subpackages: root-roofit-common, root-roofit-dataframe-helpers, root-roofit-hs3, root-tmva-sofie and root-tmva-sofie-parser - Removed subpackages: root-memstat and root-montecarlo-vmc - Drop the doxygen generated root-doc package (doxygen runs out of memory) - Dropped patches: 17 - New patches: 22 - Updated patches: 5- Rebuild for glew 2.2- Exclude failing test on Fedora 36 ppc64le: test-stressHistFactory(-interpreted) - Disable package note flags- Rebuilt for Backport gcc 12 fix from LLVM - Fix test failure on ppc64le and aarch64 with gcc 12- Fix segfaults on ppc64le when using the large code model- Update to 6.24.06- Rebuilt with OpenSSL 3.0.0- Update to 6.24.04 - Add dependency on json-devel to root-core - Disable uring in EPEL 8 (liburing is available, but uring not supported by kernel)- Update to 6.24.02 - ROOT now uses llvm/clang version 9 (updated from version 5) - No longer exclude arch s390x (better supported in llvm/clang 9) - Drop patches accepted upstream or previously backported - Backport some fixes that make more tests work - New subpackages: python{2,3}-distrdf, root-roofit-batchcompute - Require js-jsroot >= 6- Drop the memstat module for Fedora 35+ The required __malloc_hook was removed from glibc 2.33.9000-48 The memstat module is deprecated and will be removed in root 6.26- Rebuilt for Backport fix for jsroot loading in jupyterlab- Add configuration for jupyterlab- cmake in EPEL 8 no longer provides cmake3- Rebuilt for Python 3.10- Use C++17 for Fedora 34+ (gcc 11)- Adapt to new Python RPM generators (empty .egg-info no longer works) - Filter out parts of tests that require remote network access instead of excluding the whole test - Fix multicore tests when running on machines with few cores- Rebuilt for removed libstdc++ symbols (#1937698)- Rebuilt for removed libstdc++ symbol (#1937698)- Update to 6.22.08- rebuild for libpq ABI fix rhbz#1908268- Rebuilt for cfitsio 3.490- Rebuilt for Update to 6.22.06 - Filter out additional vDSO names for ppc- Do not attempt to load_library the ROOT Pythonizations module- Update to 6.22.04 - Drop patch root-xrootd5-compat.patch (accepted upstream)- Rebuild for C++ standard library __GLIBCXX__ 20201016- Drop obsolete patch root-add-flexiblas-detection.patch (cmake's FindBLAS.cmake supports flexiblas now) - Drop the workaround for the bug in doxygen causing different results on 32 and 64 bit architectures (use doxygen < 1.8.17 or >= 1.8.20-3) - Build require xrootd 5 (Fedora 33+, EPEL 7+)- Adapt to xrootd 5 (Fedora 33+, EPEL 7+) - Don't build the old proof client (xproofd) - Don't build the old NetX module- Update to 6.22.02 - Drop patch previously backported: root-doxygen-endof-part1.patch - Drop patch accepted upstream: root-python2-compat.patch - Add back line accidentally removed in root-config - Install headers in new PyROOT with COMPONENT headers - Increase test timeout for ppc64le- Avoid unneeded build requirement on srm-ifce-devel - Do not export Python modules in CMake config - Drop patch root-clang-ignore-gcc-options.patch ("Recent ROOT does not send all possible compiler flags to rootcling.")- Fix wrong symlinks in EPEL 7 python2-root package- Second attempt - Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Fix broken update on EPEL 7 with python34-root installed- Update to 6.22.00 - Drop patches accepted upstream - root-FitData-assert-fix.patch - root-clang-altivec-vector.patch - root-format-fix.patch - root-moved-file.patch - root-xmlmodify-dep.patch - New and improved Python bindings - The new Python bindings can be built for both Python 2 and Python 3 out of the box. Dropped the workaround in specfile for this (EPEL 7) - Dropped the python3-other packages (EPEL 7) - The new Python bindings has split the TPython interface to a separate library. Now in a separate root-tpython package - root-tpython and root-tmva-python are now using Python 3 on EPEL 7 - New subpackage root-gui-browsable - New patches (submitted upstream) - Fix too aggressive -Werror replacements - Add missing call to TFile::SetCacheFileDir in a TMVA tutorial - Adjust stressGraphics.ref - Fix off-by-one error in histogram v7 bin iterator - Compatibility with python 2.7 versions before 2.7.9 - Fix the RNTuple.LargeFile test on 32bit (i386 and armv7hf) - Fix doxygen issues - Fix bad regex in TProofMgr - Compatibility with xrootd 5 - Add workaround for a bug in doxygen 1.8.17 and later causing different results on 32 and 64 bit- Disable LTO- Update to 6.20.06 - Fix test failure on ppc64le and aarch64- Rebuilt for Python 3.9- Replace BR qt5-devel with qt5-qtbase-devel- Update to 6.20.04 - Drop previously backported patch root-tutorials-unique-filenames.patch - Improved patch for the PyROOT issue on EPEL 7 ppc64le- Update to 6.20.02 - Drop patches accepted upstream - root-dont-download-input-file-if-it-already-exists.patch - root-fix-plugin-definition.patch - root-man-install.patch - root-pretty-printers.patch - root-python3.patch - root-stress-aarch64-ppc64le.patch - Drop patches no longer relevant due to changes to the code - root-missing-include-string.patch - root-static-constexpr.patch - Add workaround for PyROOT issues on ppc64le in EPEL 7 - root-epel7-ppc64le-pyroot.patch (patch conditionally applied) - Fix path to moved data file in tutorial - root-moved-file.patch - Split the root-roofit subpackage into four different packages - root-roofit, root-roofit-core, root-roofit-more and root-roostats - The root-roofit-more library splits out the part of roofit that depends on the root-mathmore package - New subpackage: root-histv7- Build for 32 bit ARM again - gcc-10.0.1-0.9 fixes the problem- Fixes and workarounds for gcc 10 - ExcludeArch for 32 bit ARM because rootcling_stage1 segfaults (bug #1811604)- Rebuilt for Fix shebangs in root-cli for EPEL 8- Remove workarounds for RHEL 7 aarch64 (architecture dropped by EPEL 7) - Enable QtWebEngine dependent modules on EPEL 8 (now available)- Update to 6.18.04 - First build for EPEL 8- Rebuild for g++ 9.2- Update to 6.18.02 - Add workarounds for issues caused by the RHEL 7.7 update, that left the aarch64 architecture at RHEL 7.6.- Rebuilt for GSL 2.6.- Rebuilt for Python 3.8- Root 6.18 requires pcm files to be in the same directory as libraries - Add libPyROOT.rootmap and libPyROOT_rdict.pcm as slaves to in update-alternatives- Rebuilt for Update to 6.18.00 - Drop patches accepted upstream: - root-avoid-gui-crash.patch - root-doxygen-generation-with-python-3.patch - Drop patches with alternative fix implemented upstream: - root-dont-install-eve7-files.patch - root-ix32-geom-opt.patch - Drop ppc64 specific workaround (ppc64 no longer built in Fedora or EPEL): - root-ppc64-doc.patch - Dropped subpackages: - root-geocad - root-graf-qt - root-gui-qt - root-gui-qtgsi - root-io-hdfs - root-io-rfio - root-net-bonjour - root-net-globus - root-net-ldap - root-net-krb5 - root-table - Drop BuildRequires needed by the dropped subpackages - New subpackages: - root-graf3d-csg (split off from root-graf3d-gl) - root-gui-browserv7 - root-tree-ntuple - Don't build python2-root for Fedora >= 31 - Include desktop and MIME type files in source RPM (removed from source) - Install man pages in correct directory - Use correct library names in plugin definitions - Don't download test input file if it already exists - Python 3 fixes - Increase test tolerance (aarch64 and ppc64le) - Fix GDB pretty printers install name and location- Use python-embed pkg-config module if it exists (python 3.8 compatibility)- Build without HDFS support on Fedora 31+ - Hadoop is FTBFS and uninstallable due to missing Java dependencies - Build without HDFS support for 32 bit architectures on Fedora 30 - Hadoop is not installable due to missing Eclipse dependencies- Rebuilt to change main python from 3.4 to 3.6- Fix typo in patch (missing space)- Rebuild for readline 8.0- Update to 6.16.00 - Drop patches accepted upstream: - root-adjust-allowed-test-difference-for-32-bit-ix86.patch - root-crypto.patch - root-js-syntax.patch - root-missing-header.patch - root-set-cache-file-dir.patch - root-stressgraphics-ref.patch - root-test-compilation-epel7.patch - root-test-subdirs.patch - root-unique-filenames.patch - Dropped subpackages: - root-rootd (obsolete - use xrootd) - root-proofd (obsolete - use root-xproofd) - root-proof-pq2 - New ROOT 7 subpackage: - root-graf3d-eve7 - root-gui-webgui6 - Make tutorial/v7/line.cxx run in batch mode- Remove obsolete /sbin/ldconfig scriptlets - The root-core package installs a file in /etc/, so it should always call /sbin/ldconfig and not use the macros- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for (#1666033)- Update to 6.14.08 - Make tutorial filenames unique to avoid overwrites- Update to 6.14.06 - Let clang ignore some gcc options it hasn't implemented - Don't build python2-jupyroot/jsmva packages for Fedora >= 29 - Drop previously backported patch root-TGHtmlBrowser-crash.patch- Fix crash in TBrowser when root-gui-html is not installed - Use empty .egg-info files instead of empty .dist-info files to make virtualenv happy - Add Requires on root-mathmore to root-mathcore (for default integrator)- Rebuild for tbb 2019_U1- Update to 6.14.04 - Drop patch accepted upstream: root-python-3.7.patch- Rebuilt for glew 2.1.0- Update to 6.14.02 - Make python3 the preferred python for Fedora 29+: - Give python3 libPyROOT higher priority than python2 libPyROOT - The python scripts in root-cli use python3-root - Let root-tmva-python use python3-numpy - Fix build issue with undefined symbols in libSrvAuth - Make ROOTConfig-targets.cmake not error on missing files to work better with subpackages- Rebuilt for Add Python 3.6 packages for EPEL 7- Update to 6.14.00 - Drop patches previously backported: - root-doxygen-makefile.patch - root-crash-fix.patch - root-test-stress-32bit.patch - Drop patches accepted upstream: - root-test-subdirs.patch - root-test-fixes.patch - root-out-of-bounds.patch - root-doxygen-tilde.patch - root-noinst.patch - Drop patches for issues fixed upstream: - root-dont-link-jvm.patch - root-system-pythia.patch - Drop patch root-urw-otf-hack.patch - broken font file no longer present - Drop Google Droid Sans Fallback font from EPEL 7 root-fonts package (the font is now available in EPEL 7) - Use two more patches from Fedora's llvm5.0 package - New root-test-subdirs.patch patch for more instances of the same issue - Fix a test not setting cache file directory so that it works offline - Fix a compatibility issue with the EPEL 7 gtest version - Fix a missing include - Workaround optimization problems in the Geom library - New subpackages due to library splits - root-tree-dataframe and root-vecops from root-tree-player - root-net-httpsniff from root-net-http - New subpackages due to package splits - root-gui-html from root-gui - root-gui-qtgsi from root-gui-qt - root-io-xmlparser from root-io-xml - root-proof-player from root-proof - New ROOT 7 subpackages - root-graf-gpadv7 - root-graf-primitives - root-gui-fitpanelv7 - root-gui-qt5webdisplay - Rename root-guibuilder package to root-gui-builder - Create empty .dist-info files so that rpm auto-generates provides- Adjust Vavilov test for Fedora 29 ix86 - Adapt to python 3.7- Rebuilt for Python 3.7- rebuilt for cfitsio 3.450 - Adjust allowed deviation for PDF file sizes in stressGraphics test (aarch64)- rebuilt for cfitsio 3.420 (so version bump) - modified patch 13 to also produce smaller debuginfo on x86 (ld out of memory) - disabled test gtest-tree-treeplayer-test-dataframe-snapshot on ARM- Update to 6.12.06 - Drop patch root-Fix-constructing-the-GSL-MC-Integrator.patch (previously backported)- Fix test failures found with new default compiler flags in Fedora 28- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for switch to libxcrypt- Update to 6.12.04 - Drop patches accepted upstream - Drop previously backported patches - Unbundle jsroot in root-net-http - Add hack to work around broken charmaps in StandardSymbolsPS.otf - Use local static script and style files for JupyROOT - Fix some javascript errors - Fix build rules for test binaries so that they are not installed - Address memory usage issue for ARM build - Drop pre-minified javascript and style files (Fedora packaging guidelines) - Enable builds on ppc/ppc64/ppc64le (do not pass all tests, but the list of failing tests is much shorter with this release) - Add dependency on python[23]-jsmva to python[23]-jupyroot - New sub-packages: root-gui-canvaspainter, root-gui-webdisplay and root-hist-draw (not for EPEL 7 since they are root7 specific and require c++-14)- Update to 6.10.08 - Add BuildRequires on lz4-devel and xxhash-devel - Workaround for missing gmock libraries only needed for gmock < 0.1.8 - Address some warnings during documentation generation- Update to 6.10.06 - Fixes for new mysql_config- Update to 6.10.04 - Add temporary workaround for broken mariadb headers in Fedora 27- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Remove additional references in cmake files- Fix removal of mathtext, minicern and JupyROOT references from cmake files- Update to 6.10.02- Update to 6.10.00 - Drop patches accepted upstream - Drop previously backported patches - New sub-package: root-unfold - Dropped sub-package: root-vdt- Remove JupyROOT references from cmake files - Do not generate autoprovides for Rebuilt for Fix for macro scope issue (backport from upstream) - Fix a problem loading the libJupyROOT CDLL module (use absolute path) - Add ipython dependencies to the jupyroot packages - Exclude s390x - endian issues - Re-enable two tests on 32 bit arm - no longer failing - Add BuildRequires on blas-devel (for TMVA)- Rebuild for OCE 0.18.1.- Python 3 compatibility fixes (backport from upstream)- Fix relocation problems on aarch64 - using patch from the llvm package - Re-enable building on aarch64 - works again with the above patch- Update to 6.08.06 - Drop obsolete patch: root-tformulaparsingtests.patch - Drop patches accepted upstream: root-spectrum-batch.patch and root-missing-header-gcc7.patch - Disable failing tests on s390x- Disable building on aarch64 (it is now broken again) - Add missing header (gcc 7) - Fix a test failure on Fedora 26 i686 - Fix some format warnings/errors in GlobusAuth - Use the right delimiter when splitting the icon path in TASImage - Disable two more tests on 32 bit arm- Rebuilt for Update to 6.08.04 - Fix broken TPad::WaitPrimitive (backport from git) - Rebuild for gcc 6.3- Rebuild for readline 7.x- Rebuild for glew 2.0.0- Rebuild for Python 3.6- Update to 6.08.02 - Drop patches accepted upstream - Drop previously backported patches - Drop obsolete patches - Enable hadoop/hdfs support for all architectures * libhdfs is now available for more architectures than ix86 and x86_64 - Enable building on aarch64 - Rename the python packages to python2-root and python3-root - New sub-packages: python{2,3}-jupyroot, python{2,3}-jsmva - Dropped sub-package: root-rootaas (replaced by python{2,3}-jupyroot)- Rebuild for gcc 6.2- Update to 6.06.08 - Add the packages providing the libraries listed by "root-config --libs" as dependencies to root-core - Add missing scriptlets to root-multiproc- Convert init scripts to systemd unit files- Add requires on redhat-rpm-config to root-cling- Update to 6.06.06 - Drop patches root-gfal2.patch and root-keysymbols.patch - Make root-vdt package noarch- Add GuiTypes.h, KeySymbols.h and Buttons.h to dict (backport) - Minor updates to patches - mostly backported from upstream - Reenable hadoop/hdfs support for F24+- Remove mathtext and minicern references from cmake files - Fix the spelling of CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS in a few places- Disable hadoop/hdfs support for F24+ (hadoop was retired)- Update to 6.06.04 - Drop patch root-no-hexfloat-const.patch - Add requires on gcc-c++ to root-cling- Rebuild for OCE-0.17.1- Update to 6.06.02 (F24+, EPEL7) - Change to cmake configuration (was using ./configure) - Change to doxygen documentation generation (was using THTML) - Run the test suite - Remove compatibility with older EPEL (Group tags, BuildRoot tag, etc.) - New sub-packages: root-multiproc, root-cling, root-r, root-r-tools, root-geocad, root-tmva-python, root-tmva-r, root-tmva-gui, root-cli, root-notebook and root-rootaas - New subpackage for EPEL7: root-python34 - Dropped sub-packages: root-cint, root-reflex, root-cintex, root-ruby- Update to 5.34.36- Rebuilt for Rebuild again for Rebuild for glew 1.13- Rebuilt for Adapt to gfal 2.10 - uses a different #define - Exclude ppc64le - has the same issues with cint as ppc and ppc64- Rebuilt for Add versioned dependencies between packages - Reenable hadoop/hdfs support for F23+- Disable run-time dependency on gccxml in Reflex (allows installing on aarch64) (#1263206) - Enable Cintex on aarch64- Update to 5.34.32 - New sub-package: root-fonts (STIX version 0.9 required by TMathText) - Use GNU Free instead of Liberation, works better with TMathText - Fix segfault when embedding Type 1 fonts - Drop patch root-no-extra-formats.patch (workaround for above problem)- Rebuilt for Update to 5.34.30 - New sub-package: root-python3 - Disable hadoop/hdfs support for F23+ (not installable) - Drop previously backported gcc 5 patches- Update to 5.34.28 - Merge emacs support files into main package (guidelines updated)- Update to 5.34.26 - Drop patch root-xrdversion.patch- Rebuild with fixed cairo (bz 1183242)- Rebuild for Update to 5.34.24 - Drop patch root-bsd-misc.patch- Move xproofd binaries from root-proofd to root-xproof - Adjust EPEL 7 font dependencies - Rebuild using new binutils (ld bug fixed - F21+)- Update to 5.34.20 - Re-enable xrootd support for F21+ and EPEL7 (now ported to xrootd 4) - Do not depend on wine's fonts - Drop patch root-gccopt.patch- Rebuilt for Update to 5.34.19 - Disable xrootd support for F21+ and EPEL7 (root not yet ported to xrootd 4) - New sub-package: root-net-http - Drop patches root-thtml-revert.patch, root-gfal2.patch and root-proofx-link-iolib.patch- Add Requires on root-tree-player to root-gui-ged- Rebuilt for Rebuild for ruby 2.1 - Fix build failure on F21 (missing symbol in libProofx linking)- Update to 5.34.18 - Build GFAL module using libgfal2 - New sub-package: root-vdt- Update to 5.34.17- Update to 5.34.15 - Drop patch root-davix.patch- Rebuild for cfitsio 3.360- Adapt to davix >= 0.2.8- Update to 5.34.14 - New sub-package: root-net-davix - Drop patch root-pythia8-incdir.patch- Update to 5.34.13 - Remove java-devel build dependency (not needed with Fedora's libhdfs) - Adapt to pythia8 >= 8.1.80- Fix hadoop lib location- rebuilt for GLEW 1.10- Update to 5.34.10 - New sub-package: root-io-hdfs (Fedora 20+) - New sub-package: root-sql-sqlite- Exclude armv7hl - cint is not working - Use _pkgdocdir when defined - Use texlive-stix- Rebuilt for Perl 5.18 rebuild- Rebuild for cfitsio 3.350- Update to 5.34.09 - New sub-package: root-montecarlo-pythia8 - Drop patch root-gfal-bits.patch - Use xz compression for source tarfile - Update ancient root version in EPEL- Update to 5.34.07- Update to 5.34.06 - Drop patches root-gviz.patch, root-ruby-version.patch, root-rev48681.patch and root-rev48831.patch- Rebuild for ruby 2.0 - Rebuild for cfitsio 3.340- Update to 5.34.05 - Rebuild for xrootd 3.3 - Patch for latest graphviz (libcgraph) - Drop patches root-glibc.patch and root-tclass-fix.patch- Rebuilt for Rebuild for glew 1.9.0- Update to 5.34.02- Rebuild for glew 1.7- Update to 5.34.01 - Remove sub-packages root-clarens and root-peac (dropped by upstream)- Do the glibc 2.16 patch properly- Update to 5.34.00 - New sub-package: root-io-gfal- Update to 5.32.03- Update to 5.32.02- Rebuild for xrootd 3.1.1- Update to 5.32.01 - Drop patches fixed upstream- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage- Adapt to new ruby packaging guidelines- Update to 5.32.00- Rebuild against PCRE 8.30- Rebuilt for Update to 5.30.04- Update to 5.30.03- Update to 5.30.02- Update to 5.30.01 - Drop patches root-lzma-searchorder.patch and root-cint-i686.patch- Backport upstream's fix for the i686 rootcint problem- Add workaround for rootcint problem on i686 - Pass default LDFLAGS (relro) to make- Update to 5.30.00 - Drop patch root-listbox-height.patch - New sub-package: root-proof-bench- Change build requires from qt-devel to qt4-devel- Update to 5.28.00e- Rebuild for new glew soname- Update to 5.28.00d- Fix emacs Requires on RHEL5- Update to 5.28.00c- Rebuild for mysql 5.5.10- Update to 5.28.00b- Update to 5.28.00a - Drop patches fixed upstream: root-afterimage.patch, root-htmldoc.patch, root-xlibs-ppc.patch, root-cstddef.patch - Remove the fedpkg workaround - no longer needed- Add workaround for changes in fedpkg- Add Requires on root-graf-postscript to root-gpad - Require libAfterImage 1.20 or later to fix issues with circular markers in batch mode - Add python26 subpackage for EPEL 5 - Fix an issue where the last item in a TGFontTypeComboBox is almost invisible (backported from upstream) - Add missing cstddef includes for gcc 4.6- Rebuilt for Fix linking of Xlibs on ppc- Update to 5.28.00 - Drop patches fixed upstream: root-linker-scripts.patch, root-dpm-rfio.patch, root-missing-explicit-link.patch, root-split-latex.patch, root-cern-filename.patch, root-make-3.82.patch, root-fonttype-combobox-dtor.patch - New sub-packages: root-genetic, root-graf-fitsio, root-hist-factory, root-proof-pq2 - Make root-io a separate package again - the circular dependency with the root-core package was resolved upstream- Fix crash in TGFontTypeComboBox destructor - Add Requires on root-gui-ged to root-gui- Rebuild for updated unuran- Update to 5.26.00e - Drop patch fixed upstream: root-tmva-segfault.patch - Add Requires on root-proof to root-proofd- Add Requires on root-graf-asimage to root-core - Add Requires on root-graf-x11 to root-gui - Add Requires on root-hist-painter to root-hist - Add Requires on root-minuit to root-mathcore - Add Requires on krb5-workstation to root-net-krb5 - Add BuildRequires on krb5-workstation- Adapt makefile to changes in make 3.82- Update to 5.26.00d - Improved doc generation script- Don't remove the prec_stl directory - Create a separate tutorial package for the tutorial and test suite- Correct license tags for: cint, core and roofit - Regenerate source tarball due to upstream retag (again)- Add dependency on gccxml for globus-reflex - Split some packages to break circular package dependencies - Merge libRIO into root-core - Regenerate source tarball due to upstream retag- Update to 5.26.00c - Disable cint7 package - no longer compiles and has been deprecated upstream- Use external xrootd - Make documentation selfcontained - can be read without network access- Fix library detection when linker scripts are used - Allow building RFIO IO modules using DPM's RFIO implementation- Update to 5.26.00b - Enable dCache support - dcap library is now in Fedora - Use system unuran library instead of embedded sources- Update to 5.26.00a - Disable cintex package for non-intel architectures - Remove embedded gl2ps sources- Update to 5.26.00 - Drop patches fixed upstream: root-globus.patch, root-dot-png.patch, root-loadmeta.patch, root-openssl.patch, root-hash-endian.patch- Initial build  !"#$%&'()*+,6.28.06-1.el86.28.06-1.el8BDT.hBDTControlPlots.hBDT_Reg.hBoostControlPlots.hCorrGui.hCorrGuiMultiClass.hMovieMaker.hPlotFoams.hTMVAGui.hTMVAMultiClassGui.hTMVARegGui.hannconvergencetest.hcompareanapp.hcorrelations.hcorrelationsMultiClass.hcorrelationscatters.hcorrelationscattersMultiClass.h -g -pipe -Wall -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong -grecord-gcc-switches -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protectiondrpmxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuC++ source, ASCII textdirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=45b924b6b4fef4ba10c1062342ce9bcce989f676, strippedRPRRRRR R RRRRRRRR RRR RRRRRRRRRR !#,a]"k%{bJ4$F͈Y,> (6[lӚF*T+ 0'Aپ@M^Wx1DAHZW>sd$y&U™D-B ǘn.Ց2PnT1l7җݙM,@͉p#Rqp#Ԉ3EEԄ F,.0 KZb~:LL2ҚsϫSBV}72E_ } . 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