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3.2.1-4Michal Hlavinka - 3.2.1-3Michal Hlavinka - 3.2.1-2Michal Hlavinka - 3.2.1-1Daniel Mach - 3.2.0-3Michal Hlavinka - 3.2.0-2Michal Hlavinka - 3.2.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.10-3Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.10-2Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.10-1Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.9-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.8-2Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.8-1Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.7-6Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.7-5Dan Horák - 3.1.7-4Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.7-3Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.7-2Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.7-1Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.6-5Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.6-4Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.6-3Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.6-2Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.6-1Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.4-6Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.4-5Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.4-4Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.4-3Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.4-2Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.4-1Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.3-1Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.2-6Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.2-5Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.2-4Michal Hlavinka - 3.1.2-3Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.2-2Michal Hlavinka 3.1.2-1Michal Hlavinka 3.1.1-1Michal Hlavinka 3.1.0-2Michal Hlavinka 3.1.0-1Michal Hlavinka 3.0.3-1Michal Hlavinka 3.0.2-1Michal Hlavinka 3.0.1-1Harald Hoyer 3.0.0-2Harald Hoyer 3.0.0-1Tom "spot" Callaway 2.2.10-2Harald Hoyer 2.2.10-1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.2.9-6Bill Nottingham 2.2.9-5Harald Hoyer 2.2.9-4Harald Hoyer 2.2.9-3Harald Hoyer 2.2.9-2Harald Hoyer - 2.2.9-1Harald Hoyer - 2.2.6-3Harald Hoyer - 2.2.6-2Harald Hoyer - 2.2.6-1Harald Hoyer - 2.2.5-1Peter Jones - 2.2.4-3Harald Hoyer - 2.2.4-2Harald Hoyer - 2.2.4-1Peter Jones - 2.2.3-4Jesse Keating - 2.2.3-3Harald Hoyer 2.2.3-2Harald Hoyer 2.2.3-1Harald Hoyer 2.2.1-2Jesse Keating - 2.2.1-1.2Jesse Keating - 2.2.1-1.1Bill Nottingham - 2.2.1-1Jesse Keating Bill Nottingham - 2.1.99.test8-10Bill Nottingham - 2.1.99.test8-9Bill Nottingham - 2.1.99.test8-8Bill Nottingham - 2.1.99.test8-7Bill Nottingham - 2.1.99.test8-6Bill Nottingham - 2.1.99.test8-5Jeremy Katz - 2.1.99.test8-4Bill Nottingham 2.1.99.test8-3Bill Nottingham 2.1.99.test8-2Bill Nottingham 2.1.99.test7-1Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Elliot Lee Bill Nottingham 2.1.11-4Bill Nottingham 2.1.11-3Jeremy Katz 2.1.11-2Bill Nottingham 2.1.11-1Elliot Lee Bill Nottingham Tim Powers Elliot Lee 2.1.10-5Bill Nottingham 2.1.10-4Bill Nottingham 2.1.10-3Bill Nottingham 2.1.10-2Bill Nottingham 2.1.10-1Tim Powers Bill Nottingham 2.1.9-4Tim Powers Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Tim Powers Florian La Roche Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Preston Brown Nalin Dahyabhai Preston Brown Preston Brown Helge Deller Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Nalin Dahyabhai Preston Brown Preston Brown Prospector Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Bill Nottingham Jakub Jelinek Cristian Gafton Bill Nottingham - Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- fix lib vs libdir macros usage- pciutils needs explicit require for pciutils-libs- updated to 3.2.1- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- add aarch64 support (#969138)- updated to 3.2.0- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_19_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- updated to 3.1.10- updated to 3.1.9- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- updated to 3.1.8- don't forget to close pci.ids directory- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- fix the multilib header on s390x- different approach to fix multilib issues- removed obsolete patches- updated to 3.1.7- follow licensing guideline update- move update-pciids- spec cleanup- libpci moved to /lib- updated to 3.1.6- spec cleanup- fix build to enable -F option (#531020)- enable direct hardware access method for 64bit architectures- don't ship static library in -devel sub-package- add COPYING to docs- updated to 3.1.4- updated to 3.1.3- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- add support for ARM- fix typo & rebuild- fix: lspci segfaults when pci.ids cannot be found (#487516)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_11_Mass_Rebuild- version 3.1.2 - fix for the syntax error checks in setpci argument parser- version 3.1.1- fix typo in multilib patch - for s390x building- version 3.1.0- version 3.0.3- version 3.0.2- version 3.0.1 - add support for Super-H (sh3,sh4) (#446600) - fix: broken -L in libpci.pc (#456469)- rebuild to eliminate fuzz patches- version 3.0.0- add sparc support- version 2.2.10- Autorebuild for GCC 4.3- put library back- fixed segfault, if subdir does not exists- removed static library, preserve timestamps on install (rhbz#226236) - added modified patch from Michael E. Brown @ Dell, to also read all /usr/share/hwdata/pci.ids.d/*.ids files (rhbz#195327)- added more requirements for pciutils-devel- version 2.2.9 - added package config file (rhbz#389451)- changed license tag- fixed update-pciids.sh- version 2.2.6 - fixed URL in update-pciids.sh- version 2.2.5- buildreq zlib-devel, so we know configure will find it consistently.- added alpha to multilib patch (#231790) - specfile cleanup - Resolves: rhbz#231790- version 2.2.4 - truncate long device names (#205948) - Resolves: rhbz#205948- Add definitions for more pci storage classes- rebuild- corrected multilib patch- version 2.2.3 - multilib patch (bug #192743)- added update-pciids shell script and manpage (bz #178582)- bump again for double-long bug on ppc(64)- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- update to 2.2.1, adjust patches- rebuilt- allow 64-bit addresses on x86_64 (#158217, )- fix debuginfo generation- add patch for glibc macros (#151032, )- FC4. GCC 4. fore!- remove explicit kernel dep (#146153)- fix domain bug (#138722, #144383)- don't use dietlibc on x86 anymore- change sysfs access for detecting devices who get fixed up in the kernel (#115522, #123802)- update to test8 - fix headers- update to test7 - fix segfault on some x86-64 boxen- rebuilt- rebuilt- rebuilt- fix paths for pci.ids, etc. (#111665)- remove a few calls to ->error() in the sysfs code- build a diet libpci_loader.a on i386 - always assume pread exists, it does with diet and all vaguely recent glibc- update to 2.1.11 - add patch for sysfs & pci domains support ()- rebuilt- don't segfault when there's no pci bus (#84146)- rebuilt- Add patch4 for ppc64. The basic rule seems to be that on any platform where it is possible to be running a 64-bit kernel, we need to always print out 64-bit addresses.- fix dir perms on /usr/include/pci- use %{_libdir} - own /usr/include/pci - build library with -fPIC- don't build with -fomit-frame-pointer- update to 2.1.10- automated rebuild- don't forcibly strip binaries- automated rebuild- rebuild- require hwdata now that pci.ids is there- automated rebuild- man page is now owned by root- dump all the patches, ship pci.ids direct out of sourceforge CVS- broadcom bcm5820 id (#53592)- more ids- add newline in printf in PCI-X patch (#49277)- update broadcom patch - add new ids from 2.4.6- add a couple of e1000 ids- another megaraid id- another megaraid id- LSI SCSI PCI id- fix formatting problems- add IBM ServeRAID entries- i860 entries.- added various pci ids- fix mishap in fixing mishap- fix apparent mishap in pci.ids update from kernel (#25520)- pci.ids updates- big pile of pci.ids updates- clean up patches to not generate badly-formatted files- Vortex fixes laroche originally applied on kudzu moved here.- pci ids for i815, new ati hardware- automatic rebuild- yet more IDs - PCI-X support from Matt Domsch- some more QLogic ids- more IDs from Dell- update to 2.1.8- update to 2.1.7- update to 2.1.6- add a couple of ids- update to 2.1.5- handle compressed man pages- update to 2.1.4- update to 2.1.3- update to 2.1.2- add -devel package- update to 2.0- update to 1.99.5 - fix sparc64 operation- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 2)- initial build3.2.1-4.el73.2.1-4.el73.2.1pciconfig.hconfig.lib.hheader.hpci.htypes.hlibpci.solibpci.pc/usr/include//usr/include/pci//usr/lib//usr/lib/pkgconfig/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tablescpioxz2i686-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryC source, ASCII textASCII textpkgconfig fileRPR?7zXZ !#,&F] b2u jӫ`(fb(;R{ ilޚulpXR3,@ 6Γ~rm{4:UkTkќԿJÙ0q.Dn>P$QHSe":*R,۵7y { zDRsB"aHUi7¯Ѫ#]ջ2<( N0}^m-!<Љqi/uTiy;(1jM=0MNE,kGi>jDIgzqzVU_h1VV|M EOŽ\\#U:4f:Iv^pNt᝟XT[ofwh'w jB;5OB)+ow1-Խ<`"J2] Q|kW}q2H[J9!F7t`-<9_In@QK~eQZ# ]nM }= 0~| bnyQ%0dUG=h'q}43OT|>S*3?D2ZEQRycsy?Q9Y-ߌWi AFTD9(e)~#ZgC[Gv2Yec ƭti@N9."BH mEO$/7FugRW"429fCVPROR0QA)Hli, I̿NGM4SSS9xi.@3+I-ga 'nJdgȾ^[h бP+Ւ>Zc5ZV/w41W\%x~f(4yΜ_I}>mg=sUј0E{.OԸ|A 맽45Eł%~ݗ%_Hg$:f!؉ޓfw@"8goLq] >y)gM)76 Ei![4 u8dF/S )y], sUw%X\;#(D df5n 4AD3N n1ȍ/dL U6n>=WpAXZrn=sA xN6J}*[pTJL.ճdu҃O#f#N뻆M$AsñA:A0r-gJRqZnb*cjs/k>j3%/u|=)&LS"op D6H(vPdWӛld Bf!ؕpN4O iP OV>9&VmIWW)`KH ptt?"(z2{6# n %(}rl` t9UfF+͋Egϊi>)}UcE7!/ekt`%@SoV8fy{"ukQ9LtM/F6D SW gPl4;(}ϘhGy 0Ɋ\NpU2ޖ[ri~jSǤAݖXF [xĬgҼh*ˋ#X5`p3y t6kMGi zFKif9DC`&^JjoDB8-2s7${_o*t$םd WvWҗÈp=m."ZGjT'OR_!(8'Fs E9)1cȈa2Z0A`ld ɽ e "D;Ԓ=]— ]x5r$y=pꏇL %y:7~8a_ {TbuLNr_\@FsZ4B? 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