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You do not need to install it if you just want to use the libpst utilities.]lftr-centos-7-x86-64.cs2.cert.orgaGPLv2+Unspecified;t0UGdA큤]]]]]]]]]]]]21d0eba1c6d57a7d23b75a7b083f0825b584321c00499c4adf1c178674a328bcd8c320ffc0030d1b096ae4732b50d2b811cf95e9a9b7377c1127b2563e0a0388b695a95a480d0625937c310d7bba7b1e5c1234456e117e96df7ee209340852abc22e10d6f98c8b5fdb56eaa31c13ae2b6bfa8863304241cb412843c980a56e4e2a6b41397ae9209a0668c9979bde49ebb9c49c20611135565b007ce25815a72ed1eee06f1886fa1f7d7d317a9a9e3e66e876d4b7dc7d63f731234e88a6433e333ad732608324ac916c8565e5d6bf4b4e7a37bf1ced553441324d5b7bcc599fd537cf1f901a87e6515de0c7ef001dffaf518c447fdab10cfb3db476e6860379e3cc0fd6fe4c05f4873c27abc2e73edda3c576278a5564d9c0b8c92c55293d9b2e148030fd6668055722252b411382cc94393aea9b1251beb8bf6f53da2a3956d07c4914e76e743be4800d89830c32bc4abb8f1778840ae1a2a93bdfdec72abd28rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootlibpst-0.6.72-4.el7.src.rpmlibpst-doclibpst-doc(x86-64)    rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.11.3\@\T4\Q[a[H@Zz@YyY(@Y(@Y@Yx@YqYp@Y_wX@X6@X@W#W@W|V=@V@VwU@UU@UUa@UD@T@T,@S@SS8@RkR>R@QQ@QbQ@QQU@QQ:@P݉PPCP#@PO OLONNNNN`@N@MM@MQ0@MOM@L*@L@LLT@LMxLF@L4l@KKXAKXAKJ@J@JJjJ@J@J> J> Io@IzIܑI3II@I@I@I@I@IwIwIpvIAI7@I/@H@H@HH@H@H@HWHU@HRa@HNlHE2@H>H-w@G΋@FtC]Leigh Scott - 0.6.72-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.72-3Jonathan Wakely - 0.6.72-2Carl Byington 0.6.72-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.71-8Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.71-7Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 0.6.71-6Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 0.6.71-5Zbigniew Jędrzejewski-Szmek - 0.6.71-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.71-3Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.71-2Carl Byington 0.6.71-1Kalev Lember - 0.6.70-3Igor Gnatenko - 0.6.70-2Carl Byington 0.6.70-1Jonathan Wakely - 0.6.69-2Carl Byington 0.6.69-1Carl Byington 0.6.68-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.67-2Carl Byington 0.6.67-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.66-3Jonathan Wakely - 0.6.66-2Carl Byington 0.6.66-1Carl Byington 0.6.65-1Jonathan Wakely - 0.6.64-6Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.64-5David Tardon - 0.6.64-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.64-3Kalev Lember - 0.6.64-2Carl Byington 0.6.64-1Petr Machata - 0.6.63-5Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.63-4Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.63-3David Tardon - 0.6.63-2Carl Byington 0.6.63-1Carl Byington 0.6.62-1Carl Byington 0.6.61-1Fedora Release Engineering - - 0.6.59-3Carl Byington 0.6.60-1Remi Collet - 0.6.59-2Carl Byington 0.6.59-1Carl Byington 0.6.58-4Denis Arnaud - 0.6.58-3Denis Arnaud - 0.6.58-2Carl Byington - 0.6.58-1Carl Byington - 0.6.57-1Carl Byington - 0.6.56-1Carl Byington - 0.6.55-2Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.54-6Carl Byington - 0.6.55-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.54-5Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.54-4Carl Byington - 0.6.54-3Petr Pisar - 0.6.53-3Carl Byington - 0.6.54-2Carl Byington - 0.6.54-1Petr Pisar - 0.6.53-2Carl Byington - 0.6.53-1Carl Byington - 0.6.52-1Carl Byington - 0.6.51-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.49-4Thomas Spura - 0.6.49-3Carl Byington - 0.6.50-1jkeating - 0.6.49-2Carl Byington - 0.6.49-1Carl Byington - 0.6.48-1Carl Byington - 0.6.47-6David Malcolm - 0.6.47-4David Malcolm - 0.6.47-3Carl Byington - 0.6.47-2Carl Byington - 0.6.47-1Carl Byington - 0.6.46-1Carl Byington - 0.6.45-2Carl Byington - 0.6.45-1Carl Byington - 0.6.44-1Carl Byington - 0.6.43-1Carl Byington - 0.6.42-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.6.41-2Carl Byington - 0.6.41-1Carl Byington - 0.6.40-1Carl Byington - 0.6.39-1Carl Byington - 0.6.38-1Carl Byington - 0.6.37-1Carl Byington - 0.6.36-1Carl Byington - 0.6.35-1Carl Byington - 0.6.34-1Carl Byington - 0.6.33-1Carl Byington - 0.6.32-1Carl Byington - 0.6.31-1Carl Byington - 0.6.30-1Carl Byington - 0.6.29-1Carl Byington - 0.6.28-1Carl Byington - 0.6.27-1Carl Byington - 0.6.26-1Carl Byington - 0.6.25-1Carl Byington - 0.6.24-1Carl Byington - 0.6.23-1Carl Byington - 0.6.22-1Carl Byington - 0.6.21-1Carl Byington - 0.6.20-1Carl Byington - 0.6.19-1Carl Byington - 0.6.18-1Carl Byington - 0.6.17-1Carl Byington - 0.6.16-1Carl Byington - 0.6.15-1Carl Byington - 0.6.14-1Carl Byington - 0.6.13-1Carl Byington - 0.6.12-1Carl Byington - 0.6.11-1Carl Byington - 0.6.10-1Carl Byington - 0.6.9Carl Byington - 0.6.8Carl Byington - 0.5.5Carl Byington - 0.5.3- Add configure option for boost-python - Remove all old fedora conditionals - Update spec file to comply with packaging guidelines- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Boost 1.69- allow all 7 days in bydays recurring appointment - update for fedora python packaging - Alfredo Esteban - add -l and -f options to lspst- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Add Provides for the old name without %_isa- Python 2 binary package renamed to python2-libpst See Python 2 binary package renamed to python2-libpst See Rebuilt for Rebuilt for fedora python naming scheme changes - Zachary Travis - Add support for the OST 2013 format, and Content-Disposition filename key fix for outlook compatibility- Rebuilt for Boost 1.64- Rebuild due to bug in RPM (RHBZ #1468476)- Jeffrey Morlan - pst_getID2 must not recurse into children- Rebuilt for Boost 1.63- fix bugs in code allowing folders containing multiple item types- allow folders containing multiple item types, e.g. email and calendar - better detection of valid internet headers- Jeffrey Morlan - multiple bug fixes and an optimization- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Boost 1.60- Igor Stroh - Added Content-ID header support- Jeffrey Morlan - fix multiple Content-Type headers - Hans Liss - debug level output- Rebuilt for Boost 1.59- Rebuilt for rebuild for Boost 1.58- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for GCC 5 C++11 ABI change- fix line wrap on python provides_exclude_from - fix unchecked errors found by cppcheck - AJ Shankar fixes for attachment processing and body encodings that contain embedded null chars.- Rebuild for boost 1.57.0- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for rebuild for boost 1.55.0- Daniel Gryniewicz found buffer overrun in LIST_COPY_TIME- 983596 - Old dependency filter breaks file coloring- move documentation to unversioned directory- Rebuilt for Rebuild for boost 1.54.0- patch from Dominique Leuenberger to add AC_USE_SYSTEM_EXTENSIONS - add readpst -a option for attachment stripping- rebuild for new GD 2.1.0- add autoconf checking for libgsf- add autoreconf for aarch64- Rebuild for Boost-1.53.0- Rebuild for Boost-1.53.0- fix From quoting on embedded rfc/822 messages- bugzilla 852414, remove unnecessary dependencies- filter private provides from rpm - merge -m .msg files code into main branch- rebuild for python- Rebuilt for preserve bcc headers - document -C switch to set default character set - space after colon is not required in header fields- Rebuilt for c++ ABI breakage- Rebuilt for bump versions and prep for fedora build- Rebuild against boost-1.48- failed to bump version number- embedded rfc822 messages might contain rtf encoded bodies- Rebuild against boost-1.47- add Status: header in output - allow fork for parallel processing of individual email folders in separate mode - proper handling of --with-boost-python option- fix dangling freed pointer in embedded rfc822 message processing - allow broken outlook internet header field - it sometimes contains fragments of the message body rather than headers- fix for buffer overrun; attachment size from the secondary list of mapi elements overwrote proper size from the primary list of mapi elements. fedora bugzilla 696263- Rebuilt for rebuild for new boost- rfc2047 and rfc2231 encoding for non-ascii headers and attachment filenames.- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- fix to ignore embedded objects that are not email messages fedora bugzilla 633498- fix for broken internet headers from Outlook - fix ax_python.m4 to look for python2.7 - use mboxrd from quoting for output formats with multiple messages per file - use no from quoting for output formats with single message per file- rebuild for python dependencies- hack up configure so that it looks for python 2.7- Rebuilt for Subpackage Licensing, add COPYING to -libs. - patches from Kenneth Berland for solaris- patches from Kenneth Berland for solaris- prefer libpthread over librt for finding sem_init function.- rebuild for new boost package- patch from Hugo DesRosiers to export categories and notes into vcards. - extend that patch to export categories into vcalendar appointments also.- patch from Lee Ayres to add file name extensions in separate mode. - allow mixed items types in a folder in separate mode.- decode more of the pst format, some minor bug fixes - add support for code pages 1200 and 1201. - add readpst -t option to select output item types, which can now be used to process folders containing mixed item types. - fix segfault with embedded appointments - add readpst -u option for Thunderbird mode .size and .type files - better detection of embedded rfc822 message attachments- patch from Fridrich Strba to build with DJGPP DOS cross-compiler.- Rebuilt for fix ax_python detection - should not use locate command - checking for fedora versions is not needed- fedora 11 has python2.6 - remove pdf version of the man pages- fedora > 10 moved to boost-python-devel- add python interface to the shared library. - bump soname to version 4 for many changes to the interface. - better decoding of recurrence data in appointments. - remove readpstlog since debug log files are now plain text. - add readpst -j option for parallel jobs for each folder. - make nested mime multipart/alternative to hold the text/html parts.- add pst_attach_to_mem() back into the shared library interface. - fix memory leak caught by valgrind.- build separate -doc and -devel-doc subpackages. - other spec file cleanup- properly add trailing mime boundary in all modes. - build separate libpst, libpst-libs, libpst-devel rpms.- avoid putting mixed item types into the same output folder.- compensate for iconv conversion to utf-7 that produces strings that are not null terminated. - don't produce empty attachment files in separate mode.- fix ppc64 compile error- bump version for fedora cvs tagging mistake- track character set individually for each mapi element. - remove charset option from pst2ldif since we get that from each object now. - avoid emitting bogus empty email messages into contacts and calendar files.- fix for 64bit on Fedora 11- improve decoding of multipart/report and message/rfc822 mime types. - improve character set handling. - fix embedded rfc822 messages with attachments.- fix for const correctness on Fedora 11- patch from Fridrich Strba for building on mingw and general - cleanup of autoconf files. - add processing for pst files of type 0x0f. - strip and regenerate all MIME headers to avoid duplicates. - do a better job of making unique MIME boundaries. - only use base64 coding when strictly necessary.- improve handling of content-type charset values in mime parts- patch from Chris Eagle to build on cygwin- bump version to avoid cvs tagging mistake in fedora- patch from David Cuadrado to process emails with type PST_TYPE_OTHER - base64_encode_multiple() may insert newline, needs larger malloc - subject lines shorter than 2 bytes could segfault- fix title bug with old schema in pst2ldif. - also escape commas in distinguished names per rfc4514.- add configure option --enable-dii=no to remove dependency on libgd. - many fixes in pst2ldif by Robert Harris. - add -D option to include deleted items, from Justin Greer - fix from Justin Greer to add missing email headers - fix from Justin Greer for my_stristr() - fix for orphan children when building descriptor tree - avoid writing uninitialized data to debug log file - remove unreachable code - create dummy top-of-folder descriptor if needed for corrupt pst files- Fix base64 encoding that could create long lines. - Initial work on a .so shared library from Bharath Acharya.- Fixes for iconv on Mac from Justin Greer.- More fixes for 32/64 bit portability on big endian ppc.- Use inttypes.h for portable printing of 64 bit items.- Patch from Robert Simpson for file handle leak in error case. - Fix for missing length on lz decompression, bug found by Chris White.- Fix my mistake in debian packaging.- Patch from Robert Simpson for encryption type 2.- Patch from Joachim Metz for debian packaging and - fix for incorrect length on lz decompression- Use ftello/fseeko to properly handle large files. - Document and properly use datasize field in b5 blocks. - Fix some MSVC compile issues and collect MSVC dependencies into one place.- Patch from Robert Simpson for doubly-linked list code and arrays of unicode strings.- Patch from Joachim Metz for 64 bit compile. - Fix pst format documentation for 8 byte backpointers.- Initial version of pst2dii to convert to Summation dii load file format - changes for Fedora packaging guidelines (#434727)- merge changes from Joe Nahmias version- initial spec file using autoconf and 1570618864 0.6.72-4.el70.6.72-4.el7libpstAUTHORSCOPYINGChangeLogNEWSREADMEindex.htmlrn01re01.htmlrn01re02.htmlrn01re03.htmlrn01re04.htmlrn01re05.html/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/libpst/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textXHTML document text (version 1.0), UTF-8 Unicode text, with very long linesU&Xc Yhu<?7zXZ !#,i7] b2u jӫ`(|ہ#Hi{M4v7ת>[F_ 陋q6hGd}aڄaT#7ݠ2=Xk CHmi/W(c_l 퐻Ksx4:JvW& )]>f,W? 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