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adns-devel -
Libraries and header files to develop programs with libadns support
frag_find-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for afflib
libagdb-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libagdb
libbde-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libbde
libbfio-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libbfio
libcreg-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libcreg
libesedb-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libesedb
libevt-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libevt
libevtx-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libevtx
libewf-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libewf
libexe-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libexe
libfplist-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfplist
libfsapfs-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfsapfs
libfsext-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfsext
libfshfs-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfshfs
libfsntfs-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfsntfs
libfsxfs-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfsxfs
libfsxfs-static -
Library to support the X File System (XFS) format
libfvde-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfvde
libfwevt-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfwevt
libfwnt-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfwnt
libfwps-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfwps
libfwsi-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libfwsi
libhibr-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libhibr
libiconv-devel -
libiconv header files
libiconv-static -
libiconv static library
liblnk-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for liblnk
libluksde-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libluksde
libmdmp-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libmdmp
libmodi-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libmodi
libmsiecf-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libmsiecf
libnk2-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libnk2
libodraw-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libodraw
libolecf-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libolecf
libpff-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libpff
libphdi-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libphdi
libqcow-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libqcow
libregf-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libregf
libscca-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libscca
libsigscan-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libsigscan
libsmdev-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libsmdev
libsmraw-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libsmraw
libumlib-devel -
Development files for umview
libvhdi-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libvhdi
libvmdk-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libvmdk
libvsgpt-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libvsgpt
libvshadow-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libvshadow
libvslvm-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libvslvm
libvsmbr-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libvsmbr
libwrc-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libwrc
libwtcdb-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for libwtcdb
nDPI-devel -
Header files and libraries for developing applications for nDPI
netsa-rayon -
Python library and set of tools for generating basic two-dimensional statistical visualizations
netsa_silk -
netsa_silk netsa-python PySiLK integration
perl-Data-Hexify -
Perl extension for hexdumping arbitrary data
perl-DateTime-Format-WindowsFileTime -
Make a nice DateTime object from the "Windows File Time" hex string
perl-File-Mork -
Module to read Mozilla URL history files
perl-Mac-PropertyList -
Work with Mac plists at a low level
perl-Parse-Evtx -
Windows Event Log Parser library
perl-Parse-Evtx-tools -
Tools for parsing Windows Events, written in perl
perl-Parse-Win32Registry -
Parse Windows Registry Files
perl-Wx -
Interface to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI toolkit
pyparsing-doc -
Documentation for pyparsing
python-urwid -
Console user interface library
python2-construct -
A powerful declarative parser/builder for binary data
python2-dpkt -
python36-bencode -
Simple bencode parser for Python 3
python36-certifi -
Python 3 package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
python36-construct -
A powerful declarative parser/builder for binary data
python36-dfdatetime -
Digital Forensics date and time (dfDateTime).
python36-dfvfs -
Digital Forensics Virtual File System (dfVFS).
python36-dpkt -
Python 3 package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle
python36-pyparsing -
An object-oriented approach to text processing (Python 3 version)
python36-redis -
Python 36 module of Python client for Redis key-value store
python36-xlsxwriter -
A Python module for creating Excel XLSX files.
silk-devel -
The SiLK Toolset development files
silk-ipset-devel -
The SiLK IPset development files
sleuthkit-devel -
Development files for sleuthkit
snarf-devel -
Static libraries and C header files for libsnarf
snarf-python -
Python interface to snarf
x264-libs -
Library for encoding H264/AVC video streams